9,536 research outputs found

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    Issues Relevant to C-H Activation at Platinum(II): Comparative Studies between Cationic, Zwitterionic, and Neutral Platinum(II) Compounds in Benzene Solution

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    Cationic late metal systems are being highly scrutinized due to their propensity to mediate so-called electrophilic C-H activation reactions. This contribution compares the reactivity of highly reactive cationic platinum(II) systems with structurally related but neutral species. Our experimental design exploits isostructural neutral and cationic complexes supported by bis(phosphine) ligands amenable to mechanistic examination in benzene solution. The data presented herein collectively suggests that neutral platinum complexes can be equally if not more reactive towards benzene than their cationic counter-parts. Moreover, a number of unexpected mechanistic distinctions between the two systems arise that help to explain their respective reactivity

    Coordinating Anions: (Phosphino)tetraphenylborate Ligands as New Reagents for Synthesis

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    Anionic, electron-releasing phosphines that incorporate a borate counteranion within the ligand framework are promising reagents for organometallic catalysis. This report describes the synthesis of a new class of monodentate tertiary phosphines built upon the commonly employed tetraphenylborate anion. These new phosphines are highly stable and strongly electron-releasing and readily coordinate transition metals. Moreover, they are promising reagents for catalysis, as demonstrated by their ability to promote the Suzuki cross-coupling of aryl chloride substrates

    A homoleptic phosphine adduct of Tl(I)

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    A homoleptic phosphine adduct of thallium(I) supported by a tris(phosphino)borate ligand has been isolated and structurally characterized

    Cognitive Prompts Fail to Moderate the Impact of Stereotype Threat on Older Adults’ Training Performance

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    Using a sample of 131 adults aged 55 to 70 years, researchers employed a 2 x 2 between-subject design to investigate whether cognitive prompts would counteract the negative effect of stereotype threat on older adults’ training outcomes. As hypothesized, stereotype threat negatively affected training outcomes. Contrary to expectations, cognitive prompts also negatively affected training outcomes, worsening the negative impact of stereotype threat. Results are discussed within the framework of cognitive load theory

    What affects authors' and editors' use of reporting guidelines? Findings from an online survey and qualitative interviews.

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify and understand, through data from multiple sources, some of the factors that affect authors' and editors' decisions to use reporting guidelines in the publication of health research. DESIGN: Mixed methods study comprising an online survey and semi-structured interviews with a sample of authors (online survey: n = 56; response rate = 32%; semi-structured interviews: n = 5) and journal editors (online survey: n = 43; response rate = 27%; semi-structured interviews: n = 6) involved in publishing health and medical research. Participants were recruited from an earlier study examining the effectiveness of the TREND reporting guideline. RESULTS: Four types of factors interacted to affect authors' and editors' likelihood of reporting guideline use; individual (e.g., having multiple reasons for use of reporting guidelines); the professional culture in which people work; environmental (e.g., policies of journals); and, practical (e.g., having time to use reporting guidelines). Having multiple reasons for using reporting guidelines was a particularly salient factor in facilitating reporting guidelines use for both groups of participants. CONCLUSIONS: Improving the completeness and consistency of reporting of research studies is critical to the integrity and synthesis of health research. The use of reporting guidelines offers one potentially efficient and effective means for achieving this, but decisions to use (or not use) reporting guidelines take many factors into account. These findings could be used to inform future studies that might, for example, test the factors that we have identified within a wider theoretical framework for understanding changes in professional practices. The use of reporting guidelines by senior professionals appears to shape the expectations of what constitutes best practice and can be assimilated into the culture of a field or discipline. Without evidence of effectiveness of reporting guidelines, and sustained, multifaceted efforts to improve reporting, little progress seems likely to be made.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) for the South West Peninsula. (http://clahrc-peninsula.nihr.ac.uk/)

    Skin-Specific Expression of ank-393, a Novel Ankyrin-3 Splice Variant

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    Ankyrins represent a protein family whose members are associated with membrane proteins and the actin cytoskeleton. The principal ankyrin domain structure comprises an amino-terminal membrane-binding, a spectrin-binding, and a regulatory domain, and can be modulated by alternative splicing. In order to investigate the role of ankyrin-3 in skin, we have isolated three complete ankyrin-3 cDNA clones of 5.8 kb, 5.2 kb, and 2.5 kb by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction of mouse skin RNA. DNA sequencing confirmed the isolated clones to be splice variants of ankyrin-3. Of these, the smallest cDNA represents a novel ankyrin named ankyrin-393. Surprisingly, this novel ankyrin subtype lacks not only all ankyrin repeats, but also the first 75 amino acids of the spectrin-binding domain. Immuno-fluorescence analysis of mouse skin showed that ankyrin-3 is expressed in all living layers of mouse epidermis. Here, it predominates along the basal and lateral membranes of the basal layer in addition to an even cytoplasmic distribution. In primary mouse keratinocytes grown at elevated Ca2+ levels, ankyrin-393 was localized along the plasma membrane and throughout the cell in a Golgi-like fashion. Depending on fixation conditions, nuclear staining became apparent in many cells. In agreement with previous data, northern blotting revealed a widespread distribution of the two larger ankyrin splice variants. In contrast, the mRNA coding for ankyrin-393 was restricted to mouse skin. Reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction of mouse skin RNA strongly suggested additional ankyrin isoforms in skin. Our data on ankyrin-393, which lacks a part of the spectrin-binding domain that regulates the affinity to spectrin, suggests a new function for this member of the ankyrin family

    Evaluating the impact and use of Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs (TREND) reporting guidelines.

