123 research outputs found

    Os novos desafios do planejamento urbano em contextos de crescentes processos de financeirização

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    A tarefa de prover um solo urbanizado tem se tornado um desafio cada vez mais complexo frente ao crescimento populacional desenfreado das grandes cidades. As projeções, a curto e médio prazo, apontam para o agravamento desta situação prevendo, até 2050, uma população global superior a nove bilhões, com um maior crescimento nos países em desenvolvimento (Overseas Development Institute 2015). Mediante este desafio e a pressão para a promoção de infraestruturas, bens e serviços públicos, os governos municipais têm encontrado dificuldades para lidar com as questões fiscais e orçamentárias do planejamento urbano. Os processos de globalização, desregularização econômica, descentralização e privatização e, os emergentes processos de fragmentação e polarização social, econômica e espacial, também têm colaborado para o agravamento deste cenário. Neste contexto, algumas cidades desenvolveram capacidades negociais e instrumentais para atrair investimentos de capital financeiro para solucionar os problemas de restrição orçamentária municipal e dar respostas às necessidades locais. Os projetos de desenvolvimento urbano têm sido apontados como o grande palco para a atração do capital global. Para tal, a inovação de instrumentos financeiros e a combinação entre vários deles tem sido a esperança para o desenvolvimento economicamente sustentável de grandes áreas da cidade. No entanto, sob a influência e pressão do mercado de capitais, alguns pesquisadores apontam que tais projetos e instrumentos podem ser responsáveis por uma descontextualização do ambiente construído e das necessidades locais, colocando as cidades como reféns de um processo de financeirização do ambiente construído e das políticas urbanas. Assim, mediante este cenário, torna-se necessária uma reformulação no processo de se planejar e formular novas políticas e instrumentos urbanos.The task of providing developed land has more and more become an increasing challenge, considering the immoderate population growth of big cities. The medium and long-term projections point out an aggravation of this situation, and anticipate a global population over nine billion people by 2050, being the greatest growth registered in developing countries (Overseas Development Institute 2015). Through this challenge and the pressure to provide public infrastructure, goods and services, municipal governments have hardly deal with urban planning fiscal and budgetary issues. Globalisation, economic misadjustment, decentralization and privatisation processes, and the resulting phenomena of fragmentation and social, economic and spatial polarization have also worsened this scenario. Against this background, some cities have developed negotiation and instrumental capabilities to attract financial investments in order to surmount municipal budgetary restraints, whereas responding to local needs. Urban development projects have been pointed out as the great stage for the attraction of global capital. But to reach such a goal, innovation in financial instruments and the blend among them has been the hope for the economic sustainability of development in citiesŽ major areas. However, under the influence and pressure of capital markets, some researchers point out that such projects and instruments may involve a de-contextualization in the built environment and local needs, rendering cities hostages to financing processes of the built environment and urban policies. Thus a reformulation of urban policies and instruments is required in order to face the increasing financialization processes that accrue from the global contemporary dynamics

    Advanced Chiral Separation

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    Formalni opis asocijacije Picrido hieracioidis-Cirsietum candelabri

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    The paper gives a formalised description of the Picrido hieracioidis-Cirsietum candelabri association, a new ruderal syntaxon from Croatia.U radu je prikazan formaliziran opis asocijacije Picrido hieracioidis-Cirsietum candelabri, novog sintaksona u Hrvatskoj

    Analysis and comparison of a hydraulic and pneumatic system using the Dymola software

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    This work addresses the modelling of a system using Modelica language and the Dymola software tool. Dymola is a modelling and simulation environment that uses the open Modelica language to map hardware components of physical systems directly into software components. Therefore, this modelling language allows the user to model a system in a physical form, rather than a mathematical fashion, through the use of general equations, objects, and links. This paper as an informative character about a tool for the development of mechatronic systems. The topics covered here are part of a more extensive modelling and simulation work on the dynamics of mechanical systems, within the scope of an Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering. This study was carried out based on the comparison between pneumatic and hydraulic models of the same system. Therefore, it was modeled a system used in backhoe loaders that can be operated either using a hydraulic or a pneumatic cylinder. The activity focuses, essentially, on the analysis of parameters that describe the behaviour of the system, emphasizing the position, velocity, acceleration and loads observed in both cylinders. The goal is to introduce the reader to the Dymola environment and Modelica language by addressing the modelling of a system. This study also pretends to identify significant differences regarding the behaviour performance of the pneumatic and hydraulic approaches to model the selected system, and the causes that lead to such differences.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global Britain, Belt and Road Initiative, and New Southbound Policy: Which One Matters to Southeast Asia?

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    https://www.grips.ac.jp/list/en/facultyinfo/lim_guanie/In anticipation of the impending memberships of China, the UK, and Taiwan in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), this paper analyses the three economies’ foreign direct investment (FDI) flows entering the region over the last 20 years. Several findings are noteworthy. Firstly, the UK outinvested China and Taiwan between 1995 and 2008. However, its preponderance has been trimmed in the years after the 2008 global financial crisis. Secondly, UK FDI is largely geared towards Singapore and Malaysia, suggesting the resilience of former colonial ties. FDI from China predominantly enters its immediate neighbours (e.g., Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia) and those sharing sociopolitical similarities with it (i.e., Singapore and Indonesia). Taiwanese firms invested relatively more in Vietnam and the Philippines, which are adjacent to Taiwan. Thirdly, all three FDI donors invested mostly in the tertiary sector. Nevertheless, relative to China, the UK and Taiwan channelled more of their FDI towards manufacturing activities. The findings could provide essential evidence to understand or anticipate which economy will play a more significant role in the region’s political and economic affairs especially when their CPTPP membership is ratified.technical repor

    L’Artémision d’Amarynthos (campagne 2017)

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    2017 excavations in the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia at Amarynthos, near Eretria (Euboea, Greece)