13 research outputs found

    Online encoder-decoder anomaly detection using encoder-decoder architecture with novel self-configuring neural networks & pure linear genetic programming for embedded systems

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    Recent anomaly detection techniques focus on the use of neural networks and an encoder-decoder architecture. However, these techniques lead to trade offs if implemented in an embedded environment such as high heat management, power consumption and hardware costs. This paper presents two related new methods for anomaly detection within data sets gathered from an autonomous mini-vehicle with a CAN bus. The first method which to the best of our knowledge is the first use of encoder-decoder architecture for anomaly detection using linear genetic programming (LGP). Second method uses self-configuring neural network that is created using evolutionary algorithm paradigm learning both architecture and weights suitable for embedded systems. Both approaches have the following advantages: it is inexpensive regarding resource use, can be run on almost any embedded board due to linear register machine advantages in computation. The proposed methods are also faster by at least one order of magnitude, and it includes both inference and complete training

    Case Report: Extreme Levels of Serum S-100B in a Patient with Chronic Subdural Hematoma.

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    The protein S-100B is a biomarker increasingly used within neurosurgery and neurointensive care. As a relatively sensitive, yet unspecific, indicator of CNS pathology, potential sources of error must be clearly understood when interpreting serum S-100B levels. This case report studied the course of a 46-year-old gentleman with a chronic subdural hemorrhage, serum S-100B levels of 22 Όg/l, and a history of malignant melanoma. Both intra- and extra-cranial sources of S-100B are evaluated and imply an unclear contribution of several sources to the total serum concentration. Potential sources of error when interpreting serum concentrations of S-100B are discussed

    LÀrares uppfattning av hur undervisningen i svenska och engelska pÄverkas av en-till-en

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    Sammanfattning: TillgĂ„ngen till informationsteknik har ökat i skolan, bland annat har distributionsmodellen en-till-en – en dator till varje elev och lĂ€rare – blivit allt vanligare. Detta innebĂ€r förĂ€ndringar för undervisningen och stĂ€ller lĂ€rare inför nya utmaningar och situationer. Av det skĂ€let har lĂ€rarperspektivet lyfts fram i denna uppsats som syftar till att undersöka hur lĂ€rare uppfattar att undervisningen i svenska och/eller engelska pĂ„verkas av en-till-en. Denna pĂ„verkan har Ă€ven stĂ€llts i relation till de Ă€mnesdidaktiska synsĂ€tt som finns inom respektive Ă€mne. Metoden Ă€r en kombination av intervjuer och klassrumsobservationer. Undersökningen har genomförts vid en kommunal gymnasieskola i Göte- borgsregionen och omfattar tio lĂ€rarintervjuer samt nio klassrumsobservationer. Materialet har bearbetats utifrĂ„n en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Resultatet redovisas utifrĂ„n uppsatsens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar, under vardera frĂ„gestĂ€ll- ningen presenteras de uppfattningskategorier som gĂ„tt att urskilja. LĂ€rarnas sĂ€tt att erfara teknikens pĂ„verkan har delats in i fyra kategorier: lĂ€rare och elever fĂ„r tillgĂ„ng till ett smidigt arbetsredskap, lĂ€rarens kontroll över Ă€mnesin- nehĂ„llet utmanas, tillgĂ€ngligheten i tid och rum utmanar det fysiska klassrummets betydelse och digitalt material kan gestaltas pĂ„ annat sĂ€tt och i andra aktiviteter. LĂ€rarnas uppfattningar kring teknikens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ deras Ă€mnesdidak- tiska synsĂ€tt har delats in i tre kategorier: oförĂ€ndrat, förstĂ€rkt och förskjutet Ă€mnesdidaktiskt synsĂ€tt. LĂ€rarna ger Ă€ven uttryck för att pedagogiska aspekter utöver de Ă€mnesdidaktiska frĂ„gorna pĂ„verkas av tekniken: lĂ€rarens ledar- skap utmanas och lĂ€rarens fostransuppdrag aktualiseras i ett nytt sammanhang. Resultatet diskuteras i relation till TPACK som Ă€r en modell för att beskriva teknikens relation till Ă€mnesdidaktik. Resultatet diskuteras Ă€ven i relation till forskning om Ă€mnesdidaktiska synsĂ€tt och forskning om undervisning i en-till-en-miljöer. Studiens slutsatser pekar pĂ„ att tekniken har blivit en sjĂ€lvklar del i lĂ€rarnas sĂ€tt att erfara undervisningen i en-till-en-miljön. DĂ€remot Ă€r tekniken inte alltid en integrerad del av lĂ€rarnas sĂ€tt att erfara undervisningens syfte och mĂ„l. Detta tyder pĂ„ att det kan finnas ett behov av didaktisk reflektion kring hur teknik kan anvĂ€ndas pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som tydligare samspelar med undervisningens Ă€mnesinnehĂ„ll och didaktiska synsĂ€tt och tydligare tillvaratar de kvaliteter som en-till-en kan inne- bĂ€ra i sprĂ„kundervisning

