66 research outputs found

    Holding All the CARDs: How MALT1 Controls CARMA/CARD-Dependent Signaling

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    The scaffold proteins CARMA1-3 (encoded by the genes CARD11, -14 and -10) and CARD9 play major roles in signaling downstream of receptors with immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motifs (ITAMs), G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK). These receptors trigger the formation of oligomeric CARMA/CARD-BCL10-MALT1 (CBM) complexes via kinases of the PKC family. The CBM in turn regulates gene expression by the activation of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors and controls transcript stability. The paracaspase MALT1 is the only CBM component having an enzymatic (proteolytic) activity and has therefore recently gained attention as a potential drug target. Here we review recent advances in the understanding of the molecular function of the protease MALT1 and summarize how MALT1 scaffold and protease function contribute to the transmission of CBM signals. Finally, we will highlight how dysregulation of MALT1 function can cause pathologies such as immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, psoriasis, and cancer

    Malt1 protease inactivation efficiently dampens immune responses but causes spontaneous autoimmunity.

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    The protease activity of the paracaspase Malt1 has recently gained interest as a drug target for immunomodulation and the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas. To address the consequences of Malt1 protease inactivation on the immune response in vivo, we generated knock-in mice expressing a catalytically inactive C472A mutant of Malt1 that conserves its scaffold function. Like Malt1-deficient mice, knock-in mice had strong defects in the activation of lymphocytes, NK and dendritic cells, and the development of B1 and marginal zone B cells and were completely protected against the induction of autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Malt1 inactivation also protected the mice from experimental induction of colitis. However, Malt1 knock-in mice but not Malt1-deficient mice spontaneously developed signs of autoimmune gastritis that correlated with an absence of Treg cells, an accumulation of T cells with an activated phenotype and high serum levels of IgE and IgG1. Thus, removal of the enzymatic activity of Malt1 efficiently dampens the immune response, but favors autoimmunity through impaired Treg development, which could be relevant for therapeutic Malt1-targeting strategies

    CARD14 gain-of-function mutation alone is sufficient to drive IL-23/IL-17-mediated psoriasiform skin inflammation in vivo

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    Rare autosomal dominant mutations in the gene encoding the keratinocyte signaling molecule, Caspase Recruitment Domain-Containing Protein 14 (CARD14), have been associated with an increased susceptibility to psoriasis but the physiological impact of CARD14 gain-of-function mutations remains to be fully determined in vivo. Here, we report that heterozygous mice harboring a CARD14 gain-of-function mutation (Card14ΔE138) spontaneously develop a chronic psoriatic phenotype with characteristic scaling skin lesions, epidermal thickening, keratinocyte hyperproliferation, hyperkeratosis and immune cell infiltration. Affected skin of these mice is characterized by elevated expression of anti-microbial peptides, chemokines and cytokines (including Th17 cell-signature cytokines), and an immune infiltrate rich in neutrophils, myeloid cells and T-cells, reminiscent of human psoriatic skin. Disease pathogenesis was driven by the IL-23/IL-17 axis and neutralization of IL-23p19, the key cytokine in maintaining Th17 cell polarization, significantly reduced skin lesions and the expression of antimicrobial peptides and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, hyperactivation of CARD14 alone is sufficient to orchestrate the complex immunopathogenesis that drives Th17-mediated psoriasis skin disease in vivo

    Activating mutations in genes related to TCR signaling in angioimmunoblastic and other follicular helper T-cell-derived lymphomas.

