141 research outputs found

    Einfluss von HTC-Biokohle als Bodenverbesserer auf den Wachstums- und Entwicklungsverlauf bei Sojabohnen

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    The influence of biochar with an amount of 0 to 20 t/ha on growth, yield and ingredients on soybeans of different variants was compared. Differences between the variants until blooming could be found. Plants from the HTC variant have shown significantly longer stems than others. These differences diminished until the harvest. Due to extrem low precipitation values in spring and early summer, no rhizobia could be developed and nitrogen fixation for the soybean was impossible. The plants could only use nitrogen from the soil. As a result, plots prepared with mineral fertilizer have shown the significantly longest plants, highest mass of dry matter and highest yields. Further, HTC variants have shown the lowest values in oil- and sugar contents. The highest value in sugar content was measured in the variant with mineral fertilizer, but did not differ significantly. This results show, that due to the lower amount of available nitrogen in the year of application there can be a negative influence of biochar on the yield

    Properties of Cephalopod Skin Ommochromes to Inhibit Free Radicals, and the Maillard Reaction and Retino-Protective Mechanisms in Cellular Models Concerning Oxidative Stress, Angiogenesis, and Inflammation

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    Ommochromes are pigments of invertebrates that exhibit oxidative stress protection. The aim of this study was to investigate ommochromes extracted from cephalopod's skin for their ability to inhibit age-related-macular degeneration (AMD)-related factors such as H2O2-induced and iron-dependent oxidative stress (ferroptosis and erastin), accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), as well as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and inflammatory cytokines (interleukin 6 and interleukin 8) secretion. As cell systems, we used primary porcine retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), human retinal pigment epithelium cell line ARPE-19 and uveal melanoma cell line OMM-1. In vitro, ommochromes produced an antiglycation effect by the inhibition of fructosylation reaction. The ommochromes showed protective effects against erastin- induced cell death in ARPE-19. In addition, in long-term stimulation (7 days) ommochromes decreased constitutively secreted VEGF, as well as interleukin 6 and interleukin 8 induced by Poly I:C in primary RPE. No relevant effects were detected in OMM-1 cells. The effects are dependent on the cell system, time of exposition, and concentration. This substance is of interest for further research concerning age-related macular degeneration

    Die Zeitstruktur der Produktion als Ursache ökonomischer Dynamik

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    Thalenhorst J. Die Zeitstruktur der Produktion als Ursache ökonomischer Dynamik. Dynamische Wirtschaftstheorie ; 5. Frankfurt am Main: Lang; 1989

    Nachruf auf Landforstmeister Dr. Ulrich Schindler

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    Der heutige Stand der Flugzeug-Sprühung im Pflanzenschutz

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