46 research outputs found


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    Currently, mutant orchids are very interested in orchid lovers who want to collect, but the price of mutant orchids is costly leading to many orchid lovers are unable to own it. This study aims to create mutant orchid plantlets with high quantity and low cost via in vitro propagation method. From the self-pollinated six months old seedpods, we have successfully propagated the orchid mutant seedlings. The results showed that the suitable medium for mutant orchid seed germination and creating protocorm was the basic MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BA with a rate of up to 93%. The medium for shoot formation and shoot development from protocorm was the best on MS medium added with 1.0 mg/L BA and 0.5 mg/L IBA with a rate of 88%. The rooting induction was 99.06% and the root length reached 5.34 cm with an average of 8.53 roots/shoot when shoots cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L NAA. The survival rate of in vitro Dendrobium anosmum mutant seedlings after 60 days in the nursery stage was 84.9% on coir and rice husks substrates (1:1).Hiện nay, hoa lan đột biến đang trở thành tâm điểm được nhiều người quan tâm sưu tầm, nhưng do giá thành cây giống quá cao nên rất ít người có thể sở hữu. Để tạo ra giống với số lượng lớn, rẻ thì việc nhân giống in vitro những giống lan này là cần thiết. Vì vậy, từ vật liệu khởi đầu là quả lan sáu tháng tuổi tự thụ phấn từ cây mẹ đột biến, chúng tôi đã xây dựng thành công quy trình nhân giống lan Giả hạc đột biến bằng phương pháp nuôi cấy in vitro. Kết quả cho thấy môi trường thích hợp cho hạt lan đột biến nảy mầm tạo protocorm là môi trường MS cơ bản, bổ sung 0,5 mg/L N6-benzyladenine (BA) với tỷ lệ 93%. Môi trường thích hợp để protocorm tạo chồi là MS cơ bản, bổ sung 1,0 mg/L BA và 0,5 mg/L indole 3-butyric acid (IBA) với tỷ lệ tạo chồi 88%, chiều cao và số lá trên chồi trung bình 1,42 cm và 2,4 lá. Môi trường tối ưu để chồi tạo cây hoàn chỉnh là môi trường MS cơ bản, bổ sung 1,0 mg/L naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) với tỷ lệ 99,06% chồi ra rễ; chiều dài rễ đạt 5,34 cm với trung bình 8,53 rễ/chồi. Tỷ lệ sống của cây con in vitro đột biến sau 60 ngày ra vườn ươm là 84,9% trên giá thể xơ dừa và trấu hun (1:1)

    Flavonoid glycosides from Antidesma ghaesembilla

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    Four flavone glycosides were isolated from the leaves of Antidesma ghaesembilla. They were elucidated to be vitexin, orientin, isovitexin, and homoorientin by 1D- and 2D-NMR and in comparison with literature data. These compounds have been reported from the genus Antidesma for the first time


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    Pasteurellosis is an infectious disease causing severe damage to livestock and poultry since it leads to animals’ death, including sheep of all ages. In this study, we developed a sensitive, specific and accurate PCR method for detecting P. multocida in Phan Rang sheep using FKMT1/RKMT1 primers targeted to the KMT1 gene of P. multocida. The PCR-based method was used to detect the KMT1 gene from 104 copies of the KMT1-bearing plasmid. The method’s specificity was demonstrated by the successful amplification of KMT1 from the mixture containing other DNA of Gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli or M. haemolytica. In particular, with the present method, we successfully detected P. multocida with crude DNA obtained from P. multocida or nasal swabs of pasteurellosis-suspected sheep samples treated in a TE buffer containing 0.1% TritonX-100. This is the first report on using a PCR-based method for detecting P. multocida from Phan Rang sheep, and it can serve as the basis for an effective procedure to diagnose pasteurellosis in sheep.Tụ huyết trùng là một bệnh truyền nhiễm có thể gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng cho chăn nuôi gia súc, gia cầm nếu không được chẩn đoán và điều trị kịp thời. Vì vậy, trong nghiên cứu này chúng tôi đã phát triển phương pháp PCR có độ nhạy, độ đặc hiệu và độ chính xác cao để phát hiện sự có mặt của vi khuẩn P. multocida, một trong những tác nhân gây bệnh tụ huyết trùng trên cừu Phan Rang. Gen KMT1 của vi khuẩn P. multocida được nhân lên bằng cặp mồi đặc hiệu FKMT1/RKMT1 ở nồng độ khoảng 104 bản sao của plasmid mang gen đích. Phản ứng PCR không bị ảnh hưởng khi có mặt DNA của một số vi khuẩn Gram âm khác như E. coli hay M. haemolytica. Đặc biệt, với phương pháp PCR, chúng tôi đã phát hiện sự có mặt của vi khuẩn P. multocida từ mẫu DNA thô thu được bằng xử lý mẫu vi khuẩn/mẫu dịch ngoáy mũi của cừu nghi nhiễm bệnh trong đệm TE chứa 0,1% TritonX-100 mà không cần tinh sạch DNA tổng số. Đây là nghiên cứu đầu tiên công bố một phương pháp xác định sự có mặt của P. multocida trên cừu Phan Rang và là cơ sở để xây dựng quy trình chẩn đoán hiệu quả nhằm góp phần kiểm soát bệnh tụ huyết trùng trên đối tượng này


