16,415 research outputs found

    Incentives for breastfeeding and for smoking cessation in pregnancy: An exploration of types and meanings

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    Financial or tangible incentives are a strategy for improving health behaviours. The mechanisms of action of incentives are complex and debated. Using a multidisciplinary integrated mixed methods study, with service-user collaboration throughout, we developed a typology of incentives and their meanings for initiating and sustaining smoking cessation in pregnancy and breastfeeding. The ultimate aim was to inform incentive intervention design by providing insights into incentive acceptability and mechanisms of action. Systematic evidence syntheses of incentive intervention studies for smoking cessation in pregnancy or breastfeeding identified incentive characteristics, which were developed into initial categories. Little published qualitative data on user perspectives and acceptability was available. Qualitative interviews and focus groups conducted in three UK regions with a diverse socio-demographic sample of 88 women and significant others from the target population, 53 service providers, 24 experts/decision makers, and conference attendees identified new potential incentives and providers, with and without experience of incentives. Identified incentives (published and emergent) were classified into eight categories: cash and shopping vouchers, maternal wellbeing, baby and pregnancy-related, behaviour-related, health-related, general utility, awards and certificates, and experiences. A typology was refined iteratively through concurrent data collection and thematic analysis to explore participants' understandings of ‘incentives’ and to compare and contrast meanings across types. Our typology can be understood in three dimensions: the degree of restriction, the extent to which each is hedonic and/or utilitarian, and whether each has solely monetary value versus monetary with added social value. The layers of autonomy, meanings and the social value of incentive types influence their acceptability and interact with structural, social, and personal factors. Dimensions of incentive meaning that go beyond the simple incentive description should inform incentive programme design and are likely to influence outcomes

    Mn L2,3_{2,3} edge resonant x-ray scattering in manganites: Influence of the magnetic state

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    We present an analysis of the dependence of the resonant orbital order and magnetic scattering spectra on the spin configuration. We consider an arbitrary spin direction with respect to the local crystal field axis, thus lowering significantly the local symmetry. To evaluate the atomic scattering in this case, we generalized the Hannon-Trammel formula and implemented it inside the framework of atomic multiplet calculations in a crystal field. For an illustration, we calculate the magnetic and orbital scattering in the CE phase of \lsmo in the cases when the spins are aligned with the crystal lattice vector a{\vec a} (or equivalently b{\vec b}) and when they are rotated in the abab-plane by 45^{\circ} with respect to this axis. Magnetic spectra differ for the two cases. For the orbital scattering, we show that for the former configuration there is a non negligible σσ\sigma \to \sigma' (ππ\pi \to \pi') scattering component, which vanishes in the 45^\circ case, while the σπ\sigma \to \pi' (πσ\pi \to \sigma') components are similar in the two cases. From the consideration of two 90^\circ spin canted structures, we conclude there is a significant dependence of the orbital scattering spectra on the spin arrangement. Recent experiments detected a sudden decrease of the orbital scattering intensity upon increasing the temperature above the N\' eel temperature in \lsmo. We discuss this behavior considering the effect of different types of misorientations of the spins on the orbital scattering spectrum.Comment: 8 figures. In the revised version, we added a note, a reference, and a few minor changes in Figure 1 and the text. Accepted in Physical Review

    On credit spread slopes and predicting bank risk

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    The authors examine whether credit-spread curves, engendered by a mandatory subordinated-debt requirement for banks, would help predict bank risk. They extract the credit-spread curves each quarter for each bank in our sample, and analyze the information content of credit-spread slopes. They find that credit-spread slopes are significant predictors of future credit spreads. However, credit-spread slopes do not provide significant additional information on future bank-risk variables, over and above other bank-specific and market-wide information.Bank capital ; Risk

    Monitoring and controlling bank risk: does risky debt serve any purpose?

