6 research outputs found

    Model Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin di Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang

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    INDONESIA: Sistem merupakan suatu keseluruhan dari unsur-unsur pendidikan yang berkaitan dan berhubungan satu sama lain serta saling mempengaruhi dalam mencapai suatu tujuan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui pegembangan sistem pendidikan pesantren yang ada, sedangkan model merupakan hasil dari pengembangan sistem. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana model Pesantren Rakyat Al-Amin di Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang yang meliputi beberapa komponen pesantren yaitu: pondok, masjid, pengajaran kitab-kitab Islam klasik, santri dan kiai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus di Pesantren Rakyat Sumberpucung Kabupaten Malang. Bahan deskripsi didapatkan melalui Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian adalah kiai Pesantren Rakyat, lurah, ustadz, dan santri Pesantren Rakyat. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memperoleh kredibilitas data adalah triangulasi. Data yang diperoleh dari informan dan subyek yang diteliti disaring dan diklasifikasikan menurut pola, tema dan topik pembahasan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan dua tahap, yaitu tahap bersamaan dengan proses pengumpulan data di lapangan dan tahap sesudah pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komponen pesantren pada umumnya dengan komponen yang ada di Pesantren Rakyat terdapat sebuah perbedaan. Secara nyata Pesantren Rakyat hanya memiliki 3 komponen pesantren yaitu pengajaran kitab Islam klasik, santri dan kiai, namun bukan berarti menganggap sebagian komponen yang tidak ada itu tidak penting, hanya saja beberapa komponen yang ada memiliki fungsi yang berbeda, jika pada penelitian Dhofier disebutkan bahwa komponen pesantren yang pertama “pondok” mempunyai fungsi sebagai tempat tinggal santri dari jauh, maka di Pesantren Rakyat ini cukup menggunakan rumah rakyat sebagai tempat tinggal santri, dengan tujuan agar santri mampu membaur dengan rakyat. Kedua Masjid, masjid merupakan komponen yang sangat penting bagi pesantren. Namun, Pesantren Rakyat lebih menekankan pada pemanfaatan masjid/mushola di sekitar pesantren, tanpa harus mempunyai bangunan masjid sendiri di dalam pesantren, layaknya pesantren pada umumnya. Ketiga Pengajaran kitab Islam klasik, Pesantren Rakyat tetap mengajarkan kitab-kitab Islam klasik namun bukan menjadi sentral pelajaran untuk santri, santri di sini lebih dibebaskan dalam pembelajarannya yakni sesuai bakat, minat dan kemampuan yang mereka miliki, serta belajar dan pembelajrannya tidak terpaku di Pesantren Rakyat saja, namun mampu memanfaatkan rakyat yang mempunyai kemampuan di bidang yang santri butuhkan. Keempat santri, santri Pesantren Rakyat terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu santri inti, santri kalong dan santri pendukung. Makna santri “kami yang belajar, kami yang mengajar dan kami yang memberi gelar”. Kelima kiai, kiai Pesantren Rakyat selain sebagai pendiri dan sosok sentral juga bisa menjadi seorang sahabat, teman dan figur inspiratif untuk santrinya. Dari sini bisa terlihat bahwa Pesantren Rakyat merupakan pesantrennya rakyat, kehidupan ala rakyat, kurikulum ala rakyat, dan pembelajarannya ala rakyat yang ditumpangi dengan nilai-nilai keIslaman serta keindonesiaan agar generasi penerus bangsa mampu merakyat bukan mencekik rakyat serta mampu menjadikan bangsa Indonesia menjadi baldatun thoyyibatun warobbun ghofur. ENGLISH: System is a set of elements of education which are related and connected each other and give influence each other to achieve a certain goal. One of attempt that can be done is through developing system of Islamic Education there, while the model is a product of developing system. Focus of this research is how the model of “Rakyat Al Amin” Islamic boarding school in SumberpucungKab. Malang including some components of Islamic boarding school itself: boarding, mosque, Islamic classic books, students and kiyai. This research used study case approach in “Rakyat” Islamic boarding school in SumberpucungKab. Malang. The description matter is got by observation, interview, and documentation. The subject of research is Kyai of “Rakyat” Islamic boarding school, headman, teacher and students or Rakyat Islamic boarding school. The sample of research that used is purposive sampling. Technique that used to get credibility of data is triangulation. Data is got from informan and the subject who is researched, filtered and classified according to the pattern, theme and topic of discussion. Analyzing data done through two steps, the first step is step with the process of collecting data in the field and step after collecting data. The result of this research shows the difference of the components of Islamic boarding school commonly and the components of Rakyat Islamic boarding school. In the reality Rakyat Islamic boarding school only has 3 components such as teaching Islamic classic book, students and kyai, but it doesn’t mean that the other components of Islamic boarding school are not important, the other components just have different function, if in the Dhofier research mentioned that components of Islamic boarding school, the first is boarding which has function as place for students to stay in, so that this Rakyat Islamic boarding school only uses villager’s house as a place, it aims in order to make students are closer with society. The second is mosque, mosque is an important place in Islamic boarding school. But, in Rakyat Islamic boarding school is more emphasize in utilizing mosque around Islamic boarding school, without build mosque like Islamic boarding school commonly which has their own mosque. The third is teaching Islamic classic book, Rakyat Islamic boarding school still teach Islamic classic book but not as central lesson for students, students in over there are freedom in learning that is based on their talent, willing and their own ability, and the learning is not stagnant in Rakyat Islamic, but it can utilize society who has ability in the field needed by students. The forth is students, students of Rakyat Islamic boarding school are divided into three: main students, kalong students and supporter students. The meaning of students is “we are learning, we are teaching and we are giving degree. The fifth is kyai, kyai of Rakyat Islamic boarding school except as the founder and central figure also can be friend and inspiring figure for his students. From here it can be seen that Rakyat Islamic boarding school is boarding for its society, society life style, society’s curriculum and society’s learning which is contained Islamic values and getting Indonesian so that the next generation is able to socialize and not killing Indonesian people and also can make the nation become baldatun thoyyibatun wa robbun ghofur

