639 research outputs found

    Development and Operation of an Automatic Rotor Trim Control System for use During the UH-60 Individual Blade Control Wind Tunnel Test

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    A full-scale wind tunnel test to evaluate the effects of Individual Blade Control (IBC) on the performance, vibration, noise and loads of a UH-60A rotor was recently completed in the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel [1]. A key component of this wind tunnel test was an automatic rotor trim control system that allowed the rotor trim state to be set more precisely, quickly and repeatably than was possible with the rotor operator setting the trim condition manually. The trim control system was also able to maintain the desired trim condition through changes in IBC actuation both in open- and closed-loop IBC modes, and through long-period transients in wind tunnel flow. This ability of the trim control system to automatically set and maintain a steady rotor trim enabled the effects of different IBC inputs to be compared at common trim conditions and to perform these tests quickly without requiring the rotor operator to re-trim the rotor. The trim control system described in this paper was developed specifically for use during the IBC wind tunnel tes

    A Summary of the NASA Design Environment for Novel Vertical Lift Vehicles (DELIVER) Project

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    The number of new markets and use cases being developed for vertical take-off and landing vehicles continues to explode, including the highly publicized urban air taxi and package deliver applications. There is an equally exploding variety of novel vehicle configurations and sizes that are being proposed to fill these new market applications. The challenge for vehicle designers is that there is currently no easy and consistent way to go from a compelling mission or use case to a vehicle that is best configured and sized for the particular mission. This is because the availability of accurate and validated conceptual design tools for these novel types and sizes of vehicles have not kept pace with the new markets and vehicles themselves. The Design Environment for Novel Vertical Lift Vehicles (DELIVER) project was formulated to address this vehicle design challenge by demonstrating the use of current conceptual design tools, that have been used for decades to design and size conventional rotorcraft, applied to these novel vehicle types, configurations and sizes. In addition to demonstrating the applicability of current design and sizing tools to novel vehicle configurations and sizes, DELIVER also demonstrated the addition of key transformational technologies of noise, autonomy, and hybrid-electric and all-electric propulsion into the vehicle conceptual design process. Noise is key for community acceptance, autonomy and the need to operate autonomously are key for efficient, reliable and safe operations, and electrification of the propulsion system is a key enabler for these new vehicle types and sizes. This paper provides a summary of the DELIVER project and shows the applicability of current conceptual design and sizing tools novel vehicle configurations and sizes that are being proposed for urban air taxi and package delivery type applications

    Evaluation of the Rotational Throttle Interface for Converting Aircraft Utilizing the NASA Ames Vertical Motion Simulator

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    An experiment was conducted to compare a conventional helicopter Thrust Control Lever (TCL) to the Rotational Throttle Interface (RTI) for tiltrotor aircraft. The RTI is designed to adjust its orientation to match the angle of the tiltrotor s nacelles. The underlying principle behind the design is to increase pilot awareness of the vehicle s configuration state (i.e. nacelle angle). Four test pilots flew multiple runs on seven different experimental courses. Three predominant effects were discovered in the testing of the RTI: 1. Unintentional binding along the control axis resulted in difficulties with precision power setting, 2. Confusion in which way to move the throttle grip was present during RTI transition modes, and 3. Pilots were not able to distinguish small angle differences during RTI transition. In this experiment the pilots were able to successfully perform all of the required tasks with both inceptors although the handling qualities ratings were slightly worse for the RTI partly due to unforeseen deficiencies in the design. Pilots did however report improved understanding of nacelle movement during transitions with the RTI

