559 research outputs found

    CO and HI observations of an enigmatic cloud

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    An isolated HI cloud with peculiar properties has recently been discovered by Dedes, Dedes, & Kalberla (2008, A&A, 491, L45) with the 300-m Arecibo telescope, and subsequently imaged with the VLA. It has an angular size of ~6', and the HI emission has a narrow line profile of width ~ 3 km/s. We explore the possibility that this cloud could be associated with a circumstellar envelope ejected by an evolved star. Observations were made in the rotational lines of CO with the IRAM-30m telescope, on three positions in the cloud, and a total-power mapping in the HI line was obtained with the Nancay Radio Telescope. CO was not detected and seems too underabundant in this cloud to be a classical late-type star circumstellar envelope. On the other hand, the HI emission is compatible with the detached-shell model that we developed for representing the external environments of AGB stars. We propose that this cloud could be a fossil circumstellar shell left over from a system that is now in a post-planetary-nebula phase. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out that it is a Galactic cloud or a member of the Local Group, although the narrow line profile would be atypical in both cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Circumstellar HI and CO around the carbon stars V1942 Sgr and V CrB

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    Context. The majority of stars that leave the main sequence are undergoing extensive mass loss, in particular during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of evolution. Observations show that the rate at which this phenomenon develops differs highly from source to source, so that the time-integrated mass loss as a function of the initial conditions (mass, metallicity, etc.) and of the stage of evolution is presently not well understood. Aims. We are investigating the mass loss history of AGB stars by observing the molecular and atomic emissions of their circumstellar envelopes. Methods. In this work we have selected two stars that are on the thermally pulsing phase of the AGB (TP-AGB) and for which high quality data in the CO rotation lines and in the atomic hydrogen line at 21 cm could be obained. Results. V1942 Sgr, a carbon star of the Irregular variability type, shows a complex CO line profile that may originate from a long-lived wind at a rate of ~ 10^-7 Msol/yr, and from a young (< 10^4 years) fast outflow at a rate of ~ 5 10^-7 Msol/yr. Intense HI emission indicates a detached shell with 0.044 Msol of hydrogen. This shell probably results from the slowing-down, by surrounding matter, of the same long-lived wind observed in CO that has been active during ~ 6 10^5 years. On the other hand, the carbon Mira V CrB is presently undergoing mass loss at a rate of 2 10^-7 Msol/yr, but was not detected in HI. The wind is mostly molecular, and was active for at most 3 10^4 years, with an integrated mass loss of at most 6.5 10^-3 Msol. Conclusions. Although both sources are carbon stars on the TP-AGB, they appear to develop mass loss under very different conditions, and a high rate of mass loss may not imply a high integrated mass loss.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astron. Astrophy

    Oxygen Activation in Oxidative Coupling of Methane on Calcium Oxide

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    A pulsed isotope exchange technique was applied to study the oxygen scrambling activity of polycrystalline calcium oxide under temperatures and pressures relevant for the oxidative coupling of methane (OCM). Oxygen exchange was observed above 400 °C. The onset was attributed to the removal of impurities on the catalyst surface. By trapping impurities in the gas feed, the scrambling could already be observed at room temperature. An activation energy of 80 kJ/mol was determined for the oxygen scrambling of O2 on the surface of polycrystalline CaO powder in absence of other gases. Presence of water and carbon dioxide shift the onset of the reaction to higher temperatures and increase the activation energy significantly to 110 and 150 kJ/mol, respectively. The OCM activity could be directly linked to the oxygen scrambling activity of the material in pulsed OCM operation. It is proposed that the same sites are responsible for oxygen scrambling and OCM reaction and that the rate is dictated by desorption of CO2 and H2O. The high reaction temperatures in OCM in case of CaO are only required to regenerate the active sites, which may apply to basic OCM catalysts in general. In situ Raman and thermogravimetric experiments verified the formation of a bulk calcite phase below 750 °C, which is inactive in OCM and oxygen scrambling. Above 750 °C no surface oxygen species or adsorbates were found by Raman spectroscopy suggesting that only surface defects are responsible for catalytic activity of CaO

    Spatially resolved origin of mm-wave linear polarization in the nuclear region of 3C 84

