3 research outputs found
Phronetically Guided Use of Knowledge: Interstitial Work at Barnahus and How It Can Inform the Knowledge Debate in Social Work
- Author
- Andersen
- Aristotle
- Baker
- Bergmark
- Björk
- Chalmers
- Charmaz
- Cohen
- Czarniawska
- Emslie
- Epstein
- Flyvbjerg
- Flyvbjerg
- Gitterman
- Gray
- Hognestad
- Johansson
- Johansson
- Kim
- McDonald
- McNeece
- Munro
- Nevo
- Nicolini
- Nutley
- Otto
- Palinkas
- Petersén
- Sackett
- Sheppard
- Soydan
- The National Police Directorate The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, The Norwegian Directorate of Health
- Vickers
- Webb
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Two worlds, too apart to converge? A comparison of social regulation policies aimed at the employment of disabled people in Norway and India
- Author
- Ahmed
- Bennett
- Bhattacharya
- Bickenbach
- Bragstad
- Bull
- Chander
- Dyrstad
- Engelstad
- Gagan Chhabra
- Ghai
- Government of India
- Halvorsen
- Halvorsen
- Halvorsen
- Hvinden
- Hvinden
- Hvinden
- Kothari
- Kvistum
- Le Grand
- Lemaire
- Mahoney
- Mayring
- Ministry of Law and Justice
- Ministry of Law Justice and Company Affairs
- Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
- Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
- Molden
- NCPEDP: National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People
- NCPEDP: National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People
- NDN: National Disability Network
- NHO: Næringslivet Hovedorganisasjon
- NOU 22: Norges Offentlige Utredninger
- Pierson
- Rudra
- Sainsbury
- St. meld. Nr. 35
- St. meld. nr. 39
- The Directorate of Children Youth and Family Affairs
- The Ministry of Children Equality and Social Inclusion
- The Ministry of Children Equality and Social Inclusion
- The Ministry of Labour
- The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
- The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
- Turner
- Törnquist
- Tøssebro
- Tøssebro
- Vedung
- World Bank
- Yin
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cultural sensitivity and barriers: Sami people with disabilities facing the welfare system
- Author
- Archetti
- Barne- ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (The Norwegian Directorate for Children Youth and Family Affairs).
- Barribal
- Bjørklund
- Bongo
- Crenshaw
- Dagsvold
- Dagsvold
- Dunfjeld
- Eidheim
- Fuentes
- Funksjonshemmedes fellesorganisasjon (The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People)
- Goodley
- Hansen
- Hassler
- Hedlund
- Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet (Ministry of Health and Care Services)
- Henriksen
- Josefsen
- Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet (Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation)
- Ledwith
- Lile
- Line Melbøe
- Mathisen
- Melbøe
- Minde
- Minde
- Minde
- Minde
- Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation
- Molden
- Myrvoll
- Nergård
- Nergård
- Nordens Välfärdscenter (Nordic Welfare Centre)
- NOU.
- NOU.
- Olsen
- Owren
- Pedersen
- Sjolander
- Solstad
- St. meld. nr. 45
- Statistics Norway
- Sudmann
- Sudmann
- Sørlie
- Turi
- Tøssebro
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study