28 research outputs found

    Hepatic autophagy contributes to the metabolic response to dietary protein restriction

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Autophagy is an essential cellular response which acts to release stored cellular substrates during nutrient restriction, and particularly plays a key role in the cellular response to amino acid restriction. However, there has been limited work testing whether the induction of autophagy is required for adaptive metabolic responses to dietary protein restriction in the whole animal. Here, we found that moderate dietary protein restriction led to a series of metabolic changes in rats, including increases in food intake and energy expenditure, the downregulation of hepatic fatty acid synthesis gene expression and reduced markers of hepatic mitochondrial number. Importantly, these effects were also associated with an induction of hepatic autophagy. To determine if the induction of autophagy contributes to these metabolic effects, we tested the metabolic response to dietary protein restriction in BCL2-AAA mice, which bear a genetic mutation that impairs autophagy induction. Interestingly, BCL2-AAA mice exhibit exaggerated responses in terms of both food intake and energy expenditure, whereas the effects of protein restriction on hepatic metabolism were significantly blunted. These data demonstrate that restriction of dietary protein is sufficient to trigger hepatic autophagy, and that disruption of autophagy significantly alters both hepatic and whole animal metabolic response to dietary protein restriction

    The impact of satiation level on appetitive sensory processing, learning and memory formation : a function of the AMP-activated protein kinase

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass der zelluläre Energiesensor AMPK, der bei der Regulation der Nahrungsaufnahme eine Rolle spielt, zwischen Sättigung und appetitiven Lern- und Gedächtnisprozessen vermittelt. Um die Aktivität der AMPK in neuronalen Netzwerken zeitlich und räumlich schnell zu manipulieren wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, mit der die Aktivität der AMPK durch Photolyse von ADP schnell erhöht und ein niedriger zellulärer Energiespiegel simuliert werden kann. Mit Hilfe dieser Methode konnte bei der Honigbiene Apis mellifera gezeigt werden, dass die AMPK nicht nur die Zuckerwasserempfindlichkeit reguliert, sondern auch das Habituationsverhalten beeinflusst. Damit wurde nachgewiesen, dass die AMPK als genereller Modulator von sättigungsabhängigen Verhaltensänderungen fungiert. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass die AMPK-Aktivierung genügt, um bei gesättigten Tieren ein Gedächtnis zu etablieren, welches nur hungrigen Tieren vorbehalten war. Dies zeigt erstmals die Beteiligung der AMPK an der Gedächtnisbildung und macht diese, da sie den Sättigungszustand mit dem Lernprozess verknüpft, zu einem potenziellen Regler für die Belohnungsstärke und Motivation beim appetitiven gustatorischen Lernen. Damit wurde die Grundlage geschaffen, diese Hypothese auch in Vertebraten zu testen.In this study I identified the AMP-protein kinase (AMPK) that is known as a cellular energy sensor as a molecular mediator between satiation level and satiation-dependent effects on appetitive sensory processing, learning and memory formation. To simulate a low cellular energy level within a part of a neuronal network of satiated animals, I established a method that uses the photo release of caged ADP to spatially and temporally activate AMPK in the nervous system of honeybees in vivo. Using this approach I demonstrated that AMPK mediates the satiation-dependent effect on responsiveness and habituation of appetitive stimuli in honeybee. Moreover, simulation of a low energy level in the brain of satiated animals is sufficient to establish a memory at high level typical for hungry animals. Taken together, these findings provide first evidence that AMPK-dependent processes play a major role in linking the effects of satiation level at the systems level to the well-known satiation-dependent effects in appetitive behavior including associative learning and memory formation

    Improving the FEH statistical method

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    The FEH procedures have been adopted as standard practice, where applicable, by the Environment Agency and other bodies engaged in flood frequency estimation in the UK, and are used primarily for flood mapping studies, flood risk assessments, and the design of flood alleviation schemes. The results from the recently completed R & D project SC050050 (EA, 2008) recommend changes to the procedures contained in the flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) published by the Institute of Hydrology (1999) for use of statistical methods for flood frequency analysis in the UK. The changes recommended arise, in part, because the HiFlows-UK project has led to the creation of a much improved database of systematically recorded flood data. Another influence on the changed procedures has been feedback from users of the FEH, both informal and formal. The changes do not deviate from the overall framework of the FEH methodology. However, most technical details of the method have been updated to improve the performance of the procedure. These updates include: i) A new equation for estimating the median annual maximum flood (QMED) at ungauged catchments ii) An improved procedure for the use of donor catchments for estimation of QMED at ungauged catchments iii) An improved procedure for the formation of pooled growth curves. There are some cases where the analysis carried out in the science report have recommended no change to the FEH methodology these include the retention of the Generalised Logistic (GLO) distribution as default

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Prohormone Processing and Neuropeptides Stimulating Feed Intake of Dairy Cows during Early Lactation

