50 research outputs found

    The managerial competencies required by Indonesia�s leading hotel groups: A preliminary investigation

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    This study investigates contents from the websites of leading hotel groups in Indonesia which specify the competencies that are required by star hotels for potential managerial level recruits. This preliminary investiga-tion identified a list of competencies that are expected by hotels and incorporated them into Sandwiths competency domain model with a view to determining the essential competencies. The results showed that leader-ship and interpersonal competencies were deemed as the most expected competencies at both junior and senior management levels. The identified competencies may be used as a basis for providing a better understanding of hotel manager competencies as a foundation for improving hospitality curricula in Indonesia

    Human Capital Issues and Challenges in the Hotel Industry: The Case of Indonesia

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    The paper investigates the major human-related issues and challenges encountered by Indonesias hotel industry. The root causes are examined in search of prospective solutions as a response to the concerns that have been identified. The qualitative data were obtained through a series of in-depth semi-structured interviews. The findings identified recruitment, strong competition, employee issues, retention, government regulation, and local community as the top current issues and challenges being confronted by the Indonesian hotel industry. Such concerns are likely to continue into the future. Foreign workers and training issues are emerging challenges because of the entrance of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)


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    Service quality is necessary especially in the hospitality industry, remembering that consumers have expectations that must be fulfilled and satisfied. Consumers often expect to get maximal service from the service providers and wish to be treated professionally and as a unique individual. This paper seeks to give a further idea about service quality which can be developed and done by service providers with the hope of fulfilling consumer expectations and finally to satisfy all consumers, both internal and external to the company. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Service Quality sangat dibutuhkan terutama di industri hospitality mengingat konsumen yang mempunyai ekspektasi yang selalu ingin dipenuhi dan dipuaskan. Konsumen selalu mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan service yang maksimal dari para penyedia jasa dalam hal ingin diperlakukan secara professional, dan diperlakukan sebagai individu yang unik. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jauh mengenai service quality yang dapat dibangun dan dilakukan oleh para penyedia jasa yang diharapkan dapat memenuhi ekspektasi dari konsumen yang pada akhirnya dapat memuaskan eksternal konsumen maupun internal konsumen. Kata kunci: hospitality, service quality, ekspektasi, kepuasan, penyedia jasa


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    The restaurant industry in Surabaya has shown rapid growth recently. This requires the restaurant businesses to recognize their competitive advantages in order to win the competition. One of the competitive advantages is a good service quality that will create consumerā€™s satisfaction. This research is aimed to know the consumerā€™s satisfaction towards service quality of restaurants in Surabaya and to identify if there is significant satisfaction differences based on consumerā€™s demographic which are gender, age, occupation, level of education and level of income. The consumers of eleven upscale restaurants in Surabaya, Indonesia were surveyed to define their expectation and perception towards the service quality of the restaurants that they experienced based on the SERVQUAL model. SERVQUAL model has five dimensions such as tangible, responsiveness, reliability, assurance and empathy. The questionnaires used were five point Likert type scales which were distributed to 553 consumers who were dine-in by using convenience and quota sampling technique. The quota for each restaurant is 50 questionnaires. The method of analysis used were descriptive statistics, customer satisfaction index, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. The result shows that empathy has the biggest customer satisfaction index, 0.9714, compared to the other dimensions. It means that consumers are satisfied that the restaurantā€™s staffs are helpful and give personal attention to the consumers. Assurance has the lowest customer satisfaction index, 0.9332. It can be said that the consumers are satisfied that the staffs have good product knowledge, able to handle complaint and courteous to the consumers. Overall, customer satisfaction index is 0.9610 that means consumers are satisfied to the service quality that the restaurants in Surabaya have. In addition, there is no significant satisfaction differences for the consumers with different age group, different level of education and different level of income; there is only significant satisfaction differences for the consumers of different gender, that is men are more satisfied than women, and different occupation, that is civil servants are more satisfied than other occupations

