655 research outputs found

    Seamless Traffic preemption for emergency vehicles using USSD services with SET Triggers

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    This paper attempts to explore a method and system for providing a solution for preemption of the traffic for Emergency vehicles such as ambulance,Fire service and VIP vehicles using SUPL enabled terminals (SET) using Unstructured Supplementary Services

    Location-Based Jammer For SUPL Terminal

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    A technique is disclosed that provides a location-based jammer for SUPL (Service User Plane Location) enabled terminals ( SET ), using MAP Supplementary Services. Triggers that activate and deactivate call barring are made when a device enters and leaves a call-restricted area respectively

    Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of root extract of Asclepias curassavica

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    The plants belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family has very high medicinal property. Asclepias curassavica is one such plant which comes under Asclepiadaceae family. In the present study the effect of  plant root extract of different solvents were screened against three bacteria and three fungi for their level of antimicrobial potential.To determine the compounds present that may produce an inhibitory effect on different classes of bacteria and fungi. Thin layer chromatography was used to assay for the compounds present and further these compounds were eluted through Column Chromatography.The crude extracts of petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol and two pure fractions obtained from methanol extract were tested for their antimicrobial property. The crude extract of chloroform was effective against Pseudomonas solanacearum and Escherichia coli than other extracts. The crude extract of methanol was effective against Clavibacter michiganense than other extracts. Compound 1 of methanol extract is effective than compound 2 against Pseudomonas solanacearum and compound 2 is effective than compound 1 against Clavibacter michiganense and Escherichia coli. The crude extract of chloroform was more effective against Aspergillus niger than Helminthosporium oryzae and Fusarium oxysporum. Whereas the petroleum ether and methanol extract has no antifungal property

    Population ecology of freshwater mussel Parreysia corrugata (Mullar 1774) from River Malthi, Tributary of river Tunga in the Western Ghats, India

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    The The freshwater mussel Parreysia corrugata (Muller, 1774) is common in rivers of India. The growth, mortality and recruitment of P. corrugata were studied from March 2007 to June 2008 from river Malthi, tributary of river Tunga, in the Western Ghats. A total of 1587 individuals ranging from 17 to 57 mm size were subjected to analysis. The recruitment pattern produced one cohort per year and the highest peak occurred during November-December. In the first year the growth of mussel was fast, about 50% of its maximum size, and in subsequent years the growth decreased. The sizes attained by P. corrugata were 22, 36, 46, 51, 55 and 57 mm at the end of 1st to 6th years respectively. The average growth rates of P. corrugata from first to sixth years were 2.00 1.08, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.17 mm/month respectively. The life span of the mussel was about 6 years at the study area. The von Bertalanffy growth equation for length was Lt = 60.76 [1- e-0.47 (t +0.0426)]. The growth performance index (Φ) was 3.896. The total mortality (Z) was 1.84/ year. The natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) rates were 0.9 and 1.19/year respectively. The exploitation level (E) of P. corrugata was 0.57

    A fixed dose combination of ofloxacin and ornidazole induced fixed drug eruptions

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    Fixed drug eruptions (FDEs) may account for 16-21% of all cutaneous drug eruptions. Recent research suggests a cell-mediated process that initiates both the active and quiescent lesions. The major categories of causative agents of fixed drug eruption include antibiotics, antiepileptics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sildenafil, and phenothiazines, although numerous other agents and certain foods such as cashews and licorice have also been reported as causative agents. A 38 year old male presented to the dermatology OPD with hyperpigmented and erythematous macular eruptions on the neck, chest, right arm, left scapular region, left wrist and left knee. The eruptions were associated with burning sensation and itching. He informed having taken medications for gastroenteritis the night before. The medications were Ofloxacin and Ornidazole (FDC), Omeprazole and Domperidone (FDC) and Paracetamol. He gave a history of a similar event, a year ago, with the same antimicrobial combination (Ofloxacin and Ornidazole), although the macular eruptions were restricted to the neck, arm and knee with bleb formation and severe burning sensation. Since the macular eruptions reoccurred, although with extra regions being affected, a diagnosis of FDEs was made. The most probable cause for these FDEs seems to be FDC of Ofloxacin and Ornidazole, because the patient gives history of taking Omeprazole and Paracetamol before without any FDEs. According to Naranjo’s Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale, the FDC of Ofloxacin and Ornidazole is a definite cause for the FDEs. (Score = 9)

