202 research outputs found

    Microbial Adhesion to Processing Lines for Fish Fillets and Cooked Shrimp: Influence of Stainless Steel Surface Finish and Presence of Gram-Negative Bacteria on the Attachment of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Microflora adhering to surfaces of processing lines in a shrimp factory and a fish processing plant was identified in situ and adhesion of mixed culture of Listeria monocytogenes and Gram-negative bacteria on stainless steel surfaces (untreated, polished and glass beaded) was studied ex situ. The predominant genus attached to the surfaces was Pseudomonas spp. (66 %) in the shrimp factory and Enterobacteriaceae (27 %) in the fish factory. Shrimp juice was used as an enrichment broth during the study of adhered bacteria. Three different Gram-negative strains and a mixture of Pseudomonas spp. were selected to study their attachment together with L. monocytogenes to stainless steel surfaces. Highest numbers of the attached bacteria were obtained after the contamination with a mixed culture of L. monocytogenes and Serratia liquefaciens. A lower number of bacteria adhered to stainless steel surfaces when mixed cultures of L. monocytogenes and Pseudomonas fluorescens or Aeromonas spp. were tested. No significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the bacteria attached to differently treated steel surfaces with different roughness (Ra=0.1–0.8 m). Bacterial adhesion increased with longer contact time. Colonisation of L. monocytogenes on stainless steel surfaces was significantly enhanced only in the presence of mixed Pseudomonas spp. These results indicate that smooth surfaces do not necessarily provide hygiene benefits over rougher surfaces

    Etikkens levevilkÄr i naturfag : En studie av hvilke rammer som pÄvirker lÊrernes planlegging i i "drÞfting av etiske spÞrsmÄl i bioteknologi"

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    STIKKORD: Rammer som pĂ„virker lĂŠrernes planlegging Etikkens plass i naturfag Den metabevisste faktor 1) Oppgavens tema og fokusomrĂ„de: Oppgavens hovedtema er etikkens levevilkĂ„r i naturfaget, og fokusomrĂ„det er: Hvilke rammer blir bestemmende for naturfaglĂŠrernes planlegging av kompetansemĂ„let â€Ă„ drĂžfte etiske spĂžrsmĂ„l i bioteknologien”? I forhold til mine funn har jeg drĂžftet fĂžlgende: Hvilken betydning kan rammene fĂ„ for etikkens levevilkĂ„r i naturfag, sett i lys av mine funn og relevant litteratur? Hensikten med studien har vĂŠrt Ă„ fĂ„ en forstĂ„else av hvordan lĂŠrerne legger til rette for drĂžfting av etiske spĂžrsmĂ„l i naturfaget i fĂžrste klasse pĂ„ den videregĂ„ende skolen, og hva som pĂ„virker deres planlegging. De teoretiske refleksjonene som eksisterer i litteraturen i dag har jeg brukt til Ă„ belyse mine forskningsfunn. Jeg avslutter med Ă„ se pĂ„ hvilke implikasjoner dette kan fĂ„ for etikkens levevilkĂ„r i naturfag. Teorien, som i hovedsak bestĂ„r av artikler, ble delt inn i tre omrĂ„der etter deres innhold, og berĂžringspunkter i forhold til forskningsomrĂ„det mitt: lĂŠrernes rammer, etikkens plass i naturfaget, og undervisningens struktur. 2) Metode og datamateriale Med hensyn til studiens fokusomrĂ„de, hvor jeg har sĂžkt etter forstĂ„else, sammenhenger og innsikt, ble det naturlig Ă„ bruke en kvalitativ metode. Jeg foretok semistrukturerte intervju av fire naturfaglĂŠrere fra samme skole. Valg av et tillempet grounded analyseopplegg, ga meg mulighet til Ă„ finne andre kategorier og forstĂ„elsessammenhenger enn det som allerede eksisterer pĂ„ forskningsfeltet. 3) Funn Jeg fant at de rammene som ble bestemmende for lĂŠrernes planlegging av nevnte kompetansemĂ„l kunne underlegges to hovedkategorier: lĂŠrernes indre rammer, og lĂŠrernes ytre rammer (figur 1). Figur 1. Forklaringsmodell som viser interaksjonen mellom lĂŠrerens indre og ytre rammekategorier, som en pĂ„driver inn til lĂŠrerens undervisningsplan. To kategorier finnes ogsĂ„ i svenske undersĂžkelser som forklaring pĂ„ lĂŠrernes planlegging/undervisning. Disse kategoriene inngĂ„r i min forklaringsmodell, men i tillegg har jeg funnet at kategorien ”lĂŠrerens vitenskapssyn” har avgjĂžrende betydning for hvordan lĂŠreren velger Ă„ forholde seg til rammekategoriene. LĂŠrernes tolkninger av de ytre rammene og deres holdninger til de indre rammene, i tillegg til ytre rammer som avgjĂžres pĂ„ sentralt hold, fĂ„r derfor avgjĂžrende betydning for etikkens levevilkĂ„r i naturfaget

