197 research outputs found
Spatial Assembly: Generative Architecture With Reinforcement Learning, Self Play and Tree Search
With this work, we investigate the use of Reinforcement Learning (RL) for the
generation of spatial assemblies, by combining ideas from Procedural Generation
algorithms (Wave Function Collapse algorithm (WFC)) and RL for Game Solving.
WFC is a Generative Design algorithm, inspired by Constraint Solving. In WFC,
one defines a set of tiles/blocks and constraints and the algorithm generates
an assembly that satisfies these constraints. Casting the problem of generation
of spatial assemblies as a Markov Decision Process whose states transitions are
defined by WFC, we propose an algorithm that uses Reinforcement Learning and
Self-Play to learn a policy that generates assemblies that maximize objectives
set by the designer. Finally, we demonstrate the use of our Spatial Assembly
algorithm in Architecture Design.Comment: Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design at the 34rd
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020
It is important for a student to be able to solve problems. This study aims to describe students’ thinking processes in solving open-ended problems with online learning reviewed from mathematical abilities. This research is descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research consist of three 8th grade students, while the research instruments that were used consist of a mathematical ability test, an open-ended problem test and interview guideline. The results of the study reveal that student with high mathematical abilities meets all indicators of thinking processes, while student with average mathematical ability at the step of understanding the problem, did not carry out of making arguments, at the step of devising a plan he did not carry out the considering thinking process, as well as did not give an argument at the step of looking back. Almost the same as these results, student with low mathematical ability did not carry out the thinking process of remembering and the process of considering, while at the step of looking back, he did not carry out the process of considering and making an argument. Based on these results, it can be concluded that mathematical ability affects a student’s thinking process.  
Emergent interfaces: vague, complex, bespoke and embodied interaction between humans and computers
Most human-computer interfaces are built on the paradigm of manipulating abstract representations. This can be limiting when computers are used in artistic performance or as mediators of social connection, where we rely on qualities of embodied thinking: intuition, context, resonance, ambiguity, fluidity. We explore an alternative approach to designing interaction that we call the emergent interface: interaction leveraging unsupervised machine learning to replace designed abstractions with contextually-derived emergent representations. The approach offers opportunities to create interfaces bespoke to a single individual, to continually evolve and adapt the interface in line with that individual’s needs and affordances, and to bridge more deeply with the complex and imprecise interaction that defines much of our non-digital communication. We explore this approach through artistic research rooted in music, dance and AI with the partially emergent system Sonified Body. The system maps the moving body into sound using an emergent representation of the body derived from a corpus of improvised movement from the first author. We explore this system in a residency with three dancers. We reflect on the broader implications and challenges of this alternative way of thinking about interaction, and how far it may help users avoid being limited by the assumptions of a system’s designer
Down to Earth: a framework for empathizing with scientific data and invisible threats
Scientific research is the biggest contributor of knowledge and its engagement with the public is critical, not only for the purpose of democracy, but also for funding purposes. Space research is a domain of scientific research that has the additional challenge of working beyond the publicly visible sphere; although there are open and publicly available data about asteroids, terminology, scale and effects are incomprehensible to the public at large. To tackle this issue, the authors developed “Down to Earth”, a digital platform that examines two possible approaches that could educate and familiarize citizens with space research. The first one is built on semantic theory to create meaningful representations of asteroid data tailored to the individual. The second part employs risk psychology theory to empathize users with asteroid hazards by providing a platform to create fictional scenarios of catastrophe on demand. The project started with the goal to deal practically with the aforementioned issues and then ask questions about the social implications involved; this project also intends to question the means employed for engagement purposes, especially when the discussion comes to invisible threats and potential disasters. We stress the difficulty to make people (aka the taxpayers) empathize avoiding methods that cause terror
Pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3), Disiplin Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kota Tangerang)
Berdasarkan uji hipotesis diperoleh thitung untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sebesar 7,456, thitung untuk disiplin kerja sebesar 8,377, dan thitung untuk lingkungan kerja 10,336 dengan ttabel sebesar 1,99962. Artinya Ha diterima Ho ditolak karena thitung > ttabel. Sedangkan hasil dari uji f didapatkan nilai f hitung sebesar 42,994 dimana nilai itu lebih besar dari f tabel 2,76 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka Ho ditolak Ha DiterimaBerdasarkan uji hipotesis diperoleh thitung untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sebesar 7,456, thitung untuk disiplin kerja sebesar 8,377, dan thitung untuk lingkungan kerja 10,336 dengan ttabel sebesar 1,99962. Artinya Ha diterima Ho ditolak karena thitung > ttabel. Sedangkan hasil dari uji f didapatkan nilai f hitung sebesar 42,994 dimana nilai itu lebih besar dari f tabel 2,76 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka Ho ditolak Ha Diterima
Banyak perkawinan yang harus berakhir dengan perceraian, Persoalan mengenai harta bersama sering terjadi antara mantan suami dan mantan istri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Responden dalam penelitian yaitu pelaku perceraian dan hakim di Pengadilan Agama Klaten dan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : (1) Persamaan saat pengajuan gugatan harta bersama dari Pengadilan Agama dan Pengeadilan Negeri, bahwa pembagian harta bersama dalam perkawinan dilakukan setelah ada putusan perceraian. (2) Perbedaan menurut KHI berdasarkan pada Pasal 97 harta bersama setelah perceraian dibagi rata, masing-masing ½ bagian antara suami dan isteri sama. Sedangkan menurut KUHPerdata pembagian dapatdilakukan atas bukti-bukti yang diajukan oleh penggugat dan tergugat. (3) Dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan perkara pembagian harta bersama menurut KHI ada dua yaitu dasar musyawarah dan keadilan
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