831 research outputs found

    Soccer seasonal variations in sprint mechanical properties and vertical jump performance

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    The aim of this study was to quantify possible differences in countermovement jump (CMJ) height, sprint performance and underlying mechanical properties as a function of time during a soccer season. Fortyfour male professional soccer players were identified in the Norwegian Olympic Federation’s test database. Each of these players had performed 40-m sprint and CMJ tests at least once within pre-season, in-season and off-season over the course of one year. The players sprinted, possibly to most likely, faster over 40 m during off-season compared to in-season (mean difference, ±90%CL: 0.04, ±0.03 s; small) and pre-season (0.08, ±0.02 s; small). Maximal horizontal power production was likely to most likely greater off-season compared to in-season (mean difference, ±90%CL: 0.5, ±0.4 W∙kg-1; small) and pre-season (0.8, ±0.4 W∙kg-1; small). Maximal horizontal force production was likely greater off-season compared to in-season (0.2, ±0.2 N∙kg-1; small). Theoretical maximal velocity obtained during pre-season was, possibly to very likely, lower compared to in-season (0.09, ±0.12 m∙s-1; small) and off-season (0.14, ±0.09 m∙s-1; small). The force-velocity slope values relative to body mass were, possibly to likely, higher off-season compared to in-season (0.02, ±0.03; small) and pre-season (0.01, ±0.02; small). CMJ results obtained off-season were, likely better, than those for pre-season (1.2, ±0.6 cm; small). The present study shows that anaerobic fitness variables, believed to be relevant for the on-field soccer performance, are sensitive to the varying season times

    Soccer seasonal variations in sprint mechanical properties and vertical jump performance

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    The aim of this study was to quantify possible differences in countermovement jump (CMJ) height, sprint performance and underlying mechanical properties as a function of time during a soccer season. Fortyfour male professional soccer players were identified in the Norwegian Olympic Federation’s test database. Each of these players had performed 40-m sprint and CMJ tests at least once within pre-season, in-season and off-season over the course of one year. The players sprinted, possibly to most likely, faster over 40 m during off-season compared to in-season (mean difference, ±90%CL: 0.04, ±0.03 s; small) and pre-season (0.08, ±0.02 s; small). Maximal horizontal power production was likely to most likely greater off-season compared to in-season (mean difference, ±90%CL: 0.5, ±0.4 W∙kg-1; small) and pre-season (0.8, ±0.4 W∙kg-1; small). Maximal horizontal force production was likely greater off-season compared to in-season (0.2, ±0.2 N∙kg-1; small). Theoretical maximal velocity obtained during pre-season was, possibly to very likely, lower compared to in-season (0.09, ±0.12 m∙s-1; small) and off-season (0.14, ±0.09 m∙s-1; small). The force-velocity slope values relative to body mass were, possibly to likely, higher off-season compared to in-season (0.02, ±0.03; small) and pre-season (0.01, ±0.02; small). CMJ results obtained off-season were, likely better, than those for pre-season (1.2, ±0.6 cm; small). The present study shows that anaerobic fitness variables, believed to be relevant for the on-field soccer performance, are sensitive to the varying season times