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    After parturition, feed intake of dairy cows increases within the first weeks of lactation, but the molecular mechanisms stimulating or delaying the slope of increase are poorly understood. Some of the molecules controlling feed intake are neuropeptides that are synthesized as propeptides and subsequently processed before they bind to specific receptors in feeding centers of the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid surrounds most of the feed intake regulatory centers and contains numerous neuropeptides. In the present study, we used a proteomic approach to analyze the neuropeptide concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid taken from dairy cows between day −18 and −10, and between day +10 and +20 relative to parturition. We found 13 proteins which were only present in samples taken before parturition, 13 proteins which were only present in samples taken after parturition, and 25 proteins which were commonly present, before and after parturition. Among them, differences in pro-neuropeptide Y, proenkephalin-A, neuroendocrine convertase-2, neurosecretory protein VGF, chromogranin-A, and secretogranin-1 and -3 concentrations relative to parturition highlight propeptides and prohormone processings involved in the control of feed intake and energy homeostasis. Scaffold analysis further emphasized an increased tone of endogenous opioids associated with the postparturient increase of feed intake

    Reduction in Cold Stress in an Innovative Metabolic Cage Housing System Increases Animal Welfare in Laboratory Mice

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    Housing in metabolic cages can induce a pronounced stress response. Metabolic cage systems imply housing mice on metal wire mesh for the collection of urine and feces in addition to monitoring food and water intake. Moreover, mice are single-housed, and no nesting, bedding, or enrichment material is provided, which is often argued to have a not negligible impact on animal welfare due to cold stress. We therefore attempted to reduce stress during metabolic cage housing for mice by comparing an innovative metabolic cage (IMC) with a commercially available metabolic cage from Tecniplast GmbH (TMC) and a control cage. Substantial refinement measures were incorporated into the IMC cage design. In the frame of a multifactorial approach for severity assessment, parameters such as body weight, body composition, food intake, cage and body surface temperature (thermal imaging), mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1) in brown adipose tissue (BAT), fur score, and fecal corticosterone metabolites (CMs) were included. Female and male C57BL/6J mice were single-housed for 24 h in either conventional Macrolon cages (control), IMC, or TMC for two sessions. Body weight decreased less in the IMC (females—1st restraint: −6.94%; 2nd restraint: −6.89%; males—1st restraint: −8.08%; 2nd restraint: −5.82%) compared to the TMC (females—1st restraint: −13.2%; 2nd restraint: −15.0%; males—1st restraint: −13.1%; 2nd restraint: −14.9%) and the IMC possessed a higher cage temperature (females—1st restraint: 23.7 °C; 2nd restraint: 23.5 °C; males—1st restraint: 23.3 °C; 2nd restraint: 23.5 °C) compared with the TMC (females—1st restraint: 22.4 °C; 2nd restraint: 22.5 °C; males—1st restraint: 22.6 °C; 2nd restraint: 22.4 °C). The concentration of fecal corticosterone metabolites in the TMC (females—1st restraint: 1376 ng/g dry weight (DW); 2nd restraint: 2098 ng/g DW; males—1st restraint: 1030 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 1163 ng/g DW) was higher compared to control cage housing (females—1st restraint: 640 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 941 ng/g DW; males—1st restraint: 504 ng/g DW; 2nd restraint: 537 ng/g DW). Our results show the stress potential induced by metabolic cage restraint that is markedly influenced by the lower housing temperature. The IMC represents a first attempt to target cold stress reduction during metabolic cage application thereby producing more animal welfare friendlydata

    FGF21, not GCN2, influences bone morphology due to dietary protein restrictions

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary protein restriction is emerging as an alternative approach to treat obesity and glucose intolerance because it markedly increases plasma fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) concentrations. Similarly, dietary restriction of methionine is known to mimic metabolic effects of energy and protein restriction with FGF21 as a required mechanism. However, dietary protein has been shown to be required for normal bone growth, though there is conflicting evidence as to the influence of dietary protein restriction on bone remodeling. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effect of dietary protein and methionine restriction on bone in lean and obese mice, and clarify whether FGF21 and general control nonderepressible 2 (GCN2) kinase, that are part of a novel endocrine pathway implicated in the detection of protein restriction, influence the effect of dietary protein restriction on bone. METHODS: Adult wild-type (WT) or Fgf21 KO mice were fed a normal protein (18 kcal%; CON) or low protein (4 kcal%; LP) diet for 2 or 27 weeks. In addition, adult WT or Gcn2 KO mice were fed a CON or LP diet for 27 weeks. Young New Zealand obese (NZO) mice were placed on high-fat diets that provided protein at control (16 kcal%; CON), low levels (4 kcal%) in a high-carbohydrate (LP/HC) or high-fat (LP/HF) regimen, or on high-fat diets (protein, 16 kcal%) that provided methionine at control (0.86%; CON-MR) or low levels (0.17%; MR) for up to 9 weeks. Long bones from the hind limbs of these mice were collected and evaluated with micro-computed tomography (μCT) for changes in trabecular and cortical architecture and mass. RESULTS: In WT mice the 27-week LP diet significantly reduced cortical bone, and this effect was enhanced by deletion of Fgf21 but not Gcn2. This decrease in bone did not appear after 2 weeks on the LP diet. In addition, Fgf21 KO mice had significantly less bone than their WT counterparts. In obese NZO mice dietary protein and methionine restriction altered bone architecture. The changes were mediated by FGF21 due to methionine restriction in the presence of cystine, which did not increase plasma FGF21 levels and did not affect bone architecture. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides direct evidence of a reduction in bone following long-term dietary protein restriction in a mouse model, effects that appear to be mediated by FGF21