    Accelerate Pembelajaran Al-Qur'an Berbasis Neurologi (Pola Metode Al-Barqy dan Wafa)

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    . This study aims to determine the pattern of neurology-based learning methods of Al-Qur'an Al-Barqy and wafa as an effort to synchronize these methods with the principles of accelerated learning required in this advancement era. Researchers Use research methods library research or commonly referred to as literature studies by collecting primary and secondary data related to al-Barqy and death methods, then analyzing neurology using descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the method of learning al-Qur'an al-barqy and wafa with its unique characteristics includes functioning of the right and left brain, besides being simple, fun and effective and making it easier for students to remember and recall old memories easily are points. It is important to acceleratinglearning neurology-based with the acrostic mnemonic method, where the language used is the daily language of students such as Ma-Ta-Sa-Ya and A-Da-Ra-Ja

    Diskontinuitas Bahasa Komunikasi Media Elektronik Dosen dan Mahasiswa Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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    The issuance of regulations and appeals to the way of electronic media communication language in several universities are driven by lecturers' complaints about the number of communication from students via telephone, SMS, email, Whatsapp which is less ethical, in this case language plays an important role, the wording in non-communication Verbal through electronic media provides opportunities for considerable discontinuity in the meaning of sentences, because without visible intonation and expression, so it does not rule out the possibility of multi language interpretations of lecturers and students. This problem is said to be the generation difference is the reason for the creation of communication language discontinuity. This study aims to determine how the discontinuity and how the discontinuity forms of electronic media communication between lecturers and students. With descriptive qualitative research methods, the methods of data collection analysis, data condensation, display, and verification to find the results of the formulation of this research problem. The results observed are discontinuities in the language of communication between students and lecturers found in ways of communication that are not following the descriptive ethics intended by lecturers of the Faculty of Islamic Religion. The form of language discontinuity in student and lecturer communication is in the choice of diction