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    DEWI SINTA K NIM: 14111110017 PENGARUH PENERAPAN TA’ZIR TERHADAP KEDISIPLINAN BELAJAR SANTRI PUTRA DAN PUTRI PONDOK PESANTREN AL-ISTIQOMAH KELURAHAN HARJAMUKTI KECAMATAN HARJAMUKTI KOTA CIREBON Hukuman (ta’zir) yang diberikan di pondok pesantren untuk mencapai keberhasilan suatu pendidikan yang diharapkan. Pondok pesantren mempunyai bentuk dan corak yang berbeda-beda antara pondok pesantren yang satu dengan yang lainnya untuk mendisiplinkan santrinya, ini disebabkan karena kondisi pesantren yang berbeda sertadari kebijakan-kebijakan yang disepakati oleh para pengurus pondok pesantren. Ketika ada santri yang dita’zir, pengurus pondok pesantren bermaksud menghentikan tingkah laku yang salah, supaya tidak mengulangi kembali dan santri mempunyai koreksi bagi dirinya sendiri, serta bertujuan untuk mendidik supaya bertingkah laku atau berakhlak yang baik sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan ta’zir di Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqomah, untuk mengetahui kedisiplinan belajar santri putra dan putri Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqomah, untuk mendapatkan data mengenai pengaruh ta’zir terhadap kedisiplinan belajar santri Pondok Pesantren Al- Istiqomah Kelurahan Harjamukti Kecamatan Harjamukti Kota Cirebon. Penelitian ini bertolak dari pemikiran dasar bahwa penerapan ta’zir akan memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap kedisiplinan belajar santri sehinhgga pelaksanaan belajar mengajar berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai dengan harapan yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitaif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Objek penelitian yang dibagikan angket adalah santri putra dan putri dan objek yang diwawancarai adalah pemimpin Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqomah dan sebagian santrinya. Selanjutnya, data dianalisis dengan product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubugan antara variabel X dan Y sebesar 0,50, jika nilai koefisiensi korelasi sebesar 0,50 itu termasuk kategori korelasi sedang, karena berada diantara kriteria rentang nilai antara 0,40-0,60 kategori sedang. Penerapan ta’zir di Pondok Pesantren Al- Istiqomah dalam kategori baik dengan hasil prosentase sebesar 85,41%, sedangkan kedisiplinan belajar santri putra dan putri Pondok Pesantren Al- Istiqomah dalam kategori baik dengan hasil prosentase sebesar 90,10% karena berada pada rentangan prosentase keterhubungan 76%-100%. Dalam analisis korelasi terdapat suatu angka yang disebut koefisien determinasi yang besarnya adalah kuadrat dari r hitung. Untuk contoh di atas ditemukan r = 0,50 koefisien determinasiny

    The role and development of sprinting speed in soccer

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    Doctoral thesis, Faculty of health and sport science, University of Agder 2014Purpose: The overall objective of this thesis was to investigate the role and development of sprinting speed in soccer. Six original studies plus a published review have been completed towards with this objective. Valid and reliable measurement of sprint times is a prerequisite to reliably detect true changes in sprinting performance. Therefore, the purpose of study I was to quantify potential sprint time differences between single beamed (SB) and dual beamed (DB) timing systems. The aim of study II was to compare different sprint start positions and generate correction factors between popular timing triggering methods on 40 m sprint. The results from these two methodological studies secured a fundamental platform for interpretation of further sprint data in the thesis. The purpose of studies III and IV was to use a large database of soccer athlete sprint and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests collected under highly standardized conditions over 15 years to estimate generalizable differences in sprinting speed and jumping height as a function of: 1) athlete playing level, 2) field position, and 3) age. Additionally, we also evaluated the evolution of sprint and CMJ ability among male professionals and female elite players in Norwegian soccer over a 15 year period. The purpose of study VI was to investigate the effect of training at 90% sprint speed on maximal and repeated sprinting performance in soccer. The aim of study VII was two fold: 1) To compare the effects of training at 90 and 100% sprint speed on maximal and repeated sprint performance, and 2) to compare the effects of directly supervised sprint training versus unsupervised training on maximal and repeated sprint performance

    An evaluation of young sea trout (Salmo trutta) migration dynamics and survival in six tributaries to the Verdal watercourse using PIT telemetry

