17 research outputs found

    Influence of surrounding plates on 3D subduction dynamics

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    International audienceOur 3D modelling study shows that the presence of lithospheric plates around a subducting plate has a significant influence on subduction dynamics, in particular on trench retreat rate, slab dip, and lateral shortening of the subducting plate. Neighbouring plates prevent unrealistic plate behaviour with no need for complex rheologies. Because, at the Earth's surface, plates form a continuous shell, they should not be neglected

    3-D numerical modelling of crustal polydiapirs with volume-of-fluid methods

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    Gravitational instabilities exert a crucial role on the Earth dynamics and in particular on its differentiation. The Earth’s crust can be considered as a multilayered fluid with different densities and viscosities, which may become unstable in particular with variations in temperature. With the specific aim to quantify crustal scale polydiapiric instabilities, we test here two codes, JADIM and OpenFOAM, which use a volume-of-fluid (VOF) method without interface reconstruction, and compare them with the geodynamics community code ASPECT, which uses a tracking algorithm based on compositional fields. The VOF method is well-known to preserve strongly deforming interfaces. Both JADIM and OpenFOAM are first tested against documented two and three-layer Rayleigh–Taylor instability configurations in 2-D and 3-D. 2-D and 3-D results show diapiric growth rates that fit the analytical theory and are found to be slightly more accurate than those obtained with ASPECT. We subsequently compare the results from VOF simulations with previously published Rayleigh–B®enard analogue and numerical experiments.We show that the VOF method is a robust method adapted to the study of diapirism and convection in the Earth’s crust, although it is not computationally as fast as ASPECT. OpenFOAM is found to run faster than, and conserve mass as well as JADIM. Finally, we provide a preliminary application to the polydiapiric dynamics of the orogenic crust of Naxos Island (Greece) at about 16 Myr, and propose a two-stages scenario of convection and diapirism. The timing and dimensions of the modelled gravitational instabilities not only corroborate previous estimates of timing and dimensions associated to the dynamics of this hot crustal domain, but also bring preliminary insight on its rheological and tectonic contexts

    Modeling the threedimensional tectonomorphic response of a small orogen

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    The effect of obliquity on temperature in subduction zones: insights from 3-D numerical modeling

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    The geotherm in subduction zones is thought to vary as a function of the subduction rate and the age of the subducting lithosphere. Along a single subduction zone the rate of subduction may strongly vary due to changes in the angle between the trench and the plate convergence vector, i.e., the subduction obliquity, due to trench curvature. We currently observe such curvature in, e.g., the Marianas, Chile and Aleutian trenches. Recently, strong along-strike variations in subduction obliquity were proposed to have caused a major temperature contrast between Cretaceous geological records of western and central Turkey. We test here whether first-order temperature variation in a subduction zone may be caused by variation in the trench geometry using simple thermo-kinematic finite-element 3-D numerical models. We prescribe the trench geometry by means of a simple mathematical function and compute the mantle flow in the mantle wedge by solving the equation of mass and momentum conservation. We then solve the energy conservation equation until steady state is reached. We analyze the results (i) in terms of mantle wedge flow with emphasis on the trench-parallel component and (ii) in terms of temperature along the plate interface by means of maps and the depth-temperature path at the interface. In our experiments, the effect of the trench curvature on the geotherm is substantial. A small obliquity yields a small but not negligible trench-parallel mantle flow, leading to differences of 30 °C along-strike of the model. Advected heat causes such temperature variations (linked to the magnitude of the trench-parallel component of velocity). With increasing obliquity, the trench-parallel component of the velocity consequently increases and the temperature variation reaches 200°C along-strike. Finally, we discuss the implication of our simulations for the ubiquitous oblique systems that are observed on Earth and the limitations of our modeling approach. Lateral variations in plate sinking rate associated with curvature will further enhance this temperature contrast. We conclude that the synchronous metamorphic temperature contrast between central and western Turkey may well have resulted from reconstructed major variations in subduction obliquity

