11 research outputs found
Introduction: growth as a significant indicator of child health has been widely studied. However, the number of studies regarding this indicator in children and adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) in Brazil is still limited. Objective: the purpose of this study is to analyse the somatic growth of Brazilian children and adolescents with DS. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample was comprised of 68 children, 37 boys and 31 girls with DS, from nine to eleven years old. The anthropometric measurements taken were : body weight, height and skinfold thickness. Children with mosaicism and severe heart disease were excluded. For statistical analysis, the value of p<0.05 was adopted. Results: increases in body mass, height and body mass index (BMI) were identified, according to increasing age for both genders. Regarding height, boys had higher values than did girls. However, at age of eleven , there was a slight inversion of the data because the average stature in girls was higher. Regarding body mass, there was a significant difference for boys at nine and eleven years old. Conclusion: boys are taller than girls, with a slight inversion at the age of eleven years old. Further, it was verified that children with normal growth have behaviour similar to children with DS. Significant differences were observed in both genders in relation to BMI and body mass. However, there was no difference in relation to Tricipital and Subscapular skinfolds, as well as to BMI measurements
Análise da autoeficácia e perfeccionismo em árbitros de natação do Brasil
The study aimed to analyze perfectionism and self-efficacy levels in swimming’s referees from Brazil. The sample was composed by 150 referees, 72 male and 78 female, with at least one year of experience in official federation’s staff, 34 from state level, 66 national and 50 international. As instruments was utilized: identification form, General Perceived Self-efficacy Scale and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Data were collected during competitions of official calendar from Brazilian Confederation of Aquatic Sports in 2011 and 2012. In statistical analysis were utilized the tests: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, Friedman and Spearman correlation coefficient, with p<0,05. It was observed that organization was the perfectionism characteristic that obtained the highest score, female referees showed higher levels of concern over mistakes, doubts about actions and negative perfectionism than male referees, besides, state-level referees showed higher levels of parental expectations, personal standards and positive perfectionism than national-level. It was concluded that swimming referees showed high levels of self-efficacy and organization; female referees had higher scores in concern over mistakes, doubts about actions and negative perfectionism; there is no correlation between self-efficacy and perfectionism in Brazilian swimming referees
The intermediate learner’s choice of self-as-a-model strategies and the eight-session practice in learning of the front crawl swim
The aim of this study was to investigate the intermediate learners’ choice of self-as-a-model strategies for learning the front crawl swim by extending the amount of practice. Participants (n=40) were divided into three groups: choice (free to choose to watch a video footage of their best or overall performance anytime during a practice), yoked (paired to the learners of the choice group), and control group (did not watch any video). Experimental design also involved a pretest, eigh tacquisition blocks, and a 48-hour retention test. The measures included a qualitative analysis of the front crawl swim and the rate of self-efficacy belief questionnaire. Results showed better learning of the front crawl swim for the choice group in comparison to the yoked and control group. It was also verified that the belief of self-efficacy improved in the choice and yoked groups. Most learners chose self-observation of their overall performance during the entire practice.
