9,469 research outputs found

    Application of Ultrasonic Pod Models

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    The ability to quantify the reliability of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) inspection techniques is required to integrate inspectability into the component design process. Inspectability is typically evaluated on the basis of the design engineer’s experience and knowledge of NDE. While this approach can yield adequate designs with regard to inspection reliability, the potential for uninspectability remains. There is also the possibility that the designer’s knowledge of the reliability of NDE techniques may be limited to “standard” approaches which may be be inadequate for new component geometries or materials. This could lead the design engineer to imagine that a given component is inadequately inspectable and to redesign the part when the correct solution is either to modify the inspection protocol or to select a different technique. Alternatively, models which predict inspection reliability could be used to weigh the trade-offs and risks associated with selection among candidate NDE techniques to be applied to inspection of a given component design and to identify NDE system configurations for optimal reliability. This approach is, in fact, a key feature of the Unified Life Cycle Engineering concept currently being developed by the Air Force[l]

    Type discrimination of Various Welding Defects Created During Production and In-Service Use

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    Verification of the quality of welded structures, both post-production and in-service, has long been a concern of the engineering, materials and nondestructive communities. Nondestructive techniques have been developed and refined to address this verification problem. Each technique has inherent limitations, however, that in certain situations preclude its use or severely restrict the type of information that may be obtained particularly concerning the flaw type. Of these techniques, x-ray investigation is probably the most versatile in determining flaw type and size at present. The equipment required for x-ray examination, however, place constraints on its use, particularly for in-service structures, from the standpoint of accessibility and personnel safety.</p


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    Interval brain imaging for adults with cerebral glioma

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    © 2018 The Cochrane Collaboration. This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To determine whether interval brain imaging (performing brain imaging at regular intervals) compared with brain imaging upon clinical indication (performing brain imaging upon the development of new or worsening symptoms) improves outcomes associated with cerebral glioma. To appraise critically and summarise current evidence on the costs and cost-effectiveness of interval brain imaging compared with symptomatic imaging

    The PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): Multi-phase cold gas kinematic of M51

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The kinematic complexity and the favorable position of M51 on the sky make this galaxy an ideal target to test different theories of spiral arm dynamics. Taking advantage of the new high-resolution PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey data, we undertake a detailed kinematic study of M51 to characterize and quantify the origin and nature of the non-circular motions. Using a tilted-ring analysis supported by several other archival data sets, we update the estimation of M51's position angle (P.A. = (173 ± 3)°) and inclination (i = (22 ± 5)°). Harmonic decomposition of the high-resolution (∼40 pc) CO velocity field shows the first kinematic evidence of an m = 3 wave in the inner disk of M51 with a corotation at R CR, m = 3 = 1.1 ± 0.1 kpc and a pattern speed of Ωp, m = 3 ≈ 140 km s -1 kpc-1. This mode seems to be excited by the nuclear bar, while the beat frequencies generated by the coupling between the m = 3 mode and the main spiral structure confirm its density-wave nature. We observe also a signature of an m = 1 mode that is likely responsible for the lopsidedness of M51 at small and large radii. We provide a simple method to estimate the radial variation of the amplitude of the spiral perturbation (V sp) attributed to the different modes. The main spiral arm structure has 〈V sp〉 = 50-70 km s-1, while the streaming velocity associated with the m = 1 and m = 3 modes is, in general, two times lower. Our joint analysis of H I and CO velocity fields at low and high spatial resolution reveals that the atomic and molecular gas phases respond differently to the spiral perturbation due to their different vertical distribution and emission morphology. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We thank our anonymous referee for thoughtful comments that improved the quality of the paper. We thank the IRAM staff for their support during the observations with the Plateau de Bure interferometer and the 30 m telescope. D.C. and A.H. acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via grant SCHI 536/5-1 and SCHI 536/7-1 as part of the priority program SPP 1573 “ISM-SPP: Physics of the Interstellar Medium.” C.L.D. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC starting grant project LOCALSTAR. T.A.T. acknowledges support from NASA grant No. NNX10AD01G. During this work, J.P. was partially funded by the grant ANR-09-BLAN-0231-01 from the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the SCHISM project (http://schism.ens.fr/). E.S., A.H. and D.C. thank NRAO for their support and hospitality during their visits in Charlottesville. E.S. thanks the Aspen Center for Physics and the NSF grant No. 1066293 for hospitality during the development and writing of this paper. D.C. thanks Glenn van de Ven for the useful discussion and the help with the harmonic decomposition code. S.G.B. acknowledges economic support from Junta de Andalucia grant P08 TIC 03531. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc

    The PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): Environmental dependence of giant molecular cloud properties in M51

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    This is the final version of the article. Available fromAmerican Astronomical Society / IOP Publishing via the DOI in this recordUsing data from the PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS), we have generated the largest extragalactic giant molecular cloud (GMC) catalog to date, containing 1507 individual objects. GMCs in the inner M51 disk account for only 54% of the total 12CO(1-0) luminosity of the survey, but on average they exhibit physical properties similar to Galactic GMCs. We do not find a strong correlation between the GMC size and velocity dispersion, and a simple virial analysis suggests that ∼30% of GMCs in M51 are unbound. We have analyzed the GMC properties within seven dynamically motivated galactic environments, finding that GMCs in the spiral arms and in the central region are brighter and have higher velocity dispersions than inter-arm clouds. Globally, the GMC mass distribution does not follow a simple power-law shape. Instead, we find that the shape of the mass distribution varies with galactic environment: the distribution is steeper in inter-arm region than in the spiral arms, and exhibits a sharp truncation at high masses for the nuclear bar region. We propose that the observed environmental variations in the GMC properties and mass distributions are a consequence of the combined action of large-scale dynamical processes and feedback from high-mass star formation. We describe some challenges of using existing GMC identification techniques for decomposing the 12CO(1-0) emission in molecule-rich environments, such as M51's inner disk. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    The Rise and Peak of the Luminous Type IIn SN 2017hcc/ATLAS17lsn from ASAS-SN and Swift UVOT Data