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    To examine whether mandating banks to issue subordinated debt would enhance market monitoring and control risk-taking, the authors extract the credit-spread curve for each banking firm in their sample. After controlling for changes in market and liquidity variables, they find that changes in credit spreads do not reflect changes in bank risk variables. The result is robust to firm type, examination rating, size, leverage, and profitability, as well as to different model specifications. They also find that issuing subordinated debt does not alter banks' risk-taking behavior. They conclude that a mandatory subordinated debt requirement for banks is unlikely to provide the intended benefits of enhancing risk-monitoring or controlling risk-taking.Bank capital ; Risk

    Collaboration in museums and health research

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    This study reflects on the range of collaborations in two distinct but thematically linked UCL research projects which consider the role of culture in health promotion: Museums on Prescription (2014–2017), in partnership with Canterbury Christ Church University, explores the value of heritage encounters in social prescribing for lonely older adults at risk of social isolation; and Not So Grim Up North (2016–2018), in conjunction with Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester and Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums, investigates the health and wellbeing impacts of museum activities for stroke survivors; older adults with dementia; and mental health and addiction recovery service-users. Both projects employ a mixed-methods approach using quantitative and qualitative data. The research projects have been developed and delivered through collaborations between interdisciplinary university researchers, museum practitioners, health and social care professionals and end-users. Collaboration has taken different forms including co-developing evaluation methods, co-disseminating outputs, and through advisory boards. This study reflects on the opportunities and challenges of collaboration, noting the language and practice dissonance across different fields and the importance of finding common ground. It also highlights the considerable amount of time that is required to build genuine collaborative relationships, which is not often acknowledged in research outputs

    Impact of genotypic errors with equal and unequal family contribution on accuracy of genomic prediction in aquaculture using simulation

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    Genotypic errors, conflict between recorded genotype and the true genotype, can lead to false or biased population genetic parameters. Here, the effect of genotypic errors on accuracy of genomic predictions and genomic relationship matrix are investigated using a simulation study based on population and genomic structure comparable to black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon. Fifty full-sib families across five generations with phenotypic and genotypic information on 53 K SNPs were simulated. Ten replicates of different scenarios with three heritability estimates, equal and unequal family contributions were generated. Within each scenario, four SNP densities and three genotypic error rates in each SNP density were implemented. Results showed that family contribution did not have a substantial impact on accuracy of predictions across different datasets. In the absence of genotypic errors, 3 K SNP density was found to be efficient in estimating the accuracy, whilst increasing the SNP density from 3 to 20 K resulted in a marginal increase in accuracy of genomic predictions using the current population and genomic parameters. In addition, results showed that the presence of even 10% errors in a 10 and 20 K SNP panel might not have a severe impact on accuracy of predictions. However, below 10 K marker density, even a 5% error can result in lower accuracy of predictions

    Energy poverty and indoor cooling: an overlooked issue in Europe

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    Conceptually, many energy poverty studies to date have been narrowly focused on inadequate indoor heating, paying little attention to other domestic energy services. Yet there are indications that a growing number of households in Europe are struggling to achieve adequate levels of indoor cooling, with adverse consequences for their health, well-being and productivity. This situation is exacerbated by changing global weather patterns, with many countries facing increases in the frequency and intensity of extreme heatwaves. There is limited understanding of the ways in which households respond to extreme heat, and consequently how this might create greater demand for indoor space cooling and air conditioning, and the consequences for increased stress on power grids and conflicts with carbon reduction goals. Using custom-built survey data collected from 2,337 households in Gdańsk (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic), Budapest (Hungary) and Skopje (FYR Macedonia), along with in-depth qualitative fieldwork with 55 households in the same cities, this paper presents novel evidence on the issue of summertime energy poverty and space cooling difficulties. We identify the driving forces of household vulnerability to excessive indoor heat, in terms of risk of exposure, adaptive capacity, and sensitivity, and explore the implications for addressing energy poverty

    Perspectives on financial incentives to health service providers for increasing breast feeding and smoking quit rates during pregnancy: a mixed methods study

