74 research outputs found

    Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Viruses Co-circulating in Upper Myanmar in 2006

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    To understand the molecular epidemiology of circulating dengue viruses (DENV) in Upper Myanmar, DENV isolation was attempted by inoculating the sera of a panel of 110 serum samples onto a C6/36 mosquito cell line. The samples were collected from dengue (DEN) patients admitted at Mandalay Childrenā€™s Hospital in 2006. Infected culture fluids were subjected to a RT-PCR to detect the DENV genome. Three DENV strains were isolated. This was the first DENV isolation performed either in Mandalay or in Upper Myanmar. One strain belonged to DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3), and two other strains belonged to DENV serotype-4 (DEN-4). The sequence data for the envelope gene of these strains were used in a phylogenetic comparison of DENV-3 and DENV-4 from various countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that this DENV-3 strain was clustered within genotype II, and the two DENV-4 strains were clustered within genotype I in each serotype. The Myanmar strains were closely related to strains from the neighboring countries of Thailand and Bangladesh. These results are important for elucidating the trends of recent and future DEN outbreaks in Myanmar

    Clinical importance of the Mandalay spitting cobra (Naja mandalayensis) in Upper Myanmar ā€“ Bites, envenoming and ophthalmia

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Elsevier in Toxicon on 03/06/2020, available online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2020.05.023 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Ā© 2020 Elsevier Ltd Examination of 18 cobras brought to three hospitals in the Mandalay Region by patients bitten or spat at by them distinguished 3 monocled cobras (Naja kaouthia) and 15 Mandalay spitting cobras (N. mandalayensis), based on their morphological characteristics. We confirm and extend the known distributions and habitats of both N. mandalayensis and N. kaouthia in Upper Myanmar. Clinical symptoms of local and systemic envenoming by N. mandalayensis are described for the first time. These included local swelling, blistering and necrosis and life-threatening systemic neurotoxicity. More information is needed about the clinical phenotype and management of bites by N. mandalayensis, the commoner of the two cobras in Upper Myanmar. Since the current cobra antivenom manufactured in Myanmar has lower pre-clinical efficacy against N. mandalayensis than N. kaouthia, there is a need for more specific antivenom therapy.Published versio

    Fortifying or fragmenting the state? The political economy of the drug trade in Shan State, Myanmar, 1988-2012

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    Over the past twenty-five years, the government of Myanmar (Burma) has consolidated control over large parts of Shan State, neutralizing much of the threat posed by armed groups and strengthening its hold over revenue extraction. During this period Myanmar has retained its position as the world's second largest producer of illicit opium, much of which is converted into heroin within the country's borders. This article explores the relationship between state-building processes and the illicit opium/heroin economy in Shan State since 1988. The author has four aims. First, to reassess the theoretical assumptions that equate illicit economies with state fragility and demonstrate instead why illicit drug economies can become embedded in processes of conflict reduction and state consolidation. Second, to explain why establishing control over Shan State has become so important to the Myanmar government's state-building ambitions. Third, to analyze how the state's engagement with the drug trade has become a vital part of its attempts to consolidate control, in terms of financing military expansion and brokering deals with strongmen who are able to govern local populations. Finally, to assess how these strategies embody a form of ā€œnegotiated statehoodā€ in which the state's growing control has been defined by attempts to manage, rather than monopolize, the means of coercion and extraction


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    The study aligned with the objectives of the study are to identify corporate governance structure of First Private Bank (FPB) and to examine the corporate governance practices of FPB. To support this study, the required data was collected from interview. For interview, 83 questionnaires were prepared in accordance with 13 principles of Basel Committee on Bank Supervision 2015. The questionnaire is constructed into five sections for analysis. FPB does not follow corporate governance principles of either Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or Basel Committee. FPB does not have corporate culture and values creation and establish the Audit Committee which is to govern the organization. FPB does not appoint the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) to oversee all kinds of risks. According to the result of the study, FPB should establish Audit Committee, create corporate culture and values, and appoint CRO for better corporate governance. The board members should have more diversity to cover the different aspects for sound corporate governance. FPB should have corporate governance report in its annual report for better disclosure and transparency to public and investors. The national corporate governance codes and principles should be developed for businesses in Myanmar by government and regulators

    Burnout Among House Officers in Myanmar: A cross-sectional study

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    Burnout can result in in a serious negative impact on a doctor's life, the quality of patient care, and the healthcare organization. This study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout and factors affecting burnout among the house officers in Myanmar

    Secretion of matrix metalloproteinaseā€9 by the proinflammatory cytokine, ILā€1Ī²: a role for the dual signalling pathways, Akt and Erk

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    BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases including MMP-9 mediate matrix destruction during chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and atherosclerosis. MMP-9 up-regulation by inflammatory cytokines involve interactions between several transcription factors including activator protein-1 and NFkappaB. The upstream regulatory pathways are less well understood. RESULTS: To search for the mechanism of tissue destruction in the process of inflammatory disorders, we investigated the signalling pathway critical for the activation of MMP-9 expression and secretion by IL-1beta. Treatment of Balb 3T3 cells with IL-1beta activated MMP-9 transcription and subsequent secretion in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Concomitantly, IL-1beta treatment of cells activated phosphorylation of Akt, Erk and p38. Treatment of cells with either LY294002, a PI3K inhibitor, or expression of a dominant negative form of Akt drastically suppressed the IL-1beta-dependent secretion of MMP-9. Pretreatment of cells with a MEK1 inhibitor, U0126, also strongly inhibited IL-1beta-dependent secretion of MMP-9. In contrast, pre-treatment with a specific p38 kinase inhibitor, SB203580, had no effect on IL-1beta-dependent secretion of MMP-9. In addition, cells expressing constitutively active form of Akt or MEK1 showed no clear activation of MMP-9 secretion, whereas these cells responded well to IL-1beta treatment. However, co-transfection of cells with both active Akt and MEK1 was sufficient to induce MMP-9 secretion without stimulation with IL-1beta. CONCLUSION: Taken together, our results suggest that IL-1beta stimulation of cells activates MMP-9 secretion by the activation of the dual signalling pathways, the PI3K-Akt and MEK1-Erk and constitutive activation of these pathways were sufficient to induce MMP-9 secretion

