9,013 research outputs found

    Chiral-Yang-Mills theory, non commutative differential geometry, and the need for a Lie super-algebra

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    In Yang-Mills theory, the charges of the left and right massless Fermions are independent of each other. We propose a new paradigm where we remove this freedom and densify the algebraic structure of Yang-Mills theory by integrating the scalar Higgs field into a new gauge-chiral 1-form which connects Fermions of opposite chiralities. Using the Bianchi identity, we prove that the corresponding covariant differential is associative if and only if we gauge a Lie-Kac super-algebra. In this model, spontaneous symmetry breakdown naturally occurs along an odd generator of the super-algebra and induces a representation of the Connes-Lott non commutative differential geometry of the 2-point finite space.Comment: 17 pages, no figur

    An Infinite Dimensional Approach to the Third Fundamental Theorem of Lie

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    We revisit the third fundamental theorem of Lie (Lie III) for finite dimensional Lie algebras in the context of infinite dimensional matrices.Comment: This is a contribution to the Proc. of the Seventh International Conference ''Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' (June 24-30, 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine), published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Spectroscopy for cold atom gases in periodically phase-modulated optical lattices

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    The response of cold atom gases to small periodic phase modulation of an optical lattice is discussed. For bosonic gases, the energy absorption rate is given, within linear response theory, by imaginary part of the current correlation function. For fermionic gases in a strong lattice potential, the same correlation function can be probed via the production rate double occupancy. The phase modulation gives thus direct access to the conductivity of the system, as function of the modulation frequency. We give an example of application in the case of one dimensional bosons at zero temperature and discuss the link between the phase- and amplitude-modulation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    A New Pseudopolymorph of Hexakis-(4-cynaophenyl)benzene

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    The title compound (systematic name: benzene-4,4′,4′′,4′′′,-4′′′′,4′′′′′-hexaylhexabenzonitrile dichloromethane disolvate), C48H24N6•2CH2Cl2, crystallizes as an inclusion compound during the slow diffusion of methanol into a solution of hexakis(4-cyanophenyl)benzene in CH2Cl2. The hexakis(4- cyanophenyl)benzene molecule lies on an axis of twofold rotation in the space group Pbcn. Weak C—H•••N interactions between hexakis(4-cyanophenyl)benzene molecules define an open network with space for including guests. The resulting structure is a new pseudopolymorph of hexakis-(4-cyanophenyl)benzene. The eight known pseudopolymorphs have few shared architectural features, in part because none of the intermolecular interactions that are present plays a dominant role or forces neighboring molecules to assume particular relative orientations

    On transport in quantum Hall systems with constrictions

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    Motivated by recent experimental findings, we study transport in a simple phenomenological model of a quantum Hall edge system with a gate-voltage controlled constriction lowering the local filling factor. The current backscattered from the constriction is seen to arise from the matching of the properties of the edge-current excitations in the constriction (ν2\nu_{2}) and bulk (ν1\nu_{1}) regions. We develop a hydrodynamic theory for bosonic edge modes inspired by this model, finding that a competition between two tunneling process, related by a quasiparticle-quasihole symmetry, determines the fate of the low-bias transmission conductance. In this way, we find satisfactory explanations for many recent puzzling experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exact wavefunctions for excitations of the nu=1/3 fractional quantum Hall state from a model Hamiltonian

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    We study fractional quantum Hall states in the cylinder geometry with open boundaries. By truncating the Coulomb interactions between electrons we show that it is possible to construct infinitely many exact eigenstates including the ground state, quasiholes, quasielectrons and the magnetoroton branch of excited states.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, longer published versio

    Electric charge enhancements in carbon nanotubes: Theory and experiments

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    We present a detailed study of the static enhancement effects of electric charges in micron-length single-walled carbon nanotubes, using theoretically an atomic charge-dipole model and experimentally electrostatic force microscopy. We demonstrate that nanotubes exhibit at their ends surprisingly weak charge enhancements which decrease with the nanotube length and increase with the nanotube radius. A quantitative agreement is obtained between theory and experiments.Comment: 6 Fi

    Quantum Non-Equilibrium Steady States Induced by Repeated Interactions

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    We study the steady state of a finite XX chain coupled at its boundaries to quantum reservoirs made of free spins that interact one after the other with the chain. The two-point correlations are calculated exactly and it is shown that the steady state is completely characterized by the magnetization profile and the associated current. Except at the boundary sites, the magnetization is given by the average of the reservoirs' magnetizations. The steady state current, proportional to the difference in the reservoirs' magnetizations, shows a non-monotonous behavior with respect to the system-reservoir coupling strength, with an optimal current state for a finite value of the coupling. Moreover, we show that the steady state can be described by a generalized Gibbs state.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let