3 research outputs found
Chapter 7. Philosophy, Divinity, and Religion in the Periods of Presidents Eliot, Lowell, and Conant, 1869–1953
- Author
- 4.a The Tercentenary of Harvard University
- Adams James Luther
- Address School
- After
- After
- After Angell's
- Ahlstrom Sydney E.
- Allen Cf.
- Among
- An
- Andover Creed Among
- Andover Intellectual
- Annual Report to the President of Harvard College
- Anselm
- As President
- As the nature of the University changed over time
- Ascore
- Assyriologist An
- Atlantic Monthly
- Because
- Berlin First German
- Between Harvard Hugh Hawkins
- Biblical Journal
- Blackman George L.
- Blackman George L.
- Boston
- Boston
- Boston Poetical Works
- Bulletin Its
- Cadbury
- Calder Noted
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge Back
- Cambridge Learning
- Catholics Roman
- Centuries Three
- Centuries Three
- Charles Edward Park The Tercentenary
- Chicago
- Christ Unitarianism
- Christianity The Problem
- Church Formerly Third
- Class Report Second Report
- Commemoration Record
- Conant
- Conant James Bryant
- Conceived
- Cornell University was founded by Ezra Cornell in Ithaca New York
- Cousin
- Day Williams See Daniel
- Dean Sperry After
- Dean The
- Dodd left his post as senior demy (a scholar on the Foundation) at Magdalen College
- Edwardsian Samuel Hopkins Fenn
- Egbert Coffin At
- Elihu Wrexham
- Eliot Charles W.
- Eliot Samuel
- Emerton Ephraim
- Endowment Funds of Harvard University (Cambridge
- Endowment Funds of Harvard University (Cambridge
- England Poet Laureate
- Episcopal Theological School Diversification
- Evans
- Expanded
- Faculty Adapted
- Faculty Minute The
- Faculty The Christian Dean Fenn
- Fascism From
- February International Conciliation
- Fenn William Wallace
- File Jaeger
- Finkelstein In Louis
- First given as an address before the Philosophical Club in Boston University and Yale
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For Dean
- For Sperry's
- Fox William
- Francis Avenue In Cambridge
- G.
- George Foot Moore had prepared for college at the West Chester Academy by his own ministerial father.
- German Philologists This
- Greene
- Gund Hall After
- Harvard Divinity
- Harvard Divinity Eliot
- Harvard Graduates
- Harvard Theological Review It
- Harvard's YMCA
- He
- He
- He
- He
- He
- He was a member of the American Association of University Professors
- His
- Holding
- Hutchison William R.
- Immortality The
- In
- In
- In
- In
- Ingersoll James
- Initials
- issue that he chose to leave the Third Reich-but for his close personal and scholarly ties with Germans who made their peace with National Socialism.
- It
- It
- It
- Iuncheon At
- Jaeger
- Jaeger accepted the call to succeed Paul Shorey at the University of Chicago 1936-1939
- Jaeger evidently found uncongenial the paideia of University reformer and
- Jaeger There
- Jaeger's office in the Institute was Widener 774
- James
- James Hardy Congregationally
- James Henry
- James Luther
- John The Methodism
- Just as significant sums of money had been given to the College to advance the cause of Christ at Harvard in its early years for the express purpose of undergirding Christian witness at the College
- Kantzer On Kenneth
- Kelly Monroe Written
- Kibre Pearl
- King's Chapel Guide
- Lake For
- Late Henry James The Literary
- Latin The
- le Alice Freeman After
- le Shafer The
- Lecture
- Leo Walden Schwarz The
- Lewis The
- London
- London
- London
- London
- London Winds
- Lowell
- Lutheran
- Lyon David C.
- Matthew Arnold He
- McGiffert Arthur Cushman
- Memorial Hall It
- Memorial Hall While President
- Memorial Minute A
- Minn's In
- Miss Caroline Haskell Ingersoll Each
- Modern Missions In
- Monroe This
- Monthly Harvard
- Moore E. C.
- Moore Edward Caldwell
- Moving
- Neilson William A.
- New In
- New York Essays
- New York John Loeb
- New York Reason
- New York Reprinted
- Newman For
- Niebuhr R.
- Noble William Belden
- Nock
- Nock Arthur Darby
- Notable
- Old Witchcraft
- On
- On Julius
- On Nock
- One of the emphases in the Divinity School under Everett and indeed in the College was the Social Gospel or
- Overseers With
- Palmer James
- Parker Fitch See Albert
- Pauline Royce
- Pauline Sperry WLS
- Pauline Sperry WLS
- Peirce
- Peirce Adapting
- Perry R. B.