    DOUAR : A new three-dimensional creeping flow numerical model for the solution of geological problems

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    International audienceWe present a new finite element code for the solution of the Stokes and energy (or heat transport) equationsthat has been purposely designed to address crustal-scale to mantle-scale flow problems in three dimensions. Although it is based on an Eulerian description of deformation and flow, the code, which we named DOUAR ('Earth' in Breton language), has the ability to track interfaces and, in particular, the free surface, by using a dual representation based on a set of particles placed on the interface and the computation of a level set function on the nodes of the finite element grid, thus ensuring accuracy and efficiency.The code also makes use of a newmethod to compute the dynamic Delaunay triangulation connecting the particles based on non-Euclidian, curvilinear measure of distance, ensuring that the density of particles remains uniform and/or dynamically adapted to the curvature of the interface. The finite element discretization is based on a non-uniform, yet regular octree division of space within a unit cube that allows efficient adaptation of the finite element discretization, i.e. in regions of strong velocity gradient or high interface curvature. The finite elements are cubes (the leaves of the octree) in which a q1­p0 interpolation scheme is used. Nodal incompatibilities across faces separating elements of differing size are dealt with by introducing linear constraints among nodal degrees of freedom. Discontinuities in material properties across the interfaces are accommodated by the use of a novel method (which we called divFEM) to integrate the finite element equations in which the elemental volume is divided by a local octree to an appropriate depth (resolution).Avariety of rheologies have beenimplemented including linear, non-linear and thermally activated creep and brittle (or plastic) frictional deformation. A simple smoothing operator has been defined to avoid checkerboard oscillations in pressure that tend to develop when using a highly irregular octree discretization and the tri-linear (or q1­p0) finite element. A three-dimensional cloud of particles is used to track material properties that depend on the integrated history of deformation (the integrated strain, for example); its density is variable and dynamically adapted to the computed flow. The large system of algebraic equations that results fromthe finite element discretization and linearization of the basic partial differential equations is solved using a multi-frontal massively parallel direct solver that can efficiently factorize poorly conditioned systems resulting from the highly non-linear rheology and the presence of the free surface. The code is almost entirely parallelized.We present example results including the onset of a Rayleigh­Taylor instability, the indentation of a rigid-plastic material and the formation of a fold beneath a free eroding surface, that demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency and appropriateness of the new code to solve complex geodynamical problems in three dimensions

    3-D numerical modelling of crustal polydiapirs with volume-of-fluid methods

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    Gravitational instabilities exert a crucial role on the Earth dynamics and in particular on its differentiation. The Earth's crust can be considered as a multilayered fluid with different densities and viscosities, which may become unstable in particular with variations in temperature. With the specific aim to quantify crustal scale polydiapiric instabilities, we test here two codes, JADIM and OpenFOAM, which use a volume-of-fluid (VOF) method without interface reconstruction, and compare them with the geodynamics community code ASPECT, which uses a tracking algorithm based on compositional fields. The VOF method is well-known to preserve strongly deforming interfaces. Both JADIM and OpenFOAM are first tested against documented two and three-layer Rayleigh-Taylor instability configurations in 2-D and 3-D. 2-D and 3-D results show diapiric growth rates that fit the analytical theory and are found to be slightly more accurate than those obtained with ASPECT. We subsequently compare the results from VOF simulations with previously published Rayleigh-BĂ©nard analogue and numerical experiments. We show that the VOF method is a robust method adapted to the study of diapirism and convection in the Earth's crust, although it is not computationally as fast as ASPECT. OpenFOAM is found to run faster than, and conserve mass as well as JADIM. Finally, we provide a preliminary application to the polydiapiric dynamics of the orogenic crust of Naxos Island (Greece) at about 16 Myr, and propose a two-stages scenario of convection and diapirism. The timing and dimensions of the modelled gravitational instabilities not only corroborate previous estimates of timing and dimensions associated to the dynamics of this hot crustal domain, but also bring preliminary insight on its rheological and tectonic contexts