302 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der Schallentstehung und -abstrahlung elektrischer Maschinen für neuartige elektrifizierte Luftfahrtantriebe

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    Um die Klimaziele, wie sie beispielsweise von der Europäischen Union formuliert wurden, zu erreichen, werden derzeit neuartige Flugzeugkonzepte mit elektrifizierten Flugantrieben untersucht. Teil dieser Antriebssysteme werden elektrische Maschinen sein, die zum Beispiel im motorischen Betrieb den Propulsor antreiben. In elektrischen Maschinen gibt es eine Vielzahl von Schallquellen, die einen Anteil an der Gesamtschallabstrahlung des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs haben werden. Obwohl die Schallleistungspegel der elektrischen Maschine im Vergleich zu anderen Komponenten gering sein können, spielt hier insbesondere die Tonalität eine wichtige Rolle. Gerade bei direkt angetriebenen Propulsoren und damit langsam drehenden Motoren kann der tonale Schall als besonders störend empfunden werden. Darüber hinaus werden für zukünftige elektrifizierte Antriebsstränge in der Luftfahrt sehr hohe Leistungsdichten gefordert. Diese Anforderungen können unter Umständen einer herkömmlichen akustisch-optimierten Auslegung der Maschine entgegenstehen und für erhöhte Lärmpegel sorgen. Um die Schallabstrahlung elektrischer Maschinen im Kontext elektrifizierter Luftfahrtantriebe besser zu verstehen, werden zukünftig verschiedene Motortopologien vergleichbarer Leistung mittels FEM simuliert und der entstehende Schall, hervorgerufen durch die Luftspaltkräfte zwischen Rotor und Stator, ermittelt. Ziel der Arbeiten ist es somit, ein besseres Verständnis der Schallentstehung und -abstrahlung elektrischer Maschinen für neuartige Luftfahrtantriebe zu erlangen, um unter anderem frühzeitig im Entwurfsprozess Einfluss nehmen und gegebenenfalls Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen etablieren zu können

    Should the contribution of one additional lame cow depend on how many other cows on the farm are lame?

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    Welfare Quality® proposes a system for aggregation according to which the total welfare score for a group of animals is a non-linear effect of the prevalence of welfare scores across the individuals within the group. Three assumptions serve to justify this: (1) experts do not follow a linear reasoning when they assess a welfare problem; (2) it serves to prevent compensation (severe welfare problems hidden by scoring well on other aspects of welfare); (3) experts agree on the weight of different welfare measures. We use two sources of data to examine these assumptions: animal welfare data from 44 Danish dairy farms with Danish Holstein Friesian cows, and data from a questionnaire study with a convenience sample of 307 experts in animal welfare, of which we received responses from over 50%. Our main results were: (1) the total group-level welfare score as assigned by experts is a non-linear function of the individual animal welfare states within the group; (2) the WQ system does not prevent what experts perceive as unacceptable compensation; (3) the level of agreement among experts appears to vary across measures. Our findings give rise to concerns about the proposed aggregation system offered by WQ

    Tetra­kis(1,2-dimethoxy­ethane-κ2 O,O′)ytterbium(II) bis­(μ2-phenyl­selenolato-κ2 Se:Se)bis­[bis­(phenyl­selenolato-κSe)mercurate(II)]

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    The title salt, [Yb(C4H10O2)4][Hg2(C6H5Se)6], consists of eight-coordinate homoleptic [Yb(DME)4]2+ dications (DME is 1,2-dimethoxy­ethane) countered with [Hg2(SePh)6]2− di­anions. The cations and anions have twofold rotation and inversion symmetry, respectively. The Yb centre displays a square-anti­prismatic coordination geometry and the Hg centre has a distorted tetra­hedral coordination environment. One phenyl­selenolate anion and one methyl group of a DME ligand are disordered over two positions with equal occupancies. This structure is unique in that it represents a less common mol­ecular lanthanide species in which the lanthanide ion is not directly bonded to an anionic ligand. There are no occurrences of the [Hg2(SePh)6]2− dianion in the Cambridge Structural Database (Version of November 2007), but there are similar oligomeric and polymeric Hgx(SePh)y species. The crystal structure is characterized by alternating layers of cations and anions stacked along the c axis

    Gluteal Muscle Activation During Common Yoga Poses

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    # Background Approximately 24% of physical therapists report regularly using yoga to strengthen major muscle groups. Although clinicians and athletes often use yoga as a form of strength training, little is known about the activation of specific muscle groups during yoga poses, including the gluteus maximus and medius. # Hypothesis/Purpose The purpose of this study was to measure gluteus maximimus and gluteus medius activation via electromyography (EMG) during five common yoga poses. A secondary purpose of the current study was to examine differences in muscle activation between sexes and experience levels. # Study Design Cross-Sectional # Methods Thirty-one healthy males and females aged 18-35 years were tested during five yoga poses performed in a randomized order. Surface EMG electrodes were placed on subjects’ right gluteus maximus and gluteus medius. Subjects performed the poses on both sides following a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) test for each muscle. All yoga pose EMG data were normalized to the corresponding muscle MVIC data. # Results Highest gluteus maximus activation occurred during Half Moon Pose on the lifted/back leg (63.3% MVIC), followed by the stance/front leg during Half Moon Pose (61.7%), then the lifted/back leg during Warrior Three Pose (46.1%). Highest gluteus medius activation occurred during Half Moon Pose on the lifted/back leg (41.9%), followed by the lifted/back leg during the Warrior Three Pose (41.6%). A significant difference was found in %MVIC of gluteus medius activity between male and female subjects (p = 0.026), and between experienced and inexperienced subjects (p = 0.050), indicating higher activation among males and inexperienced subjects, respectively. # Conclusion Half Moon Pose and Warrior Three Pose elicited the highest activation for both the gluteus maximus and the gluteus medius. Higher gluteus medius activation was seen in males and inexperienced subjects compared to their female and experienced counterparts. # Level of Evidence

