910 research outputs found

    Producción de leche caprina y su relación con el Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Normalizada y las precipitaciones del Bosque Chaqueño Semiárido en el periodo 2016-2018

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    This work aimed to quantify and relate goat milk production and the Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index of the semiarid Chaco forest and the monthly average precipitation along the 2016-2018 period. The work was carried out in El Polear, in Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Even though the NDVI of the forest and its lower strata biomass productivity were affected by drought, its milk production curve remained unaffected. This may be due to the forest stability resulting from the deep rooted trees that includes, to the strategic displacement of the phenophase in its lower strata (broadleaves, herbaceous) in drought seasons and the adaptation to the changes in the goat diet selectivity before forage fluctuations. Winter NDVI peaks should be considered for new lines of research on their contribution to the energetic reserves of the goat component at the beginning of winter. Significant straight relationships (p<0.05) were found between the average goat milk production and the average monthly precipitation (r=0.64) as well as the NDVI and the semiarid Chaco forest (r=0.59). The resulting linear models involving goat milk production with both precipitation and NDVI had moderate and significant (p<0.05) explaining power (R2=0.41) and (R2=0.35), respectively. These models make the seasonal goat milk production predictable and the planning and the making decision process of both producers and the agroindustry easier.El objetivo de este trabajo fue cuantificar y relacionar la producción de leche caprina con el Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Normalizada del Bosque Chaqueño semiárido y la precipitación media mensual en el periodo 2016-2018. El estudio fue realizado en El Polear, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. El NDVI del bosque y la productividad de biomasa de sus estratos inferiores fueron afectados por sequía. La curva de producción de leche no fue afectada por la sequía, y se debe a la estabilidad del bosque con leñosas de raíces profundas, a los estratégicos desplazamiento de fenofases de los estratos inferiores del bosque (latifoliadas y herbáceas) en épocas de sequía y a la adaptación a cambios en la selectividad de la dieta de los caprinos ante fluctuaciones de forraje. Los picos de NDVI de invierno deberían ser considerados para nuevas líneas de investigación sobre el aporte de los mismos a las reservas energéticas del componente caprino ante la entrada del invierno. Significativas relaciones directas (p<0.05) fueron encontradas entre la producción media de leche caprina y la precipitación media mensual (r=0.64) y entre el NDVI del Bosque Chaqueño semiárido (r=0.59). Los modelos lineales resultantes, entre la producción de Leche caprina con la Precipitación y el NDVI tuvieron, respectivamente, moderado y significativo (p<0.05) poder explicativo (R2=0.41) y (R2=0.35). Los modelos lineales obtenidos posibilitan predecir la producción de leche estacional facilitando la planificación y toma de decisión tanto a productores como a la agroindustria

    Does a fall prevention educational programme improve knowledge and change exercise prescribing behaviour in health and exercise professionals?: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Falling in older age is a serious and costly problem. At least one in three older people fall annually. Although exercise is recognised as an effective fall prevention intervention, low numbers of older people engage in suitable programmes. Health and exercise professionals play a crucial role in addressing fall risk in older adults. This trial aims to evaluate the effect of participation in a fall prevention educational programme, compared with a wait-list control group, on health and exercise professionals' knowledge about fall prevention and the effect on fall prevention exercise prescription behaviour and confidence to prescribe the exercises to older people. Methods and analysis: A randomised controlled trial involving 220 consenting health and exercise professionals will be conducted. Participants will be individually randomised to an intervention group (n=110) to receive an educational workshop plus access to internet-based support resources, or a waitlist control group (n=110). The two primary outcomes, measured 3 months after randomisation, are: (1) knowledge about fall prevention and (2) self-perceived change in fall prevention exercise prescription behaviour. Secondary outcomes include: (1) participants' confidence to prescribe fall prevention exercises; (2) the proportion of people aged 60+ years seen by trial participants in the past month who were prescribed fall prevention exercise; and (3) the proportion of fall prevention exercises prescribed by participants to older people in the past month that comply with evidence-based guidelines. Outcomes will be measured with a self-report questionnaire designed specifically for the trial.Ethics and dissemination: The trial protocol was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, The University of Sydney, Australia. Trial results will be disseminated via peer reviewed journals, presentations at international conferences and participants' newsletters

    Evidence for enhanced convection of North Pacific Intermediate Water to the low-latitude Pacific under glacial conditions

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    We provide high-resolution foraminiferal stable carbon isotope (δ13C) records from the subarctic Pacific and Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) to investigate circulation dynamics between the extra-tropical and tropical North Pacific during the past 60 kyr. We measured the δ13C composition of the epibenthic foraminiferal species Cibicides lobatulus from a shallow sediment core recovered from the western Bering Sea (SO201-2-101KL; 58°52.52’N, 170°41.45’E; 630 m water depth) to reconstruct past ventilation changes close to the source region of Glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water (GNPIW). Information regarding glacial changes in the δ13C of sub-thermocline water masses in the EEP is derived from the deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globorotaloides hexagonus at ODP Site 1240 (00°01.31’N, 82°27.76’W; 2921 m water depth). Apparent similarities in the long-term evolution of δ13C between GNPIW, intermediate waters in the eastern tropical North Pacific and sub-thermocline water masses in the EEP suggest the expansion of relatively 13C-depleted, nutrient-enriched, and northern-sourced intermediate waters to the equatorial Pacific under glacial conditions. Further, it appears that additional influence of GNPIW to the tropical Pacific is consistent with changes in nutrient distribution and biological productivity in surface-waters of the glacial EEP. Our findings highlight potential links between North Pacific mid-depth circulation changes, nutrient cycling, and biological productivity in the equatorial Pacific under glacial boundary conditions