The rest of learners waved in their choices. Self-observation of either the best or overall performance had similar effects on learning the front crawl swim. In conclusion, to provide learners with freedom of choice
during the extended acquisition phase was positive for motor learning, regardless of whether or not there
were changes in their choices
Associação da preferência na posição de saída na natação ao gênero, estilo, distância e categoria em nadadores do estado do Paraná
O objetivo deste estudo foi diagnosticar o tipo de sada mais utilizada pelos nadadores paranaenses e associar ao gnero, distncia, estilo e categoria. Foram analisadas 822 sadas em 6 categorias acima de 9 anos de idade. O instrumento de medida foi um cheque list informando as siglas dos trs tipos de sadas utilizadas. A sada mais utilizada do tipo track-start a frente (64,11%). Foi encontrada associao entre a preferencia de sada e o estilo de nado (track-start com nado crawl, track-start atrs com borboleta) e a categoria do nadador (sada com os ps juntos com categorias juniores e seniores, track-start a frente com juvenis e track-start atrs com petizes). Concluiu-se que a sada preferida do tipo track-start principalmente por nadadores abaixo de 16 anos de idade
Tratamento multiprofissional da obesidade sobre o risco cardiometabólico e a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de mulheres com obesidade severa
Objetivos: Analisar os efeitos de um programa multiprofissional de tratamento da obesidade (PMTO) sobre o risco cardiometabólico e a aptidão física relacionada à saúde (AFRS) de mulheres com obesidade severa. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram deste ensaio clínico pragmático 12 mulheres de um PMTO com 24 semanas incluindo prática de exercícios físicos, orientações de educação física, nutrição e psicologia. Resultados: Houve melhora significante em todos os parâmetros antropométricos, de composição corporal, da AFRS e nos níveis de triglicerídeos (p 0,05). Conclusão: A amostra apresentava um perfil inicial de risco cardiometabólico e de AFRS bastante comprometidos. Os resultados evidenciam que um PMTO, pautado na terapêutica usual para obesidade (exercício físico, orientação nutricional e suporte psicológico), foi eficaz em melhorar a AFRS, e, consequentemente, minimizar o risco cardiometabólico em mulheres com obesidade severa
PCR e PCR-US como indicador de risco em doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis: uma revisão
Introduction: Low-grade systemic inflammation underlies many diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and vascular disease. In this sense, and because it is considered the most promising biomarker in chronic health conditions, the high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) has been gaining prominence in the scientific literature in the evaluation of several non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs). Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze studies that have used CRP or hsCRP as a risk indicator.Material and Methods: For this purpose, a systematic review was carried out on the SCIELO database, restricting the search to national studies, with the descriptors “Protein C Reactive”, “ High-Sensitivity Protein C Reactive “ and “Protein C Reactive Ultra-Sensitive”.Results: After applying the selection criteria that included studies with human beings, with chronic diseases and with CRP or hsCRP values presented by group, 17 articles were analyzed, with a total of 12,493 participants. In general, the results of the studies reinforce the usefulness of CRP in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment effect in all the studies analyzed.Conclusion: It is concluded, therefore, that hs-CRP has diagnostic value in several chronic health conditions, however some precautions must be observed for the appropriate use of this information.A inflamação sistêmica de baixo grau está na base de muitas doenças, incluindo a obesidade, diabetes tipo 2, hipertensão e doenças vasculares. Nesse sentido, e por ser considerado o biomarcador mais promissor nas condições crônicas de saúde, a proteína C-reativa ultra sensível (PCR-us) vem ganhando destaque na literatura na avaliação de diversas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT). Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar estudos que tenham utilizado a PCR ou a PCR-us como indicador de risco. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática na base SCIELO, restringindo a busca a trabalhos nacionais, com os descritores “Proteína C Reativa”, “Proteína C Reativa de Alta-Sensibilidade” e “Proteína C Reativa Ultra-Sensível”. Após a aplicação dos critérios de seleção que incluíam estudos com seres humanos, com DCNT, com valores de PCR ou PCR-us por grupo, foram analisados 17 artigos, com um total de participantes de 12.493. De maneira geral, os resultados dos trabalhos reforçam a utilidade da PCR no diagnóstico, prognóstico e efeito de tratamento na totalidade dos estudos analisados. Conclui-se, portanto, que a PCR-us tem valor diagnóstico em diversos quadros crônicos de saúde, no entanto alguns cuidados devem ser observados para o adequado uso dessas informações
Analysis of self - efficacy and perfectionism of swimming referees from Brazil.