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    We report results from a deep polarization imaging of the nearby radio galaxy 3C 84 (NGC 1275). The source was observed with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) at 86 GHz at an ultra-high angular resolution of 50μas (corresponding to 250R). We also add complementary multi-wavelength data from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA; 15 & 43 GHz) and from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA; 97.5, 233.0, and 343.5 GHz). At 86 GHz, we measure a fractional linear polarization of ~ 2% in the VLBI core region. The polarization morphology suggests that the emission is associated with an underlying limb-brightened jet. The fractional linear polarization is lower at 43 and 15 GHz (~ 0.3-0.7% and < 0.1%, respectively). This suggests an increasing linear polarization degree towards shorter wavelengths on VLBI scales. We also obtain a large rotation measure (RM) of ~ 10⁵⁻⁶ rad/m² in the core at ≳43 GHz. Moreover, the VLBA 43 GHz observations show a variable RM in the VLBI core region during a small flare in 2015. Faraday depolarization and Faraday conversion in an inhomogeneous and mildly relativistic plasma could explain the observed linear polarization characteristics and the previously measured frequency dependence of the circular polarization. Our Faraday depolarization modeling suggests that the RM most likely originates from an external screen with a highly uniform RM distribution. To explain the large RM value, the uniform RM distribution, and the RM variability, we suggest that the Faraday rotation is caused by a boundary layer in a transversely stratified jet. Based on the RM and the synchrotron spectrum of the core, we provide an estimate for the magnetic field strength and the electron density of the jet plasma.Accepted manuscrip

    Multispectral Imaging of Organ Viability during Uterine Transplantation Surgery

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    Uterine transplantation surgery has been proposed as a treatment for permanent absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI) in the case of loss of the uterus. Due to the complexity of the vasculature correct reanastomosis of the blood supply during transplantation surgery is a crucial step to ensure reperfusion and viability of the organ. While techniques such as fluorescent dye imaging have been proposed to visualise perfusion there is no gold standard for intraoperative visualisation of tissue oxygenation. In this paper results from a liquid crystal tuneable filter (LCTF)-based multispectral imaging (MSI) laparoscope are described. The system was used to monitor uterine oxygen saturation (SaO) before and after transplantation. Results from surgeries on two animal models (rabbits and sheep) are presented. A feature-based registration algorithm was used to correct for misalignment induced by breathing or peristalsis in the tissues of interest prior to analysis. An absorption spectrum was calculated at each spatial pixel location using reflectance data from a reference standard, and the relative contributions from oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin were calculated using a least squares regression algorithm with non-negativity constraints. Results acquired during animal surgeries show that cornual oxygenation changes are consistent with those observed in point measurements taken using a pulse oximeter, showing reduced SaO following reanastomosis. Values obtained using the MSI laparoscope were lower than those taken with the pulse oximeter, which may be due to the latter’s use of the pulsatile arterial blood signal. Future work incorporating immunological test results will help to correlate SaO levels with surgical outcomes

    Use of Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis during pelvic surgery in a uterine transplantation model

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    Aim: Uterine transplantation (UTx) is proposed for treatment of uterine factor infertility. Our aim was to assess whether Endoscopic Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis (eLASCA) could evaluate pelvic blood flow at anastomotic sites required for sheep and rabbit UTx. Results/methodology: eLASCA detected blood flow in rabbit UTx #7 and #9. In sheep UTx #2, #3 and #5, the results allowed us to conclude that blood flow was present in the uterine graft following transplantation; and post-UTx, the animal had heart and respiratory rates, and oxygen saturation compatible with a normal hemodynamic status. Conclusion: These preliminary results establish the potential of Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis as noncontact and real-time tool for observation of spatially-resolved blood flow from which other parameters can be derived

    Use of biomedical photonics in gynecological surgery: a uterine transplantation model

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    Aim: Uterine transplantation (UTx) has been proposed as a treatment for permanent absolute uterine factor infertility. The study aims were to compare pulse oximetry and multispectral imaging (MSI), for intraoperative tracking of uterine oxygen saturation in animal UTx models (rabbit and sheep). Results/methodology: Imaging results confirmed the re-establishment of adequate perfusion in the transplanted organ after surgery. Comparison of oxygen saturation values between the pre-UTx donor and post-UTx recipient, and pre-UTx and post-UTx recipient reveals a statistically significant decrease in saturation levels post-UTx. Conclusion: The use of MSI is the first case in gynecology and has demonstrated promise of possible future human use. MSI technique has advantages over pulse oximetry - it provides spatial information in a real-time, noncontact manner