    Dexamethasone Treatment of Newborn Rats Decreases Cardiomyocyte Endowment in the Developing Heart through Epigenetic Modifications.

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    The potential adverse effect of synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone therapy on the developing heart remains unknown. The present study investigated the effects of dexamethasone on cardiomyocyte proliferation and binucleation in the developing heart of newborn rats and evaluated DNA methylation as a potential mechanism. Dexamethasone was administered intraperitoneally in a three day tapered dose on postnatal day 1 (P1), 2 and 3 to rat pups in the absence or presence of a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist Ru486, given 30 minutes prior to dexamethasone. Cardiomyocytes from P4, P7 or P14 animals were analyzed for proliferation, binucleation and cell number. Dexamethasone treatment significantly increased the percentage of binucleated cardiomyocytes in the hearts of P4 pups, decreased myocyte proliferation in P4 and P7 pups, reduced cardiomyocyte number and increased the heart to body weight ratio in P14 pups. Ru486 abrogated the effects of dexamethasone. In addition, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-AZA) blocked the effects of dexamethasone on binucleation in P4 animals and proliferation at P7, leading to recovered cardiomyocyte number in P14 hearts. 5-AZA alone promoted cardiomyocyte proliferation at P7 and resulted in a higher number of cardiomyocytes in P14 hearts. Dexamethasone significantly decreased cyclin D2, but not p27 expression in P4 hearts. 5-AZA inhibited global DNA methylation and blocked dexamethasone-mediated down-regulation of cyclin D2 in the heart of P4 pups. The findings suggest that dexamethasone acting on glucocorticoid receptors inhibits proliferation and stimulates premature terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes in the developing heart via increased DNA methylation in a gene specific manner

    Establishment of the molecular method in the laboratory Diagnosis of Chikungunya in Sabah state

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    To find out the endemicity of Chikungunya (CHIK) infection in Sabah State, 100 serum samples of suspected Dengue/ Chikungunya cases both in patients and out patients, were collected from Pathology laboratory of Women and Children Hospital, Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia between August 2014 to November 2014. The age of the cases ranged from the youngest 1 year old to the eldest of 75 years. Chikungunya RNA was tested by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using non structural protein 1 (nsPl) primer pairs. Out of 100 serum samples tested only one sample was CHIK RNA positive. CHIK IgM antibody were tested from 50 samples and only one sample showed weak positive for CHIK IgM. The test results showed that CHIK infection was endemic in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah but very few cases. According to hospital data only one fifth of the above patients were dengue rapid test positive. RTPCR test is a rapid and sensitive test essential in differentiating dengue, CHIK infection and also other viral infections

    Current Role of Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus among Children with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

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    Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has become a wellestablished pathogen with alarming rates during the last decade. The current situation of this bacteria in pediatric infections is very limited and motivated us to conduct this study. This is a retrospective and analytical study including patients less than 18 years of age with the diagnosis of skin or soft tissue infections in 2008 and 2009 meeting the criteria of Community-acquired infection. A prevalence of 41.9% among skin and soft tissue infections was found. Inducible resistance to clindamycin was detected in 1.3% of the strains and the infection shows a seasonal predilection for summer (P=0.003); 57.8% of the cases required hospitalization with a mean stay of 3.3Ā±2.5 days. The susceptibility to clindamycin and co-trimoxazole is 88 and 97% respectively. The resistance to erythromycin has reached 92%. The main diagnoses at presentation was gluteal abscess plus cellulitis (34.2%). The prevalence of CA-MRSA is trending up and seems to become a large burden for the health system in our community. Clindamycin is still an excellent option in the community setting since inducible clindamycin resistance is extremely low in this community. Co-trimoxazole should be kept as a reserved drug to avoid the rapid resurgence resistance in the community

    PEDOT:PSS and Ni-based Thermoelectric Generator for Solar Thermal Energy Conversion

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    Searching an inexpensive and effective way to improve the thermoelectric properties of organic materials can greatly expand the practical application of thermoelectric thin film generator. Here, we adopt the triple treatment of ethylene glycol ((CH2OH)2) , ethanol(C2H5OH) doping and (CH2OH)2 dedoping to tune the micro stacking structure of PEDOT:PSS. The obtained PEDOT:PSS thermoelectric film material has the highest power factor (PF) up to 330.597 Ī¼Wm-1,which stems from the high Seebeck coefficient (S) and conductivity (Ļƒ). Furthermore, we fabricated the thermoelectric generator to explore the conversion process of the solar energy photothermal. The maximum power output of the home-made module device with solar energy as the heat source reaches 9.8 nW. This work is a prospective experiment for development of the solar photothermal conversion based on the thin film and device
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