3 research outputs found
Improving quality at the point of service
- Author
- Bryk
- Center for Urban Studies at Wayne State University
- Desmione
- Eccles
- Eccles
- Erickson
- Forum for Youth Investment
- Gambone
- Halverson
- High/Scope Educational Research Foundation
- Hilberg
- Hirsch
- Larson
- Maslow
- National After-School Association Accreditation Standards
- Newman
- Pianta
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- The After-School Corporation of New York
- Walker
- Youth Sports and Recreation Commission for the City of Detroit
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Chapter 8 Precarious Transition and the Renewal of Religion at Harvard, 1941/1948–1959
- Author
- After a year at Yale College
- Alumni At
- Among
- An
- Arvel Meryl Steece Their
- As
- Axford W. Scott
- Before
- Bentinick-Smith William
- Berlin Originally
- Biography Current
- Bloomington
- Born
- Boston
- Boston
- Boston
- Brita For
- Brunner Quoting
- Burckhardt's Reflections Churchill
- Buttrick himself treasured the title Preacher to the University more than his named chair and in fact joked about being
- Buttrick soon discovered that Memorial Church was a favorite place for inter-religious marriages because it was a University chapel and was therefore
- Callahan Williams
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cambridge
- Cf.
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago
- Chicago Experiment
- City Garden
- Cliffs Englewood
- Commerce The
- Conant It
- Confluence
- Crimson Harvard
- Cross
- Crout William R.
- der Acting Dean Williams Of
- Dillenberger's Address From John
- Divinity Hall Chapel In
- Divinity School Wolfson
- Dr The
- Dunne Gerald T.
- Durham
- Faith Our Fighting
- Farnsworth Dana
- Father Murray
- February
- Foote Henry Wilder
- For
- For
- For
- For
- For Conant's
- Fox William
- Francis Avenue Modeled
- Francisco San
- From
- George
- George Berkeley At Harvard
- George Leonard Prestige Pusey
- Graduate Robert Ulich
- Grenville Clark
- Grenville In
- Harvard Divinity School In
- Harvard While
- Helmut Koester
- Helmut Koester
- Herberg Will
- His
- his Harvard College days
- Houston
- However
- In
- In
- In
- In 1961 Wild would move to Northwestern University as chairman of its philosophy department
- In an address delivered at Assumption College
- In Chapter
- In the fall of 1954 the Harvard Student Council organized a committee to report on the effect of religion on College life and thought and on the impact of the College education and its prevailing lifestyle on the way students were understanding religion. They were aware of being
- Inheritance Tradition
- It
- It
- It
- John D.
- John R.
- Kim Vana
- later in his four Bampton Lectures at Columbia University
- Leipzig Buber's influential book I
- London
- London
- London
- Manchester
- Marion Pauck Wilhelm
- Marney The
- Massachusetts
- McGeorge Dean
- Memorial Church Annual Report
- Much
- Nashville
- Neuchâtel La
- New Christianity
- New York Religion
- Occasionally
- October
- On
- On
- One
- One
- Our Divided Religion
- Paul
- Paul Tillich The
- Pitirim With
- President Classicist
- President Report
- President The
- Pusey
- Religion Enquiries
- Religious Sydney Ahlstrom
- Richard Wightman Fox A
- Robinson's
- Scott Gavin R. W.
- Shanghai It
- Smith Vividly
- Some
- Sperry
- Sperry's
- St Stendahl
- Systematic Theology What
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The Bampton
- The Committee to Recommend a Candidate for Preacher to the University and Chairman of the Board of Preachers had been appointed in 1950 as a consequence of the O'Brian Commission's first and fifteenth recommendations calling for a full-time Divinity School dean and
- The great religious salient for the renewed role of religion in American higher education in general and at Harvard in particular was the decision of the Harvard Corporation to choose as a successor to Conant a classically trained churchman and experienced college administrator as the twenty-fourth President of Harvard
- The Harvard University Hymn Book
- The Published
- The statement of faith of the new World Council of Churches
- The University was briefly in the charge of American historian Paul Herman Buck (1899-1978) Provost (1945-1953).
