463 research outputs found

    Disease-related cortical thinning in presymptomatic granulin mutation carriers.

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    Mutations in the granulin gene (GRN) cause familial frontotemporal dementia. Understanding the structural brain changes in presymptomatic GRN carriers would enforce the use of neuroimaging biomarkers for early diagnosis and monitoring. We studied 100 presymptomatic GRN mutation carriers and 94 noncarriers from the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia initiative (GENFI), with MRI structural images. We analyzed 3T MRI structural images using the FreeSurfer pipeline to calculate the whole brain cortical thickness (CTh) for each subject. We also perform a vertex-wise general linear model to assess differences between groups in the relationship between CTh and diverse covariables as gender, age, the estimated years to onset and education. We also explored differences according to TMEM106B genotype, a possible disease modifier. Whole brain CTh did not differ between carriers and noncarriers. Both groups showed age-related cortical thinning. The group-by-age interaction analysis showed that this age-related cortical thinning was significantly greater in GRN carriers in the left superior frontal cortex. TMEM106B did not significantly influence the age-related cortical thinning. Our results validate and expand previous findings suggesting an increased CTh loss associated with age and estimated proximity to symptoms onset in GRN carriers, even before the disease onset

    Disease-related cortical thinning in presymptomatic granulin mutation carriers

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Mutations in the granulin gene (GRN) cause familial frontotemporal dementia. Understanding the structural brain changes in presymptomatic GRN carriers would enforce the use of neuroimaging biomarkers for early diagnosis and monitoring. We studied 100 presymptomatic GRN mutation carriers and 94 noncarriers from the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia initiative (GENFI), with MRI structural images. We analyzed 3T MRI structural images using the FreeSurfer pipeline to calculate the whole brain cortical thickness (CTh) for each subject. We also perform a vertex-wise general linear model to assess differences between groups in the relationship between CTh and diverse covariables as gender, age, the estimated years to onset and education. We also explored differences according to TMEM106B genotype, a possible disease modifier. Whole brain CTh did not differ between carriers and noncarriers. Both groups showed age-related cortical thinning. The group-by-age interaction analysis showed that this age-related cortical thinning was significantly greater in GRN carriers in the left superior frontal cortex. TMEM106B did not significantly influence the age-related cortical thinning. Our results validate and expand previous findings suggesting an increased CTh loss associated with age and estimated proximity to symptoms onset in GRN carriers, even before the disease onset.The authors thank all the volunteers for their participation in this study. SBE is a recipient of the Rio-Hortega post-residency grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain. This study was partially funded by Fundació Marató de TV3, Spain (grant no. 20143810 to RSV). The GENFI study has been supported by the Medical Research Council UK, the Italian Ministry of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as part of a Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration grant, as well as other individual funding to investigators. KM has received funding from an Alzheimer’s Society PhD studentship. JDR acknowledges support from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Queen Square Dementia Biomedical Research Unit and the University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre, the UK Dementia Research Institute, Alzheimer’s Research UK, the Brain Research Trust and the Wolfson Foundation. JCvS was supported by the Dioraphte Foundation grant 09-02-03-00, the Association for Frontotemporal Dementias Research Grant 2009, The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) grant HCMI 056-13-018, ZonMw Memorabel (Deltaplan Dementie, project number 733 051 042), Alzheimer Nederland and the Bluefield project. CG have received funding from JPND-Prefrontals VR Dnr 529-2014-7504, VR: 2015-02926, and 2018-02754, the Swedish FTD Initiative-Schörling Foundation, Alzheimer Foundation, Brain Foundation and Stockholm County Council ALF. DG has received support from the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) and the Italian Ministry of Health (PreFrontALS) grant 733051042. JBR is funded by the Wellcome Trust (103838) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. MM has received funding from a Canadian Institutes of Health Research operating grant and the Weston Brain Institute and Ontario Brain Institute. RV has received funding from the Mady Browaeys Fund for Research into Frontotemporal Dementia. EF has received funding from a CIHR grant #327387. JDR is an MRC Clinician Scientist (MR/M008525/1) and has received funding from the NIHR Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration (BRC149/NS/MH), the Bluefield Project and the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration. MS was supported by a grant 779257 “Solve-RD” from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of siRNA specificity on targets with double-nucleotide mismatches

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    Although RNA interference as a tool for gene knockdown is a great promise for future applications, the specificity of small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated gene silencing needs to be thoroughly investigated. Most research regarding siRNA specificity has involved analysis of affected off-target genes instead of exploring the specificity of the siRNA itself. In this study we have developed an efficient method for generating a siRNA target library by combining a siRNA target validation vector with a nucleotide oligomix. We have used this library to perform an analysis of the silencing effects of a functional siRNA towards its target site with double-nucleotide mismatches. The results indicated that not only the positions of the mismatched base pair have an impact on silencing efficiency but also the identity of the mismatched nucleotide. Our data strengthen earlier observations of widespread siRNA off-target effects and shows that ∼35% of the double-mutated target sites still causes knockdown efficiency of >50%. We also provide evidence that there may be substantial differences in knockdown efficiency depending on whether the mutations are positioned within the siRNA itself or in the corresponding target site

    Long-term hydromethylthionine treatment is associated with delayed clinical onset and slowing of cerebral atrophy in a pre-symptomatic P301S MAPT mutation carrier

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the patient for permitting publication of the present report. Authors’ disclosures available online (https://www.j-alz.com/manuscript-disclosures/21-0390r1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Rapid creation and quantitative monitoring of high coverage shRNA libraries.

