64 research outputs found

    Cadherin-9 Is a Novel Cell Surface Marker for the Heterogeneous Pool of Renal Fibroblasts

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    BACKGROUND: Interstitial fibroblasts are a minor, but nevertheless very important, component of the kidney. They secrete and remodel extracellular matrix and they produce active compounds such as erythropoietin. However, studying human renal fibroblasts has been hampered by the lack of appropriate surface markers. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The expression of cadherin-9 in various human renal cell lines and tissues was studied on the mRNA level by RT-PCR and on the protein level with the help of newly generated cadherin-9 antibodies. The classical type II cadherin-9, so far only described in the neural system, was identified as a reliable surface marker for renal fibroblasts. Compared to FSP1, a widely-used cytosolic renal fibroblast marker, cadherin-9 showed a more restricted expression pattern in human kidney. Under pathological conditions, cadherin-9 was expressed in the stroma of renal cell carcinoma, but not in the tumor cells themselves, and in renal fibrosis the percentage of cadherin-9-positive cells was clearly elevated 3 to 5 times compared to healthy kidney tissue. Induction of epithelial mesenchymal transition in renal epithelial cells with cyclosporin-A, which causes renal fibrosis as a side effect, induced cadherin-9 expression. Functional studies following siRNA-mediated knockdown of cadherin-9 revealed that it acts in the kidney like a typical classical cadherin. It was found to be associated with catenins and to mediate homophilic but not heterophilic cell interactions. CONCLUSIONS: Cadherin-9 represents a novel and reliable cell surface marker for fibroblasts in healthy and diseased kidneys. Together with the established marker molecules FSP1, CD45 and alpha smooth muscle actin, cadherin-9 can now be used to differentiate the heterogenic pool of renal fibroblasts into resident and activated fibroblasts, immigrated bone marrow derived fibroblast precursors and cells in different stages of epithelial mesenchymal transition

    The prognostic association of SPAG5 gene expression in breast cancer patients with systematic therapy

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    Background: Despite much effort on the treatment of breast cancer over the decades, a great uncertainty regarding the appropriate molecular biomarkers and optimal therapeutic strategy still exists. This research was performed to analyze the association of SPAG5 gene expression with clinicopathological factors and survival outcomes. Methods: We used a breast cancer database including 5667 patients with a mean follow-up of 69 months. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses for relapse free survival (RFS), overall survival (OS), and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) were performed. In addition, ROC analysis was performed to validate SPAG5 as a prognostic candidate gene. Results: Mean SPAG5 expression value was significantly higher with some clinicopathological factors that resulted in tumor promotion and progression, including poor differentiated type, HER2 positive or TP53 mutated breast cancer. Based on ROC-analysis SPAG 5 is a suitable prognostic marker of poor survival. In patients who received chemotherapy alone, SPAG5 had only a moderate and not significant predictive impact on survival outcomes. However, in hormonal therapy, high SPAG5 expression could strongly predict prognosis with detrimental RFS (HR = 1.57, 95% CI 1.2-2.06, p = 0.001), OS (HR = 2, 95% CI 1.05-3.8, p = 0.03) and DMFS (HR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.57-3.54, p < 0.001), respectively. In addition, SPAG5 could only serve as a survival predictor in ER+, but not ER- breast cancer patients. Patients might also be at an increased risk of relapse despite being diagnosed with a lower grade cancer (well differentiated type). Conclusions: SPAG5 could be used as an independent prognostic and predictive biomarker that might have clinical utility, especially in ER+ breast cancer patients who received hormonal therapy. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Expression of Ksp-cadherin during kidney development and in renal cell carcinoma

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    Cadherins are a large family of cell–cell adhesion molecules acting in a homotypic, homophilic manner that play an important role in the maintenance of tissue integrity. In the human kidney, several members of the cadherin family (including E- and N-cadherin, cadherin-6, -8 and -11) are expressed in a controlled spatiotemporal pattern. Cadherin-16, also called kidney-specific (Ksp-) cadherin, is exclusively expressed in epithelial cells of the adult kidney. In renal cell carcinomas (RCCs), which are considered to originate from epithelial kidney tubular cells, a complex pattern of cadherin expression can be observed, but Ksp-cadherin expression has not been analysed so far. In the present study, we show that the expression of Ksp-cadherin is completely abrogated in RCCs. Whereas Ksp-cadherin can be detected at later stages of tubulogenesis during human renal development and in the distal tubules of adult kidneys, no expression was found by immunohistochemistry or Western blot analysis in RCC tumour tissues and several RCC cell lines. However, despite the lack of protein expression, mRNA synthesis of Ksp-cadherin could be detected by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction analysis in all RCC tissues and most of the RCC cell lines studied, although at a reduced level. The loss of Ksp-cadherin protein was only observed in the malignant part of the tumour kidneys, whereas in the normal part of the affected kidneys Ksp-cadherin expression was clearly detected. These results indicate a downregulation of Ksp-cadherin in RCC and suggest a role for this cell adhesion molecule in tumour suppression