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    The obtained results here demonstrate that the 70% ethanolic leaf extract of A. tonkinensis (AT2), traditionally used in Vietnamese folk medicine for treating arthritic symtoms, has beneficial effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine inhibition and in an experimental arthritic mouse model. LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages treated with AT2 showed a significant decrease in the production of IL-6 and TNFa at concentrations of 12.5, 25 and 50 µg/mL (P0.05), indicating its potential anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of CAIA mice with AT2 also led to diminish the incidence of arthritis at doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight

    Successful Treatment of Facial Atrophic Acne Scars by Fractional Radiofrequency Microneedle in Vietnamese Patients

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    AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the fractional Radiofrequency microneedle treatment for facial atrophic acne scars. METHODS: A group of 52 patients were recruited for the study. Goodman & Baron’s acne scar grading system was used for assessment at their first visit and at the end of 3 months after the last treatment session. RESULTS: The results displayed that 73.1% of patients have the improvement of the Goodman scar level after four times treatment. The Goodman and Baron scar point mean was reduced from 16 ± 7.6 to 5.6 ± 5.0 (p < 0.01). Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation was experienced in 5 patients (9.6%). CONCLUSION: The microneedle fractional Radiofrequency is an effective treatment method of facial atrophic acne scars, with minor side effects and a short down-time

    Overseas Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in US-Bound Immigrants.

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    Seventy percent of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the United States occur among non-US-born persons; cases usually result from reactivation of latent TB infection (LTBI) likely acquired before the person's US arrival. We conducted a prospective study among US immigrant visa applicants undergoing the required overseas medical examination in Vietnam. Consenting applicants >15 years of age were offered an interferon-γ release assay (IGRA); those 12-14 years of age received an IGRA as part of the required examination. Eligible participants were offered LTBI treatment with 12 doses of weekly isoniazid and rifapentine. Of 5,311 immigrant visa applicants recruited, 2,438 (46%) consented to participate; 2,276 had an IGRA processed, and 484 (21%) tested positive. Among 452 participants eligible for treatment, 304 (67%) initiated treatment, and 268 (88%) completed treatment. We demonstrated that using the overseas medical examination to provide voluntary LTBI testing and treatment should be considered to advance US TB elimination efforts


