810 research outputs found

    Itaconic Acid Derivatives Of Sulfanilamide and Sulfone

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    In this investigation thirty- eight itaconic acid derivatives of sulfanilamide were synthesize

    Attributes of innovations and approaches to scalability - lessons from a national program to extend the scope of practice of health professionals

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    The context for the paper was the evaluation of a national program in Australia to investigate extended scopes of practice for health professionals (paramedics, physiotherapists, and nurses). The design of the evaluation involved a mixed-methods approach with multiple data sources. Four multidisciplinary models of extended scope of practice were tested over an 18-month period, involving 26 organizations, 224 health professionals, and 36 implementation sites. The evaluation focused on what could be learned to inform scaling up the extended scopes of practice on a national scale. The evaluation findings were used to develop a conceptual framework for use by clinicians, managers, and policy makers to determine appropriate strategies for scaling up effective innovations. Development of the framework was informed by the literature on the diffusion of innovations, particularly an understanding that certain attributes of innovations influence adoption. The framework recognizes the role played by three groups of stakeholders: evidence producers, evidence influencers, and evidence adopters. The use of the framework is illustrated with four case studies from the evaluation. The findings demonstrate how the scaling up of innovations can be influenced by three quite distinct approaches - letting adoption take place in an uncontrolled, unplanned, way; actively helping the process of adoption; or taking deliberate steps to ensure that adoption takes place. Development of the conceptual framework resulted in two sets of questions to guide decisions about scalability, one for those considering whether to adopt the innovation (evidence adopters), and the other for those trying to decide on the optimal strategy for dissemination (evidence influencers)

    Towards a Molecular Inventory of Protostellar Discs

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    The chemical environment in circumstellar discs is a unique diagnostic of the thermal, physical and chemical environment. In this paper we examine the structure of star formation regions giving rise to low mass stars, and the chemical environment inside them, and the circumstellar discs around the developing stars.Comment: 9 page PDF, 550 kbyte

    Sampling of aryldiazonium, anilino, and aryl radicals by membrane introduction mass spectrometry: Thermolysis of aromatic diazoamino compounds

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    Membrane introduction mass spectrometry (MIMS) is used to sample free radicals generated by thermolysis at atmospheric pressure. This is done by heating the solid sample in a custom-made probe that is fitted with a silicone membrane to allow selective and rapid introduction of the pyrolysates into the ion source of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Phenyldiazonium radical (C6H5N2) and some of its ring-substituted analogs, the methoxy anilino radical CH3OC6H4NH, and aryl radicals are generated by gas phase thermolysis of symmetrical aryl diazoamino compounds (ArNH-N2Ar). The radicals are identified by measurement of their ionization energies (IE) using threshold ionization efficiency data. A linear correlation between the ionization energy of the phenyldiazonium radicals and their Brown σ+ values is observed, and this confirms the formation of these species and validates the applicability of MIMS in sampling these radicals. The ionization energies of the aryldiazonium radicals are estimated as IE (p-CH3O-C6H4N2·), 6.74 ± 0.2 eV; IE (p-CH3-C6H4N2·), 7.72 ± 0.2 eV; IE (C6H5N2·), 7.89 ± 0.2 eV; IE (m-Cl-C6H4N2·), 7.91 ± 0.2 eV; IE (p-F-C6H4N2·), 8.03 ± 0.2 eV; and IE (m-NO2-C6H4N2·), 8.90 = 0.2 eV. The ionization energies of the aryl radicals are estimated as IE (p-CH3O-C6H4·), 7.33 ± 0.2 eV; IE (p-CH3-C6H4·), 8.31 ± 0.2 eV; IE (C6H5·), 8.44 ± 0.2 eV; IE (m-Cl-C6H4·), 8.50 ± 0.2 eV and IE (p-F-C6H4), 8.54 ± 0.2 eV. Also, the ionization energy of the p-methoxyanilino radical (p-CH3O-C6H4NH·) is estimated as 7.63 ± 0.2 eV

    Establishing the Learned Effect of Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Tests