    EnergikartlÀggning av idrottsanlÀggningar - fallstudie av en ishall och ett badhus i norra Landskrona

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    Detta examensarbete Ă€r skrivet inom ramen för Green Hub Landskrona (GHL), som Ă€r ett samarbete mellan tre kommunala företag i Landskrona och flera institutioner inom Lunds Universitet - LTH. Syftet med samarbetet Ă€r att driva omstĂ€llningen av stadsdelen Karlslund till en hĂ„llbar stadsdel genom innovativa lösningar för energi, avfall och boende. Detta examensarbete utförs som ett första steg i denna omstĂ€llning. Arbetets syfte Ă€r delvis att kartlĂ€gga energianvĂ€ndningen av tvĂ„ energikrĂ€vande anlĂ€ggningar i omrĂ„det, nĂ€mligen Landskrona ishall och Karlslundsbadet. Det andra syftet Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera befintliga riktlinjer för energikartlĂ€ggningar utifrĂ„n hur vĂ€l de stĂ€mmer överens med varandra, vilka aspekter de lyfter fram, vilka begrĂ€nsningar de har samt hur vĂ€l de kan appliceras pĂ„ idrottsanlĂ€ggningar. Fyra riktlinjer har analyserats i arbetet varav Energimyndighetens riktlinjer har anvĂ€nts i de genomförda kartlĂ€ggningarna pĂ„ idrottsanlĂ€ggningarna, men vissa anpassningar har gjorts utifrĂ„n tillgĂ€nglig data. AnlĂ€ggningarna var dels en ishall, av typen mindre publikhall, med en utomhusisbana och ett Ă€ventyrsbad med en liten utomhusbassĂ€ng. BĂ„da anlĂ€ggningarna var försörjda med el frĂ„n det koncessionspliktiga nĂ€tet och med fjĂ€rrvĂ€rme. I början av kartlĂ€ggningsprocessen berĂ€ttade anlĂ€ggningarnas driftpersonal att det aktiva arbetet med energihushĂ„llning i anlĂ€ggningarna tidigare varit mycket begrĂ€nsat och frĂ€mst utförts i samband med underhĂ„llsbehov. EnergikartlĂ€ggningarna utfördes bland annat genom en rad platsbesök dĂ€r intervjuer hölls med personal, styrsystem studerades och installerad effekt avlĂ€stes frĂ„n de olika komponenterna. KartlĂ€ggningarnas resultat jĂ€mfördes med genomsnittsdata för liknande anlĂ€ggningar i Sverige, frĂ„n Energimyndighetens inventering av energianvĂ€ndningen i olika lokaler, benĂ€mnd STIL2. Det visade sig att anlĂ€ggningarna anvĂ€nde allt frĂ„n 20 % till fyra gĂ„nger mer energi Ă€n genomsnittet i STIL2. Karlslundsbadet avvek betydligt mer frĂ„n genomsnittet Ă€n ishallen, men avvikelsernas storlek berodde pĂ„ om energianvĂ€ndningen jĂ€mfördes utifrĂ„n uppvĂ€rmd area, verksamhetsarea eller efter antal öppettimmar. EnergikartlĂ€ggningarna fokuserades pĂ„ elanvĂ€ndingens fördelning utifrĂ„n dess olika anvĂ€ndingsomrĂ„den, sĂ„som pumpar, flĂ€ktar och kylmaskiner. I ishallen visade kartlĂ€ggninen att kylmaskinerna stod för nĂ€stan 50 % av elanvĂ€ndningen, avfuktare för cirka 17 % och diverse pumpar för runt 9 %. I Karlslundsbadet stod flĂ€ktar för 36 %, bastur för 26 % och diverse pumpar för 25 % av elanvĂ€ndningen. I bĂ„de Karlslundsbadet och Landskrona ishall antogs elanvĂ€ndningen för utrustningen som av olika anledningar inte kunnat inventeras, frĂ€mst utifrĂ„n data frĂ„n STIL2 studien, vara 4,6 % respektive 12 %. Även belysningen för de tvĂ„ anlĂ€ggningarna inventerades. Inventeringen visade att Karlslundsbadets installerade effekt var lĂ€gre Ă€n genomsnittet för badhus medan ishallens installerade effekt var högre Ă€n genomsnittet för ishallar. Det kan dock konstateras att bĂ„da anlĂ€ggningarna har en stor förbĂ€ttringspotential vad gĂ€ller Ă„tgĂ€rder för att minska elanvĂ€ndningen för belysning. I enlighet med rapportens andra syfte utvĂ€rderades Energimyndighetens riktlinjer utifrĂ„n hur tillförlitligt resultatet blev för de tvĂ„ studerade idrottsanlĂ€ggningarna. I riktlinjerna föreslĂ„s att energianvĂ€ndningen för respektive komponent berĂ€knas utifrĂ„n installerad effekt och drifttider dĂ€r befintlig data inte finns. Storleken pĂ„ de differenser som kan föreligga mot uppmĂ€tta vĂ€rden, vid anvĂ€nding av denna metodik, har utvĂ€rderats inom ramen för denna studie. UtvĂ€rderingen har visat att den anvĂ€nda metodiken leder till att den berĂ€knade elanvĂ€ndningen överskattas grovt i vissa fall. I Karlslundsbadet överskattades den med 35 % och i ishallen med 140 %. KĂ€llan till överskattningen var avvikelser i komponenternas aktuella effekt frĂ„n den installerade effekten och skillnader i total och effektiv drifttid. Dessa överskattningar pĂ„verkade de olika anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„dena i varierande grad, vilket i sin tur ledde till snedfördelningar av respektive anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„des andel av elanvĂ€ndningen. Detta har styrkts bl.a. genom mĂ€tningar av kompressorernas eleffekt över en kortare tid i ishallens kylmaskin och Ă€r viktigt att ha i Ă„tanke nĂ€r resultaten tolkas. Analysen av de befintliga riktlinjerna för energikartlĂ€ggningar visade pĂ„ stora skillnader i deras struktur, omfattning och detaljnivĂ„. Variationerna var Ă€ven stora vad gĂ€ller deras beskrivning av insamlande av data och valet av Ă„tgĂ€rder. Riktlinjerna tar dĂ€remot inte upp nĂ„got om vilka felkĂ€llor som kan uppstĂ„ vid anvĂ€ndandet av installerad effekt och drifttider eller hur dessa ska hanteras vid en genomförd kartlĂ€ggning utifrĂ„n riktlinjerna. Riktlinjerna frĂ„n Energimyndigheten uppger att de anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„den som stĂ„r för en betydande del av energianvĂ€ndningen Ă€r de som borde studeras vid sökandet efter möjliga Ă„tgĂ€rder. Detta angreppssĂ€tt gĂ„r Energimyndigheten sjĂ€lv emot i sin bok, Energikoll i smĂ„ och medelstora företag. Generellt för alla riktlinjer var att de lĂ€gger stor vikt vid de ekonomiska kalkylerna för en Ă„tgĂ€rd. ISO-standarden var den enda som Ă€ven lyfte fram vikten av att andra aspekter Ă€n ekonomi kan anses vara viktiga vid valet av Ă„tgĂ€rder. UtifrĂ„n genomförda fallstudie konstaterades att var och en av