92 research outputs found

    Generation-dependent charge carrier transport in Cu(In,Ga)Se 2/CdS/ZnO thin-film solar-cells

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 113.4 (2013): 044515 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/113/4/10.1063/1.4788827Cross section electron-beam induced current (EBIC) and illumination- dependent current voltage (IV) measurements show that charge carrier transport in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe)/CdS/ZnO solar-cells is generation-dependent. We perform a detailed analysis of CIGSe solar cells with different CdS layer thicknesses and varying Ga-content in the absorber layer. In conjunction with numerical simulations, EBIC and IV data are used to develop a consistent model for charge and defect distributions with a focus on the heterojunction region. The best model to explain our experimental data is based on a p+ layer at the CIGSe/CdS interface leading to generation-dependent transport in EBIC at room temperature. Acceptor-type defect states at the CdS/ZnO interface cause a significant reduction of the photocurrent in the red-light illuminated IV characteristics at low temperatures (red kink effect). Shallow donor-type defect states at the p+ layer/CdS interface of some grains of the absorber layer are responsible for grain specific, i.e., spatially inhomogeneous, charge carrier transport observed in EBIC

    Junction formation by Zn(O,S) sputtering yields CIGSe-based cells with efficiencies exceeding 18%

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    In an effort to reduce the complexity and associated production costs of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe)-based solar cells, the commonly used sputtered undoped ZnO layer has been modified to eliminate the requirement for a dedicated buffer layer. After replacing the ZnO target with a mixed ZnO/ZnS target, efficient solar cells could be prepared by sputtering directly onto the as- grown CIGSe surface. This approach has now been tested with high-quality lab- scale glass/Mo/CIGSe substrates. An efficiency of 18.3% has been independently confirmed without any post-deposition annealing or light soaking

    Internal electric fields control triplet formation in halide perovskite-sensitized photon upconverters

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    Halide perovskite-based photon upconverters utilize perovskite thin films to sensitize triplet exciton formation in a small-molecule layer, driving triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion. Despite having excellent carrier mobility, these systems suffer from inefficient triplet formation at the perovskite/annihilator interface. We studied triplet formation in formamidinium-methylammonium lead iodide/rubrene bilayers using photoluminescence and surface photovoltage methods. By studying systems constructed on glass as well as hole-selective substrates, comprising self-assembled layers of the carbazole derivative 2PACz ([2-(9H-carbazol-9-yl)ethyl]phosphonic acid) on indium-doped tin oxide, we saw how changes in the carrier dynamics induced by the hole-selective substrate perturbed triplet formation at the perovskite/rubrene interface. We propose that an internal electric field, caused by hole transfer at the perovskite/rubrene interface, strongly affects triplet exciton formation, accelerating exciton-forming electron-hole encounters at the interface but also limiting the hole density in rubrene at high excitation densities. Controlling this field is a promising path to improving triplet formation in perovskite/annihilator upconverters

    Local growth of CuInSe2 micro solar cells for concentrator application

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    A procedure to fabricate CuInSe2 (CISe) micro-absorbers and solar cells for concentrator applications is presented. The micro-absorbers are developed from indium precursor islands, which are deposited on a molybdenum coated glass substrate (back contact), followed by deposition of copper on top and subsequent selenization as well as selective etching of copper selenides. In order to compare the properties of the locally grown absorbers to those of conventional large area CISe films, we systematically examine the compositional and morphological homogeneity of the micro absorbers and carry out photoluminescence measurements. Preliminary devices for micro-concentrator solar cell applications are fabricated by optimizing the copper to indium ratio and the size of the indium precursor islands. The resulting micro solar cells provide a characteristic I–V curve under standard illumination conditions (1 sun)
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