    Maligna tumörsÄr : Patienters erfarenheter

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    Increased use of ruins through secured masonry and comfortable climate

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    This paper presents a unique scientific research project, funded by the KK-foundation in Sweden together with several companies participating in the project. A primary goal is to find methods to examine and take care of open masonry constructions thereby enabling an increased use of them in a safe and comfortable way without diminishing their cultural values. A second goal is to establish a long-term cooperation/network of researchers, conservators, engineers, antiquarians and craftsmen that can keep and develop the knowledge. The project takes place in year 2010 and 2011. This paper presents a model of cooperation as well as the ongoing experiment and expected results. The project is divided into three major parts:1) Description and assessment of historic masonry as load bearing structures. 2) Assessment of stone and mortar in old masonry and finding the methods to secure and preserve them. 3) The climate in the ruin with respect to comfort and preservation. The goals for the different parts of this research project are to find the best possible solutions of how to: a) Evaluate the construction of complex masonry structures to enable new additions that are appropriate with respect to statics. b) Find efficient methods to evaluate and conserve the status of the materials (stone, mortar) and walls in old masonry to grant safe accessibility. c) Create a comfortable climate in an open masonry structure without closing it. These three research areas all focus on the historic masonry which at the same time forms the climate shell, the bearer of plaster and the historical setting to the activities that are to take place in the ruin

    Increased use of ruins through secured masonry and comfortable climate

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    This paper presents a unique scientific research project, funded by the KK-foundation in Sweden together with several companies participating in the project. A primary goal is to find methods to examine and take care of open masonry constructions thereby enabling an increased use of them in a safe and comfortable way without diminishing their cultural values. A second goal is to establish a long-term cooperation/network of researchers, conservators, engineers, antiquarians and craftsmen that can keep and develop the knowledge. The project takes place in year 2010 and 2011. This paper presents a model of cooperation as well as the ongoing experiment and expected results. The project is divided into three major parts:1) Description and assessment of historic masonry as load bearing structures. 2) Assessment of stone and mortar in old masonry and finding the methods to secure and preserve them. 3) The climate in the ruin with respect to comfort and preservation. The goals for the different parts of this research project are to find the best possible solutions of how to: a) Evaluate the construction of complex masonry structures to enable new additions that are appropriate with respect to statics. b) Find efficient methods to evaluate and conserve the status of the materials (stone, mortar) and walls in old masonry to grant safe accessibility. c) Create a comfortable climate in an open masonry structure without closing it. These three research areas all focus on the historic masonry which at the same time forms the climate shell, the bearer of plaster and the historical setting to the activities that are to take place in the ruin