riktlinjerna i sin helhet inte fungerar för anlĂ€ggningar motsvarade Karlslundsbadet och Landskrona ishall.This MasterÂŽs thesis is a part of the project Green Hub Landskrona (GHL), a collaboration between three municipally owned companies in Landskrona and a number of institutions within the faculty of engineering at Lund University. The aim of GHL is to transform the neighbourhood Karlslund, northern Landskrona, to a sustainable district, through innovative solutions for energy, waste management and housing. As a first step towards this transformation, the aim of this thesis is partly to carry out energy audits of two of the neighbourhood’s facilities with particularly high energy consumption. These facilities are the city’s only ice rinks, Landskrona ishall, and the city’s main public swimming pool, Karlslundsbadet. The second aim is to evaluate existing guidelines for energy audits based on how well they match with each other, which aspects they emphasize, what their limitations are and how well they can be applied to sports facilities. Four guidelines were evaluated and the energy audits of the facilities were performed according to guidelines from the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA), with certain adjustments to available data. The indoor ice rink is relatively simple, with audience capacity of 1400 people and includes an adjacent outdoor ice rink. The swimming pool is, however, somewhat more sophisticated, with a small outdoor pool and features water play areas, such as slides and whirlpools indoors. According to the staff in charge of the facilities’ operation, the emphasis on energy economisation had been very limited prior to the execution of this thesis. Earlier efforts to reduce the energy consumption of the facilities have mainly been motivated by maintenance requirements. The energy audits were carried out through a number of site visits where staff members of the facilities were interviewed, the control systems studied and the components’ installed electric power surveyed etc. The results for each facility were compared to the average outcome of similar facilities in a study of different facilities energy consumption by the SEA from 2008, called STIL2. It was shown that the facilities used everything from 20% to four times more energy than similar facilities in Sweden. The results did, however, vary greatly depending on which indicators were used. The main focus of the energy audits was on the distribution of the electricity consumption in the facilities. In the case of Landskrona ishall nearly half of all electricity was used by the chillers. The second largest consumer of electricity was the dehumidifier with 17%, followed by various pumps with 9%. The distribution in Karlslundsbadet was quite different, where fans used 36%, saunas used 26% and various pumps used 25% of the electricity consumption. In both facilities, the electricity consumption of equipment, that for various reasons could not be identified, was quantified by assumptions based on data from the STIL2 study. In the case of Karslundsbadet this consumption accounted for 4,6% but for 12% in Landskrona ishall. The facilities’ lighting systems were studied more thoroughly than other systems. The results showed that Karlslundsbadet performed better than the average of similar facilities in Sweden, even though the potential for improvement was great. For Landskrona ishall the situation was somewhat worse than in similar facilities. In accordance with the report's second aim the guidelines from SEA were evaluated on the basis of how reliable the results for the two facilities were. The guidelines recommended that available data should be used primarily. In its absence, data on components’ installed electric power and operation time should be used to calculate the energy consumption. The effect of using this methodology has been evaluated within the framework of this study. The evaluation revealed that it lead to an overestimation of the facilities’ electricity consumption to an extent that greatly exceeded the actual consumption. In the case of Landskrona ishall the overestimation amounted to 140% of the actual consumption, whilst it was only 35% in the case of Karlslundsbadet. The reasons for this inaccuracy were both fluctuations in the components’ electrical power and difficulties in quantifying their operation time correctly. The overestimations affected the different systems to a varying extent and thereby the relative distribution of the electricity consumption. This has mainly been supported by data collected, over a short period of time, for the electrical power of the chiller’s compressors in Landskrona ishall. The analysis of the presented guidelines for energy audits revealed great differences in structure, extent and accuracy of description. Even in respect to the collection of data and the selection of energy efficiency improvement opportunities, the differences were significant. The inaccuracy caused by the use of components’ installed electric power and operation time was not mentioned in the guidelines. For the selection of energy efficiency improvement opportunities, the guidelines from SEA recommended further studies of systems that account for a significant share of the facilities’ energy consumption. This focus was presented as a problem in a book published by SEA, Energikoll i smĂ„ och medelstora företag. The focus on economic indicators, during the selection process, was great in all the studied guidelines. Only the guidelines in the ISO standard highlighted the importance of the additional aspects in the selection process. Based on this case study it was concluded that the studied guidelines for energy audits were not well suited for facilities like Karlslundsbadet and Landskrona ishall