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    Short hairpin RNA libraries are limited by low efficacy of many shRNAs and by off-target effects, which give rise to false negatives and false positives, respectively. Here we present a strategy for rapidly creating expanded shRNA pools (approximately 30 shRNAs per gene) that are analyzed by deep sequencing (EXPAND). This approach enables identification of multiple effective target-specific shRNAs from a complex pool, allowing a rigorous statistical evaluation of true hits

    Profiling of mismatch discrimination in RNAi enabled rational design of allele-specific siRNAs

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    Silencing specificity is a critical issue in the therapeutic applications of siRNA, particularly in the treatment of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) diseases where discrimination against single nucleotide variation is demanded. However, no generally applicable guidelines are available for the design of such allele-specific siRNAs. In this paper, the issue was approached by using a reporter-based assay. With a panel of 20 siRNAs and 240 variously mismatched target reporters, we first demonstrated that the mismatches were discriminated in a position-dependent order, which was however independent of their sequence contexts using position 4th, 12th and 17th as examples. A general model was further built for mismatch discrimination at all positions using 230 additional reporter constructs specifically designed to contain mismatches distributed evenly along the target regions of different siRNAs. This model was successfully employed to design allele-specific siRNAs targeting disease-causing mutations of PIK3CA gene at two SNP sites. Furthermore, conformational distortion of siRNA-target duplex was observed to correlate with the compromise of gene silencing. In summary, these findings could dramatically simplify the design of allele-specific siRNAs and might also provide guide to increase the specificity of therapeutic siRNAs

    Characterization of an FTLD-PDB family with the coexistence of SQSTM1 mutation and hexanucleotide (G4C2) repeat expansion in C9orf72 gene

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    The C9orf72 expansion is considered a major genetic cause of familial frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in several patients' cohorts. Interestingly, C9orf72 expansion carriers, present also abundant neuronal p62-positive inclusions. Although p62/SQSTM1 mutations were initially associated with Paget disease of bone (PDB), they have been also identified in FTD. We describe an FTD-PDB family in which the proband presented with behavioral FTD phenotype and concomitant Paget disease. The molecular genetic analysis revealed the co-occurrence of 2 mutations; the pathogenic C9orf72 expansion and p.P392L heterozygous missense mutation in SQSTM1 gene. Amongst the 6 family members analyzed, the p.P392L SQSTM1 mutation segregated as expected with PDB, whereas the C9orf72 expansion segregated with frontal cognitive impairment or dementia in all but one carrier. The coexistence of these conditions could be underestimated since neither patients with FTD nor patients with PDB undergo bone scintigraphy or cognitive assessment, respectively. The number of cases with double mutations could also be over looked as the molecular strategy adopted in most laboratories ends with the identification of one pathogenic mutation in one of the known causative genes. Therefore, we advocate for further clinical and molecular evaluation in suspect cases

    RNA modified with acyclic threoninol nucleic acids for RNA interference

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    Upon the discovery of the RNA interference pathway, the development of nucleic acids derivatives for therapeutic purposes has soon caught the attention of biomedical researchers. Although synthetic small interfering RNA (siRNA) has been extensively used to downregulate any protein-coding mRNA, several key issues still remain unsolved. The acyclic threoninol nucleic acid (aTNA), placed at certain siRNA positions, is a useful modification to reduce the oligonucleotides vulnerability towards nucleases. In addition, it can be exploited to avoid several OFF-target effects that limit the biological safety of the RNAi-based agents.We thank the European Union (NMP4-LA-2011-262943, MULTIFUN), the Spanish MINECO (CTQ2014-52588-R and CTQ2014-61758-EXP), and the Generalitat de Catalunya for funding this research. CIBER-BBN is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through an initiative funded during the VI Plan Nacional 2008-2011, the Ingenio 2010, the Consolider Program, and the CIBER Action.Peer reviewe

    Predominant Spastic Paraparesis Associated With the D178N Mutation in PRNP

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    Here we report on a 70-year-old female presenting with an unusual progressive syndrome with fatal outcome. The predominant features in this case were spastic paraparesis, cognitive decline and respiratory failure. Relatives affected with a similar syndrome were previously diagnosed with lipofuscinosis. However, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in our case did not reveal any pathogenic variants in genes associated with lipofuscinosis, but instead detected the known D178 variant in PRNP. The course of disease was rapid despite the presence of methione at codon 129 in the mutated and valine in the healthy allele of PRNP. Typical neuropathological abnormalities for familial fatal insomnia (FFI) were found, Western blot analysis suggested a type 2B prion protein isoform. The serendipitous diagnosis obtained with WGS illustrates a role for the method in elusive cases

    Insights into the kinetics of siRNA-mediated gene silencing from live-cell and live-animal bioluminescent imaging

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    Small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules are potent effectors of post-transcriptional gene silencing. Using noninvasive bioluminescent imaging and a mathematical model of siRNA delivery and function, the effects of target-specific and treatment-specific parameters on siRNA-mediated gene silencing are monitored in cells stably expressing the firefly luciferase protein. In vitro, luciferase protein levels recover to pre-treatment values within <1 week in rapidly dividing cell lines, but take longer than 3 weeks to return to steady-state levels in nondividing fibroblasts. Similar results are observed in vivo, with knockdown lasting ~10 days in subcutaneous tumors in A/J mice and 3–4 weeks in the nondividing hepatocytes of BALB/c mice. These data indicate that dilution due to cell division, and not intracellular siRNA half-life, governs the duration of gene silencing under these conditions. To demonstrate the practical use of the model in treatment design, model calculations are used to predict the dosing schedule required to maintain persistent silencing of target proteins with different half-lives in rapidly dividing or nondividing cells. The approach of bioluminescent imaging combined with mathematical modeling provides useful insights into siRNA function and may help expedite the translation of siRNA into clinically relevant therapeutics for disease treatment and management