2,617 research outputs found

    Charge-ice dynamics in the negative thermal expansion material Cd(CN)2_2

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    We use variable-temperature (150--300\,K) single-crystal X-ray diffraction to re-examine the interplay between structure and dynamics in the ambient phase of the isotropic negative thermal expansion (NTE) material Cd(CN)2_2. We find strong experimental evidence for the existence of low-energy vibrational modes that involve off-centering of Cd2+^{2+} ions. These modes have the effect of increasing network packing density---suggesting a mechanism for NTE that is different to the generally-accepted picture of correlated Cd(C/N)4_4 rotation modes. Strong local correlations in the displacement directions of neighbouring cadmium centres are evident in the existence of highly-structured diffuse scattering in the experimental X-ray diffraction patterns. Monte Carlo simulations suggest these patterns might be interpreted in terms of a basic set of `ice-rules' that establish a mapping between the dynamics of Cd(CN)2_2 and proton ordering in cubic ice VII.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Probing the 5th Dimension with the QCD String

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    A salient feature of String/Gauge duality is an extra 5th dimension. Here we study the effect of confining deformations of AdS5 and compute the spectrum of a string stretched between infinitely massive quarks and compare it with the quantum states of the QCD flux as determined by Kuti, Juge and Morningstar in lattice simulations. In the long flux tube limit the AdS string probes the metric near the IR cutoff of the 5th dimension with a spectrum approximated by a Nambu-Goto string in 4-d flat space, whereas at short distance the string moves to the UV region with a discrete spectrum for pure AdS5. We also review earlier results on glueballs states and the cross-over between hard and soft diffractive scattering that support this picture.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, invited talk by Brower and Tan at the Eighth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamcis, June (2004

    Microplastics in the Environment

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019. Microplastics are small pieces of plastic debris less than 5 mm in diameter. They have accumulated in the environment as a consequence of: the direct release of small particles, such as those used in cosmetics; or as a consequence of wear, for example fibres released from textiles. The main source of microplastic is considered to be the fragmentation of larger items of plastics in the environment. Microplastics are widely distributed in freshwater and marine environments including remote locations such as the arctic and deep sea. A wide range of organisms are known to ingest microplastics and laboratory studies indicate the potential for harmful effects. Plastic debris can also transport co-contaminants including chemical additives and pollutants sorbed from sea water. These chemicals can be released to organisms upon ingestion, but there is little evidence that plastics provide an important pathway leading to toxicological effects in environmentally relevant scenarios. Removing microplastics from the environment is impractical and the most effective solutions are to minimise the release of plastics to the environment as litter. In this regard much could be achieved by actions to reduce the accumulation of larger items of litter such as packaging, which will eventually fragment into microplastics

    33.8 GHz CCS Survey of Molecular Cores in Dark Clouds

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    We have conducted a survey of the CCS JN=3221J_N = 3_2-2_1 line toward 11 dark clouds and star-forming regions at 30 arcsec spatial resolution and 0.054 km/s velocity resolution. CCS was only detected in quiescent clouds, not in active star-forming regions. The CCS distribution shows remarkable clumpy structure, and 25 clumps are identified in 7 clouds. Seven clumps with extremely narrow nonthermal linewidths < 0.1 km/s are among the most quiescent clumps ever found. The CCS clumps tend to exist around the higher density regions traced by NH_3 emission or submillimeter continuum sources, and the distribution is not spherically symmetric. Variation of the CCS abundance was suggested as an indicator of the evolutionary status of star formation. However, we can only find a weak correlation between N(CCS) and nH2,virn_{H_2,vir}. The velocity distributions of CCS clouds reveal that a systematic velocity pattern generally exists. The most striking feature in our data is a ring structure in the position-velocity diagram of L1544 with an well-resolved inner hole of 0.04 pc x 0.13 km/s and an outer boundary of 0.16 pc x 0.55 km/s. This position-velocity structure clearly indicates an edge-on disk or ring geometry, and it can be interpreted as a collapsing disk with an infall velocity \gtrsim 0.1 km/s and a rotational velocity less than our velocity resolution. Nonthermal linewidth distribution is generally coherent in CCS clouds, which could be evidence for the termination of Larson's Law at small scales, \sim 0.1 pc.Comment: 21 pages, 25 ostscript figures, accepted for publication in the Supplement Series of the Astrophysical Journal (May 2000

    Mass and p-factor of the type II Cepheid OGLE-LMC-T2CEP-098 in a binary system

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    We present the results of a study of the type II Cepheid (Ppuls=4.974dP_{puls} = 4.974 d) in the eclipsing binary system OGLE-LMC-T2CEP-098 (Porb=397.2dP_{orb} = 397.2 d). The Cepheid belongs to the peculiar W Vir group, for which the evolutionary status is virtually unknown. It is the first single-lined system with a pulsating component analyzed using the method developed by Pilecki et al. (2013). We show that the presence of a pulsator makes it possible to derive accurate physical parameters of the stars even if radial velocities can be measured for only one of the components. We have used four different methods to limit and estimate the physical parameters, eventually obtaining precise results by combining pulsation theory with the spectroscopic and photometric solutions. The Cepheid radius, mass and temperature are 25.3±0.2R25.3 \pm 0.2 R_\odot, 1.51±0.09M1.51 \pm 0.09 M_\odot and 5300±100K5300 \pm 100 K, respectively, while its companion has similar size (26.3R26.3 R_\odot), but is more massive (6.8M6.8 M_\odot) and hotter (9500K9500 K). Our best estimate for the p-factor of the Cepheid is 1.30±0.031.30 \pm 0.03. The mass, position on the period-luminosity diagram, and pulsation amplitude indicate that the pulsating component is very similar to the Anomalous Cepheids, although it has a much longer period and is redder in color. The very unusual combination of the components suggest that the system has passed through a mass transfer phase in its evolution. More complicated internal structure would then explain its peculiarity.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    NICMOS Imaging of the HR 4796A Circumstellar Disk