- Pertinent
- Ph He
- Phillips Acting
- Phillips Brooks House In
- Philosophical Review
- Plantation Plymouth
- Preachers With Peabody
- President A
- Professor Edward Kennard Rand The
- Professor Smyth Argument
- Provost Paul Through
- Radcliffe College was a women's liberal arts college founded in 1879 by Arthur Gilman for the instruction of women by Harvard faculty.
- Reinhold Meyer
- Religion
- Reprinted
- Review The
- Revised and published by Dunster House in Harvard College as Lucifer
- Ritschlian A
- Rockefeller On John D.
- Rowe See
- Royce
- Royce
- Royce's
- Scripture With
- See
- Semitic
- Services at the Celebration of the Two-Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Church in Cambridge (Cambridge
- Several
- She
- Skrupskelis
- Smith Morton
- Smith Richard Norton
- So
- Social The
- Some
- Some of the Tercentenary events were framed in relation to Harvard's Summer School of Arts and Sciences in University Hall
- Sperry
- Sperry's
- Sydney Ahlstrom The
- Tafel Observed
- Tercentenary
- Tercentenary Week That
- That
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The Andover Trial The
- The Another
- The Dean's
- The Development of Harvard University
- The establishment of the Semitic Languages and History Department and the creation of the Semitic Museum to house it
- The National Cyclopedia of American Biography 37
- The newly named Harvard University Christian Association (HUCA)
- The University had for some time
- The University would be represented at the memorial service for Henry Cadbury
- Theodore Parker
- This
- This
- This
- This is the Great Seal of the University
- Thus
- To
- Tracts
- Veysey Laurence Ruess
- What
- What
- When William James was honored by his own University with an LL.D.
- White The American
- Wild
- William James Letters
- William James Thought
- William Philosophy
- Williams Daniel Day
- Williams G. H.
- Williams G. H.
- Winn After
- With
- With the entry of the United States into the war
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- Zeph The
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chapter 8 Precarious Transition and the Renewal of Religion at Harvard, 1941/1948–1959
- Author
- After a year at Yale College
- Alumni At
- Among
- An
- Arvel Meryl Steece Their
- As
- Axford W. Scott
- Before
- Bentinick-Smith William
- Berlin Originally
- Biography Current
- Bloomington
- Born
- Boston
- Boston
- Boston
- Brita For
- Brunner Quoting
- Burckhardt's Reflections Churchill
- Buttrick himself treasured the title Preacher to the University more than his named chair and in fact joked about being
- Buttrick soon discovered that Memorial Church was a favorite place for inter-religious marriages because it was a University chapel and was therefore
- Callahan Williams
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cf.
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago Experiment
- City Garden
- Cliffs Englewood
- Commerce The
- Conant It
- Confluence
- Crimson Harvard
- Cross
- Crout William R.
- der Acting Dean Williams Of
- Dillenberger's Address From John
- Divinity Hall Chapel In
- Divinity School Wolfson
- Dr The
- Dunne Gerald T.
- Durham
- Faith Our Fighting
- Farnsworth Dana
- Father Murray
- February
- Foote Henry Wilder
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For Conant's
- Fox William
- Francis Avenue Modeled
- Francisco San
- From
- George
- George Berkeley At Harvard
- George Leonard Prestige Pusey
- Graduate Robert Ulich
- Grenville Clark
- Grenville In
- Harvard Divinity School In
- Harvard While
- Helmut Koester
- Helmut Koester
- Herberg Will
- His
- his Harvard College days
- Houston
- However
- In
- In
- In
- In 1961 Wild would move to Northwestern University as chairman of its philosophy department
- In an address delivered at Assumption College
- In Chapter
- In the fall of 1954 the Harvard Student Council organized a committee to report on the effect of religion on College life and thought and on the impact of the College education and its prevailing lifestyle on the way students were understanding religion. They were aware of being
- Inheritance Tradition
- It
- It
- It
- John D.
- John R.
- Kim Vana
- later in his four Bampton Lectures at Columbia University
- Leipzig Buber's influential book I
- London
- London
- London
- Manchester
- Marion Pauck Wilhelm
- Marney The
- Massachusetts
- McGeorge Dean
- Memorial Church Annual Report
- Much
- Nashville
- Neuchâtel La
- New Christianity
- New York Religion
- Occasionally
- October
- On
- On
- One
- One
- Our Divided Religion
- Paul
- Paul Tillich The
- Pitirim With
- President Classicist
- President Report
- President The
- Pusey
- Religion Enquiries
- Religious Sydney Ahlstrom
- Richard Wightman Fox A
- Robinson's
- Scott Gavin R. W.
