25 research outputs found

    Tracking oocyte development and the timing of skipped spawning for north-east Arctic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

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    The present study tracked oocyte development over 9 months and noted incidences of ‘skipping’, i.e., adults terminating their upcoming reproductive cycle, in field-caught north-east Arctic (NEA) haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), currently the largest stock of this species. Applications of advanced image and histological techniques revealed the presence of cortical alveoli oocytes (CAO), which prevailed as the most advanced oocyte phase for 4–5 months. This new finding of an extended and early appearance of CAOs in this gadoid was supported by that vitellogenesis first started to appear 3 months later. The subsequent oocyte growth trajectories indicated that larger individuals [total length (TL) = 70 cm] typically spawn in the order of 3 weeks earlier than the smaller ones (TL = 40 cm). The spawning season appeared stretched over about 3 months. The majority of skipping females arrested oocyte growth at the CAO phase followed by atretic reabsorption. Compared to those individuals maturing for the spawning season, ‘skippers’ generally exhibited lower body condition, characterized also by relatively lower liver sizes at the time of the main spawning season. This study demonstrated well-developed skipping dynamics, but also that the CAO period, i.e., when skipping takes place, may be exceedingly long in this commercially valuable gadoid and that its reproductive cycle in many ways deviates from that of the data-rich, sympatric NEA cod (Gadus morhua).publishedVersio

    Is it possible to photoperiod manipulate spawning time in planktivorous fish ? A long-term experiment on Atlantic herring

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    The oocyte development (vitellogenesis) of individual fish is highly dependent upon their physiology which is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Thus, if individuals encounter poor biophysical conditions, they will likely be unable to reproduce. The photoperiod is an external factor that is constant between years but with increasing intra-annual (seasonal) variation polewards. In high-latitude marine environments, several ecological processes are strongly photic entrained, e.g., the planktonic spring bloom. However, it is still unclear whether day length or planktonic peaks (feeding opportunity) is the main timer or regulator behind gametogenesis not only for teleost piscivores but also for planktivores living in these waters. Hence, we experimentally investigated the role of photoperiod steering vitellogenesis in the planktivorous Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), rearing larvae up to the mature adult stage. We imposed a natural and 6-month offset photoperiod hypothesising that vitellogenesis is entrained by this photic zeitgeber. The results of our experiment clearly demonstrated that herring have a strong photic zeitgeber acting upon vitellogenesis according to the experienced photoperiod. Thus, the Offset Group showed a displacement in vitellogenesis of 6 months. The second hypothesis that feeding opportunities play a clear role in assisting this photic zeitgeber in Atlantic herring could be rejected. This clarification supports that the survival potential of the larvae is the main selection pressure in operation in these respects, i.e., rather than the extent of feeding opportunities of the adults.publishedVersio

    Ichthyofauna as an environmental quality indicator of the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo (Brazil)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the ichthyofauna structure in the region of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel (São Paulo, Brazil) and the possible effects of the environmental quality loss. The samples were collected in a monthly basis, from September to December 2005, at two oceanographic stations with an otter-trawl. The fish fauna structure was evaluated by ecological indicators and the environmental quality evaluated by the ABC analysis and the Estuarine Fish Communities Index (EFCI). A total of 1553 individuals from 50 species were sampled. Ariidae and Sciaenidae amounted to 60 % and Cathorops spixii represented 36 % of all specimens collected. The highest richness and ecological diversity were recorded in December, while the highest numerical abundance was found in October. The majority of the species were represented by juveniles. The cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis showed a consistent and clear difference between the sampling stations, and the abiotic factors analyzed (temperature, depth and salinity) do not seem to have influence on the community structure. The ABC analysis suggested a moderate disturbed environment and the EFCI allowed classifying the area as "poor", due to the 12 metrics analyzed, concerning the reduction of the species diversity, composition and abundance, and modifications in the nursery function and trophic integrity of the area. Future studies should focus on jointly analyze chemical indicators of water and sediment with the biological indicators, to confirm the ichthyofaunal condition of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a estrutura da ictiofauna na região da desembocadura norte do Canal de Bertioga (São Paulo, Brasil) e os possíveis efeitos da perda da qualidade ambiental. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente de setembro a dezembro de 2005, em duas estações oceanográficas, com rede de arrasto. A estrutura da fauna de peixes foi avaliada por indicadores ecológicos e a qualidade ambiental por curvas ABC e um índice de comunidades de peixes estuarinos (EFCI). Um total de 1553 indivíduos em 50 espécies foi amostrado. Ariidae e Sciaenidae totalizaram 60% e Cathorops spixii representou 36% de todos os espécimes coletados. Maior riqueza e diversidade ecológica foram registradas em dezembro, enquanto a maior abundância numérica foi encontrada em outubro. A maioria das espécies foi representada por juvenis. As análises de agrupamento e de correspondência canônica mostraram uma diferença consistente e clara entre as estações de amostragem, e os fatores abióticos analisados (temperatura, profundidade e salinidade) parecem não ter influência sobre a estrutura da comunidade. A curva ABC sugeriu um ambiente moderadamente perturbado e o EFCI permitiu classificar a área como "pobre", a partir das 12 métricas analisadas, que consideraram a redução da diversidade específica, a composição e a abundância, bem como a modificação na função de berçário/infantário e a integridade trófica da área. Futuros estudos devem se concentrar em analisar conjuntamente os indicadores químicos da água, do sedimento e os indicadores biológicos, para confirmar a condição da ictiofauna da desembocadura norte do Canal de Bertioga