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    We report the first near infrared (NIR) imaging of a circumstellar annular disk around the young (~8 Myr), Vega-like star, HR 4796A. NICMOS coronagraph observations at 1.1 and 1.6 microns reveal a ring-like symmetrical structure peaking in reflected intensity 1.05 arcsec +/- 0.02 arcsec (~ 70 AU) from the central A0V star. The ring geometry, with an inclination of 73.1 deg +/- 1.2 deg and a major axis PA of 26.8 deg +/- 0.6 deg, is in good agreement with recent 12.5 and 20.8 micron observations of a truncated disk (Koerner, et al. 1998). The ring is resolved with a characteristic width of less than 0.26 arcsec (17 AU) and appears abruptly truncated at both the inner and outer edges. The region of the disk-plane inward of ~60 AU appears to be relatively free of scattering material. The integrated flux density of the part of the disk that is visible (greater than 0.65 arcsec from the star) is found to be 7.5 +/- 0.5 mJy and 7.4 +/- 1.2 mJy at 1.1 and 1.6 microns, respectively. Correcting for the unseen area of the ring yields total flux densities of 12.8 +/- 1.0 mJy and 12.5 +/- 2.0 mJy, respectively (Vega magnitudes = 12.92 /+- 0.08 and 12.35 +/-0.18). The NIR luminosity ratio is evaluated from these results and ground-based photometry of the star. At these wavelengths Ldisk(lambda)/L*(lambda) = 1.4 +/- 0.2E-3 and 2.4 +/- 0.5E-3, giving reasonable agreement between the stellar flux scattered in the NIR and that which is absorbed in the visible and re-radiated in the thermal infrared. The somewhat red reflectance of the disk at these wavelengths implies mean particle sizes in excess of several microns, larger than typical interstellar grains. The confinement of material to a relatively narrow annular zone implies dynamical constraints on the disk particles by one or more as yet unseen bodies.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure for associated gif file see: http://nicmosis.as.arizona.edu:8000/AAS99/FIGURE1_HR4796A_ApJL.gif . Accepted 13 January 1999, Astrophyical Journal Letter

    Variations in tephra stratigraphy created by small-scale surface features in sub-polar landscapes

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    Financial support for this work was provided by NERC Doctoral Training Partnership Ph.D. studentship NE/L002558/1 to Polly I. J. Thompson.We explore the effect small-scale surface features have on influencing the morphology and grain-size distribution (GSD) of tephra layers within the Quaternary stratigraphy of sub-polar landscapes. Icelandic thúfur, small cryogenic earth mounds, are used to assess how and why the morphology and GSD of tephra layers vary over such formations. Through measurement of tephra layer thickness and GSD, Hekla 1947 and Grímsvötn 2011 tephra layers are analysed. Results indicate that such microtopographic features do indeed alter the form of tephra deposits and therefore the tephra layer that is preserved in the stratigraphy. Tephra thickness is significantly greater in hollows than on the thúfur crests. There is greater variation in tephra thickness measurements from thúfur in comparison to control measurements from a surface where thúfur are absent. Thúfur crests contain larger grain sizes than hollows, for both H1947 and G2011 tephras; however this was only statistically significant for the G2011 tephra. Such morphological patterns are thought to arise from an interplay of tephra characteristics, altered topography from the thúfur formations and earth surface processes operating at the sites. This study provides insight into the potential of tephra layer morphology and internal structures as indicators of Quaternary landforms and processes. Additionally, it provides important context for the appropriate sampling of tephra layers to infer volcanological processes, as the characteristics of preserved layers do not necessarily reflect those of the original fall-out.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Effectiveness of antipsychotics used in first-episode psychosis: a naturalistic cohort study

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    Background: One year of antipsychotic treatment from symptom remission is recommended following a first episode of psychosis (FEP). Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of commonly used antipsychotic medications in FEP. Method: A retrospective cohort study of naturalistic treatment of patients (N=460) accepted by FEP services across seven UK sites. Treatment initiation to all-cause discontinuation determined from case files. Results: Risk of treatment discontinuation is greatest within 3 months of treatment initiation. Risperidone had longest median survival time. No significant differences were observed in time to discontinuation between commonly used antipsychotics on multivariable Cox regression analysis. Poor adherence and efficacy failure were the most common reasons for discontinuation. Conclusions: Effectiveness differences appear not to be a current reason for antipsychotic choice in FEP. Adherence strategies and weighing up likely adverse effects should be the clinical focus