    A Comparison of Fresh and Frozen Lamb Meat-Differences in Technological Meat Quality and Sensory Attributes

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    Simple Summary Freezing is used to extend the storage time of meat and is common practice in lamb meat production, since it maintains a steady supply of seasonal meat throughout the year and allows shipping over long distances. Fresh meat may also be purchased and frozen at home, to enable longer storage of the product before consumption. Freezing is the best preservation method, apart from chilling of fresh meat. However, differences in quality parameters between fresh and frozen meat may influence consumer choice and preferences. It is thus important to evaluate these differences, and how they are affected by conditions and animal handling during primary production, slaughter method and storage conditions before retail sale. This study examined the effect of freezing on technological meat quality and sensory attributes in lamb meat samples collected at two different slaughterhouses using different slaughter methods. Several differences between fresh and frozen-thawed meat were detected in terms of technological meat quality and sensory attributes, including colour, Warner-Bratzler shear force, cooking loss, flavour attributes and juicy texture. Technological meat quality and sensory attributes of fresh and frozen lamb meat were compared. Samples were collected from two abattoirs (one small-scale, one large-scale) that use different slaughter methods in terms of chilling regime and electrical stimulation. The fresh and frozen meat samples included products from both slaughter systems. Ten twin pairs of ram lambs were used in the study, with one of each twin slaughtered at each abattoir. Fresh meat was analysed after chilling and frozen meat was stored frozen for three months and analysed after thawing. The Musculus longissimus thoracis et lumborum was analysed for colour, cooking loss, sensory attributes, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and distribution of water and lipid within each meat sample. Meat samples analysed after frozen storage were darker, less red and more yellow than the fresh meat. Freezing and frozen storage increased fluid loss and WBSF compared with the fresh meat, due to protein denaturation. Frozen storage affected sensory attributes by increasing fatty odour, frying flavour, sour flavour, fatty flavour and liver flavour, and by reducing juicy texture and mushy texture

