5 research outputs found

    Correlation between the superior, anterior and inferior occlusal plane with TMJ dysfunctions

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    Rezumat Studiul a urmărit determinarea corelaţiei dintre diferite clase scheletice, deplasarea condilară și înclinarea planurilor ocluzale superior posterior și superior anterior. Sistemul stomatognat este unul complex în dezvoltarea sa filo– și ontogenetică, funcţionalitatea acestuia fiind influenţată de diverși factori. Sindroamele de disfuncţie a articulaţiei temporomandibulare pot avea forme clinice miogene, artrogene, tulburări de dezvoltarea, hipomobilitate cronică. Asupra funcţionalităţii un impact deosebit îl au o serie de parametri, printre care planul ocluzal și tipul de clasa scheletică. În populaţia europeană, se atestă o tendinţă de predominare a clasei scheletice II, care e un factor predispozant și favorizant pentru apariţia disfuncţiei temporomandibulare. Studiul nostru a relevat că majoritatea pacienţilor cu această clasă scheletică prezintă deplasare condiliană. Determinarea valorilor planului ocluzal are o importanţă deosebită în evalurea diagnostică a pacientului și în stabilirea complexităţii tratamentului.Abstract The study aimed to determine the correlation between different skeletal classes, the condylar displacement and the inclination of the superior posterior and superior anterior occlusal planes. The stomatognathic system is a complex one in its phylogenetic and ontogenetic development, its functionality being influenced by various factors. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndromes may present as the following clinical forms: myogenous, arthrogenous, developmental disorders, chronic hypomobility. On the functionality of the system, a special impact has a number of parameters, including the occlusal plane and the type of the skeletal class. In the European population, there is a tendency of predomination for the skeletal class II, which is a predisposing and favorable factor for the appearance of temporomandibular disorders. Our study revealed that the majority of patients with this skeletal class have a condylar displacement. Determining the values of the occlusal plane is of particular importance in the diagnostic evaluation of the patient and in establishing the complexity of the treatment


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându-se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe.Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations

    Tehnică alternativă de cosmetizare a grupului de dinți frontal superior (studiu pilot)

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    Background. A current topic in aesthetic dentistry is the cosmeticisation of aesthetic issues of the upper frontal teeth. Numerous solutions and methods have been proposed in this regard, exhibiting varying efficacy and prognosis while being inapplicable for every single clinical situation. Objective of the study. To develop an alternative technique for the cosmeticisation of the upper frontal dento-gingival composition in patients with aesthetic complaints. Material and Methods. The technique was developed on dental models, recreating the similarity in appearance and chromatic concordance of homologous teeth (shade guide, shade map). It was applied by direct technique (composites) in 16 patients with aesthetic complaints, assessing their self-perception of orofacial aesthetics (OES questionnaire) pre- (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Results. The impact of using the proposed technique in aesthetic rehabilitation was positively evaluated by the patients, with the following statistically significant improvements (p<0.01) in the the mean of the OES questionnaire items (T2 vs. T1): facial appearance from the frontal view (+15.7%), tooth alignment (+10.9%), tooth contour (+21.2%), tooth color (+26.7%), overall impression (+23.6%), total score (+30.4%). Conclusion. The proposed technique has demonstrated viability in cosmeticising aesthetic complaints of the upper frontal group of teeth, with potential for expansion and adaptation for complex clinical situations.Introducere. În stomatologia estetică este actuală cosmetizarea problemelor estetice la nivel de grup frontal superior, fiind propuse numeroase scheme și metode, însă cu eficacitate, pronostic variabil și neaplicabile pentru fiecare situație clinică. Scopul lucrării. Elaborarea unei tehnici alternative de cosmetizare a compoziției dento-gingivale frontale superioare la pacienții cu acuze estetice. Material și Metode. Tehnica a fost dezvoltată pe modele dentare, recreându- se similitudinea aspectului și concordanța cromatică a dinților omologi (cheia de culori, harta cromatică). La 16 pacienți cu acuze estetice, s-a aplicat tehnica prin metoda directă (compozite), cu evaluarea autopercepției esteticii orofaciale (chestionarul OES) pre- (T1) și post-tratament (T2). Rezultate. Impactul utilizării tehnicii propuse în reabilitarea estetică a fost evaluată pozitiv de către pacienți, fiind atestate următoarele ameliorări statistic semnificative (p<0.01) ale mediei itemilor chestionarului OES (T2 vs. T1): aspectul feței în plan frontal (+15.7 %), alinierea dinților (+10.9%), conturul dinților (+21.2%), culoarea (26.7%), impresia generală (+23.6%), scor total (+30.4%). Concluzii. Tehnica propusă a demonstrat viabilitatea în cosmetizarea acuzelor estetice a grupului frontal superior de dinți, având un potențial de extindere și adaptare pentru situații clinice complexe

