Gender Discriminatory Practices in Organisations – Need for Social Work Intervention – A Conceptual Study


Gender inequality has been a historic worldwide phenomenon, a patriarchal invention based on gender assumptions, rooted in culture and gender norms, which promotes subordination and exploitation of woman. This shameful practice of discrimination against women is prevalent everywhere in the world and more so in Indian society. The real enemies behind gender stereotypes are ignorance, intolerance, and stagnant societies that resist change. Presence of gender disparities has been evidenced by many Global as well as national Indexes. According to UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index-2014, India ranks at 127out of 152 countries in the list, just above Afghanistan as far as SAARC countries are concerned.Woman faces discrimination at both home and workplace. Gender discrimination at workplace is an issue of serious concern, as it leads to gender segregation in the workplace in terms of benefits, hours, leave, wages, opportunities and promotions, etc.According to India’s National Sample Survey, the proportion of working women in urban areas has increased from 11.9% in 2001 to 15.4% in 2011. But even in this, the fastest growing proportion is that of domestic housework. In The distribution of worker by Occupations and Gender in India 2011-12 survey, it was noticed that while 9.15% men were working in the positions of directors and chief executives, only 5.08% women were involved in the same.Achieving gender equality is important for workplaces not only because it is 'fair' and 'the right thing to do', but because it is also linked to a country's overall economic and social progress. This study aims at understanding the gender discrimination which exists at different levels and in different kinds at workplaces and conceptualizing effective social work intervention techniques and ideas to decrease the intensity of the problem.

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