    Incorporating Test Data for Small UAS at the Conceptual Design Level

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    Increasing demand for improved capabilities of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) has generated interest in improving the design techniques for these vehicles. sUAS have typically been designed using iterative methods with multiple prototypes, but advancements in aircraft design software will make it possible to generate conceptual designs of very small VTOL aircraft with reduced hardware prototyping. This paper describes a research effort to generate a conceptual design of an approximately 6-lb quadcopter using the NASA rotorcraft design software NDARC. Wind tunnel and hover test data are used to validate and refine the conceptual design results. The effects of parametric design variations on vehicle scale are shown. The design study described herein shows that the NDARC software, which was designed for full-scale rotorcraft, can be used to design and evaluate sUAS vehicles

    High-Fidelity Computational Aerodynamics of the Elytron 4S UAV

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    High-fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) have been carried out for the Elytron 4S Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), also known as the converticopter "proto12". It is the scaled wind tunnel model of the Elytron 4S, an Urban Air Mobility (UAM) concept, a tilt-wing, box-wing rotorcraft capable of Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL). The three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations are solved on overset grids employing high-order accurate schemes, dual-time stepping, and a hybrid turbulence model using NASA's CFD code OVERFLOW. The Elytron 4S UAV has been simulated in airplane mode and in helicopter mode

    Rotorcraft Flight Dynamics and Controls Research at NASA

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    In recent years, NASA has invested in key activities in the areas of flight controls, handling qualities and operations of rotorcraft for civilian applications. More specifically, the flight dynamics and control discipline has focused on analyzing the unique flight control and handling qualities challenges of large rotary wing vehicles anticipated for future passenger service, and examining the effect of control system augmentation on handling qualities for current civilian helicopters in order to improve safety and reduce accident rates. This paper highlights two recent research efforts in these areas. The first is an examination of flight control and handling qualities aspects of large rotorcraft. A series of experiments were performed in the large-motion Vertical Motion Simulator at NASA Ames Research Center to quantify the effects of vehicle size on flight control requirements and piloted handling qualities. These experiments used a large tilt-rotor concept (~100 passengers) to also investigate the control augmentation required to obtain Level 1 handling qualities for a vehicle of this size. The second is an examination of the effect of control system augmentation on handling qualities for current civil rotorcraft, like those currently used for Emergency Medical Service type operations. Many current civilian helicopters have rate response type control systems and little or no control system augmentation, although current technologies allow helicopters to be fitted with stability augmentation systems, either as standard equipment or aftermarket options. A simulation experiment was conducted in the Vertical Motion Simulator to quantify the effects of advanced control modes available with a partial authority stability augmentation system on task performance and handling qualities in both good and degraded visual conditions. In addition to providing an overview of the rotary wing flight dynamics and controls research at NASA, this paper will provide an overview of these two research activities along with key results and conclusions

    Rotorcraft Flight Dynamics and Controls Research at NASA

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    In recent years, NASA has invested in key activities in the areas of flight controls, handling qualities and operations of rotorcraft for civilian applications. More specifically, the flight dynamics and control discipline has focused on analyzing the unique flight control and handling qualities challenges of large rotary wing vehicles anticipated for future passenger service, and examining the effect of control system augmentation on handling qualities for current civilian helicopters in order to improve safety and reduce accident rates. This paper highlights two recent research efforts in these areas. The first is an examination of flight control and handling qualities aspects of large rotorcraft. A series of experiments were performed in the large-motion Vertical Motion Simulator at NASA Ames Research Center to quantify the effects of vehicle size on flight control requirements and piloted handling qualities. These experiments used a large tilt-rotor concept (~100 passengers) to also investigate the control augmentation required to obtain Level 1 handling qualities for a vehicle of this size. The second is an examination of the effect of control system augmentation on handling qualities for current civil rotorcraft, like those currently used for Emergency Medical Service type operations. Many current civilian helicopters have rate response type control systems and little or no control system augmentation, although current technologies allow helicopters to be fitted with stability augmentation systems, either as standard equipment or aftermarket options. A simulation experiment was conducted in the Vertical Motion Simulator to quantify the effects of advanced control modes available with a partial authority stability augmentation system on task performance and handling qualities in both good and degraded visual conditions. In addition to providing an overview of the rotary wing flight dynamics and controls research at NASA, this paper will provide an overview of these two research activities along with key results and conclusions

