44 research outputs found

    Stochastic modication of Newtonian dynamics and Induced potential -application to spiral galaxies and the dark potential

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    Using the formalism of stochastic embedding developed by [J. Cresson, D. Darses, J. Math. Phys. 48, 072703 (2007)], we study how the dynamics of the classical Newton equation for a force deriving from a potential is deformed under the assumption that this equation can admit stochastic processes as solutions. We focus on two denitions of a stochastic Newton's equation called dierential and variational. We rst prove a stochastic virial theorem which is a natural generalization of the classical case. The stochasticity modies the virial relation by adding a potential term called the induced potential which corresponds in quantum mechanics to the Bohm potential. Moreover, the dierential stochastic Newton equation naturally provides an action functional which sat-ises a stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The real part of this equation corresponds to the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation with an extra potential term corresponding to the induced potential already observed in the stochastic virial theorem. The induced potential has an explicit form depending on the density of the stochastic processes solutions of the stochastic Newton equation. It is proved that this density satises a nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation. Applying this formalism for the Kepler potential, one proves that the induced potential coincides with the ad-hoc ''dark potential'' used to recover a at rotation curve of spiral galaxies. We then discuss the application of the previous formalism in the context of spiral galaxies following the proposal and computations given by [D. Da Rocha and L. Nottale, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 16(4):565-595, 2003] where the emergence of the ''dark potential'' is seen as a consequence of the fractality of space in the context of the Scale relativity theory

    The magneto-hydrodynamic instabilities in rotating and precessing sheared flows: An asymptotic analysis

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    International audienceLinear magnetohydrodynamic instabilities are studied analytically in the case of unbounded inviscid and electrically conducting flows that are submitted to both rotation and precession with shear in an external magnetic field. For given rotation and precession the possible configurations of the shear and of the magnetic field and their interplay are imposed by the "admissibility" condition (i.e., the base flow must be a solution of the magnetohydrodynamic Euler equations): we show that an "admissible" basic magnetic field must align with the basic absolute vorticity. For these flows with elliptical streamlines due to precession we undertake an analytical stability analysis for the corresponding Floquet system, by using an asymptotic expansion into the small parameter Δ (ratio of precession to rotation frequencies) by a method first developed in the magnetoelliptical instabilities study by Lebovitz and Zweibel Astrophys. J. 609 301 (2004). The present stability analysis is performed into a suitable frame that is obtained by a systematic change of variables guided by symmetry and the existence of invariants of motion. The obtained Floquet system depends on three parameters: Δ, η (ratio of the cyclotron frequency to the rotation frequency) and χ=cos α, with α being a characteristic angle which, for circular streamlines, Δ=0, identifies with the angle between the wave vector and the axis of the solid body rotation. We look at the various (centrifugal or precessional) resonant couplings between the three present modes: hydrodynamical (inertial), magnetic (AlfvĂ©n), and mixed (magnetoinertial) modes by computing analytically to leading order in Δ the instabilities by estimating their threshold, growth rate, and maximum growth rate and their bandwidths as functions of Δ, η, and χ. We show that the subharmonic "magnetic" mode appears only for η>√5/2 and at large η (âȘą1) the maximal growth rate of both the "hydrodynamic" and magnetic modes approaches Δ/2, while the one of the subharmonic "mixed" mode approaches zero

    A case of strong non linearity: intermittency in highly turbulent flows

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    International audienceIt has long been suspected that flows of incompressible fluids at large or infinite Reynolds number (namely at small or zero viscosity) may present finite time singularities. We review briefly the theoretical situation on this point. We discuss the effect of a small viscosity on the self-similar solution of the Euler equations for inviscid fluids. Then we show that single point records of velocity fluctuations in the Modane wind tunnel display correlations between large velocities and large accelerations in full agreement with scaling laws derived from Leray's equations (1934) for self-similar singular solutions of the fluid equations. Conversely those experimental velocity-acceleration correlations are contradictory to the Kolmogorov scaling laws.Un cas de forte nonlinéarité : l'intermittence en milieu turbulentà grand nombre de Reynolds. On pense depuis longtemps que lesécoulements fluides incompressiblesà grand, sinon infini, nombre de Reynolds présentent des singularités localisées en temps et en espace. Nousétudions l'effet d'une petite viscosité sur les solutions auto-semblables deséquations des fluides. Nous montrons ensuite que des enregistrements de fluctuations de vitesse dans la soufflerie de Modane présentent des corrélations entre grandes vitesses et grandes accélérations en accord complet avec les lois d'échelle déduites des solutions auto-similaires deséquations trouvées par Leray en 1934. En revanche ces corrélations sont en contradiction avec les lois d'échelle déduites de la théorie de Kolmogorov