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    Objective: To explore the acceptability, mechanisms and consequences of provider incentives for smoking cessation and breast feeding as part of the Benefits of Incentives for Breastfeeding and Smoking cessation in pregnancy (BIBS) study. Design: Cross-sectional survey and qualitative interviews. Setting: Scotland and North West England. Participants: Early years professionals: 497 survey respondents included 156 doctors; 197 health visitors/maternity staff; 144 other health staff. Qualitative interviews or focus groups were conducted with 68 pregnant/postnatal women/family members; 32 service providers; 22 experts/decision-makers; 63 conference attendees. Methods: Early years professionals were surveyed via email about the acceptability of payments to local health services for reaching smoking cessation in pregnancy and breastfeeding targets. Agreement was measured on a 5-point scale using multivariable ordered logit models. A framework approach was used to analyse free-text survey responses and qualitative data. Results: Health professional net agreement for provider incentives for smoking cessation targets was 52.9% (263/497); net disagreement was 28.6% (142/497). Health visitors/maternity staff were more likely than doctors to agree: OR 2.35 (95% CI 1.51 to 3.64; p<0.001). Net agreement for provider incentives for breastfeeding targets was 44.1% (219/497) and net disagreement was 38.6% (192/497). Agreement was more likely for women (compared with men): OR 1.81 (1.09 to 3.00; p=0.023) and health visitors/maternity staff (compared with doctors): OR 2.54 (95% CI 1.65 to 3.91; p<0.001). Key emergent themes were 'moral tensions around acceptability', 'need for incentives', 'goals', 'collective or divisive action' and 'monitoring and proof'. While provider incentives can focus action and resources, tensions around the impact on relationships raised concerns. Pressure, burden of proof, gaming, box-ticking bureaucracies and health inequalities were counterbalances to potential benefits. Conclusions: Provider incentives are favoured by non-medical staff. Solutions which increase trust and collaboration towards shared goals, without negatively impacting on relationships or increasing bureaucracy are required

    ROSAT HRI observations of Centaurus A

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    We present results from a sensitive high-resolution X-ray observation of the nearby active galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) with the ROSAT HRI. The 65~ksec X-ray image clearly distinguishes different components of the X-ray emission from Cen A: the nucleus and the jet, the diffuse galaxy halo, and a number of individual sources associated with the galaxy. The luminosity of the nucleus increased by a factor of two compared to an earlier ROSAT observation in 1990. The high spatial resolution of the ROSAT HRI shows that most of the knots in the jet are extended both along and perpendicular to the jet axis. We report the detection of a new X-ray feature, at the opposite side of the X-ray jet which is probably due to compression of hot interstellar gas by the expanding southwestern inner radio lobe.Comment: To be published in Astrophys. Journal Letters. 4 pages, 3 plate

    Early Atomic Models - From Mechanical to Quantum (1904-1913)

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    A complete history of early atomic models would fill volumes, but a reasonably coherent tale of the path from mechanical atoms to the quantum can be told by focusing on the relevant work of three great contributors to atomic physics, in the critically important years between 1904 and 1913: J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr. We first examine the origins of Thomson's mechanical atomic models, from his ethereal vortex atoms in the early 1880's, to the myriad "corpuscular" atoms he proposed following the discovery of the electron in 1897. Beyond predictions for the periodicity of the elements, the application of Thomson's atoms to problems in scattering and absorption led to quantitative predictions that were confirmed by experiments with high-velocity electrons traversing thin sheets of metal. Still, the much more massive and energetic {\alpha}-particles being studied by Rutherford were better suited for exploring the interior of the atom, and careful measurements on the angular dependence of their scattering eventually allowed him to infer the existence of an atomic nucleus. Niels Bohr was particularly troubled by the radiative instability inherent to any mechanical atom, and succeeded in 1913 where others had failed in the prediction of emission spectra, by making two bold hypotheses that were in contradiction to the laws of classical physics, but necessary in order to account for experimental facts.Comment: 58 Pages + References, 8 Figures. Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal H (Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics). V2 - minor typos corrected and a footnote added to p.2