    Surface nitrate utilization in the Bering Sea since 180 ka BP : insight from sedimentary nitrogen isotopes

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    We present high-resolution records of sedimentary nitrogen (δ15Nbulk) and carbon isotope ratios (δ13Cbulk) from piston core SO201-2-85KL located in the western Bering Sea. The records reflect changes in surface nitrate utilization and terrestrial organic matter contribution in submillennial resolution that span the last 180 kyr. The δ15Nbulk record is characterized by a minimum during the penultimate interglacial indicating low nitrate utilization (~62–80%) despite the relatively high export production inferred from opal concentrations along with a significant reduction in the terrestrial organic matter fraction (mterr). This suggests that the consumption of the nitrate pool at our site was incomplete and even more reduced than today (~84%). δ15Nbulk increases from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.4 and culminates during the Last Glacial Maximum, which indicates that nitrate utilization in the Bering Sea was raised during cold intervals (MIS 5.4, 5.2, 4) and almost complete during MIS 3 and 2 (~93–100%). This is in agreement with previous hypotheses suggesting that stronger glacial stratification reduced the nutrient supply from the subeuphotic zone, thereby increasing the iron-to-nutrient ratio and therefore the nitrate utilization in the mixed surface layer. Large variations in δ15Nbulk were also recorded from 180 to 130 ka BP (MIS 6), indicating a potential link to insolation and sea-level forcing and its related feedbacks. Millennial-scale oscillations were observed in δ15Nbulk and δ13Cbulk that might be related to Greenland interstadials

    Distinct and overlapping control of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by the TET proteins in human cancer cells

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    BACKGROUND: The TET family of dioxygenases catalyze conversion of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), but their involvement in establishing normal 5mC patterns during mammalian development and their contributions to aberrant control of 5mC during cellular transformation remain largely unknown. We depleted TET1, TET2, and TET3 in a pluripotent embryonic carcinoma cell model and examined the impact on genome-wide 5mC, 5hmC, and transcriptional patterns. RESULTS: TET1 depletion yields widespread reduction of 5hmC, while depletion of TET2 and TET3 reduces 5hmC at a subset of TET1 targets suggesting functional co-dependence. TET2 or TET3 depletion also causes increased 5hmC, suggesting these proteins play a major role in 5hmC removal. All TETs prevent hypermethylation throughout the genome, a finding dramatically illustrated in CpG island shores, where TET depletion results in prolific hypermethylation. Surprisingly, TETs also promote methylation, as hypomethylation was associated with 5hmC reduction. TET function is highly specific to chromatin environment: 5hmC maintenance by all TETs occurs at polycomb-marked chromatin and genes expressed at moderate levels; 5hmC removal by TET2 is associated with highly transcribed genes enriched for H3K4me3 and H3K36me3. Importantly, genes prone to hypermethylation in cancer become depleted of 5hmC with TET deficiency, suggesting that TETs normally promote 5hmC at these loci. Finally, all three TETs, but especially TET2, are required for 5hmC enrichment at enhancers, a condition necessary for expression of adjacent genes. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide novel insight into the division of labor among TET proteins and reveal important connections between TET activity, the chromatin landscape, and gene expression

    Pulses of enhanced North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation from the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea during the last deglaciation

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    Under modern conditions only North Pacific Intermediate Water is formed in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. This situation might have changed in the past. Recent studies with General Circulation Models indicate a switch to deep-water formation in the Northwest Pacific during Heinrich Stadial 1 (17.5–15.0 kyr) of the last glacial termination. Reconstructions of past ventilation changes based on paleoceanographic proxy records are still insufficient to test whether a deglacial mode of deep-water formation in the North Pacific Ocean existed. Here we present deglacial ventilation records based on radiocarbon-derived ventilation ages in combination with epibenthic stable carbon isotopes from the Northwest Pacific including the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea, the two potential source regions for past North Pacific ventilation changes. Evidence for most rigorous ventilation of the mid-depth North Pacific occurred during Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas, simultaneous to significant reductions in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Concurrent changes in δ13C and ventilation ages point to the Okhotsk Sea as driver of millennial-scale changes in North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation during the last deglaciation. Our records additionally indicate that changes in the δ13C intermediate water (700–1750 m water depth) signature and radiocarbon-derived ventilation ages are in antiphase to those of the deep North Pacific Ocean (>2100 m water depth) during the last glacial termination. Thus, intermediate and deep-water masses of the Northwest Pacific have a differing ventilation history during the last deglaciation