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    The Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) is a recognized and well-established measure of power output, muscular endurance, and fatigue. However, a learning effect could reduce the reliability of these measures. PURPOSE: To establish the number of WAnT trials needed to produce a learned effect. METHODS: Thirty-six apparently healthy college-aged men (n=20) and women (n=16) who had not previously performed a WAnT participated in five WAnT trials separated by a minimum of 72 hours. Peak Power (PP) and Mean Power (MP) were recorded for each trial. Resistance for trials was calculated at 7.5% of each respective participant’s weight. RESULTS: In men, paired samples t-test revealed PP increased on all trials (2-5) when compared to trial 1 (+44.66W, +49.19W, +55.80W, +63.95W; p=0.02, p=0.01, p=0.01, p=0.00, respectively). PP significantly increased from trial 1 to trial 2 (849.21±127.41 watts to 893.87±143.92 watts, p\u3c.05), but leveled thereafter with no significant differences between trials 2-5 (p\u3e.05). The same results were found for MP, with a significant increase from trial 1 to 2 (627.90±79.01 watts to 660.04±79.66 watts, p\u3c.01), but no differences found between trials 2-5 (p\u3e.05). There was a trend toward an elicited peak MP at trial 3 (p=.09, Cohen’s d= -.83). In women, the average PP and MP for trial 1 was 547.74±94.56 watts and 415.91±68.21 watts, respectively, with no significant differences found between trials (p\u3e.05). These results suggest that a learned effect is present within PP and MP until trial 2 of the WAnT, with a trend toward peak MP at trial 3 for male participants. CONCLUSION: Thereby, suggesting that when performing WAnT, utilizing less than 3 practice trials might elicit significant power increase in male participants due to this learned effect. Current data suggests that female participants elicit peak power at trial 1 of the WAnT, with no significant increase in subsequent trials. Additional research should be conducted in order to further investigate the non-significant trend of increasing power output across WAnT trials in male participants as well the lack of female learned response

    "It All Ended in an Unsporting Way": Serbian Football and the Disintegration of Yugoslavia, 1989-2006

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    Part of a wider examination into football during the collapse of Eastern European Communism between 1989 and 1991, this article studies the interplay between Serbian football and politics during the period of Yugoslavia's demise. Research utilizing interviews with individuals directly involved in the Serbian game, in conjunction with contemporary Yugoslav media sources, indicates that football played an important proactive role in the revival of Serbian nationalism. At the same time the Yugoslav conflict, twinned with a complex transition to a market economy, had disastrous consequences for football throughout the territories of the former Yugoslavia. In the years following the hostilities the Serbian game has suffered decline, major financial hardship and continuing terrace violence, resulting in widespread nostalgia for the pre-conflict era

    JTEC panel on display technologies in Japan

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    This report is one in a series of reports that describes research and development efforts in Japan in the area of display technologies. The following are included in this report: flat panel displays (technical findings, liquid crystal display development and production, large flat panel displays (FPD's), electroluminescent displays and plasma panels, infrastructure in Japan's FPD industry, market and projected sales, and new a-Si active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) factory); materials for flat panel displays (liquid crystal materials, and light-emissive display materials); manufacturing and infrastructure of active matrix liquid crystal displays (manufacturing logistics and equipment); passive matrix liquid crystal displays (LCD basics, twisted nematics LCD's, supertwisted nematic LCD's, ferroelectric LCD's, and a comparison of passive matrix LCD technology); active matrix technology (basic active matrix technology, investment environment, amorphous silicon, polysilicon, and commercial products and prototypes); and projection displays (comparison of Japanese and U.S. display research, and technical evaluation of work)

    Tunable-filter imaging of quasar fields at z~1. I. A cluster around MRC B0450-221

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    Using a combination of multicolour broad- and narrow-band imaging techniques and follow-up spectroscopy, we have detected an overdensity of galaxies in the field of quasar MRC B0450-221, whose properties are consistent with a cluster at the quasar redshift z=0.9. An excess of red galaxies (V-I>2.2, I-K'>3.8) is evident within 1' of the quasar, with the colours expected for galaxies at z=0.9 that have evolved passively for 3 Gyr or more. A number of line-emitting galaxies (nine candidates with equivalent widths EW>70A) are also detected in the field using the TAURUS Tunable Filter (TTF). Three have been confirmed spectroscopically to indeed lie at z=0.9. The TTF candidates with the strongest [O II] line emission cluster in a group which lies 200-700 kpc away from the quasar and the red galaxy excess, and therefore most likely on the outskirts of the cluster. These observations are the first in a series probing quasar environments at z~1 with TTF.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 25 pages, 24 figs (large files in jpg or gif format), uses emulateapj.st