85 research outputs found

    Advanced Visualization and Interaction Techniques for Large High-Resolution Displays

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    Large high-resolution displays combine the images of multiple smaller display devices to form one large display area. A total resolution that can easily comprise several hundred megapixels makes them suited for the visualization of data sets that could not be perceived entirely on desktop PCs or laptops due to their size. At the same time, user collaboration benefits from an extended screen area that facilitates interaction with screen contents as well as interaction among users. This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of large high-resolution displays and examines ways to set up display clusters both in terms of hardware and underlying software technology. Furthermore, it investigates how to effectively harness the computational power and resources of rendering clusters to visualize giga-scale data sets. Last but not least, traditional interaction metaphors and their scalability to large displays as well as the effect of new techniques on the user experience are discussed

    Evaluation of Mobile Phones for Large Display Interaction

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    Large displays have become more and more common in the last few years. While interaction with these displays can be conducted using standard methods such as computer mouse and keyboard, this approach causes issues in multi-user environments, where the various conditions for providing multiple keyboards and mice, together with the facilities to employ them, cannot be met. To solve this problem, interaction using mobile phones was proposed by several authors. Previous solutions were specialized interaction metaphors only for certain applications. To gain more insight into general interaction patterns realizable with smart phones, we created a set of general test cases using a well-known taxonomy for interactions. These test cases were then evaluated in a user study, comparing smart phone usage against the traditional keyboard/mouse-combination. Results (time and user satisfaction) show strengths and weaknesses when using the new interaction with the smart phone. With further evaluations we draw conclusions on how to improve large display interaction using smart phones in general

    Resilience and Change in Federal Institutions: The Case of the German Federal Council

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    One of the oldest federalist systems, Germany offers itself as a case study for long-term developments in federalism. Drawing on a burgeoning literature on institutional continuity and change we investigate the development of a key institution of German federalism, the Federal Council (Bundesrat) from the foundation of the German Reich until today. Counter to claims that institutional change occurs mainly during “critical junctures,” the Federal Council has shown remarkable resilience: It persisted through World War I and the 1919 revolution and the writing of the centralist Weimar constitution. Dismantled in 1934, it returned in 1949 after years of dictatorship, war, and military occupation. Counter to an emphasis on institutional stability in “settled” times in earlier literature, the role of the Bundesrat has changed significantly over the last 60 years. Initially representing the interests of federal states, it has gradually developed into a powerful second chamber dominated by national-level politics

    A New Outlook on Ice Cloud through Sub-Millimetre-Wave Scattering

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    Scattering by atmospheric ice at sub-mm-wave frequencies is a challenge to both the cloud physics and light scattering communities owing to scattering at these frequencies being dependent on assumptions about the particle size distribution, ice crystal shape, orientation and size. Moreover, the scattering also depends on how the particle density is assumed to evolve with size. As there is as yet no prediction of a universal PSD or mass–dimension or density–dimension relationship, the modelling of ice crystals, so as to conserve the observed scattering and ice mass, is potentially problematic. In this presentation, the challenge presented by sub-mm-wave scattering is explored through the study of an ice cloud case using a new sub-mm spectral-like radiometer that was deployed on board an aircraft. Here, we evaluate the predictive quality of applying members from an ensemble model of cirrus ice crystals to modelling observed sub-millimetre brightness temperatures. The airborne straight and level near-nadir observations used here were from a case of ice cloud, which occurred during a winter period. The airborne microwave observations were obtained using the International Submillimetre Airborne Radiometer (ISMAR) [1], as the observations collected were at near-nadir we do not as yet consider polarisation. The ISMAR instrument has five central frequencies located between 118 and 664 GHz, with a number of sub-channels situated around some of the central frequencies to obtain spectral-like observations. The frequency selected for presentation is the 664 GHz “window” channel. This channel selection reduces uncertainties in modelling the gaseous spectroscopy, thereby enabling the scattering properties of members of the ensemble model to be more directly evaluated at this frequency. This is also the frequency that is most sensitive to assumptions about the ice crystal models and microphysics. The methodologies adopted for the calculation of the single-scattering properties of the ensemble model members at this frequency have been previously peer-reviewed and published [2, 3]. As such, this presentation concentrates on the application of these methodologies to the interpretation of the airborne ISMAR observations using a fast, state-of-the-art line-by-line radiative transfer model [4]. Moreover, state-of-the-art airborne observations of particle size distributions (PSDs) were also collected from the ice cloud case. These in-situ PSDs, as well as an often used database of in-situ PSDs collected during the SPARTICUS campaign in 2010, are applied to the two most compact and spatial hexagonal ice aggregate members of the ensemble model. A further ice aggregate model, called the Voronoi model, forming a chain of polyhedral particles, constructed to follow an observed density–dimension relationship, was also applied so as to simulate the observations. From the in-situ PSDs, geometric optics-based power law relationships have been previously obtained between the ice water content and the bulk extinction coefficient [5]. These same geometric optics-based relationships were estimated using the area–dimension power laws predicted by the ensemble model members and the Voronoi model. The best-fit ensemble model members to the observed power laws, and the Voronoi model, were applied in order to simulate the sub-mm-wave observations. Thus, we demonstrate consistency of model application from the limit of geometric optics (i.e. typically at visible wavelengths) to the sub-mm. In this presentation, we demonstrate a general overlap between the uncertainty in the radiative transfer simulations assuming the ensemble model members and the uncertainty in ISMAR brightness temperature observations at 664 GHz. However, portions of the straight and level runs were either simulated well with the compact aggregate model member or a three-component model, consisting of the two members of the ensemble model and the Voronoi particle, but never with one and the same model. Owing to the Voronoi model being the most spatial of all the models, this model simulated, to within the upper end of the experimental uncertainty, the ISMAR observations, but never the coldest observations at the highest sub-mm-wave frequency. However, if a different density–dimension relationship were to be adopted in the modelling of the Voronoi model that predicted higher mass values, then this should result in an improved agreement with the observations. It is as yet unclear as to which density–dimension relation is best to apply in general. These observations indicate changes in microphysics in terms of the mass–dimension profile and/or the size of the ice crystals and, therefore, represent a challenge to the global retrieval of ice cloud properties using the Ice Cloud Imager (ICI), which is due for launch around 2022. A further uncertainty is the assumed parametrised shape of the PSD. We also show in this presentation that the choice of PSD and ice crystal models are of equal importance in interpreting sub-mm-wave observations. [1] Fox, S et al., 2017: ISMAR: an airborne submillimetre radiometer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., doi:10.5194/ amt-10-477-2017. [2] Baran, A. J., et al., 2018: The applicability of physical optics in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral region. Part II: Application to a three-component model of ice cloud and its evaluation against the bulk single-scattering properties of various other aggregate models. JQSRT. 206, 68-80. [3] Baran, A. J., Hesse E., and Sourdeval O., 2017: The applicability of physical optics in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral region. Part I: The ray tracing with diffraction on facets method. JQSRT. 190, 83-100. [4] Havemann, S et al., The Havemann-Taylor Fast Radiative Transfer Code (HT-FRTC): a multipurpose code based on Principal Components, submitted to JQSRT (February 2018). [5] Fox, S et al., 2017: ISMAR: an airborne submillimetre radiometer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., doi:10.5194/ amt-10-477-2017.Peer reviewe