    Magnetized stratified rotating shear waves

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    International audienceWe present a spectral linear analysis in terms of advected Fourier modes to describe the behavior of a fluid submitted to four constraints: shear (with rate S), rotation (with angular velocity Ω), stratification, and magnetic field within the linear spectral theory or the shearing box model in astrophysics. As a consequence of the fact that the base flow must be a solution of the Euler-Boussinesq equations, only radial and/or vertical density gradients can be taken into account. Ertel's theorem no longer is valid to show the conservation of potential vorticity, in the presence of the Lorentz force, but a similar theorem can be applied to a potential magnetic induction: The scalar product of the density gradient by the magnetic field is a Lagrangian invariant for an inviscid and nondiffusive fluid. The linear system with a minimal number of solenoidal components, two for both velocity and magnetic disturbance fields, is eventually expressed as a four-component inhomogeneous linear differential system in which the buoyancy scalar is a combination of solenoidal components (variables) and the (constant) potential magnetic induction. We study the stability of such a system for both an infinite streamwise wavelength (k1=0, axisymmetric disturbances) and a finite one (k1≠0, nonaxisymmetric disturbances). In the former case (k1=0), we recover and extend previous results characterizing the magnetorotational instability (MRI) for combined effects of radial and vertical magnetic fields and combined effects of radial and vertical density gradients. We derive an expression for the MRI growth rate in terms of the stratification strength, which indicates that purely radial stratification can inhibit the MRI instability, while purely vertical stratification cannot completely suppress the MRI instability. In the case of nonaxisymmetric disturbances (k1≠0), we only consider the effect of vertical stratification, and we use Levinson's theorem to demonstrate the stability of the solution at infinite vertical wavelength (k3=0): There is an oscillatory behavior for τ>1+∣∣K2/k1∣∣, where τ=St is a dimensionless time and K2 is the radial component of the wave vector at τ=0. The model is suitable to describe instabilities leading to turbulence by the bypass mechanism that can be relevant for the analysis of magnetized stratified Keplerian disks with a purely azimuthal field. For initial isotropic conditions, the time evolution of the spectral density of total energy (kinetic + magnetic + potential) is considered. At k3=0, the vertical motion is purely oscillatory, and the sum of the vertical (kinetic + magnetic) energy plus the potential energy does not evolve with time and remains equal to its initial value. The horizontal motion can induce a rapid transient growth provided K2/k1≫1. This rapid growth is due to the aperiodic velocity vortex mode that behaves like Kh/kh where kh(τ)=[k21+(K2−k1τ)2]1/2 and Kh=kh(0). After the leading phase (τ>K2/k1≫1), the horizontal magnetic energy and the horizontal kinetic energy exhibit a similar (oscillatory) behavior yielding a high level of total energy. The contribution to energies coming from the modes k1=0 and k3=0 is addressed by investigating the one-dimensional spectra for an initial Gaussian dense spectrum. For a magnetized Keplerian disk with a purely vertical field, it is found that an important contribution to magnetic and kinetic energies comes from the region near k1=0. The limit at k1=0 of the streamwise one-dimensional spectra of energies, or equivalently, the streamwise two-dimensional (2D) energy, is then computed. The comparison of the ratios of these 2D quantities with their three-dimensional counterparts provided by previous direct numerical simulations shows a quantitative agreement

