16 research outputs found

    Digitale Medien zur Unterstützung eines sprachsensiblen (inklusiven) Sportunterrichts

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    Sprache ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt für die erfolgreiche Partizipation in Schule und Unterricht. Obgleich das Unterrichtsfach Sport sehr bewegungs- und handlungsorientiert ist, ergeben sich auch dort besondere sprachliche Herausforderungen, welche die Teilhabe von Schüler*innen mit Deutsch als Zweit- oder Fremdsprache, mit Förderbedarf oder aus einem sprachlich wenig anregenden Umfeld behindern können. Diese können sich z. B. durch die vorrangige Verwendung der Lautsprache ohne unterstützende Schriftsprache, ungünstige räumlich-akustische Gegebenheiten, durch die sprachliche Komplexität von Instruktionen sowie durch die Verwendung von Bildungs- und Fach- bzw. Sportsprache ergeben. Jene sprachlichen Barrieren werden im vorliegenden Artikel charakterisiert und unter Einbezug der Kriterien und Methoden des Konzepts zum sprachsensiblen Fachunterricht näher beleuchtet. Als eine Möglichkeit, den Barrieren im (inklusiven) Sportunterricht zu begegnen, wird der Einsatz digitaler Medien und Technologien hervorgehoben. Im Anschluss wird anhand eines Praxisbeispiels aus der universitären Ausbildung von Sportlehrkräften aufgezeigt, wie sprachlichen Barrieren unter Einbezug digitaler Medien begegnet werden kann. Es wird diskutiert, wie ein sprachsensibler (inklusiver) Sportunterricht mit digitalen Medien Teilhabe und Inklusion fördern sowie potenzielle Barrieren abbauen kann.   Abstract Language is an essential aspect for successful participation in school and thus also in physical education. Although physical education is primarily oriented towards movement and action, there are also special linguistic challenges that can hinder the participation of pupils with German as a second or foreign language, with special needs or from a linguistically little stimulating environment. These can result e. g. from the predominant use of spoken language without supporting written language, poor spatial-acoustic conditions, the linguistic complexity of instructions and the use of educational and subject language. In this article these linguistic barriers are characterised and examined in more detail within the language-sensitive teaching approach and its methods. The use of digital technologies is emphasised as one way of counteracting these barriers in (inclusive) physical education. Subsequently, a practical example from the university training of physical education teachers illustrates how language barriers can be countered using digital technologies. It will be discussed how language-sensitive physical education with digital technologies can enable participation and inclusion, break down potential barriers and create positive experiences

    Interdisciplinary Approaches to Deal with Alzheimer’s Disease : From Bench to Bedside: What Feasible Options Do Already Exist Today?

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    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the western population. The incidence of this disease increases with age. Rising life expectancy and the resulting increase in the ratio of elderly in the population are likely to exacerbate socioeconomic problems. Alzheimer’s disease is a multifactorial disease. In addition to amyloidogenic processing leading to plaques, and tau pathology, but also other molecular causes such as oxidative stress or inflammation play a crucial role. We summarize the molecular mechanisms leading to Alzheimer’s disease and which potential interventions are known to interfere with these mechanisms, focusing on nutritional approaches and physical activity but also the beneficial effects of cognition-oriented treatments with a focus on language and communication. Interestingly, recent findings also suggest a causal link between oral conditions, such as periodontitis or edentulism, and Alzheimer’s disease, raising the question of whether dental intervention in Alzheimer’s patients can be beneficial as well. Unfortunately, all previous single-domain interventions have been shown to have limited benefit to patients. However, the latest studies indicate that combining these efforts into multidomain approaches may have increased preventive or therapeutic potential. Therefore, as another emphasis in this review, we provide an overview of current literature dealing with studies combining the above-mentioned approaches and discuss potential advantages compared to monotherapies. Considering current literature and intervention options, we also propose a multidomain interdisciplinary approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients that synergistically links the individual approaches. In conclusion, this review highlights the need to combine different approaches in an interdisciplinary manner, to address the future challenges of Alzheimer’s disease

    Teaching Diverse Learners in Europe: Inspiring Practices and Lessons Learned from Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden

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    Teaching in inclusive settings may be considered a new, challenging task; however, successfully supporting diverse pupils in their learning process has always been at the heart of outstanding pedagogy. Vast differences both in the extent and the quality of inclusive schooling exist between and within European countries. Promoting comparison and cooperation among countries with long-institutionalized inclusive schooling and countries with less inclusive structures, cultures, and practices proves crucial in education research and reform. Building upon a multi-year collaboration, we synthesize lessons learned about inclusive education reforms and “inspiring practices“ in inclusive education in partner schools in Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Spain, and Sweden. Contemporary practices take the diversity of groups of learners into account, building upon diversity as a resource; this served as the framework for our collaboration. The TdiverS consortium—as an EU-funded Comenius Network Project “Teaching Diverse Learners in (School-)Subjects“ (TdiverS)—was built on the following principles and goals: (1) diversity in theory and practice, resulting from collaborations of practitioners and scientists exchanging knowledge about teaching in inclusive settings; (2) strengthening awareness of the diversity of frameworks, conditions, and determining factors of teaching inclusively in varying cultural contexts; and (3) inclusive education research uniting multilevel, multicultural, and multidisciplinary perspectives. We highlight the values of inclusive education, map its contemporary European geography, summarize contemporary country-level education reforms and the local development of inclusive practices in six countries, and discuss lessons learned across Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western Europe

    Olimpinių ir parolimpinių vertybių ugdymas

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    Atsižvelgiant į Jungtinių Tautų neįgaliųjų teisių konvenciją (toliau tekste – konvencija), kurią pasirašė per 150 pasaulio šalių, vienas svarbiausių uždavinių yra sukurti visus mokinius apimančią švietimo sistemą ir ją įgyvendinti visais lygiais. Tokia sistema skatina lygiavertį požiūrį į visus vaikus, nepriklausomai nuo jų lyties, tautybės arba neįgalumo. Olimpinio ugdymo programa gali būti laikoma ir naudojama kaip priemonė tokiai sistemai įgyvendinti. Taip pat svarbu išsiaiškinti, kokios vertybės gali būti ugdomos tokia programa. Iki šiol apie olimpines ir parolimpines vertybes buvo diskutuojama iš skirtingų pozicijų, jų nesujungiant į bendrą visumą. Vertybės, kurias pažymi Tarptautinis olimpinis komitetas, – meistriškumas, draugystė ir pagarba, bei Tarptautinio parolimpinio komiteto įvardytos vertybės – drąsa, pasiryžimas, įkvėpimas ir lygybė – turi daug ką bendro arba netgi reiškia tą patį. Siekiant sukurti kiek įmanoma labiau visus mokinius apimančio švietimo aplinką mokykloje, tokios parolimpinės vertybės kaip pasiryžimas, lygybė, drąsa ir įkvėpimas turi būti traktuojamos kitaip, priartinant jų interpretaciją prie tikslinės grupės poreikių. Olimpinio ugdymo programos, skirtos mokykloms, turi būti rengiamos įvertinant visus mokinius apimančio švietimo aplinką, kad jomis būtų galima labiau atkreipti dėmesį į mokinių skirtingumus ir visus įtraukti į dalyvavimą. Parolimpinės vertybės turi būti aiškinamos ir ugdomos įvertinant neįgalumo tikimybę


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