1,388 research outputs found

    Економічна сутність лізингу і перспективні напрямки його розвитку в Україні

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    У роботі досліджено економічну сутність лізингу як перспективної форми інвестування. Розроблено рекомендації щодо підвищення ефективності функціонування лізингу в транс- формаційній економіці України, які полягають у необхідності пошуку оптимального поєднання податкових надходжень від промислових підприємств у бюджет і податкових пільг для стимулювання виробничих капіталовкладень.In this work the structural/functional analysis of leasing as an economic category relies. The concept of development of capital formation through leasing was stated. From the optimal solution, recommendations on how to improve the institutional conditions of leasing sector in the Ukraine are offered

    Почесний попечитель Гімназії вищих наук у Ніжині граф Олександр Григорович Кушельов-Безбородько

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    Короткий біографічний начерк представника династії Безбородьків, котрий закінчував будівництво і опікувався відкриттям у Ніжині Гімназії вищих наук. Незважаючи на звання почесного попечителя цього вищого навчального закладу, до часу своєї смерті О.Г. Кушельов-Безбородько був справжнім його керівником-розпорядником і меценатом.Короткий биографический очерк о представителе династии Безбородько, который заканчивал строительство и заботился об открытии в Нежине Гимназии высших наук. Невзирая на звание почетного попечителя этого высшего учебного заведения, до времени своей смерти А.Г. Кушелев-Безбородько был настоящим его руководителем-распорядителем и меценатом.This is short biographic essay about representative Bezborod’kos’ dynasty, which concluded building and cared of opening of Gimnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn. Without regard to the rank of the honoured trustee of this higher educational establishment, to time of his death A.G. Kushel’yov-Bezborod’ko was the real its patron and manager

    Lessons from Leaders: Mainstreaming corporate valuations of impacts and dependencies on nature

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    Historically, business practices have negatively affected the natural environment. Many environmental problems originated from businesses’ view of nature as a source of cheap inputs. Moreover, businesses haven’t accounted for negative environmental impacts on “natural capital” (e.g. water, forests, pollination, etc.) from manufacturing, pollution, toxic waste, shipping, and transportation. Given that “you can’t manage what you don’t measure,” various organizations are developing models and metrics to quantify business impacts on natural capital, and leading businesses are forging ahead with financial valuations. For example, the Kering Group displays their natural capital valuations through an interactive “Environmental Profit and Loss” calculator, displaying global environmental impacts in Euros. Despite the compelling logic of accounting for impacts on nature, few businesses do so. Our research conducted through in-depth interviews with businesses, NGOs, consultants, and others highlights the array of motives behind these companies’ efforts, as well as the challenges they have overcome. In addition, our research demonstrates that valuations of natural capital affect decision making in powerful and unexpected ways

    Report for the NGFA-5 project.

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    The objective of this project is to provide DHS a comprehensive evaluation of the current genomic technologies including genotyping, TaqMan PCR, multiple locus variable tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), microarray and high-throughput DNA sequencing in the analysis of biothreat agents from complex environmental samples. To effectively compare the sensitivity and specificity of the different genomic technologies, we used SNP TaqMan PCR, MLVA, microarray and high-throughput illumine and 454 sequencing to test various strains from B. anthracis, B. thuringiensis, BioWatch aerosol filter extracts or soil samples that were spiked with B. anthracis, and samples that were previously collected during DHS and EPA environmental release exercises that were known to contain B. thuringiensis spores. The results of all the samples against the various assays are discussed in this report

    Supporting smoking cessation in older patients: a continuing challenge for community nurses

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    Tobacco smoking continues to pose negative health consequences for smokers and their families, and is the single greatest cause of health inequalities in the UK. Older people are particularly vulnerable to the negative health impacts of smoking and therefore, supporting older smokers to quit remains an important public health goal. Community nurses are required to help patients to lead healthier lifestyles and have ideal opportunities to encourage smoking cessation in older people who are affected by smoking-related health conditions, or whose existing conditions may be exacerbated by continued smoking. This paper discusses how community nurses can support their older patients to quit smoking by fostering a patient-centred partnership through good communication and empathy. The newly developed ‘Very Brief Advice on Smoking’ (VBA) interventions can provide a useful tool for community nurses who experience time constraints to advise older people that psychosocial support with treatment is the most effective method of smoking cessation, while respecting the health decisions of patients