    Consensus Statement on Bone Conduction Devices and Active Middle Ear Implants in Conductive and Mixed Hearing Loss

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    Nowadays, several options are available to treat patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss. Whenever surgical intervention is not possible or contra-indicated, and amplification by a conventional hearing device (e.g., behind-the-ear device) is not feasible, then implantable hearing devices are an indispensable next option. Implantable bone-conduction devices and middle-ear implants have advantages but also limitations concerning complexity/invasiveness of the surgery, medical complications, and effectiveness. To counsel the patient, the clinician should have a good overview of the options with regard to safety and reliability as well as unequivocal technical performance data. The present consensus document is the outcome of an extensive iterative process including ENT specialists, audiologists, health-policy scientists, and representatives/technicians of the main companies in this field. This document should provide a first framework for procedures and technical characterization to enhance effective communication between these stakeholders, improving health care

    Intravital Observation of Plasmodium berghei Sporozoite Infection of the Liver

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    Plasmodium sporozoite invasion of liver cells has been an extremely elusive event to study. In the prevailing model, sporozoites enter the liver by passing through Kupffer cells, but this model was based solely on incidental observations in fixed specimens and on biochemical and physiological data. To obtain direct information on the dynamics of sporozoite infection of the liver, we infected live mice with red or green fluorescent Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and monitored their behavior using intravital microscopy. Digital recordings show that sporozoites entering a liver lobule abruptly adhere to the sinusoidal cell layer, suggesting a high-affinity interaction. They glide along the sinusoid, with or against the bloodstream, to a Kupffer cell, and, by slowly pushing through a constriction, traverse across the space of Disse. Once inside the liver parenchyma, sporozoites move rapidly for many minutes, traversing several hepatocytes, until ultimately settling within a final one. Migration damage to hepatocytes was confirmed in liver sections, revealing clusters of necrotic hepatocytes adjacent to structurally intact, sporozoite-infected hepatocytes, and by elevated serum alanine aminotransferase activity. In summary, malaria sporozoites bind tightly to the sinusoidal cell layer, cross Kupffer cells, and leave behind a trail of dead hepatocytes when migrating to their final destination in the liver

    Serum Response Factor Regulates Immediate Early Host Gene Expression in Toxoplasma gondii-Infected Host Cells

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a wide spread pathogen that can cause severe and even fatal disease in fetuses and immune-compromised hosts. As an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma must alter the environment of its host cell in order to establish its replicative niche. This is accomplished, in part, by secretion of factors into the host cell that act to modulate processes such as transcription. Previous studies demonstrated that genes encoding transcription factors such as c-jun, junB, EGR1, and EGR2 were amongst the host genes that were the most rapidly upregulated following infection. In cells stimulated with growth factors, these genes are regulated by a transcription factor named Serum Response Factor. Serum Response Factor is a ubiquitously expressed DNA binding protein that regulates growth and actin cytoskeleton genes via MAP kinase or actin cytoskeletal signaling, respectively. Here, we report that Toxoplasma infection leads to the rapid activation of Serum Response Factor. Serum Response Factor activation is a Toxoplasma-specific event since the transcription factor is not activated by the closely related protozoan parasite, Neospora caninum. We further demonstrate that Serum Response Factor activation requires a parasite-derived secreted factor that signals via host MAP kinases but independently of the host actin cytoskeleton. Together, these data define Serum Response Factor as a host cell transcription factor that regulates immediate early gene expression in Toxoplasma-infected cells

    Optical chemosensors and reagents to detect explosives

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    [EN] This critical review is focused on examples reported from 1947 to 2010 related to the design of chromo-fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for explosives (141 references). © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2009-14564-C04) and the Generalitat Valencia (project PROMETEO/2009/016) is gratefully acknowledged. Y.S. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her grant.Salinas Soler, Y.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Costero Nieto, AM.; Parra Álvarez, M.; Gil Grau, S. (2012). Optical chemosensors and reagents to detect explosives. Chemical Society Reviews. 41(3):1261-1296. https://doi.org/10.1039/c1cs15173hS12611296413Furton, K. (2001). The scientific foundation and efficacy of the use of canines as chemical detectors for explosives. Talanta, 54(3), 487-500. doi:10.1016/s0039-9140(00)00546-4H�kansson, K., Coorey, R. V., Zubarev, R. A., Talrose, V. L., & H�kansson, P. (2000). Low-mass ions observed in plasma desorption mass spectrometry of high explosives. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 35(3), 337-346. doi:10.1002/(sici)1096-9888(200003)35:33.0.co;2-7Walsh, M. (2001). Determination of nitroaromatic, nitramine, and nitrate ester explosives in soil by gas chromatography and an electron capture detector. Talanta, 54(3), 427-438. doi:10.1016/s0039-9140(00)00541-5Sylvia, J. M., Janni, J. A., Klein, J. D., & Spencer, K. M. (2000). Surface-Enhanced Raman Detection of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Impurity Vapor as a Marker To Locate Landmines. Analytical Chemistry, 72(23), 5834-5840. doi:10.1021/ac0006573Yinon, J. (1982). Mass spectrometry of explosives: Nitro compounds, nitrate esters, and nitramines. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1(3), 257-307. doi:10.1002/mas.1280010304Mathurin, J. C., Faye, T., Brunot, A., Tabet, J. C., Wells, G., & Fuché, C. (2000). High-Pressure Ion Source Combined with an In-Axis Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. 1. 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