90 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic Microdissection of Immature Intermediate Human Placental Villi as Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    The human placenta during the first 20 weeks of gestation undergoes rapid and extensive morphological changes. Near the end of this period, the most predominant type of villus present is the immature intermediate placental villus. In order to visualize this complex structure with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), we have developed a microdissection technique to expose tissue components of the placental villus while retaining its normal histological architecture. Placental villi were initially fixed in Karnovsky\u27s fixative, buffered formalin, or 2% osmium tetroxide solution prior to exposure to connective tissue enzymes or detergents alone or in combination. Samples were dehydrated through 100% acetone and ultrasonicated at 80 kHz for 15 minutes prior to critical point drying and SEM examination. The most satisfactory microdissections were obtained by using a combined detergent/ultrasonication technique. By means of this procedure it was possible to remove the syncytiotrophoblast to expose the underlying cytotrophoblast, basal lamina and the stromal core components of the villi. The selective removal of these structures revealed the 3-dimensional relationships of the stromal channels, reticulum cells and Hofbauer cells. Of interest was the pattern of fetal capillaries coursing parallel to the long axis of each villus and terminating in a vascular knot at the tip

    Effects of Supplemental Energy and Protein Source on Performance of Steers Grazing Irrigated Corn Residue

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    Steer calves grazing corn residue (86 d) were assigned to 1 of 5 treatments to evaluate the effects of protein and energy supplements on steer performance. Th e 5 treatments consisted of 1) un-supplemented control (NS), 2) dry rolled corn only (CRN), 3) 89% dry rolled corn/6% molasses/5% urea (C + RDP), 4) 60/40 blend of soy- pass/soybean meal (SP), and 5) dried distillers grains plus solubles (DGS). Supplements were fed to provide equal TDN intake. Average daily gain among treatments was 1.48, 1.32, 0.53, 0.31, and −0.18 lbs. for SP, DGS, C + RDP, CRN, and NS, respectively. Only steers fed SP and DGS produced over- winter gains greater than 1 lb/d, suggesting metabolizable protein requirements must be met for growing calves to utilize residue efficiently

    Action 3:30R: Process evaluation of a cluster randomised feasibility study of a revised teaching assistant-led extracurricular physical activity intervention for 8 to 10 year olds

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    Background: Numerous interventions to increase children's physical activity levels are published, yet, few studies report indicators of external validity. Process evaluations are critical for assessing intervention implementation, sustainability and effectiveness. A mixed-methods process evaluation, using the RE-AIM framework, was conducted to evaluate the internal and external validity of Action 3:30R, a revised teaching assistant-led after-school intervention which aimed to increase physical activity in children aged 8-10 years and was underpinned by Self-determination Theory (SDT). Methods: Data were collected and reported in line with the five components of RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance). Quantitative measures included logbooks, registers and self-reported teaching-efficacy, autonomy support, child enjoyment and perceived exertion questionnaires. Questionnaire data were collected at three points throughout the 15-week intervention. Observations by trained researchers were also conducted to assess fidelity to the intervention manual and its underpinning theory. Post-intervention focus groups with pupils and interviews with teaching assistants (TAs), school staff and external stakeholders explored the implementation and potential sustainability of Action 3:30R from stakeholders' perspectives. Results: Action 3:30R appealed to a broad range of pupils, including girls and less-active pupils. The Action 3:30R TA training was implemented as intended and was perceived as valuable professional development. Releasing staff for training was a barrier in two of the six intervention schools, which were unable to deliver the intervention as a result. Pupils enjoyed the intervention, and the Action 3:30R core principles underpinned by SDT were implemented with high fidelity, as was the intervention itself. Scheduling conflicts with other clubs and lack of parental support were perceived as the main barriers to recruitment and attendance. Lack of space and season were cited as the main barriers affecting the quality of delivery. The study shows evidence of maintenance, as one intervention school decided to continue Action 3:30R beyond the study. Funding and continued TA training were suggested as factors which may affect the maintenance of Action 3:30R. Conclusions: Action 3:30R is an enjoyable, autonomy-supportive after-school programme, which engages a range of pupils and offers TAs valuable training. RE-AIM provided helpful structure and is recommended for intervention evaluations. Trial registration: ISRCTN34001941. Prospectively registered 01/12/2016

    A red knot as a black swan:How a single bird shows navigational abilities during repeat crossings of the Greenland Icecap

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    Despite the wealth of studies on seasonal movements of birds between southern nonbreeding locations and High Arctic breeding locations, the key mechanisms of navigation during these migrations remain elusive. A flight along the shortest possible route between pairs of points on a sphere ('orthodrome') requires a bird to be able to assess its current location in relation to its migration goal and to make continuous adjustment of heading to reach that goal. Alternatively, birds may navigate along a vector with a fixed orientation ('loxodrome') based on magnetic and/or celestial compass mechanisms. Compass navigation is considered especially challenging for summer migrations in Polar regions, as continuous daylight and complexity in the geomagnetic field may complicate the use of both celestial and magnetic compasses here. We examine the possible use of orientation mechanisms during migratory flights across the Greenland Icecap. Using a novel 2 g solar-powered satellite transmitter, we documented the flight paths travelled by a female red knotCalidris canutus islandicaduring two northward and two southward migrations. The geometry of the paths suggests that red knots can migrate across the Greenland Icecap along the shortest-, orthodrome-like, path instead of the previously suggested loxodrome path. This particular bird's ability to return to locations visited in a previous year, together with its sudden course changes (which would be appropriate responses to ambient wind fields), suggest a map sense that enables red knots to determine location, so that they can tailor their route depending on local conditions

    Aquaponics: alternative types and approaches

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    Whilst aquaponics may be considered in the mid-stage of development, there are a number of allied, novel methods of food production that are aligning alongside aquaponics and also which can be merged with aquaponics to deliver food efficiently and productively. These technologies include algaeponics, aeroponics, aeroaquaponics, maraponics, haloponics, biofloc technology and vertical aquaponics. Although some of these systems have undergone many years of trials and research, in most cases, much more scientific research is required to understand intrinsic processes within the systems, efficiency, design aspects, etc., apart from the capacity, capabilities and benefits of conjoining these systems with aquaponics

    Analysis of exhaust turbine performance in highly supercharged, multi-cylinder, two-stroke diesel engines

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    http://www.archive.org/details/analysisofexhaus00pyatLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States Nav
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