- Shanghai It
- Smith Vividly
- Some
- Sperry
- Sperry's
- St Stendahl
- Systematic Theology What
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The Bampton
- The Committee to Recommend a Candidate for Preacher to the University and Chairman of the Board of Preachers had been appointed in 1950 as a consequence of the O'Brian Commission's first and fifteenth recommendations calling for a full-time Divinity School dean and
- The great religious salient for the renewed role of religion in American higher education in general and at Harvard in particular was the decision of the Harvard Corporation to choose as a successor to Conant a classically trained churchman and experienced college administrator as the twenty-fourth President of Harvard
- The Harvard University Hymn Book
- The Published
- The statement of faith of the new World Council of Churches
- The University was briefly in the charge of American historian Paul Herman Buck (1899-1978) Provost (1945-1953).
- Then Jesus
- Theology
- There
- There
- They reported to the Corporation in 1952
- This
- This is the recollection of Samuel Beer of the Government Department
- This Tercentenary
- Tillich
- Tillich
- Tillich's
- Tillich's
- Time
- Title
- Two
- Vatican
- Virginia Leson
- Weston Letter
- When
- Wilder The
- William
- William
- Williams G. H.
- Williams G. H.
- Williams G. H.
- With
- World Because
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Case of John Joseph Griffin. From Artisan-Chemist and Author-Instructor to Business-Leader
- Author
- According to Ernest Child
- Advertisement in
- At the time that Heinrich Rose
- Berzelius
- Birkbeck George
- Birkbeck’s additional lectures for young people may have reflected the concerns expressed for practical education by the Edgeworths who in 1802
- Brian Gee
- Brock
- Crosland M. P.
- Daubeny C.
- Exhibition of Works and Industry of All Nations
- For an assessement of Graham’s and Warington’s influence in founding the Chemical Society see
- For an expanded account of the chemical contents of Henry’s textbooks see Farrar
- For Andrew Ure (1778–1857) see
- For Ward’s retirement see
- From
- Garnett Thomas
- Gee B.
- Graham Thomas
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin
- Griffin Charles
- Griffin left his nephew
- Griffin Richard
- Griffin’s
- Ibid. p. 111. Florence flasks were also popular with
- Ibid. Some feeling for the lack of demand for translations is encapsulated in a contemporary remark concerning Berzelius’s wish to see his
- Ibid. but also see
- Ibid. p. 243. For similar, and even more effective, criticism by August Laurent, see
- In the endpapers of
- International Exhibition of
- It is occasionally reported (e.g.
- It was the two-volume third ed. of the
- Keddie VV.
- Kelly
- Mitscherlich For Eilhardt
- Moseley Henry
- Most of the original collection of Anderson’s instruments has been dispersed but see
- Muir
- No registers of Thomas Thomson’s classes have survived. It is conceivable that Griffin may have gained some laboratory training under Thomson though Michael Moss, archivist at the University of Glasgow, is of the opinion that he would have received a “sufficient grounding in practical chemistry” at the Andersonian Institution, citing James “Paraffin” Young as evidence of the calibre of student then emerging. (Personal communications 13.9.84 and 3.10.84.) In this case, it remains of some considerable interest to know whether Ure ran extramural practical classes like Thomson. See
- Note 7. above. The Ure-Griffin connection came to fruition in 1846 when Griffin developed the concept of a “normal” solution in titrimetry. See
- Other works in the Polytechnic Library Series included:
- Preface to
- Report of the Committee on Chemical Notation
- Rose
- Rose
- Scots Magazine (1825) P- 2- The full text of Anderson’s will is printed in Muir
- See
- The announcement of Ward’s retirement and transfer of business to Griffin’s appears in explanatory letters to customers form both Ward and Griffin dated 1 March 1850. Griffin’s
- The Glasgow Mechanics’ Institution survived until 1886 then changed its name to the College of Arts and Science. Muir, op
- The Griffin and Tatlock history
- The remainder of the Scientific Miscellany series included:
- This is reinforced by a knowledge of the books in his library which were donated to the (Royal) Chemical Society. See
- This supplementary catalogue of August 1844 is not paginated continuously with Parts I and II but forms the endpapers of Griffin’s re-issue of Humphry Davy’s
- This travel diary has lain unrecognized at the Royal Chemical Society because it was catalogued with the papers of Henry Roscoe. It does not bear any name though the handwritten symbol RG (signifying Richard Griffin &
- This was a position of some considerable importance because over the intervening years, negotiations had led to the compounding of the Society with the Andersonian Institution Library, and Museum at their George Street building. Thus, the Directors of the Society became supervisors of the administration and finance of the Anderson Library. See
- This work is quite unique for its seventeen double copper plates of instruments and apparatus engraved by Adlard. It is not obvious from the text that Accum was the author although
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Whewell W.
- William H. Brock
- Williams C. G.
- Publication venue
- 'Maney Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study