- Then Jesus
- Theology
- There
- There
- They reported to the Corporation in 1952
- This
- This is the recollection of Samuel Beer of the Government Department
- This Tercentenary
- Tillich
- Tillich
- Tillich's
- Tillich's
- Time
- Title
- Two
- Vatican
- Virginia Leson
- Weston Letter
- When
- Wilder The
- William
- William
- Williams G. H.
- Williams G. H.
- Williams G. H.
- With
- World Because
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- York New
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chapter 6. The Gathering of a “Church Within the Walls” and the Founding and Controversial Unfolding of the Divinity School: Harvard Becomes a Private University, 1805–1869
- Author
- Abolitionist John When
- Acting President
- Ahlstrom Sydney E.
- Among
- Annual Report of the American Unitarian Association (Boston 1853)
- Arminian Baptists
- Art The
- As President
- Because
- Bernard The
- Biblical He
- Boston
- Boston Born
- Boston Christian History
- Boston Edited
- Brookes Printed
- But
- By July
- Cambridge
- Cambridge Ex-President
- Caroline The
- Chairs Named
- Charleston Ordered
- Christian Examiner
- Crosby
- Despite
- Divinity Its
- Divinity There
- Dr A
- Earl Morse Wilbur The
- Education [sic] in Harvard University
- Eliot
- Emerson Ware
- Ernst Benz Noted
- Even the reader who has thus far followed the history of the Harvard church and who is attuned to the ecclesiological sophistication of establishmentarian/Congregational polity may need the reassurance of the author that the second gathered church of proper Congregational polity in Cambridge is that of the University as of 1814 (6.2.a).
- Examiner Christian
- Examiner Christian
- Examiner Christian
- Faust C. H.
- First Church The History
- First Dawes Triangle
- For
- Franklin A.
- Graduating Class An Address
- Hampshire In New
- Harvard College Church Records
- Harvard Divinity School Ellis
- Harvard Faculty Club His
- Harvard For
- Harvard History
- Harvard University Archives (HUA)
- He
- Hedge's
- Heine's Hedge
- Higginson H. W.
- His
- History of the Unitarians and the Universalists in the United States (New York
- Hollis It
- Howe Daniel Walker
- Huntington
- I went to the College Jubillee on the 8th instant.
- If
- In
- Isaac Parker Chief Justice
- It
- It
- Jeff
- Joseph Chamberlain Succinctly
- Journals
- Journals The
- Judge
- King The Revolution
- Kirkland John T.
- learned ministry in the small towns around the College of New Jersey (the later Princeton Theological Seminary across Alexander Street from the College). Ellis acknowledged that some formerly munificent Liberal Christian donors had indeed been alienated from the School by the formation of SPEF-2 and the seemingly principled from the severance of the rest of HDS from
- Massachusetts For
- McCaughey The
- McGiffert Arthur Cushman
- Methodist The
- Miller Perry
- Miller's
- Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association
- Morison Noted
- Morison S. E.
- Morse
- My Ministry Account
- Natural A Statement
- New World The New
- On
- Peabody Andrew
- Peabody Francis Greenwood
- Reason The
- Rev Sermon
- Robert
- Shenton
- Stacy James
- Standing The Divinity
- Stauffer Bentick-Smith
- Stewart Dugald
- Sydney Ahlstrom
- Taylor Eugene
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The Complete Published
- The Eliot-Everett correspondence is unpublished
- The National Conference of Unitarian and other Christian Churches would be formed in 1865 under the leadership of Henry Whitney Bellows (1814-1882). The preamble of its constitution referred to its members as
- The present writer received his S.T.B. (B.D.) from this school long after it had become a constituent member of the emerging cluster of graduate seminaries around the mother school of the University of Chicago
- The University of New Hampshire in Durham
- There
- There was a huge student rebellion in the College in 1823 between the
- This
- This
- Twenty-Fifth Commemoration
- University from the Commonwealth.
- Vote of the Corporation
- Wallace
- Widener A
- Williams G. H.
- Works
- Wright
- Wright C. Conrad
- Wright C. Conrad
- Wright C. Conrad
- York New
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study