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    notes: PMCID: PMC3533093Freely available Open Access paper. Cite published version at: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002073INTRODUCTION: Accurate and full reporting of evaluation of interventions in health research is needed for evidence synthesis and informed decision-making. Evidence suggests that biases and incomplete reporting affect the assessment of study validity and the ability to include this data in secondary research. The Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Non-randomised Designs (TREND) reporting guideline was developed to improve the transparency and accuracy of the reporting of behavioural and public health evaluations with non-randomised designs. Evaluations of reporting guidelines have shown that they can be effective in improving reporting completeness. Although TREND occupies a niche within reporting guidelines, and despite it being 8 years since publication, no study yet has assessed its impact on reporting completeness or investigated what factors affect its use by authors and journal editors. This protocol describes two studies that aim to redress this. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Study 1 will use an observational design to examine the uptake and use of TREND by authors, and by journals in their instructions to authors. A comparison of reporting completeness and study quality of papers that do and do not use TREND to inform reporting will be made. Study 2 will use a cross-sectional survey to investigate what factors inhibit or facilitate authors' and journal editors' use of TREND. Semistructured interviews will also be conducted with a subset of authors and editors to explore findings from study 1 and the surveys in greater depth. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: These studies will generate evidence of how implementation and dissemination of the TREND guideline has affected reporting completeness in studies with experimental, non-randomised designs within behavioural and public health research. The project has received ethics approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth

    An Exploratory Investigation of the Dramatic Play of Preschool Children Within a Grocery Store Shopping Context

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the consumer socialization of preschool age children in a peer‐to‐peer context as they participate in dramatic play in a grocery store setting. Design/methodology/approach – This research employs a case study approach as outlined by Yin. A preschool located within a major metropolitan area in the Southeastern USA was selected for investigation. Located within each of the three classrooms was a grocery store learning center. This learning center provided children the opportunity to engage in dramatic play while enacting grocery shopping scripts. A total of 55 children between the ages of three‐ and six‐years old were observed over a six‐week period. Observations were recorded via field notes and transcribed into an electronic data file. Emergent themes were compared with theoretical propositions, fleshing out an overall interpretation and description of the case context. Findings – Findings indicate that even very young children (ages three to six years) are able to successfully adopt and utilize adult shopping scripts within the grocery store shopping context. The children followed a common sequence of behaviors that mimicked adult shopping patterns. Furthermore, the children demonstrated peer‐to‐peer consumer socialization strategies, directing each other on how to perform appropriate shopping scripts. Originality/value – This study differs from previous research in that the data reveal that preschool age children do in fact exhibit peer‐to‐peer influence while enacting shopping scripts. Although research has examined children as consumers, no researchers have used dramatic play to study young children in a grocery store setting. The rich content obtained from observing children in dramatic play in a grocery store learning center is unique to the marketing literature and provides a better understanding of the consumer socialization of young children

    Petrology and Geochemistry of Serpentinites Associated with the Ultra-High Pressure Lago di Cignana Unit (ItalianWestern Alps)

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    In the Western Alps, the ophiolitic Zermatt–Saas Zone (ZSZ) and the Lago di Cignana Unit (LCU) record oceanic lithosphere subduction to high (540°C, 2·3GPa) and ultra-high pressure (600°C, 3·2GPa), respectively. The top of the Zermatt–Saas Zone in contact with the Lago di Cignana Unit consists of olivine þ Ti-clinohumite-bearing serpentinites (the Cignana serpentinite) hosting olivine þ Ti-clinohumite veins and dykelets of olivine þ Ti-chondrodite þ Ti-clinohumite. The composition of this serpentinite reveals a refertilized oceanic mantle peridotite protolith that became subsequently enriched in fluid-mobile elements (FME) during oceanic serpentinization. The olivine þ Ti-clinohumite veins in the Cignana serpentinite display Rare Earth Element (REE) and FME compositions quite similar to the host-rock, which suggests closed-system dehydration of this serpentinite during subduction. The Ti-chondrodite-bearing dykelets are richer in REE and FME than the host-rock and the dehydration olivine þ Ti-clinohumite veins: their Nd composition points to a mafic protolith, successively overprinted by oceanic metasomatism and by subduction zone recrystallization. These dykelets are comparable in composition to eclogites within the ultra-high pressure LCU that derive from subducted oceanic mafic crust. Different from the LCU, serpentinites from the core domains of the ZSZ display REE compositions indicating a depleted mantle protolith. The oceanic serpentinization of these rocks led to an increase in FME and to seawater-like Sr isotope compositions. The serpentinites sampled at increasing distance from the ultra-high pressure LCU reveal different mantle protoliths, still preserve an oceanic geochemical imprint and contain mafic dykelets affected by oceanic metasomatism. The subduction zone history of these rocks thus occurred under relatively closed system conditions, the only possible change during subduction being an enrichment in As and Sb recorded by the serpentinites closer to the crustal LCU. The ZSZ and Cignana serpentinites thus likely evolved in a slab setting and were weakly exposed to interaction with slab-derived fluids characteristic of plate interface settings. Our data suggest two possible scenarios for the evolution of the studied ZSZ and Cignana serpentinites. They are either part of a coherent ophiolite unit whose initial lithospheric mantle was variably affected by depletion and re-fertilization processes, or they belong to separate tectonic slices derived from two different oceanic mantle sections. In the Cignana serpentinite atop the ZSZ, the presence of Ti-chondrodite dykelets similar in composition to the LCU eclogites suggests these two domains were closely associated in the oceanic lithosphere and shared the same evolution to ultra-high pressure conditions during Alpine subduction