    The Struggle for Religious Ideologies in the Educational Institutions of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama: A Phenomenological Study in East Java

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    This study focused on the phenomena or dynamics of the struggle for religious ideology that occur in the educational institutions (SMP/MTs and SMA/MA) of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama in East Java. Therefore, this study sought to see the internalization of the religious ideological values of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama in their education systems. Especially, when looking at clashes of religious thought that contain other ideologies (such as transnational (Salafi, Wahabi, and Shia), conservative/traditional, and reformist/modernist ideologies). This study used a qualitative approach and techniques for data collection used participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis used the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana model consisting of four stages, namely, data collection, data condensation, data display, and conclusion. This study found that the educational institutions of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama have paradigmatic similarities, namely, ideology is positioned and functionalized as the motive and legitimacy of their educational actions and religious privileges. The expanding opportunities for dissemination and reproduction of other ideologies in their educational institutions are due to the very open nature of their religious understanding (Muhammadiyah has an understanding of Islamic Manhaji, and Nahdlatul Ulama has an understanding of Islamic Mahzabi). Riset ini memfokuskan pada fenomena atau dinamika pergulatan ideologi keagamaan yang terjadi di kelembagaan pendidikan (SMP/MTs dan SMA/MA) Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama di propinsi Jawa Timur. Karenanya, riset ini berupaya melihat internalisasi nilai-nilai ideologis keagamaan Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam sistem kependidikannya. Terutama ketika melihat benturan-benturan pemikiran keagamaan yang memuat ideologi lain (seperti ideologi transnasional (salafi, wahabi, dan syi’ah), konservatif/tradisional, dan reformis/modernis). Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data memakai observasi partisipasi, wawancara mendalam; dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis datanya memakai model Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana yang terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: koleksi data, kondensasi data, display data, dan kesimpulan. Riset ini menemukan, kelembagaan pendidikan Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama memiliki persamaan paradigmatik, yaitu: ideologi diposisikan dan difungsionalisasikan sebagai motif serta legitimasi tindakan kependidikan dan privelege keberagamaan mereka. Pembentangan peluang diseminasi dan reproduksi ideologi lain di kelembagaan pendidikan mereka, disebabkan sifat pemahaman keagamaan mereka yang sangat terbuka (Muhammadiyah berpahaman Islam Manhaji, dan Nahdlatul Ulama memiliki pemahaman Islam mazhabi)

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kerjasama Siswa dalam Belajar Fiqh melalui Metode Make-a-Match

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    The study aimed to describe the impact of Fiqh learning actions using the Make-a-Match method on the cooperative skills of eleventh-grade students at Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang. This research used a qualitative approach with class action research (CAR) designed with two cycles. The study subjects were students in the 11th grade of the Department of Social Sciences Education (IPS), which had 18 students. Researchers collected data through observations, interviews, and documentation during the class action process. They then analyzed it through the Miles, Huberman, and Saldana procedures. Research results showed that the Make-a-Match method improved students' collaborative skills. Each of the collaborative skills indicators showed an improvement from cycle I to cycle II. The match-seeking technique required in applying this learning method instructed students to actively follow learning, be responsible as group members, interact, and collaborate.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak tindakan pembelajaran Fiqh yang menggunakan metode Make-a-Match terhadap keterampilan kerjasama siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang. Penelitian ini didesain secara kualitatif melalui penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan dua siklus. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas 11 dari Program Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial (IPS), yang berjumlah 18 siswa. Selama proses tindakan kelas, para peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian dianalisis melalui prosedur Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Make-a-Match dapat meningkatkan keterampilan kerjasama siswa. Setiap indikator keterampilan kerjasama menunjukkan peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II. Teknik pencarian pasangan yang dipersyaratkan dalam penerapan metode ini menuntut siswa untuk aktif mengikuti pembelajaran, bertanggung jawab sebagai anggota kelompok, berinteraksi, dan berkolaborasi dengan anggota lainnya