    Deglacial patterns of South Pacific overturning inferred from 231Pa and 230Th

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    The millennial‐scale variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is well documented for the last glacial termination and beyond. Despite its importance for the climate system, the evolution of the South Pacific overturning circulation (SPOC) is by far less well understood. A recently published study highlights the potential applicability of the 231Pa/230Th‐proxy in the Pacific. Here, we present five sedimentary down‐core profiles of 231Pa/230Th‐ratios measured on a depth transect from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean to test this hypothesis using downcore records. Our data are consistent with an increase in SPOC as early as 20 ka that peaked during Heinrich Stadial 1. The timing indicates that the SPOC did not simply react to AMOC changes via the bipolar seesaw but were triggered via Southern Hemisphere processes

    Deglacial Variability in Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water Ventilation and Biogeochemistry: Implications for North Pacific Nutrient Supply and Productivity

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    Highlights • Multi-proxy, multi-site reconstruction of Okhotsk Sea palaeo-productivity and mid-depth ventilation changes from 8 to 18 ka. • Link between hinterland river discharge and downstream Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW) ventilation/nutrient signatures. • Surplus Fe, Si(OH)4 export in OSIW during Bølling-Allerød to pelagic Pacific supported transient nutrient-replete conditions. • Subarctic and subtropical Pacific gyres disconnected during Bølling-Allerød, with restricted OSIW flow to lower latitudes. • Deglacial OSIW export and mid-depth Pacific biogeochemistry modulate millennial-scale regional CO2 source/sink conditions. The modern North Pacific plays a critical role in marine biogeochemical cycles, as an oceanic sink of CO2 and by bearing some of the most productive and least oxygenated waters of the World Ocean. The capacity to sequester CO2 is limited by efficient nutrient supply to the mixed layer, particularly from deeper water masses in the Pacific's subarctic and marginal seas. The region is in addition only weakly ventilated by North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), which receives its characteristics from Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW). Here, we present reconstructions of intermediate water ventilation and productivity variations in the Okhotsk Sea that cover the last glacial termination between eight and 18 ka, based on a set of high-resolution sediment cores from sites directly downstream of OSIW formation. In a multi-proxy approach, we use total organic carbon (TOC), chlorin, biogenic opal, and CaCO3 concentrations as indicators for biological productivity. C/N ratios and XRF scanning-derived elemental ratios (Si/K and Fe/K), as well as chlorophycean algae counts document changes in Amur freshwater and sediment discharge that condition the OSIW. Stable carbon isotopes of epi- and shallow endobenthic foraminifera, in combination with 14C analyses of benthic and planktic foraminifera imply decreases in OSIW oxygenation during deglacial warm phases from c. 14.7 to 13 ka (Bølling-Allerød) and c. 11.4 to 9 ka (Preboreal). No concomitant decreases in Okhotsk Sea benthic-planktic ventilation ages are observed, in contrast to nearby, but southerly locations on the Japan continental margin. We attribute Okhotsk Sea mid-depth oxygenation decreases in times of enhanced organic matter supply to maxima in remineralization within OSIW, in line with multi-proxy evidence for maxima in primary productivity and supply of organic matter. Sedimentary C/N and Fe/K ratios indicate more effective entrainment of nutrients into OSIW and thus an increased nutrient load of OSIW during deglacial warm periods. Correlation of palynological and sedimentological evidence from our sites with hinterland reference records suggests that millennial-scale changes in OSIW oxygen and nutrient concentrations were largely influenced by fluvial freshwater runoff maxima from the Amur, caused by a deglacial northeastward propagation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon that increased precipitation and temperatures, in conjunction with melting of permafrost in the Amur catchment area. We suggest that OSIW ventilation minima and the high lateral supply of nutrients and organic matter during the Allerød and Preboreal are mechanistically linked to concurrent maxima in nutrient utilization and biological productivity in the subpolar Northwest Pacific. In this scenario, increased export of nutrients from the Okhotsk Sea during deglacial warm phases supported subarctic Pacific shifts from generally Fe-limiting conditions to transient nutrient-replete regimes through enhanced advection of mid-depth nutrient- and Fe-rich OSIW into the upper ocean. This mechanism may have moderated the role of the subarctic Pacific in the deglacial CO2 rise on millennial timescales by combining the upwelling of old carbon-rich waters with a transient delivery of mid-depth-derived bio-available Fe and silicate

    Rekonstruktion der Oberflächentemperaturen, marinen Produktivität und Terrigenflüsse im westlichen Beringmeer während des Spätpleistozäns und Holozäns (Sonne 201-2)

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    Tectonic motion site survey of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia

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    A geological and geophysical site survey was made of the area around the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) to determine whether there are at present local tectonic movements that could introduce significant errors to Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) geodetic measurements. The site survey consisted of a literature search, photogeologic mapping with Landsat and Skylab photographs, a field reconnaissance, and installation of a seismometer at the NRAO. It is concluded that local tectonic movement will not contribute significantly to VLBI errors. It is recommended that similar site surveys be made of all locations used for VLBI or laser ranging