    Inhibition of autophagy, lysosome and VCP function impairs stress granule assembly

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    Stress granules (SGs) are mRNA-protein aggregates induced during stress, which accumulate in many neurodegenerative diseases. Previously, the autophagy-lysosome pathway and valosin-containing protein (VCP), key players of the protein quality control (PQC), were shown to regulate SG degradation. This is consistent with the idea that PQC may survey and/or assist SG dynamics. However, despite these observations, it is currently unknown whether the PQC actively participates in SG assembly. Here, we describe that inhibition of autophagy, lysosomes and VCP causes defective SG formation after induction. Silencing the VCP co-factors UFD1L and PLAA, which degrade defective ribosomal products (DRIPs) and 60S ribosomes, also impaired SG assembly. Intriguingly, DRIPs and 60S, which are released from disassembling polysomes and are normally excluded from SGs, were significantly retained within SGs in cells with impaired autophagy, lysosome or VCP function. Our results suggest that deregulated autophagy, lysosomal or VCP activities, which occur in several neurodegenerative (VCP-associated) diseases, may alter SG morphology and composition

    The Bolivian Decentralization Process and the Role of Municipal Associations

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    This discussion paper looks at the Bolivian decentralization model. The objective of Bolivian decentralization is to consolidate the process of popular participation, and to promote regional economic development by means of a more equitable distribution of national income and improved administration of public resources. The legal framework of Bolivian decentralization is established by two principled laws; firstly, the LPP, defines decentralization on the municipal level and represents a new dimension of governmental reform, creating an important link between the state and civil society. Second, the Law of Administrative decentralization (LAD-adm) organizes the structure of the executive power in each Department so as to underpin administrative decentralization. Overall the decentralization process in Bolivia can be seen as an important step towards restructuring the old centralized state into a more democratic one. However, as the social uprising and protests which took place in October 2003 show, the decentralization laws alone didn?t solve the economic and social problems in Bolivia

    Role of mprF1 and mprF2 in the Pathogenicity of Enterococcus faecalis

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    Aujourd hui, Enterococcus faecalis est considéré comme l un des plus importants agents pathogènes causant des maladies nosocomiales. En raison de sa résistance innée et acquise aux antibiotiques, l identification de nouvelles cibles pour le traitement de cette bactérie est une grande priorité. Le facteur Multiple Peptide Résistance (MprF), qui a été décrit en premier chez Staphylococcus aureus, modifie le phosphatidylglycérol avec de la lysine et réduit ainsi la charge négative de l enveloppe cellulaire. Ceci a comme conséquence d augmenter la résistance aux peptides antimicrobiens cationiques (PAC). Deux gènes paralogues putatifs (mprF1 et mprF2) ont été identifiés chez E. faecalis par recherche BLAST en utilisant le gène décrit chez S. aureus. Une caractérisation de ces deux gènes d E. faecalis ainsi que des mécanismes conduisant à une résistance aux PAC, pourrait aider à développer des nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques contre ce pathogène. Deux mutants de délétion et un double mutant ont été construits par recombinaison homologue chez E. faecalis. L analyse des phospholipides des membranes cytoplasmiques des deux mutants mprF1 et mprF2 par chromatographie sur couche mince a montré que seule l inactivation de mprF2 inhibe la synthèse de trois amino-phosphatidlyglycérol distincts (comme la Lysine-PG, l Alanine-PG et l Arginine-PG). De plus, le mutant mprF2 est également plus sensible aux PAC que la souche sauvage. La capacité de formation d un biofilm est généralement considérée comme un facteur important de virulence, ce qui est également le cas pour les entérocoques. Le mutant mprF2 montre une capacité accrue dans ce phénomène. Ceci semble être du à une augmentation de la concentration d ADN extracellulaire dans le biofilm formé par ce mutant. Curieusement, cette augmentation est indépendante d une autolyse. Le mutant mprF2 est également plus résistant à l opsonophagocytose. Cependant, le gène mprF2 ne joue aucun rôle dans les bactériémies de souris et les endocardites de rats.En revanche, aucun phénotype n a été trouvé pour un mutant mprF1 jusqu à présent. Cette mutation ne modifie ni la synthèse de l aminoacyl-PG en condition de laboratoire ni la résistance aux PAC et à l opsonophagocytose. Par conséquent, il semble que mprF2 soit le seul gène mprF fonctionnel chez E. faecalis. Néanmoins, contrairement à d autres bactéries, mprF2 ne semble pas être un facteur de virulence majeur pour cette espèce.Enterococcus faecalis is regarded nowadays as one of the most important nosocomial pathogens. Due to its innate and acquired resistance to antibiotics, identification of new targets for antimicrobial treatment of E. faecalis is a high priority. The multiple peptides resistance factor (MprF), which was first described in Staphylococcus aureus, modifies phosphatidylglycerol with lysine and reduces the negative charge of the membrane, thus increasing resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMPs). Two putative mprF paralogs (mprF1 and mprF2) were identified in E. faecalis by Blast search using the well-described S. aureus gene as a lead. A better understanding of these two genes and mechanisms leads to enterococcal resistance to CAMPs might help designing therapeutic strategies against this bacteria. Two single deletion mutants and double mutant in E. faecalis were created by homologues recombination. Analysis of cell membrane phospholipids from both mutants by thin-layer chromatography showed that inactivation of mprF2 abolished the synthesis of three distinct amino-phosphatidylglycerol (mostly likely Lysin-PG, Alanine-PG and Argine-PG). The CAMPs testing assay demonstrated that the deletion mutant of mprF2 was more susceptible to CAMPs than the wild type. Biofilm formation is usually regarded as a virulence factor which provides an important way for enterococci to cause infections. Inactivation of mprF2 led to increase the biofilm formation which we showed that it was due to the accumulation of eDNA in the biofilm, but the release of eDNA is independent from autolysis. The mprF2 mutant was resistance to killing by opsonophagocytosis more than wild type. However, the mprF2 gene plays no role in bacteremia in mice and rat endocarditis. Our results showed that non polar effect mprF1 mutant does not affect in the synthesis of aminoacyl-PG in the laboratory condition. It also has no effect on susceptible to CAMPs, opsonic killing and autolysis. Therefore, it seems that mprF2 is the only functional mprF gene in E. faecalis in the laboratory condition. Unlike mprF found in other bacteria, mprF does not seem to be a major virulence factor in enterococci.CAEN-BU Sciences et STAPS (141182103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The renal cortical interstitium: morphological and functional aspects