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    The modernization of healthcare delivery is a reality in various international settings. To ensure efficient and safe use of the diverse forms of healthcare technology available, professionals and students must be receptive to incorporating such tools into their practice. Currently, there is no instrument in Bangladesh to assess healthcare students’ technology acceptance. Objective: To translate, culturally adapt, and validate the Usability Evaluation Questionnaire (UtEQ) among Bangladeshi healthcare students. Method: A cross-sectional study with a methodological approach was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved the translation of the UtEQ questionnaire to Bengali, following the six stages proposed by Beaton et al. In the second phase, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated using a non-probability sample of 486 undergraduate healthcare students from three higher education institutions in Bangladesh. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was estimated to find out the internal consistency. Results: Internal consistency was found to be excellent for all scale dimensions, ranging from 0.88 to 0.92, while confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate goodness-of-fit indicators. Conclusion: The UtEQ-B provides a reliable and valid method for healthcare educators and researchers to assess technology acceptance among healthcare students during clinical training in Bangladesh.A modernização da prestação de cuidados de saúde é uma realidade em vários contextos internacionais. Para garantir a utilização eficiente e segura das diversas formas de tecnologia em saúde disponíveis, os profissionais e estudantes devem estar receptivos à incorporação dessas ferramentas na sua prática. Atualmente, não existe em Bangladesh um instrumento para avaliar a aceitação da tecnologia pelos estudantes de saúde. Objetivo: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar o Questionário de Avaliação da Usabilidade (UtEQ) entre estudantes de saúde de Bangladesh. Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com uma abordagem metodológica em duas fases. A primeira fase envolveu a tradução do questionário UtEQ para bengali, seguindo as seis etapas propostas por Beaton et al. Na segunda fase, foram avaliadas as propriedades psicométricas do questionário usando uma amostra não probabilística de 486 estudantes de graduação em saúde de três instituições de ensino superior em Bangladesh. Foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória e estimou-se o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para verificar a consistência interna. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma consistência interna excelente para todas as dimensões da escala, variando de 0,88 a 0,92, enquanto a análise fatorial confirmatória mostrou indicadores adequados de ajuste. Conclusão: O UtEQ-B fornece um método confiável e válido para educadores e pesquisadores em saúde avaliarem a aceitação da tecnologia entre estudantes de saúde durante o treinamento clínico em Bangladesh

    A Multi-Center Randomized Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Gatifloxacin versus Ciprofloxacin for the Treatment of Shigellosis in Vietnamese Children

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    The bacterial genus Shigella is the most common cause of dysentery (diarrhea containing blood and/or mucus) and the disease is common in developing countries with limitations in sanitation. Children are most at risk of infection and frequently require hospitalization and antimicrobial therapy. The WHO currently recommends the fluoroquinolone, ciprofloxacin, for the treatment of childhood Shigella infections. In recent years there has been a sharp increase in the number of organisms that exhibit resistance to nalidixic acid (an antimicrobial related to ciprofloxacin), corresponding with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. We hypothesized that infections with Shigella strains that demonstrate resistance to nalidixic acid may prevent effective treatment with ciprofloxacin. We performed a randomized controlled trial to compare 3 day ciprofloxacin therapy with 3 days of gatifloxacin, a newer generation fluoroquinolone with greater activity than ciprofloxacin. We measured treatment failure and time to the cessation of individual disease symptoms in 249 children with dysentery treated with gatifloxacin and 245 treated with ciprofloxacin. We could identify no significant differences in treatment failure between the two groups or in time to the cessation of individual symptoms. We conclude that, in Vietnam, ciprofloxacin and gatifloxacin are similarly effective for the treatment of acute dysentery

    Etude des caractéristiques technologiques et culinaires du riz. Rapport de stage. Octobre 1993-juillet 1994

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    Pyrite (FeS2) has recently attracted significant interest as a photovoltaic material due to its promising optical properties, high photon to electron conversion yield, and low-cost raw materials. However, hopes have been tempered by recent discoveries that suggest the presence of hard to remove bulk sulfur defects. This research was focused on engineering and implementing the crystallization of pyrite from a sulfur rich solution to counteract the material’s natural tendency to form bulk sulfur defects. Homoeptiaxial layers and single-crystal samples have been grown from tellurium sulfur melts with an Fe:S ratio of 1:4 using both natural and synthetic substrates. The homoepitaxial layer has been characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), confirming the epitaxial nature of the synthetic FeS2 layer, and X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS and UPS) to better understand the energetics of the grown materials. Furthermore, epitaxial growth onto natural pyrite, in contrast to substrate etching, was established using sulfur-34 substitution and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) (Chapter 2). Growth onto synthetic pyrite was also described (Chapter 3). Finally, the photovoltaic properties of homoepitaxial layers of high temperature solution growth pyrite onto a synthetic templating crystal was characterized using electrochemical methods (Chapter 4)