    Non-Abelian gauge field theory in scale relativity

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    Gauge field theory is developed in the framework of scale relativity. In this theory, space-time is described as a non-differentiable continuum, which implies it is fractal, i.e., explicitly dependent on internal scale variables. Owing to the principle of relativity that has been extended to scales, these scale variables can themselves become functions of the space-time coordinates. Therefore, a coupling is expected between displacements in the fractal space-time and the transformations of these scale variables. In previous works, an Abelian gauge theory (electromagnetism) has been derived as a consequence of this coupling for global dilations and/or contractions. We consider here more general transformations of the scale variables by taking into account separate dilations for each of them, which yield non-Abelian gauge theories. We identify these transformations with the usual gauge transformations. The gauge fields naturally appear as a new geometric contribution to the total variation of the action involving these scale variables, while the gauge charges emerge as the generators of the scale transformation group. A generalized action is identified with the scale-relativistic invariant. The gauge charges are the conservative quantities, conjugates of the scale variables through the action, which find their origin in the symmetries of the ``scale-space''. We thus found in a geometric way and recover the expression for the covariant derivative of gauge theory. Adding the requirement that under the scale transformations the fermion multiplets and the boson fields transform such that the derived Lagrangian remains invariant, we obtain gauge theories as a consequence of scale symmetries issued from a geometric space-time description.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Bianchi type IX asymptotical behaviours with a massive scalar field: chaos strikes back

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    We use numerical integrations to study the asymptotical behaviour of a homogeneous but anisotropic Bianchi type IX model in General Relativity with a massive scalar field. As it is well known, for a Brans-Dicke theory, the asymptotical behaviour of the metric functions is ruled only by the Brans-Dicke coupling constant with respect to the value -3/2. In this paper we examine if such a condition still exists with a massive scalar field. We also show that, contrary to what occurs for a massless scalar field, the singularity oscillatory approach may exist in presence of a massive scalar field having a positive energy density.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures (low resolution

    Human cumulative culture: a comparative perspective

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    Many animals exhibit social learning and behavioural traditions, but human culture exhibits unparalleled complexity and diversity, and is unambiguously cumulative in character. These similarities and differences have spawned a debate over whether animal traditions and human culture are reliant on homologous or analogous psychological processes. Human cumulative culture combines high-fidelity transmission of cultural knowledge with beneficial modifications to generate a ‘ratcheting’ in technological complexity, leading to the development of traits far more complex than one individual could invent alone. Claims have been made for cumulative culture in several species of animals, including chimpanzees, orang-utans and New Caledonian crows, but these remain contentious. Whilst initial work on the topic of cumulative culture was largely theoretical, employing mathematical methods developed by population biologists, in recent years researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, biology, economics, biological anthropology, linguistics and archaeology, have turned their attention to the experimental investigation of cumulative culture. We review this literature, highlighting advances made in understanding the underlying process of cumulative culture and emphasizing areas of agreement and disagreement amongst investigators in separate fields

    LHCb inner tracker: Technical Design Report

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    L'Ă©tat de plasma: le feu de l'Univers

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    Dans l'AntiquitĂ©, les Grecs considĂ©raient que les constituants du monde dĂ©rivaient de quatre Ă©lĂ©ments essentiels : la terre, l'eau, l'air et le feu. Il n'est pas difficile de voir dans les trois premiers l'Ă©quivalent de nos Ă©tats solide, liquide et gazeux. Mais l'Ă©tat physique le plus rĂ©pandu dans l'Univers - correspondant au feu des Anciens - n'est apparu que rĂ©cemment et n'a Ă©tĂ© reconnu par la communautĂ© des physiciens qu'en 1928 : c'est le plasma. Cet Ă©tat trĂšs Ă©trange - gazeux, Ă©lectrique, lumineux, impalpable - reste le plus exotique et le plus inattendu. Il a donnĂ© naissance aux trois autres Ă©tats puisque, Ă  l'exception des Ă©lĂ©ments ultra-lĂ©gers que sont l'hydrogĂšne et l'hĂ©lium, tous ceux qui constituent notre monde (carbone, oxygĂšne, fer, etc.) sont apparus dans ces fourneaux gigantesques, ces monstres de plasma, qu'Ă©taient les premiĂšres Ă©toiles. La vie elle-mĂȘme en dĂ©coule par ricochet, ce qui a permis de dire que nous ne sommes que des " poussiĂšres d'Ă©toiles ". DĂ©couvert d'abord en laboratoire, le plasma existe naturellement sur notre planĂšte et sa manifestation la plus connue n'est autre que la foudre. Plus on s'Ă©loigne de notre planĂšte, plus on rencontre cet Ă©trange milieu plasmatique : dans la magnĂ©tosphĂšre, le Soleil, les Ă©toiles et les terrifiants corps cosmiques qui semblent se tapir au cƓur des galaxies et peupler les confins de l'Univers. (Jean-Pierre Pharabod, extrait de la prĂ©face


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