    Recruitment of trimeric eIF2 by phosphatase non-catalytic subunit PPP1R15B

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    Regulated protein phosphorylation controls most cellular processes. The protein phosphatase PP1 is the catalytic subunit of many holoenzymes that dephosphorylate serine/threonine residues. How these enzymes recruit their substrates is largely unknown. Here, we integrated diverse approaches to elucidate how the PP1 non-catalytic subunit PPP1R15B (R15B) captures its full trimeric eIF2 substrate. We found that the substrate-recruitment module of R15B is largely disordered with three short helical elements, H1, H2, and H3. H1 and H2 form a clamp that grasps the substrate in a region remote from the phosphorylated residue. A homozygous N423D variant, adjacent to H1, reducing substrate binding and dephosphorylation was discovered in a rare syndrome with microcephaly, developmental delay, and intellectual disability. These findings explain how R15B captures its 125 kDa substrate by binding the far end of the complex relative to the phosphosite to present it for dephosphorylation by PP1, a paradigm of broad relevance.</p

    The palisade layer of the poxvirus core is composed of flexible A10 trimers

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    Due to its asymmetric shape, size and compactness, the structure of the infectious mature virus (MV) of vaccinia virus (VACV), the best-studied poxvirus, remains poorly understood. Instead, subviral particles, in particular membrane-free viral cores, have been studied with cryo-electron microscopy. Here, we compared viral cores obtained by detergent stripping of MVs with cores in the cellular cytoplasm, early in infection. We focused on the prominent palisade layer on the core surface, combining cryo-electron tomography, subtomogram averaging and AlphaFold2 structure prediction. We showed that the palisade is composed of densely packed trimers of the major core protein A10. Trimers display a random order and their classification indicates structural flexibility. A10 on cytoplasmic cores is organized in a similar manner, indicating that the structures obtained in vitro are physiologically relevant. We discuss our results in the context of the VACV replicative cycle, and the assembly and disassembly of the infectious MV

    A Comparison of Fresh and Frozen Lamb Meat—Differences in Technological Meat Quality and Sensory Attributes

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by Agricultural Productivity Fund of Iceland, Nordic Native Meat and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Technological meat quality and sensory attributes of fresh and frozen lamb meat were compared. Samples were collected from two abattoirs (one small-scale, one large-scale) that use different slaughter methods in terms of chilling regime and electrical stimulation. The fresh and frozen meat samples included products from both slaughter systems. Ten twin pairs of ram lambs were used in the study, with one of each twin slaughtered at each abattoir. Fresh meat was analysed after chilling and frozen meat was stored frozen for three months and analysed after thawing. The Musculus longissimus thoracis et lumborum was analysed for colour, cooking loss, sensory attributes, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and distribution of water and lipid within each meat sample. Meat samples analysed after frozen storage were darker, less red and more yellow than the fresh meat. Freezing and frozen storage increased fluid loss and WBSF compared with the fresh meat, due to protein denaturation. Frozen storage affected sensory attributes by increasing fatty odour, frying flavour, sour flavour, fatty flavour and liver flavour, and by reducing juicy texture and mushy texture.Peer reviewe

    Fractionation of cellulose nanocrystals : enhancing liquid crystal ordering without promoting gelation

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    Colloids of electrically charged nanorods can spontaneously develop a fluid yet ordered liquid crystal phase, but this ordering competes with a tendency to form a gel of percolating rods. The threshold for ordering is reduced by increasing the rod aspect ratio, but the percolation threshold is also reduced with this change; hence, prediction of the outcome is nontrivial. Here, we show that by establishing the phase behavior of suspensions of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) fractionated according to length, an increased aspect ratio can strongly favor liquid crystallinity without necessarily influencing gelation. Gelation is instead triggered by increasing the counterion concentration until the CNCs lose colloidal stability, triggering linear aggregation, which promotes percolation regardless of the original rod aspect ratio. Our results shine new light on the competition between liquid crystal formation and gelation in nanoparticle suspensions and provide a path for enhanced control of CNC self-organization for applications in photonic crystal paper or advanced composites