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    Menneskelige inngrep er en av de største truslene mot jordens fauna, og slike trusler har også medført at bestanden av sjøørret (Salmo trutta L.) i Norge er sterkt redusert sammenlignet med tidligere. Lakselus ansees som den største trusselen på nasjonalt nivå, men er i hovedsak konsentrert til områder med oppdrettsvirksomhet. En annen årsak til bestandsnedgangen av sjøørret skyldes habitatforringelser i vassdragene, der også mindre bekker er viktige for sjøørreten. I Verdalsvassdragets sidebekker har produksjonen av ung sjøørret blitt redusert med 80 % sammenlignet med tiden rundt 2. verdenskrig. Sjøørret danner ofte metapopulasjoner i slike forgrenede bekkesystemer som ved Verdalsvassdraget. For å sikre robuste populasjoner av sjøørret er det derfor viktig å hensynta og bevare funksjonen til de mindre bekkene slik at både tetthetsavhengige og tetthetsavhengige prosesser får utfolde seg naturlig og påvirke den unge sjøørretens populasjonsdynamikk og vandring. Denne merke-gjenfangststudien bygger videre på to tidligere masterstudier, der seks sidebekker til Verdalselva er blitt studert. I perioden 2018-2020 har i alt 2124 ungfisk av sjøørret (60 – 195 mm) i aldersklassene 0+ og >0+ blitt PIT-merket i alle disse bekkene. Bekkene har blitt betraktet i metapopulasjonsperspektiv, med utgangspunkt i at populasjons- og vandringsdynamikken til den unge sjøørreten i bekkene har en underliggende source- og sinkdynamikk. Hensikten var å undersøke overlevelse og vandring mellom de tre bekkene med høye tettheter og antatt god habitatkvalitet (sourcebekker), og de tre bekkene med lave tettheter og antatt dårligere habitatkvalitet (sinkbekker), der fire av bekkene har hatt habitatforbedrende tiltak. For å detektere vandringsmønstrene har det blitt montert stasjonære PIT-antenner ved samtlige bekkers utløp, mens intern migrasjon har blitt detektert med bærbar PIT-skannerantenne, og ved PIT-skanning av fysiske gjenfangster under elfiske. Det ble funnet en svak støtte for at tetthetsavhengig dødelighet var avgjørende i både source- og sinkbekkene, der overlevelsen sank med økende tettheter i begge systemer. En forskjell var at overlevelsen økte med fiskelengde i sourcebekkene, mens den sank med fiskelengden i sinkbekkene. Større fisks reduserte overlevelse i sinkbekkene kan indikere at sinkbekkene ikke har tilstrekkelig habitattilbud eller ressurser etter hvert som fisken vokser til. Dette antyder at den tetthetsavhengige konkurransen i sinkbekkene, antagelig i større grad blir påvirket av ytre abiotiske og biotiske faktorer. Vandringsanalysene i denne studien ble usikre, men det ble funnet at sourcebekkene hadde en større utvandringssannsynlighet enn i sinkbekkene, mens sannsynligheten for internvandring og tilbakevandring var størst i sinkbekkene. Det ble observert at minimum 2,8 % av all PIT-merket fisk (59 PIT-merkede individer fordelt på 60 vandringer) hadde vandret mellom bekker. Av 30 mulige vandringskombinasjoner mellom bekkene, ble det observert 19 vandringskombinasjoner (63,3 %). Samtlige av sourcebekkene hadde en betydelig større utvandringsandel enn sinkbekkene. Med ett unntak, ble det funnet at utvandringen sourcebekkene var større enn antall innvandrende individer. Den ene sourcebekken som mottok flere innvandrende individer enn den sendte ut, kan trolig forklares med avstanden (254 meter) til en nærliggende sourcebekk, som var den korteste avstanden målt for individer som byttet bekk. Det ble observert at sannsynligheten for oppvandring til source- og sinkbekkene ved bekkebytter sank med vandringsavstanden mellom bekkene, der den gjennomsnittlige vandringsdistansen var på 2550 meter. Oppvandringssannsynligheten til sinkbekkene var større enn til sourcebekkene. Funnene i denne studien indikerer en svak støtte for at tetthetsavhengig overlevelse er av betydning i de seks merkebekkene, både i source- og sinkbekkene. Funnene viser også at det foregår vandring mellom bekker, der flere individer utvandrer fra de mer produktive sourcebekkene til de mindre produktive sinkbekkene. Trolig er vandringen mellom bekkene underestimert, så behovet for ytterligere forskning trengs for å belyse source- og sinkmekanismene som er lagt til grunn for studien.Miljødirektoratet ; Statsforvalteren i Trøndelag ; Trøndelag Fylkeskommune ; Bane Nor, NVE ; Verdal kommune ; VannforeningenM-N

    Abscess infections and malnutrition - a cross-sectional study of polydrug addicts in Oslo, Norway