    Metabolic Responses to Dietary Protein Restriction Require an Increase in FGF21 that Is Delayed by the Absence of GCN2

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    FGF21 contributes to the metabolic response to dietary protein restriction, and prior data implicate GCN2 as the amino acid sensor linking protein restriction to FGF21 induction. Here, we demonstrate the persistent and essential role of FGF21 in the metabolic response to protein restriction. We show that Fgf21 KO mice are fully resistant to low protein (LP)-induced changes in food intake, energy expenditure (EE), body weight gain, and metabolic gene expression for 6 months. Gcn2 KO mice recapitulate this phenotype, but LP-induced effects on food intake, EE, and body weight subsequently begin to appear after 14 days on diet. We show that this delayed emergence of LP-induced metabolic effects in Gcn2 KO mice coincides with a delayed but progressive increase of hepatic Fgf21 expression and blood FGF21 concentrations over time. These data indicate that FGF21 is essential for the metabolic response to protein restriction but that GCN2 is only transiently required for LP-induced FGF21

    The ARFRP1-dependent Golgi scaffolding protein GOPC is required for insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells

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    OBJECTIVE: Hormone secretion from metabolically active tissues, such as pancreatic islets, is governed by specific and highly regulated signaling pathways. Defects in insulin secretion are among the major causes of diabetes. The molecular mechanisms underlying regulated insulin secretion are, however, not yet completely understood. In this work, we studied the role of the GTPase ARFRP1 on insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. METHODS: A β-cell-specific Arfrp1 knockout mouse was phenotypically characterized. Pulldown experiments and mass spectrometry analysis were employed to screen for new ARFRP1-interacting proteins. Co-immunoprecipitation assays as well as super-resolution microscopy were applied for validation. RESULTS: The GTPase ARFRP1 interacts with the Golgi-associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif-containing protein (GOPC). Both proteins are co-localized at the trans-Golgi network and regulate the first and second phase of insulin secretion by controlling the plasma membrane localization of the SNARE protein SNAP25. Downregulation of both GOPC and ARFRP1 in Min6 cells interferes with the plasma membrane localization of SNAP25 and enhances its degradation, thereby impairing glucose-stimulated insulin release from β-cells. In turn, overexpression of SNAP25 as well as GOPC restores insulin secretion in islets from β-cell-specific Arfrp1 knockout mice. CONCLUSION: Our results identify a hitherto unrecognized pathway required for insulin secretion at the level of trans-Golgi sorting

    Elevated hepatic DPP4 activity promotes insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Objective: Increased hepatic expression of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Whether this is causative for the development of NAFLD is not yet clarified. Here we investigate the effect of hepatic DPP4 overexpression on the development of liver steatosis in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. Methods: Plasma DPP4 activity of subjects with or without NAFLD was analyzed. Wild-type (WT) and liver-specific Dpp4 transgenic mice (Dpp4-Liv-Tg) were fed a high-fat diet and characterized for body weight, body composition, hepatic fat content and insulin sensitivity. In vitro experiments on HepG2 cells and primary mouse hepatocytes were conducted to validate cell autonomous effects of DPP4 on lipid storage and insulin sensitivity. Results: Subjects suffering from insulin resistance and NAFLD show an increased plasma DPP4 activity when compared to healthy controls. Analysis of Dpp4-Liv-Tg mice revealed elevated systemic DPP4 activity and diminished active GLP-1 levels. They furthermore show increased body weight, fat mass, adipose tissue inflammation, hepatic steatosis, liver damage and hypercholesterolemia. These effects were accompanied by increased expression of PPARγ and CD36 as well as severe insulin resistance in the liver. In agreement, treatment of HepG2 cells and primary hepatocytes with physiological concentrations of DPP4 resulted in impaired insulin sensitivity independent of lipid content. Conclusions: Our results give evidence that elevated expression of DPP4 in the liver promotes NAFLD and insulin resistance. This is linked to reduced levels of active GLP-1, but also to auto- and paracrine effects of DPP4 on hepatic insulin signaling