    Switchable surface coatings for control over protein adsorption

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    Control over biomolecule interactions at interfaces is becoming an increasingly important goal for a range of scientific fields and is being intensively studied in areas of biotechnological, biomedical and materials science. Improvement in the control over materials and biomolecules is particularly important to applications such as arrays, biosensors, tissue engineering, drug delivery and 'lab on a chip' devices. Further development of these devices is expected to be achieved with thin coatings of stimuli responsive materials that can have their chemical properties 'switched' or tuned to stimulate a certain biological response such as adsorptionldesorption of proteins. Switchable coatings show great potential for the realisation of spatial and temporal immobilisation of cells and biomolecules such as DNA and proteins. This study focuses on protein adsorption onto coatings of the thermosensitive polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) which can exhibit low and high protein adsorption properties based on its temperature dependent conformation. At temperatures above its lower critical solution temperature (LCST) pNIPAM polymer chains are collapsed and protein adsorbing whilst below the LCST they are hydrated and protein repellent. Coatings of pNIPAM on silicon wafers were prepared by free radical polymerisation in the presence of surface bound polymerisable groups. Surface analysis and protein adsorption was carried out using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and contact angle measurements. This study is expected to aid the development of stimuli-responsive coatings for biochips and biodevices.Bellingham, US

    At the heart of optimal reading experiences: Cardiovascular activity and flow experiences in fiction reading

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    Fiction reading is a popular leisure activity associated with a variety of pleasurable experiences, including suspense, narrative transportation, and—as indicated by recent empirical studies—also flow. In the context of fiction reading, flow—generally defined as a pleasurable state of mind experienced during an optimally stimulating activity—is specifically related to an optimal balance between text-driven challenges and the reader’s capabilities in constructing a mental story model. The experimental study reported here focused on the psychophysiological underpinnings of flow in the reading context. Cardiovascular data were collected from 84 participants both during a relaxation baseline prior to reading and during reading. Participants were randomly assigned to read one of three versions of a chapter from Homer’s Odyssey. According to statistical readability indices, these versions were low, intermediate, or high in readability, and hence in cognitive challenge. Flow was measured immediately after reading with a self-report scale that was tailored to assess reading-specific flow experiences. Regression analyses revealed that cardiovascular activation patterns measured before reading that are reflective of parasympathetic dominance—that is, an inner state associated with relaxation and cognitive fluency—moderated flow experiences during reading. In line with the stipulations of flow theory in regard to matching challenge levels being the key determinant for flow, this pattern supported subsequent flow experiences only in response to text versions of high or intermediate, but not of low cognitive challenge. Differences in cardiac vagal tone during reading were, however, not sensitive to our experimental modifications and not predictive of flow experiences

    Report for Evaluation of Canonical SNP Taqman Assays to Detect Biothreat Agents and Environmental Samples for DHS

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    Advocacy for an improved training in clinical nutrition during the medical cursus.

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    editorial reviewedThe knowledge of physicians regarding nutrition is often far below the expectations of patients, and does not comply with official recommendations. However, poor-quality nutrition and diet represent the first cause of mortality worldwide. As a result of an insufficient training and awareness, many physicians cannot meet patients' expectations. Moreover, nutrition is sometimes felt as a field of low scientific level, thereby opening the area to pseudo-scientific drifts. We advocate an improvement in the training in nutrition during the medical cursus, namely by the transversal integration of nutritional insights into medical courses, and the recognition of post-university training validated by the academic authorities. A clarification of the roles and the recognition of the competency are urgently required to promote the professionalism of nutritional counselling.Les connaissances des médecins en matière d’alimentation et de nutrition sont souvent en-deçà des attentes des patients et en décalage par rapport aux recommandations officielles. Pourtant, la mauvaise alimentation constitue la première cause de mortalité à l’échelle planétaire. Les attentes des patients sont importantes en matière de nutrition et le médecin y est mal préparé en raison d’une formation insuffisante. De plus, la nutrition est parfois perçue comme une matière peu scientifique, et la reconnaissance des compétences en nutrition est insuffisante, ouvrant le champ à des dérives pseudo-scientifiques. Nous plaidons pour une meilleure formation en nutrition dans le cursus des études médicales, notamment en intégrant les aspects nutritionnels de manière transversale au cours de la formation des futurs médecins, et pour la reconnaissance des cursus de formation post-universitaires validés par les autorités académiques. Une clarification des rôles et une reconnaissance des compétences sont urgentes afin de professionnaliser les conseils nutritionnels