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    Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) and other lymphomas derived from follicular T-helper cells (TFH) represent a large proportion of peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) with poorly understood pathogenesis and unfavorable treatment results. We investigated a series of 85 patients with AITL (n = 72) or other TFH-derived PTCL (n = 13) by targeted deep sequencing of a gene panel enriched in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling elements. RHOA mutations were identified in 51 of 85 cases (60%) consisting of the highly recurrent dominant negative G17V variant in most cases and a novel K18N in 3 cases, the latter showing activating properties in in vitro assays. Moreover, half of the patients carried virtually mutually exclusive mutations in other TCR-related genes, most frequently in PLCG1 (14.1%), CD28 (9.4%, exclusively in AITL), PI3K elements (7%), CTNNB1 (6%), and GTF2I (6%). Using in vitro assays in transfected cells, we demonstrated that 9 of 10 PLCG1 and 3 of 3 CARD11 variants induced MALT1 protease activity and increased transcription from NFAT or NF-κB response element reporters, respectively. Collectively, the vast majority of variants in TCR-related genes could be classified as gain-of-function. Accordingly, the samples with mutations in TCR-related genes other than RHOA had transcriptomic profiles enriched in signatures reflecting higher T-cell activation. Although no correlation with presenting clinical features nor significant impact on survival was observed, the presence of TCR-related mutations correlated with early disease progression. Thus, targeting of TCR-related events may hold promise for the treatment of TFH-derived lymphomas

    CARMA1- and MyD88-dependent activation of Jun/ATF-type AP-1 complexes is a hallmark of ABC diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.

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    A hallmark of the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the activated B-cell (ABC) type, a molecular subtype characterized by adverse outcome, is constitutive activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), which controls expression of genes promoting cellular survival and proliferation. Much less, however, is known about the role of the transcription factor activator protein-1 (AP-1) in ABC DLBCL. Here, we show that AP-1, like NF-κB, was controlled by constitutive activation of the B-cell receptor signaling component caspase recruitment domain-containing membrane-associated guanylate kinase 1 (CARMA1) and/or the Toll-like receptor signaling component myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) in ABC DLBCL cell lines. In contrast to germinal center (GC) B-cell (GCB) DLBCL, ABC DLBCL cell lines expressed high levels of the AP-1 family members c-Jun, JunB, and JunD, which formed heterodimeric complexes with the AP-1 family members activating transcription factor (ATF) 2, ATF3, and ATF7. Inhibition of these complexes by a dominant-negative approach led to impaired growth of a majority of ABC DLBCL cell lines. Individual silencing of c-Jun, ATF2, or ATF3 decreased cellular survival and revealed c-Jun/ATF2-dependent control of ATF3 expression. As a consequence, ATF3 expression was much higher in ABC vs GCB DLBCL cell lines. Samples derived from DLBCL patients showed a clear trend toward high and nuclear ATF3 expression in nodal DLBCL of the non-GC or ABC subtype. These findings identify the activation of AP-1 complexes of the Jun/ATF-type as an important element controlling the growth of ABC DLBCL

    RIP4 (DIK/PKK), a novel member of the RIP kinase family, activates NF-κB and is processed during apoptosis

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    RIP1 and its homologs, RIP2 and RIP3, form part of a family of Ser/Thr kinases that regulate signal transduction processes leading to NF-κB activation. Here, we identify RIP4 (DIK/PKK) as a novel member of the RIP kinase family. RIP4 contains an N-terminal RIP-like kinase domain and a C-terminal region characterized by the presence of 11 ankyrin repeats. Overexpression of RIP4 leads to activation of NF-κB and JNK. Kinase inactive RIP4 or a truncated version containing the ankyrin repeats have a dominant negative (DN) effect on NF-κB induction by multiple stimuli. RIP4 binds to several members of the TRAF protein family, and DN versions of TRAF1, TRAF3 and TRAF6 inhibit RIP4-induced NF-κB activation. Moreover, RIP4 is cleaved after Asp340 and Asp378 during Fas-induced apoptosis. These data suggest that RIP4 is involved in NF-κB and JNK signaling and that caspase-dependent processing of RIP4 may negatively regulate NF-κB-dependent pro-survival or pro-inflammatory signals

    The immunological synapse and actin assembly: a regulatory role for PKC theta.

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    Engagement of the T cell receptor leads to the accumulation of filamentous actin, which is necessary for the formation of the immunological synapse and subsequent T cell activation. In the December issue of Molecular Cell, Sasahara et al. provide new insights into the link between the T cell receptor and actin assembly in the immunological synapse, and reveal a critical regulatory role for PKC theta in this process