    Environmental stressors may cause unpredicted, notably lagged life-history responses in adults of the planktivorous Atlantic herring

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    Here we challenge traditional views on the direction of change in teleost body condition and reproductive traits in response to abiotic and biotic factors by studying the data-rich, planktivorous Norwegian spring-spawning herring (NSSH), a member of the abundant Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) stock complex. To test potential influential factors, we focused on the last twenty years, i.e. a period with ocean warming, a transient but significant drop in zooplankton biomass, and accelerating interspecific competition resulting from primarily Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) entering these high-latitude waters in large quantities, “the new mackerel era” in the Nordic Seas. Adult NSSH concurrently allocated relatively less to growth in length than weight resulting in higher body condition. Growth likely decreased in warmer waters under stiff prey competition to support reproductive costs. Condition and reproductive responses were not only immediate but were also lagged by three seasons, corresponding to the period when new oocytes are produced. Furthermore, fecundity increased in warmer waters while egg size dropped. Hence, fine-tuned trade-off mechanisms were apparent and varied. We demonstrate that evaluations of reproductive trade-offs based on pooled data are misleading; poor- and good-condition NSSH followed different reproductive trajectories. These findings emphasize difficult-to-predict trends in life-history traits should be tracked longitudinally by the individuals and their aggregate cohort, as they are linked to complex overarching environmental phenomena, like ecosystem carrying capacity and climate fluctuations.publishedVersio

    Ichthyofauna as an environmental quality indicator of the Bertioga Channel, São Paulo (Brazil)

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the ichthyofauna structure in the region of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel (São Paulo, Brazil) and the possible effects of the environmental quality loss. The samples were collected in a monthly basis, from September to December 2005, at two oceanographic stations with an otter-trawl. The fish fauna structure was evaluated by ecological indicators and the environmental quality evaluated by the ABC analysis and the Estuarine Fish Communities Index (EFCI). A total of 1553 individuals from 50 species were sampled. Ariidae and Sciaenidae amounted to 60 % and Cathorops spixii represented 36 % of all specimens collected. The highest richness and ecological diversity were recorded in December, while the highest numerical abundance was found in October. The majority of the species were represented by juveniles. The cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis showed a consistent and clear difference between the sampling stations, and the abiotic factors analyzed (temperature, depth and salinity) do not seem to have influence on the community structure. The ABC analysis suggested a moderate disturbed environment and the EFCI allowed classifying the area as "poor", due to the 12 metrics analyzed, concerning the reduction of the species diversity, composition and abundance, and modifications in the nursery function and trophic integrity of the area. Future studies should focus on jointly analyze chemical indicators of water and sediment with the biological indicators, to confirm the ichthyofaunal condition of the north outfall of the Bertioga Channel

    Biological aspects. with emphasis in the reproduction of females, of the main Scienidae species in Santos Bay, Central Coast of São Paulo State

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever aspectos biológicos das espécies de cienídeos na baía de Santos. As coletas foram realizadas mensalmente, entre dezembro de 2004 e dezembro de 2005. Foram estudadas a composição específica; a estrutura populacional de dez espécies, incluindo idade e crescimento; a biologia reprodutiva de quatro espécies; e o tipo de fecundidade de Stellifer rastrifer. Foram capturados 29.306 exemplares pertencentes a 13 gêneros e 21 espécies, com S. rastrifer representando 70,4 % da composição total, seguido por Isopisthus parvipinnis e Stellifer brasiliensis, perfazendo 85%. A baía de Santos é caracterizada principalmente por indivíduos jovens, com a entrada de indivíduos para as populações ocorrendo em diversas épocas do ano. As análises reprodutivas e a confirmação histológica da maturação indicaram que as quatro principais espécies estudadas completam ciclo reprodutivo na região. As análises histológicas indicaram erros na identificação dos estádios macroscópicos dos ovários: fêmeas classificadas como \"em maturação\" (estádio B) foram reclassificadas como \"em reorganização\" após as análises microscópicas. Isopisthus parvipinnis e Stellifer brasiliensis apresentaram fêmeas desovantes nos meses de verão e Paralonchurus brasiliensis no inverno. A espécie Stellifer rastrifer apresentou distribuição de diâmetro dos ovócitos de maneira contínua, indicando que a espécie apresenta desenvolvimento assincrônico e fecundidade indeterminada.The goal of this study was to describe the biological aspects of Sciaenid species in Santos bay. Samplings were performed monthly, between November/2004 to December/2005. The specific composition; the population structures of ten species, including the age and growth; the reproductive biology of four species and the type of fecundity of Stellifer rastrifer were studied. In the present study 29,306 individuals were caught, belonging to 13 genus and 21 species, with the specie Stellifer rastrifer represented 70.4%, followed by Isopisthus parvipinnis and S. brasiliensis, resulting in 85% of the total Sciaenid composition. The Santos bay is mainly characterized by juveniles, with the recruitment of new individuals to the population occurring in several periods of the year. The reproductive analysis and the histological confirmation of the maturation stages indicated which the four main species studied complete their reproductive cycle in this region. The histological analysis indicated some errors in the identification of the macroscopic ovary stages, i.e., females classified as \"in maturation\" (stage B) were reclassified as \"in reorganization\" after the microscopic analysis. Hydrated females of Isopisthus parvipinnis and Stellifer brasiliensis occurred during the summer months while the hydrated females of Paralonchurus brasiliensis in the winter. The specie Stellifer rastrifer showed the oocytes diameter distribution in continuous pattern, indicating that the species has asynchronous development and indeterminate fecundity