    Increased use of ruins through secured masonry and comfortable climate

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    This paper presents a unique scientific research project, funded by the KK-foundation in Sweden together with several companies participating in the project. A primary goal is to find methods to examine and take care of open masonry constructions thereby enabling an increased use of them in a safe and comfortable way without diminishing their cultural values. A second goal is to establish a long-term cooperation/network of researchers, conservators, engineers, antiquarians and craftsmen that can keep and develop the knowledge. The project takes place in year 2010 and 2011. This paper presents a model of cooperation as well as the ongoing experiment and expected results. The project is divided into three major parts:1) Description and assessment of historic masonry as load bearing structures. 2) Assessment of stone and mortar in old masonry and finding the methods to secure and preserve them. 3) The climate in the ruin with respect to comfort and preservation. The goals for the different parts of this research project are to find the best possible solutions of how to: a) Evaluate the construction of complex masonry structures to enable new additions that are appropriate with respect to statics. b) Find efficient methods to evaluate and conserve the status of the materials (stone, mortar) and walls in old masonry to grant safe accessibility. c) Create a comfortable climate in an open masonry structure without closing it. These three research areas all focus on the historic masonry which at the same time forms the climate shell, the bearer of plaster and the historical setting to the activities that are to take place in the ruin

    Recrystallization of waxy maize starch during manufacturing of starch microspheres for drug delivery: Influence of excipients

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    The formation of ordered structure, such as crystallites, in starch was studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The influence of time/temperature treatment and additives such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and a carbonate buffer on the formation was investigated. The experiments were planned with a CCC (Central Composite Circumscribed) design. For all three investigated systems it could be concluded that the incubation time at 6 °C was the decisive factor for the amount of ordered structure obtained during the incubation, while the incubation time at 37 °C was the decisive factor for the thermal stability of the crystallites as expressed by Ton, Tm and Tc. The additives seemed to mainly affect the nucleation phase of crystallization process. The additives decreased the time required in order to obtain a certain level of ordering in the incubated starch samples. The carbonate buffer decreased the amount of ordered structure in starch as judged by DSC enthalpy values, while increasing the melting temperature of these structures. The additives PEG and BSA lowered the melting temperatures of the starch in the systems but increased the enthalpy values. By optimization procedure a specific amount of ordered structure with desired thermal characteristics could be predicted

    Exploring gender dysphoria and related outcomes in a prospective cohort study : protocol for the Swedish Gender Dysphoria Study (SKDS)

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    INTRODUCTION: There has been a drastic increase in the reported number of people seeking help for gender dysphoria in many countries over the last two decades. Yet, our knowledge of gender dysphoria and related outcomes is restricted due to the lack of high-quality studies employing comprehensive approaches. This longitudinal study aims to enhance our knowledge of gender dysphoria; different aspects will be scrutinised, focusing primarily on the psychosocial and mental health outcomes, prognostic markers and, secondarily, on the underlying mechanisms for its origin. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The Swedish Gender Dysphoria Study is an ongoing multicentre longitudinal cohort study with 501 registered participants with gender dysphoria who are 15 years old or older. Participants at different phases of their clinical evaluation process can enter the study, and the expected follow-up duration is three years. The study also includes a comparison group of 458 age- and county-matched individuals without gender dysphoria. Data on the core outcomes of the study, which are gender incongruence and experienced gender dysphoria, body satisfaction and satisfaction with gender-affirming treatments, as well as other relevant outcomes, including mental health, social functioning and life satisfaction, are collected via web surveys. Two different research visits, before and after starting on gender-affirming hormonal treatment (if applicable), are planned to collect respective biological and cognitive measures. Data analysis will be performed using appropriate biostatistical methods. A power analysis showed that the current sample size is big enough to analyse continuous and categorical outcomes, and participant recruitment will continue until December 2022. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The ethical permission for this study was obtained from the Local Ethical Review Board in Uppsala, Sweden. Results of the study will be presented at national and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. Dissemination will also be implemented through the Swedish Gender Dysphoria Study network in Sweden