    CD40-activated B cells induce anti-tumor immunity in vivo

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    The introduction of checkpoint inhibitors represents a major advance in cancer immunotherapy. Some studies on checkpoint inhibition demonstrate that combinatorial immunotherapies with secondary drivers of anti-tumor immunity provide beneficial effects for patients that do not show a strong endogenous immune response. CD40-activated B cells (CD40B cells) are potent antigen presenting cells by activating and expanding naĂŻve and memory CD4 + and CD8 + and homing to the secondary lymphoid organs. In contrast to dendritic cells, the generation of highly pure CD40B cells is simple and time efficient and they can be expanded almost limitlessly from small blood samples of cancer patients. Here, we show that the vaccination with antigen-loaded CD40B cells induces a specific T-cell response in vivo comparable to that of dendritic cells. Moreover, we identify vaccination parameters, including injection route, cell dose and vaccination repetitions to optimize immunization and demonstrate that application of CD40B cells is safe in terms of toxicity in the recipient. We furthermore show that preventive immunization of tumor-bearing mice with tumor antigen-pulsed CD40B cells induces a protective anti-tumor immunity against B16.F10 melanomas and E.G7 lymphomas leading to reduced tumor growth. These results and our straightforward method of CD40B-cell generation underline the potential of CD40B cells for cancer immunotherapy

    Eomes is sufficient to regulate IL-10 expression and cytotoxic effector molecules in murine CD4+ T cells

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    The T-box transcription factors T-bet and Eomesodermin regulate type 1 immune responses in innate and adaptive lymphocytes. T-bet is widely expressed in the immune system but was initially identified as the lineage-specifying transcription factor of Th1 CD4+ T cells, where it governs expression of the signature cytokine IFN- γ and represses alternative cell fates like Th2 and Th17. T-bet’s paralog Eomes is less abundantly expressed and Eomes+ CD4+ T cells are mostly found in the context of persistent antigen exposure, like bone marrow transplantation, chronic infection or inflammation as well as malignant disorders. However, it has remained unresolved whether Eomes executes similar transcriptional activities as T-bet in CD4+ T cells. Here we use a novel genetic approach to show that Eomes expression in CD4+ T cells drives a distinct transcriptional program that shows only partial overlap with T-bet. We found that Eomes is sufficient to induce the expression of the immunoregulatory cytokine IL-10 and, together with T-bet, promotes a cytotoxic effector profile, including Prf1, Gzmb, Gzmk, Nkg7 and Ccl5, while repressing alternative cell fates. Our results demonstrate that Eomes+ CD4+ T cells, which are often found in the context of chronic antigen stimulation, are likely to be a unique CD4+ T cell subset that limits inflammation and immunopathology as well as eliminates antigen-presenting and malignant cells

    Complementarities and Continuities in the Political Economy of Labor Markets in Latin America

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    This paper was presented at the 2009 IPSA World Congress of Political Science.In a comparative institutional or ‘variety of capitalism’ perspective, the distinctive traits of labour markets in Latin America differ in most respects from labour markets in developed countries. Moreover, there are strong economic complementarities among five core features of labour markets in Latin America: low skill levels, high labour regulation, short job tenure, a large informal sector, and small, politicized unions that lack plant level representation. While numerous and strong, economic complementarities among these five components do not tell the whole story, and we analyse additional political complementarities. This integrated perspective on the economic and political interactions helps explain continuities in labour markets in Latin America and their disappointing response in recent decades to market reform and globalization

    Simple mindreading abilities predict complex theory of mind: developmental delay in autism spectrum disorders

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    Theory of Mind (ToM) is impaired in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The aims of this study were to: i) examine the developmental trajectories of ToM abilities in two different mentalizing tasks in children with ASD compared to TD children; and ii) to assess if a ToM simple test known as Eyes-test could predict performance on the more advanced ToM task, i.e. Comic Strip test. Based on a sample of 37 children with ASD and 55 TD children, our results revealed slower development at varying rates in all ToM measures in children with ASD, with delayed onset compared to TD children. These results could stimulate new treatments for social abilities, which would lessen the social deficit in ASD