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    The renal interstitial compartment, situated between basement membranes of epithelia and vessels, contains two contiguous cellular networks. One network is formed by interstitial fibroblasts, the second one by dendritic cells. Both are in intimate contact with each other. Fibroblasts are interconnected by junctions and connected to basement membranes of vessels and tubules by focal adhesions. Fibroblasts constitute the “skeleton” of the kidney. In the renal cortex, fibroblasts produce erythropoietin and are distinguished from other interstitial cells by their prominent F-actin cytoskeleton, abundance of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and by ecto-5′-nucleotidase expression in their plasma membrane. The resident dendritic cells belong to the mononuclear phagocyte system and fulfil a sentinel function. They are characterized by their expression of MHC class II and CD11c. The central situation of fibroblasts suggests that signals from tubules, vessels, and inflammatory cells converge in fibroblasts and elicit an integrated response. Following tubular damage and inflammatory signals fibroblasts proliferate, change to the myofibroblast phenotype and increase their collagen production, potentially resulting in renal fibrosis. The acquisition of a profibrotic phenotype by fibroblasts in renal diseases is generally considered a main causal event in the progression of chronic renal failure. However, it might also be seen as a repair process

    Large-Scale Screening of a Targeted Enterococcus faecalis Mutant Library Identifies Envelope Fitness Factors

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    Spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria responsible for nosocomial and community-acquired infections urges for novel therapeutic or prophylactic targets and for innovative pathogen-specific antibacterial compounds. Major challenges are posed by opportunistic pathogens belonging to the low GC% Gram-positive bacteria. Among those, Enterococcus faecalis is a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections associated with life-threatening issues and increased hospital costs. To better understand the molecular properties of enterococci that may be required for virulence, and that may explain the emergence of these bacteria in nosocomial infections, we performed the first large-scale functional analysis of E. faecalis V583, the first vancomycin-resistant isolate from a human bloodstream infection. E. faecalis V583 is within the high-risk clonal complex 2 group, which comprises mostly isolates derived from hospital infections worldwide. We conducted broad-range screenings of candidate genes likely involved in host adaptation (e.g., colonization and/or virulence). For this purpose, a library was constructed of targeted insertion mutations in 177 genes encoding putative surface or stress-response factors. Individual mutants were subsequently tested for their i) resistance to oxidative stress, ii) antibiotic resistance, iii) resistance to opsonophagocytosis, iv) adherence to the human colon carcinoma Caco-2 epithelial cells and v) virulence in a surrogate insect model. Our results identified a number of factors that are involved in the interaction between enterococci and their host environments. Their predicted functions highlight the importance of cell envelope glycopolymers in E. faecalis host adaptation. This study provides a valuable genetic database for understanding the steps leading E. faecalis to opportunistic virulence
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