O estudo teve como objetivo analisar os níveis de perfeccionismo e autoeficácia em árbitros brasileiros de natação. A amostra foi composta por 150 árbitros, 72 do sexo masculino e 78 do sexo feminino, com tempo mínimo de experiência de um ano no quadro oficial de suas federações, sendo 34 de nível estadual, 66 nacional e 50 internacional. Como instrumentos foram utilizados: ficha de identificação, Escala de Autoeficácia Geral Per¬cebida (EAEGP) e Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo. Os dados foram coletados durante competições do calendário oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Desportos Aquáticos nos anos de 2011 e 2012. Na análise estatística utilizou-se os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, Friedman e coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, com p<0,05. Observou-se que a característica de organização obteve o maior escore entre as características de perfeccionismo, as árbitras demonstraram mais preocupação com os erros, dúvidas na ação e maior perfeccionismo negativo quando comparadas aos árbitros, além disso, os árbitros de nível estadual evidenciaram maiores níveis de expectativas parentais, realização pessoal e perfeccionismo positivo do que de nível nacional. Conclui-se que árbitros de natação demonstraram altos níveis de autoeficácia e organização; árbi¬tras têm maiores escores em preocupações com os erros, dúvidas na ação e perfeccionismo negativo; não existe correlação entre perfeccionismo e autoeficácia em árbitros de natação do Brasil.The study aimed to analyze perfectionism and self-efficacy levels in swimming’s referees from Brazil. The sample was composed by 150 referees, 72 male and 78 female, with at least one year of experience in official federation’s staff, 34 from state level, 66 national and 50 international. As instruments was utilized: identifica¬tion form, General Perceived Self-efficacy Scale and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Data were collected during competitions of official calendar from Brazilian Confederation of Aquatic Sports in 2011 and 2012. In statistical analysis were utilized the tests: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Kruskall-Wallis, Friedman and Spearman correlation coefficient, with p<0,05. It was observed that organization was the perfectionism charac¬teristic that obtained the highest score, female referees showed higher levels of concern over mistakes, doubts about actions and negative perfectionism than male referees, besides, state-level referees showed higher levels of parental expectations, personal standards and positive perfectionism than national-level. It was concluded that swimming referees showed high levels of self-efficacy and organization; female referees had higher scores in con¬cern over mistakes, doubts about actions and negative perfectionism; there is no correlation between self-efficacy and perfectionism in Brazilian swimming referees
<b>Leadership style in the context swimming coaches in the state of Paraná.</b> DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2012v14n5p527
This descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the leadership style of swimming coaches from the state of Paraná, Brazil. The trial subjects were 33 male athletes (67.3%), 16 female athletes (32.7%), and six coaches. Data collection occurred during the final phase of the Parana 2010 Open Games. The measuring instrument used was the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS). For data analysis we used the Shapiro Wilk test, Mann-Whitney, the Manova, and Post Hoc of Scheffe (p <0.05). The results showed that comparing between the perception and preference of athletes there were significant differences in dimension of training instruction (p = 0.001), reinforcement (p = 0.008), and democratic style (p = 0.020), male athletes have a greater preference for autocratic behavior than female athletes (p = 0.031), there was no significant difference between the dimensions: perception of athletes and self-perception of coaches. We reached the conclusion that the swimming coaches from the state of Paraná have the democratic style, using reinforcement and training-instruction as tactical and technical resources for their coaching; the champion team coach had a profile similar to what is currently preferred by athletes which, according to literature, would be the ideal one to achieve success in sports
Estilo de liderança no contexto de treinadores de natação do Paraná
Este estudo de cunho descritivo com caráter transversal teve como objetivo investigar o estilo de liderança dos treinadores de natação do Paraná. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 33 atletas (67,3%) do gênero masculino, 16 atletas (32,7%) do gênero feminino e 6 técnicos. A coleta de dados ocorreu durante a realização da fase final dos Jogos Abertos do Paraná 2010. O instrumento de medida utilizado foi a Escala de Liderança no Desporto (ELD). Para análise dos dados, utilizaram-se o teste de Shapiro Wilk, Mann-Whitney, a Manova e Post Hoc de Scheffe (p<0,05). Os resultados evidenciaram que na comparação entre a percepção e a preferência dos atletas houve diferença significativa nas dimensões treino-instrução (p=0,001), reforço (p=0,008) e estilo democrático (p=0,020); atletas do gênero masculino têm maior preferência pelo estilo autocrático do que atletas do gênero feminino (p=0,031); não houve diferença significativa entre as dimensões: percepção dos atletas e a autopercepção dos treinadores. Conclui-se: os treinadores paranaenses da modalidade de natação apresentam o estilo democrático, utilizando-se do reforço e do treino instrução como recursos técnico-táticos para os seus treinamentos; na equipe campeã, o treinador apresentou perfil semelhante entre o atual e o preferido dos atletas que, segundo a literatura, seria o ideal para alcançar o sucesso esportivo