    Perceptions of Visitors towards the Implementation of Sustainable Tourism at Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study is to determine visitors� perceptions towards the implementation of sustainable tourism at Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo (KEMW) as seen from the perspectives of the environmental, economic, as well as social dimensions. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by distributing questionnaires to 101 respondents as KEMW visitors. The study result shows that the implementation of sustainable tourism from the environmental dimension still prioritizes goals that lead to conservation. Sustainable tourism from the economic dimension is directed to provide benefit to the local economy. Whereas from the social dimension, KEMW has given visitors a sense of comfort and security. KEMW management is expected to be able to create more proactive programs, to educate visitors about conservation, and to involve the community to clean up waste in deeper forest areas. Moreover, the management should promote the variety of processed local mangrove products, as well as add facilities that provide easier access for visitors with special needs. Further research can be done by either measuring the level of visitor satisfaction towards the services of KEMW�s employees or identifying the impact of the presence of KEMW on the economic and social characteristics of the local population

    K-pop music: the influence of pop-culture involvement and destination image on travel intention to south korea

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    This study implements the concept of pop-culture involvement, specifically K-Pop music. Pop-culture involvement is classified into two categories, situational involvement, and enduring involvement. This study aims to investigate the involvement of pop-culture in shaping a destination image that will influence the intention to travel. A quantitative study by distributing questionnaires was performed on 135 Indonesian citizens aged 17 and above. The Partial Least Square (PLS) method was employed to process the data acquired. The result indicates that situational involvement has a significant influence in forming enduring involvement. Situational involvement also influences the destination image, yet enduring involvement has no effect on destination image. In addition, the result also shows that destination image does significantly affect travel intention. This study has provided a preliminary investigation on pop-culture involvement of K-Pop music. It is expected to be insights for further research specifically in the context of K-Pop music and tourism.

    YouTube Influencer: How Source Credibility and Information Quality Influence Destination Image and Visit Intention of Young Travelers?

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    This study aims to analyze the effects of YouTube influencers� source credibility and the information quality of the platform on destination image and young travellers� intention to visit a destination. Stimulus-organism- response (SOR) theory was adopted to develop the tested research model. This study applied a quantitative approach where primary data was collected through online surveys to 198 YouTube subscribers who had watched the examined YouTube channels� content. The PLS-SEM technique was utilized to assess the structural model in the study. The results of this study show that source credibility had a significant positive effect on information quality, destination image, and visit intention. The information quality positively affected destination image but did not directly impact the visit intention. Furthermore, the destination image significantly mediates the effect of source credibility and information quality on visit intention. This study enriches the literature on the relationships among source credibility, information quality, and how these credibility and information quality could influence the destination image and young travellers� intention to visit a destination in an emerging country like Indonesia

    The role of food consumption value and attitude toward food on behavioral intention: Culinary tourist behavior in Indonesia

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    Eating local dishes at a destination is crucial for tourists. This study examines the key drivers of foreign tourists� behavioral intention toward local indonesian food. A model examining food consumption value, attitude toward food, and behavioral intention was investigated using partial least squares structural equation modeling (Pls-seM). A five-point likert questionnaire was distributed to 468 international tourists visiting Bali and Java island in indonesia. the empirical findings show that tourists� attitude toward local food were positively and significantly influenced by their epistemic, emotional, functional, and interaction values. however, prestige value had no significant effect on tourists� attitude or behavioral intention. Interaction value had a significant influence on foreign tourists� attitude toward food, but not on their willingness to recommend and spread positive things about local culinary practices to others. The findings imply that food business owners and food destination marketers need to strategically develop and design effective promotions to promote local food as a destination marketing tool and attract more international tourists to a destination

    Perilaku Dan Motivasi Komplain Konsumen Terhadap Restoran-restoran Di Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini ditunjukan untuk menguji perilaku, motivasi komplain, serta korelasi antara perilaku komplain dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan. Uji mean dilakukan untuk menguji tingginya perilaku komplain konsumen dan motivasi komplain konsumen dalam melakukan komplain dan uji chi square untuk menguji adanya korelasi antara perilaku komplain dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil tes dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Perilaku menceritakan pengalaman dan motivasi mengekspresikan emosi yang mana ditunjukkan dari hasil mean yang paling tinggi. (2) Usia tidak berkorelasi dengan perilaku komplain, sedangkan jenis kelamin dan tingkat pendidikan memiliki korelasi