118 research outputs found

    Impact of Technology Readiness and Techno Stress on Teacher Engagement in Higher Secondary Schools

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    Rapid technology advancements resulted a fundamental shift in the education sector which redefined the teaching-learning process and teacher engagement. Based on numerous studies on work engagement models and technology readiness, this study explores, how the teachers’ readiness to embrace educational technologies, impact on teacher engagement. With stratified cluster sampling model, data were collected from principals, managers, students and 122 faulty were participated in this quantitative study using standardized tools. Teachers were highly engaged with students-colleagues and varied across experience/age groups. Technology readiness factors positively impacted on social engagements with students-colleagues. As education technology usage is exponential, more future research is needed

    Peptide-directed binding for the discovery of modulators of α-helix-mediated protein-protein interactions: Proof-of-concept studies with the apoptosis regulator Mcl-1

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    Targeting PPIs with small molecules can be challenging owing to large, hydrophobic binding surfaces. Herein, we describe a strategy that exploits selective α-helical PPIs, transferring these characteristics to small molecules. The proof of concept is demonstrated with the apoptosis regulator Mcl-1, commonly exploited by cancers to avoid cell death. Peptide-directed binding uses few synthetic transformations, requires the production of a small number of compounds, and generates a high percentage of hits. In this example, about 50 % of the small molecules prepared showed an IC50 value of less than 100 μm, and approximately 25 % had IC50 values below 1 μm to Mcl-1. Compounds show selectivity for Mcl-1 over other anti-apoptotic proteins, possess cytotoxicity to cancer cell lines, and induce hallmarks of apoptosis. This approach represents a novel and economic process for the rapid discovery of new α-helical PPI modulators

    Distinct Assemblies of Heterodimeric Cytokine Receptors Govern Stemness Programs in Leukemia

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    Published first May 16, 2023Leukemia stem cells (LSC) possess distinct self-renewal and arrested differentiation properties that are responsible for disease emergence, therapy failure, and recurrence in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Despite AML displaying extensive biological and clinical heterogeneity, LSC with high interleukin-3 receptor (IL3R) levels are a constant yet puzzling feature, as this receptor lacks tyrosine kinase activity. Here, we show that the heterodimeric IL3Rα/βc receptor assembles into hexamers and dodecamers through a unique interface in the 3D structure, where high IL3Rα/βc ratios bias hexamer formation. Importantly, receptor stoichiometry is clinically relevant as it varies across the individual cells in the AML hierarchy, in which high IL3Rα/βc ratios in LSCs drive hexamer-mediated stemness programs and poor patient survival, while low ratios mediate differentiation. Our study establishes a new paradigm in which alternative cytokine receptor stoichiometries differentially regulate cell fate, a signaling mechanism that may be generalizable to other transformed cellular hierarchies and of potential therapeutic significance.Winnie L. Kan, Urmi Dhagat, Kerstin B. Kaufmann, Timothy R. Hercus, Tracy L. Nero, Andy G.X. Zeng, John Toubia, Emma F. Barry, Sophie E. Broughton, Guillermo A. Gomez, Brooks A. Benard, Mara Dottore, Karen S. Cheung Tung Shing, Héléna Boutzen, Saumya E. Samaraweera, Kaylene J. Simpson, Liqing Jin, Gregory J. Goodall, C. Glenn Begley, Daniel Thomas, Paul G. Ekert, Denis Tvorogov, Richard J. D, Andrea, John E. Dick, Michael W. Parker, and Angel F. Lope

    Optimization and design of a diffuse optical wireless sensor network

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are currently being deployed in everyday objects to collect and transmit information related to humidity, temperature, heartbeat, motion, etc. Such networks are part of the massive machine-type communication (mMTC) scenario within the fifth/sixth generation of wireless networks. In this paper, we consider the optimization and design of an optical WSN composed of multiple battery-powered sensor nodes based on light-emitting diode transmitters. Extending our previous work, we take into account both line-of-sight and diffuse-light propagation, and show that in indoor scenarios, diffuse radiation can improve link availability under shadowing/blocking and extend battery life. In order to optimize the optical wireless link parameters, we use a machine-learning approach based on a genetic algorithm to ascertain the performance limits of the system. The presented results indicate that the proposed system is a viable wireless option for WSNs within the context of mMTC

    Identification of individual acids in a commercial sample of naphthenic acids from petroleum by two-dimensional comprehensive gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

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    The identification of most individual members of the complex mixtures of carboxylic acids found in petroleum ('naphthenic acids') has eluded chemists for over a century; they remain unresolved by conventional gas chromatographic methods. Recently, however, we successfully used two-dimensional comprehensive gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify numerous individual diamondoid acids in the naphthenic acids of oil sands process water (OSPW). We have now applied the same methods to a study of a mixture of commercially available naphthenic acids originally refined from petroleum. The results confirm that OSPW and refined petroleum contain very different distributions of acids, as noted previously, although some of the diamondoid acids recently identified in OSPW were detectable in both. Rather, two-dimensional comprehensive gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC/ToF-MS) of the methyl esters of the petroleum acids and of numerous acids synthesised for comparison showed that the former comprised mainly C 8-18 straight-chain, methyl-branched, acyclic isoprenoid, cyclohexyl and isomeric octahydropentalene, perhydroindane and perhydronaphthalene (decalin) acids. Some of the latter bicyclic acids occurred as both the non-alkyl-substituted isomers and the bicyclic ethanoic and propanoic acids. Also present in minor quantities was a range of phenyl carboxylic and substituted phenyl alkanoic acids, and traces of non-acids, including trimethylnaphthalenes, again identified by comparison with the synthesised compounds. These results represent some of the first identifications of multiple individual naphthenic acids in commercial mixtures originating from petroleum and provide a basis for future studies of the petroleum geochemistry, toxicities and environmental impacts of the acids. Furthermore, characterisation of the acids will be important for improving the understanding of the role of naphthenic acids in petroleum engineering, particularly for oil pipeline deposition problems. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    ComM is a hexameric helicase that promotes branch migration during natural transformation in diverse Gram-negative species

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    Acquisition of foreign DNA by natural transformation is an important mechanism of adaptation and evolution in diverse microbial species. Here, we characterize the mechanism of ComM, a broadly conserved AAA+ protein previously implicated in homologous recombination of transforming DNA (tDNA) in naturally competent Gram-negative bacterial species. In vivo, we found that ComM was required for efficient comigration of linked genetic markers in Vibrio cholerae and Acinetobacter baylyi, which is consistent with a role in branch migration. Also, ComM was particularly important for integration of tDNA with increased sequence heterology, suggesting that its activity promotes the acquisition of novel DNA sequences. In vitro, we showed that purified ComM binds ssDNA, oligomerizes into a hexameric ring, and has bidirectional helicase and branch migration activity. Based on these data, we propose a model for tDNA integration during natural transformation. This study provides mechanistic insight into the enigmatic steps involved in tDNA integration and uncovers the function of a protein required for this conserved mechanism of horizontal gene transfer
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