    Handling Qualities of Large Rotorcraft in Hover and Low Speed

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    According to a number of system studies, large capacity advanced rotorcraft with a capability of high cruise speeds (approx.350 mph) as well as vertical and/or short take-off and landing (V/STOL) flight could alleviate anticipated air transportation capacity issues by making use of non-primary runways, taxiways, and aprons. These advanced aircraft pose a number of design challenges, as well as unknown issues in the flight control and handling qualities domains. A series of piloted simulation experiments have been conducted on the NASA Ames Research Center Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS) in recent years to systematically investigate the fundamental flight control and handling qualities issues associated with the characteristics of large rotorcraft, including tiltrotors, in hover and low-speed maneuvering

    Mid-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of the Elytron 4S UAV Concept

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    The Elytron 4S Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Concept was developed to combine the advantages of fixed- and rotary-wing technology. The 4S Concept is a box-wing configuration with rotors mounted on a centrally located tiltwing. The UAV is intended to be capable of both conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and is envisioned to excel in UAV performance because of the combined efficiency of fixed-wing aircraft and the hover and VTOL capabilities of regular drones or quadcopters. A mid-fidelity Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) approach using Rotorcraft CFD (RotCFD) is performed to analyze and characterize the performance of the aircraft. The flow field is coupled with a rotor model based on blade-element momentum theory to model the 4S UAV rotors. Turbulence is modeled using a realizable k- turbulence model with special wall function. The code is used to generate aerodynamic forces and moments on the body at cruise conditions, and during VTOL. The results and their uncertainties are characterized, and an angle- of-attack and sideslip sweep are computed, both with and without rotors on. Simulations are compared with the wind tunnel tests in the 7- by 10-Foot U.S. Army Wind Tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center, performed in 2017. Results show promising comparison with experimental data, despite a late change in rotor size and rudder size of the physical model that cause the expected deviations from the simulation. A slight change in the net thrust value, when rotors are modeled, is observed because of the rotor diameter increase on the physical model. A noticeable difference in the directional stability was observed because of the increased rudder surface and added strakes. These changes were implemented to improve on the design as simulated, which is observed in the results. The simulation results paved the way to the first successful flight of the UAV Concept

    Flight Dynamics Aspects of a Large Civil Tiltrotor Simulation Using Translational Rate Command

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    An in-depth analysis of a Large Civil Tiltrotor simulation with a Translational Rate Command control law that uses automatic nacelle deflections for longitudinal velocity control and lateral cyclic for lateral velocity control is presented. Results from piloted real-time simulation experiments and offline time and frequency domain analyses are used to investigate the fundamental flight dynamic and control mechanisms of the control law. The baseline Translational Rate Command conferred handling qualities improvements over an attitude command attitude hold control law but in some scenarios there was a tendency to enter PIO. Nacelle actuator rate limiting strongly influenced the PIO tendency and reducing the rate limits degraded the handling qualities further. Counterintuitively, increasing rate limits also led to a worsening of the handling qualities ratings. This led to the identification of a nacelle rate to rotor longitudinal flapping coupling effect that induced undesired pitching motions proportional to the allowable amount of nacelle rate. A modification that applied a counteracting amount of longitudinal cyclic proportional to the nacelle rate significantly improved the handling qualities. The lateral axis of the Translational Rate Command conferred Level 1 handling qualities in a Lateral Reposition maneuver. Analysis of the influence of the modeling fidelity on the lateral flapping angles is presented. It is showed that the linear modeling approximation is likely to have under-predicted the side-force and therefore under-predicted the lateral flapping at velocities above 15 ft/s. However, at lower velocities, and therefore more weakly influenced by the side force modeling, the accelerations that the control law commands also significantly influenced the peak levels of lateral flapping achieved
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