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    We present observations of the rise and peak of the Type IIn supernova SN 2017hcc/ATLAS17lsn obtained by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) and Swift UVOT. The light curve of SN 2017hcc/ATLAS17lsn peaks at V13.7V\simeq 13.7 mag, which from the estimated redshift of the host galaxy (z=0.0168z=0.0168, D73D\simeq 73 Mpc) implies an absolute peak magnitude MV,peak20.7M_{V,peak} \simeq -20.7 mag. The near-UV to optical spectral energy distribution of SN 2017hcc/ATLAS17lsn from Swift UVOT is consistent with a hot, but cooling blackbody with Tbb16500\rm T_{bb}\simeq 16500 K on Oct. 28.4 and Tbb11700\rm T_{bb} \simeq 11700 K on Nov. 19.6. The estimated peak bolometric luminosity Lbol,peak1.3×1044L_{bol, peak}\simeq 1.3\times 10^{44} erg s1^{-1} makes SN2017hcc/ATLAS17lsn one of the most luminous Type IIn supernovae studied to date. From the bolometric light curve we constrain the risetime to be 27\sim 27 days and the total radiated energy of the event to date is 4×10504\times 10^{50} erg

    Gravitational torques imply molecular gas inflow towards the nucleus of M 51

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    PublishedJournal Article© 2016 ESO.The transport of gas towards the centre of galaxies is critical for black hole feeding and, indirectly, it can control active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. We have quantified the molecular gas inflow in the central R< 1 kpc of M 51 to be 1 M⊙/yr, using a new gravitational torque map and the molecular gas traced by the Plateau de Bure Interferometer Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS). The nuclear stellar bar is responsible for this gas inflow. We also used torque profiles to estimate the location of dynamical resonances, and the results suggest a corotation for the bar CRbar ∼ 20″, and a corotation for the spiral CRsp ∼ 100″. We demonstrate how important it is to correct 3.6 μm images for dust emission when gravitational torques are to be computed, and we examine further sources of uncertainty. Our observational measurement of gas inflow can be compared with nuclear molecular outflow rates and provide useful constraints for numerical simulations.The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for a helpful report, as well as Daniela Calzetti, Nick Z. Scoville and Mari Polletta for making the HST/F190N mosaic available to us. We also appreciate valuable comments from Françoise Combes and Sebastian Haan. We acknowledge financial support to the DAGAL network from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007- 2013/ under REA grant agreement number PITN-GA-2011-289313. M.Q. acknowledges the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD). S.G.B. thanks support from Spanish grant AYA2012-32295. J.P. acknowledges support from the CNRS programme “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI). M.Q., S.E.M., D.C. and A.H. acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via grants SCHI 536/7-2,SCHI 536/5-1, and SCHI 536/7-1 as part of the priority program SPP 1573 “ISM-SPP: Physics of the Interstellar Medium”

    Short GMC lifetimes: an observational estimate with the PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS)

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    PublishedJournal ArticleWe describe and execute a novel approach to observationally estimate the lifetimes of giant molecular clouds (GMCs). We focus on the cloud population between the two main spiral arms in M51 (the inter-arm region) where cloud destruction via shear and star formation feedback dominates over formation processes. By monitoring the change in GMC number densities and properties across the inter-arm, we estimate the lifetime as a fraction of the inter-arm travel time. We find that GMC lifetimes in M51's inter-arm are finite and short, 20-30 Myr. Over most of the region under investigation shear appears to regulate the lifetime. As the shear timescale increases with galactocentric radius, we expect cloud destruction to switch primarily to feedback at larger radii. We identify a transition from shear- to feedback-dominated disruption, finding that shear is more efficient at dispersing clouds, whereas feedback transforms the population, e.g., by fragmenting high-mass clouds into lower mass pieces. Compared to the characteristic timescale for molecular hydrogen in M51, our short lifetimes suggest that gas can remain molecular while clouds disperse and reassemble. We propose that galaxy dynamics regulates the cycling of molecular material from diffuse to bound (and ultimately star-forming) objects, contributing to long observed molecular depletion times in normal disk galaxies. We also speculate that, in extreme environments like elliptical galaxies and concentrated galaxy centers, star formation can be suppressed when the shear timescale is short enough that some clouds will not survive to form stars.We thank the IRAM staff for their support during the observations with the Plateau de Bure interferometer and the 30 m telescope. S.E.M., D.C., and A.H. acknowledge funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via grants SCHI 536/7-2, SCHI 536/5-1, and SCHI 536/7-1 as part of the priority program SPP 1573 “ISM-SPP: Physics of the Interstellar Medium.” C.L.D. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC starting grant project LOCALSTAR. T.A.T. acknowledges support from NASA grant number NNX10AD01G. J.P. acknowledges support from the CNRS program “Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire” (PCMI). M.Q. acknowledges financial support to the DAGAL network from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement number PITN-GA-2011-289313