    Effect of fungal biosorbed and nonbiosorbed copper and zinc metal solutions on growth and metal uptake of leguminous plants

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    Effect of Zn, Cu and Cu + Zn at 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500ppm concentrations of fungal untreated and treated metal solutions on seed germination and seedling vigor of Cicer areietinum (Chick pea), Macrotyloma uniflorum (Horse gram), Vigna radiata (Green gram) and Vigna unguiculata (Cowpea) were evaluated. Heavy metal solutions were prepared in increasing concentration up to the concentration critical to the soil. Increased metal concentrations reduced the seed germination and growth of test plants. Low metal concentrations of 10, 25, 50 ppm, stimulated the shoot, root and seed germination in test plants. Untreated and treated effluent was not acutely toxic to the seed germination and plant growth. In Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus biosorbed metal ions, reduced metal toxicity with increased seedling vigor was observed. Efficiency of metal biosorption by fungal biomass and metal ions tolerance and accumulation ability in test plants were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).  Â

    Population selection strategies in the wedge clam, Donax incarnatus (Gmelin) from Panambur beach, Mangalore

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    The wedge clams, of genus Donax. form a dominant component in the infauna of sandy beaches of Indian coasts. Though not commercially very important, these clams support small fisheries along certain regions of the east and west coasts of India. Some aspects of the population biology of Donax spp have been reported by earlier werker

    Seasonal variability in the condition of the Wedge clam, Donax incarnatus (Gmelin)

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    Variations in the condition of Donax incarnatus (Gmelin) inhabiting Panambur beach sand were followed for one year. The highest condition indices were in March (9.4) and September (8.~) and the lowest in January (3.5). Seasonal fluctuations in condition were probably related to cycles of gonadal growth and spawning. Based on the data, the best period for commercial exploitation appears to be during March and September

    Allometry in the wedge clam, Donax incarnatus (Gmelin) from Panambur beach, Mangalore

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    In allometric relationships,only 2 parameters are compared at anyone time. Moreover, inferences about the proximate or mechanistic causes will result in differences in the intercept and slope of the allometry, hence comparisons among taxa are risky because many factors influence morphological and physiological trait

    Gender Discriminatory Practices in Organisations – Need for Social Work Intervention – A Conceptual Study

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    Gender inequality has been a historic worldwide phenomenon, a patriarchal invention based on gender assumptions, rooted in culture and gender norms, which promotes subordination and exploitation of woman. This shameful practice of discrimination against women is prevalent everywhere in the world and more so in Indian society. The real enemies behind gender stereotypes are ignorance, intolerance, and stagnant societies that resist change. Presence of gender disparities has been evidenced by many Global as well as national Indexes. According to UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index-2014, India ranks at 127out of 152 countries in the list, just above Afghanistan as far as SAARC countries are concerned.Woman faces discrimination at both home and workplace. Gender discrimination at workplace is an issue of serious concern, as it leads to gender segregation in the workplace in terms of benefits, hours, leave, wages, opportunities and promotions, etc.According to India’s National Sample Survey, the proportion of working women in urban areas has increased from 11.9% in 2001 to 15.4% in 2011. But even in this, the fastest growing proportion is that of domestic housework. In The distribution of worker by Occupations and Gender in India 2011-12 survey, it was noticed that while 9.15% men were working in the positions of directors and chief executives, only 5.08% women were involved in the same.Achieving gender equality is important for workplaces not only because it is 'fair' and 'the right thing to do', but because it is also linked to a country's overall economic and social progress. This study aims at understanding the gender discrimination which exists at different levels and in different kinds at workplaces and conceptualizing effective social work intervention techniques and ideas to decrease the intensity of the problem.