    Use of biomedical photonics in gynecological surgery: a uterine transplantation model

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    Aim: Uterine transplantation (UTx) has been proposed as a treatment for permanent absolute uterine factor infertility. The study aims were to compare pulse oximetry and multispectral imaging (MSI), for intraoperative tracking of uterine oxygen saturation in animal UTx models (rabbit and sheep). Results/methodology: Imaging results confirmed the re-establishment of adequate perfusion in the transplanted organ after surgery. Comparison of oxygen saturation values between the pre-UTx donor and post-UTx recipient, and pre-UTx and post-UTx recipient reveals a statistically significant decrease in saturation levels post-UTx. Conclusion: The use of MSI is the first case in gynecology and has demonstrated promise of possible future human use. MSI technique has advantages over pulse oximetry – it provides spatial information in a real-time, noncontact manner

    Assessing various drought indicators in representing summer drought in boreal forests in Finland

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    Droughts can have an impact on forest functioning and production, and even lead to tree mortality. However, drought is an elusive phenomenon that is difficult to quantify and define universally. In this study, we assessed the performance of a set of indicators that have been used to describe drought conditions in the summer months (June, July, August) over a 30-year period (1981-2010) in Finland. Those indicators include the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), the Soil Moisture Index (SMI), and the Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA). Herein, regional soil moisture was produced by the land surface model JSBACH of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). Results show that the buffering effect of soil moisture and the associated soil moisture memory can impact on the onset and duration of drought as indicated by the SMI and SMA, while the SPI and SPEI are directly controlled by meteorological conditions. In particular, we investigated whether the SMI, SMA and SPEI are able to indicate the Extreme Drought affecting Forest health (EDF), which we defined according to the extreme drought that caused severe forest damages in Finland in 2006. The EDF thresholds for the aforementioned indicators are suggested, based on the reported statistics of forest damages in Finland in 2006. SMI was found to be the best indicator in capturing the spatial extent of forest damage induced by the extreme drought in 2006. In addition, through the application of the EDF thresholds over the summer months of the 30-year study period, the SPEI and SMA tended to show more frequent EDF events and a higher fraction of influenced area than SMI. This is because the SPEI and SMA are standardized indicators that show the degree of anomalies from statistical means over the aggregation period of climate conditions and soil moisture, respectively. However, in boreal forests in Finland, the high initial soil moisture or existence of peat often prevent the EDFs indicated by the SPEI and SMA to produce very low soil moisture that could be indicated as EDFs by the SMI. Therefore, we consider SMI is more appropriate for indicating EDFs in boreal forests. The selected EDF thresholds for those indicators could be calibrated when there are more forest health observation data available. Furthermore, in the context of future climate scenarios, assessments of EDF risks in northern areas should, in addition to climate data, rely on a land surface model capable of reliable prediction of soil moisture.Peer reviewe

    Dissecting the transcriptome in cardiovascular disease

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    The human transcriptome comprises a complex network of coding and non-coding RNAs implicated in a myriad of biological functions. Non-coding RNAs exhibit highly organized spatial and temporal expression patterns and are emerging as critical regulators of differentiation, homeostasis, and pathological states, including in the cardiovascular system. This review defines the current knowledge gaps, unmet methodological needs, and describes the challenges in dissecting and understanding the role and regulation of the non-coding transcriptome in cardiovascular disease. These challenges include poor annotation of the non-coding genome, determination of the cellular distribution of transcripts, assessment of the role of RNA processing and identification of cell-type specific changes in cardiovascular physiology and disease. We highlight similarities and differences in the hurdles associated with the analysis of the non-coding and protein-coding transcriptomes. In addition, we discuss how the lack of consensus and absence of standardized methods affect reproducibility of data. These shortcomings should be defeated in order to make significant scientific progress and foster the development of clinically applicable non-coding RNA-based therapeutic strategies to lessen the burden of cardiovascular disease