    Knowledge, opinions, and practices related to oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists in Moldova, Belarus and Armenia: a multi-country cross-sectional study

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    Introduction Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia are post-Soviet countries with a high rate of heavy smokers and a relatively high age-standardized incidence of oral cancer. However, to our knowledge, there is lack of available information on dentists’ knowledge on prevention of oral cancer in the countries in question. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the knowledge, opinions, and practices related to oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists in Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia. Methods This was a multi-country, cross-sectional study based on a self-administered questionnaire. A structured questionnaire was distributed to 3534 dentists (797 in Chisinau, Moldova, 1349 in Minsk, Belarus, and 1388 in Yerevan, Armenia). Dentists' knowledge about risk factors for oral cancer development and its clinical picture, current practices and opinions with regard to oral mucosal screening and oral cancer prevention, and their consistency to perform oral mucosal examination were assessed. A knowledge score ranging from 0 to 14 points was generated based on each dentist’s answer to the questionnaire. Results A total of 1316 dentists responded, achieving an overall response rate of 37.2% (34.5% in Moldova; 52.3% in Belarus; 24.2% in Armenia). Most dentists in the three countries correctly identified tobacco (83.8–98.2%) and prior oral cancer lesions (84.0–96.3%) as risk factors for oral cancer. Most dentists correctly identified leukoplakia as a lesion with malignant potential (68.7% in Moldova; 88.5% in Belarus; 69.9% in Armenia), while erythroplakia was identified by much fewer in all three countries. Less than 52% of dentists identified the tongue, rim of tongue, and floor of mouth as the most common sites for oral cancer. The mean knowledge score for all countries combined was 7.5 ± 2.7. The most commonly reported barriers to perform oral mucosal examination were lack of training, knowledge, and experience. Conclusions This study highlights the need for improved oral cancer-related education and training on oral mucosal examination for dentists in Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia. Such skills are essential to enhance oral cancer prevention and to improve the prognostic outcome by early detection

    Knowledge, opinions, and practices related to oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists in Moldova, Belarus and Armenia: a multi-country cross-sectional study

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    Introduction Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia are post-Soviet countries with a high rate of heavy smokers and a relatively high age-standardized incidence of oral cancer. However, to our knowledge, there is lack of available information on dentists’ knowledge on prevention of oral cancer in the countries in question. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess the knowledge, opinions, and practices related to oral cancer prevention and oral mucosal examination among dentists in Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia. Methods This was a multi-country, cross-sectional study based on a self-administered questionnaire. A structured questionnaire was distributed to 3534 dentists (797 in Chisinau, Moldova, 1349 in Minsk, Belarus, and 1388 in Yerevan, Armenia). Dentists' knowledge about risk factors for oral cancer development and its clinical picture, current practices and opinions with regard to oral mucosal screening and oral cancer prevention, and their consistency to perform oral mucosal examination were assessed. A knowledge score ranging from 0 to 14 points was generated based on each dentist’s answer to the questionnaire. Results A total of 1316 dentists responded, achieving an overall response rate of 37.2% (34.5% in Moldova; 52.3% in Belarus; 24.2% in Armenia). Most dentists in the three countries correctly identified tobacco (83.8–98.2%) and prior oral cancer lesions (84.0–96.3%) as risk factors for oral cancer. Most dentists correctly identified leukoplakia as a lesion with malignant potential (68.7% in Moldova; 88.5% in Belarus; 69.9% in Armenia), while erythroplakia was identified by much fewer in all three countries. Less than 52% of dentists identified the tongue, rim of tongue, and floor of mouth as the most common sites for oral cancer. The mean knowledge score for all countries combined was 7.5 ± 2.7. The most commonly reported barriers to perform oral mucosal examination were lack of training, knowledge, and experience. Conclusions This study highlights the need for improved oral cancer-related education and training on oral mucosal examination for dentists in Moldova, Belarus, and Armenia. Such skills are essential to enhance oral cancer prevention and to improve the prognostic outcome by early detection