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    Injection drug use and malnutrition are widespread among polydrug addicts in Oslo, Norway, but little is known about the frequency of abscess infections and possible relations to malnutrition. Objectives. To assess the prevalence of abscess infections, and differences in nutritional status between drug addicts with or without abscess infections. Design. A cross-sectional study of 195 polydrug addicts encompassing interview of demographics, dietary recall, anthropometric measurements and biochemical analyses. All respondents were under the influence of illicit drugs and were not participating in any drug treatment or rehabilitation program at the time of investigation. Results. Abscess infections were reported by 25% of the respondents, 19% of the men and 33% of the women (p = 0.025). Underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) was significantly more prevalent in the abscess infected than in the non-abscess-infected group (p = 0.001). The abscess-infected addicts reported fewer meals, lower intakes of fruits and vegetables, lower energy percentage (E%) from protein and higher E% from sugar. They also had lower total intakes of vitamins D, B1, B6, B12, folic acid and vitamin C than the non-abscess-infected group. The two groups differed significantly with respect to S-C-peptide (p = 0.042) and B-HbA1c (p = 0.012), and the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinemia (P-tHCY > 15 μmol/L) was 73% in the abscess-infected group and 41% in the non-abscess-infected group (p = 0.001). The concentrations of S-25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 was very low. Conclusion. The prevalence of abscess infections was 25% among the examined polydrug addicts. Dietary, anthropometric and biochemical assessment indicated a relation between abscess infections and malnutritio

    The influence of exercise modality on training load management

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    Purpose: To provide novel insight regarding the influence of exercise modality on training load management by: 1) providing a theoretical framework for the impact of physiological and biomechanical mechanisms associated with different exercise modalities on training load management in endurance exercise, and 2) comparing effort-matched low-intensity training sessions performed by top level athletes in endurance sports with similar energy demands. Practical Applications and Conclusions: The ability to perform endurance training with manageable muscular loads and low injury risks in different exercise modalities are influenced both by mechanical factors, as well as muscular state and coordination which interrelate in optimizing power production while reducing friction and/or drag. Consequently, the choice of exercise modality in endurance training influence effort beyond commonly used external and internal load measurements and should be considered alongside duration, frequency and intensity when managing training load. By comparing effort-matched low-to-moderate intensity sessions performed by top level athletes in endurance sports, this study exemplifies how endurance exercise with varying modalities leads to different tolerable volumes. For example, the weight-bearing exercise and high impact forces in long-distance running puts high loads on muscles and tendons, leading to relatively low training volume tolerance. In speed skating, flexed knee and hip position required for effective speed skating leads to occlusion of thighs and low volume tolerance. In contrast, the non-weight-bearing, low-contraction exercises in cycling or swimming allows for large volumes in the specific exercise modalities. Overall, these differences have major implications on training load management in sports.acceptedVersio

    Training und Coaching von weiblichen vs. männlichen Athleten auf ihrem Weg zu Gold? Einschätzungen erfolgreicher Trainer von Eliteathleten

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    This scientific short report investigated how successful male coaches perceive gender differences in training characteristics and coaching practice among medal-winning endurance athletes. Ten male Norwegian coaches with a track record of coaching both female and male endurance world-class athletes (total of 269 Olympic, World and European Championship medals) participated in semi-structured interviews. Inductive thematic analysis revealed that all coaches mainly adjusted their key training and coaching principles to the individual athlete, rather than gender. A coach-driven and athlete-centered individualization process was essential to create trust, mutual understanding, and optimal training content. Potential gender/sex differences were perceived in four main themes: sport-specific competition demands, physiological, psychological and interpersonal factors (e.g., gender of the coach). In this context, all coaches described how training and coaching of female athletes differs from that of men, thus considering male athletes as the reference group and male physiology and psychology as the norm. Furthermore, societal factors such as a male-dominant sports culture and underlying gender stereotypes were suggested as amplifiers of gender differences. Accordingly, our report highlights the need for female perspectives in elite sports and invites further in-depth investigations of the identified gender/sex differences within the respective disciplines of training science, physiology, psychology and sociology.publishedVersio