    Pattern of distribution and environmental influences on the Scienidae community of the Southeastern Brazilian coast

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    The Sciaenids have among the highest species richness, numerical abundance and biomass of any family of fishes along the Brazilian coast. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition and spatial and temporal distribution of as well as the influence of temperature, salinity and depth on the sciaenid assemblage of Santos Bay. A total of 29,306 individuals belonging to 13 genera and 21 species were captured, between November 2004 and December 2005, with Stellifer rastrifer representing 70.4% of the total composition. Highest abundance and biomass occurred on the east side of the bay, and the highest species richness occurred near the mouth of the Santos Channel, which was also the site with least similarity to the other sites. Highest abundances occurred in April 2005 and lowest in September 2005. Key environmental factors influencing distribution of sciaenids were depth and temperature

    Taxocenose of marine catfish (Siluriformes, Ariidae) in the complex bay-estuary of São Vicente, SP, Brazil

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a taxocenose de bagres marinhos do complexo baía-estuário de São Vicente, SP. As coletas foram mensais, no período de setembro de 2000 a agosto de 2002, em quatro regiões do estuário. Foram capturados 3.985 exemplares, pertencentes a cinco gêneros e seis espécies, totalizando 47.807 g. A espécie Cathorops spixii apresentou a maior abundância numérica com 1.569 indivíduos amostrados. No transecto I (próximo da região costeira) foi registrada a maior riqueza e no transecto IV (estuário acima) a maior abundância com 2.602 exemplares e peso de 26.236 g. Em março de 2002 registrou-se a maior abundância com 687 indivíduos e o maior peso ocorreu em fevereiro de 2002 (8.816 g). A salinidade da água de fundo, ao longo do período de estudo, variou entre 14 e 36 e a temperatura da água variou entre 19 e 30 °C. Na região amostrada foram capturados exemplares jovens e adultos, ocorrendo um predomínio de jovens, o que demonstra que esta área apresenta condições favoráveis para crescimento.The purpose of this study was to analyze the taxocenose of marine catfish in the complex bay-estuary of Sao Vicente, Brazil. The sampling was done monthly from September/2000 to August/2002, in four places of the estuary. Were caught 3.985 individuals belonging for 5 genus and 6 species, totalizing 47.807 g. The specie Cathorops spixii showed the biggest plentiful with 1.569 individuals sampled. In the transect I (close to the coastal region), it was registered the biggest richness (6 species) and in the transect IV (upper estuary) the biggest number of individuals (n = 2.602) e weight of 26.236 g. In March/2002 were registered the biggest occurrence with 687 individuals and biggest weight in February/2002 (8.816 g). The bottom water salinity, in the time of study, changed between 14 and 36, and the water temperature varied between 19 and 30 °C. In the sample place juveniles and adults' individuals were caught, a mostly juvenile which demonstrates that of this place shows favorable conditions for growth

    Tracking oocyte development and the timing of skipped spawning for north-east Arctic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

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    The present study tracked oocyte development over 9 months and noted incidences of ‘skipping’, i.e., adults terminating their upcoming reproductive cycle, in field-caught north-east Arctic (NEA) haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), currently the largest stock of this species. Applications of advanced image and histological techniques revealed the presence of cortical alveoli oocytes (CAO), which prevailed as the most advanced oocyte phase for 4–5 months. This new finding of an extended and early appearance of CAOs in this gadoid was supported by that vitellogenesis first started to appear 3 months later. The subsequent oocyte growth trajectories indicated that larger individuals [total length (TL) = 70 cm] typically spawn in the order of 3 weeks earlier than the smaller ones (TL = 40 cm). The spawning season appeared stretched over about 3 months. The majority of skipping females arrested oocyte growth at the CAO phase followed by atretic reabsorption. Compared to those individuals maturing for the spawning season, ‘skippers’ generally exhibited lower body condition, characterized also by relatively lower liver sizes at the time of the main spawning season. This study demonstrated well-developed skipping dynamics, but also that the CAO period, i.e., when skipping takes place, may be exceedingly long in this commercially valuable gadoid and that its reproductive cycle in many ways deviates from that of the data-rich, sympatric NEA cod (Gadus morhua)