8,356 research outputs found

    Exchange bias effect in the phase separated Nd_{1-x}Sr_{x}CoO_3 at the spontaneous ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic interface

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    We report the new results of exchange bias effect in Nd_{1-x}Sr_{x}CoO_3 for x = 0.20 and 0.40, where the exchange bias phenomenon is involved with the ferrimagnetic (FI) state in a spontaneously phase separated system. The zero-field cooled magnetization exhibits the FI (T_{FI}) and ferromagnetic (T_C) transitions at ~ 23 and \sim 70 K, respectively for x = 0.20. The negative horizontal and positive vertical shifts of the magnetic hysteresis loops are observed when the system is cooled through T_{FI} in presence of a positive static magnetic field. Training effect is observed for x = 0.20, which could be interpreted by a spin configurational relaxation model. The unidirectional shifts of the hysteresis loops as a function of temperature exhibit the absence of exchange bias above T_{FI} for x = 0.20. The analysis of the cooling field dependence of exchange bias field and magnetization indicates that the ferromagnetic (FM) clusters consist of single magnetic domain with average size around \sim 20 and ~ 40 \AA ~ for x = 0.20 and 0.40, respectively. The sizes of the FM clusters are close to the percolation threshold for x = 0.20, which grow and coalesce to form the bigger size for x = 0.40 resulting in a weak exchange bias effect.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Superconductivity in correlated disordered two-dimensional electron gas

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    We calculate the dynamic effective electron-electron interaction potential for a low density disordered two-dimensional electron gas. The disordered response function is used to calculate the effective potential where the scattering rate is taken from typical mobilities from recent experiments. We investigate the development of an effective attractive pair potential for both disordered and disorder free systems with correlations determined from existing numerical simulation data. The effect of disorder and correlations on the superconducting critical temperature Tc is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 4 figure

    Aminosidine plus sodium stibogluconate for the treatment of Indian kala-azar: a randomized dose-finding clinical trial

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    This randomized, open sequential design trial was set up to assess the efficacy, tolerability and toxicity of 20 d courses of combined intramuscular aminosidine and sodium stibogluconate at various dosages in patients with newly-diagnosed kala-azar in Bihar, India. Three successive studies of 96 patients each were originally planned with aminosidine administered at 12, 6 and 3 mg/kg/d, respectively. For each aminosidine dosage, patients were randomly assigned to receive sodium stibogluconate at 20, 10 or 5 mg/kg/d of antimony. Ninety-six patients were enrolled and assigned aminosidine 12 mg/kg/d as scheduled. In the subsequent study with aminosidine at 6 mg/kg/d, the trial was interrupted after 40 patients had entered owing to inadequacy of the treatment. With aminosidine 12 mg/kg/d the success rates with sodium stibogluconate at 20, 10 and 5 mg/kg/d were 88%, 71% and 72%, respectively and did not differ significantly. With aminosidine 6 mg/kg/d, 69%, 50% and 46% of patients were cured with the same sodium stibogluconate doses, respectively; again, there was no significant difference between the subgroups. The overall success rate with aminosidine at 12 mg/kg/d (76%) was significantly higher than that with 6 mg/kg/d (55%) (odds ratio = 2·69; 95% confidence interval, 1·11-6·4). Patients improved clinically and the treatments were equally well tolerated. The combination of aminosidine 12 mg/kg/d and sodium stibogluconate 20 mg/kg/d for 20 d appears to be an effective and safe replacement in Bihar for sodium stibogluconate alone for ⩾40

    Systematic study of proton-neutron pairing correlations in the nuclear shell model

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    A shell-model study of proton-neutron pairing in 2p1f2p1f shell nuclei using a parametrized hamiltonian that includes deformation and spin-orbit effects as well as isoscalar and isovector pairing is reported. By working in a shell-model framework we are able to assess the role of the various modes of proton-neutron pairing in the presence of nuclear deformation without violating symmetries. Results are presented for 44^{44}Ti, 45^{45}Ti, 46^{46}Ti, 46^{46}V and 48^{48}Cr to assess how proton-neutron pair correlations emerge under different scenarios. We also study how the presence of a one-body spin-obit interaction affects the contribution of the various pairing modes.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Phase diagram of the metal-insulator transition in 2D electronic systems

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    We investigated the interdependence of the effects of disorder and carrier correlations on the metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional electronic systems. We present a quantitative metal-insulator phase diagram. Depending on the carrier density we find two different types of metal-insulator transition - a continuous localization for rs=<8 and a discontinuous transition at higher rs. The critical level of disorder at the transition decreases with decreasing carrier density. At very low carrier densities we find that the system is always insulating. The value of the conductivity at the transition is consistent with recent experimental measurements. The self-consistent method which we have developed includes the effects of both disorder and correlations on the transition, using a density relaxation theory with the Coulomb correlations determined from numerical simulation data.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 5 figures. New comments on conducting phase and on the conductivity. References updated and correcte

    Economic Efficiency Measure of Induction Motors for Industrial Applications

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    This paper, introduced an expression of Economic Efficiency Measure (EEM) to permit quick evaluation for replacement of faulty induction motor with alternative (new or refurbished motor) for lowest life-cycle cost based on efficiency and rated-load conditions. This approach, simplifies the process for evaluating the energy efficiency to mere proportionate factor called as EEM. During the operating phase, the motor losses correspond to extra energy consumption, based on various parameters like motor operating conditions, operating hours, operating costs, fault factor, depreciation factor and fixed costs.  The approach is effective in addressing the global issue on replacement of the faulty motor that needs a comprehensive analysis and mathematical expression. Compared to other alternatives the EEM provides a simple but effective and reliable means to asses, the feasibility of replacing or refurbishing the faulty motor. A detail analysis here would establish how much the present approach is effective in determining the replacement for a faulty induction motor either by a new one or refurbished one of corresponding rating

    On the optical properties of Ag^{+15} ion-beam irradiated TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films

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    The effects of 200-MeV Ag^{+15} ion irradiation on the optical properties of TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films prepared by using the RF magnetron sputtering technique were investigated. These films were characterized by using UV-vis spectroscopy, and with increasing irradiation fluence, the transmittance for the TiO_{2} films was observed to increase systematically while that for SnO_{2} was observed to decrease. Absorption spectra of the irradiated samples showed minor changes in the indirect bandgap from 3.44 to 3.59 eV with increasing irradiation fluence for TiO_{2} while significant changes in the direct bandgap from 3.92 to 3.6 eV were observed for SnO_{2}. The observed modifications in the optical properties of both the TiO_{2} and the SnO_{2} systems with irradiation can be attributed to controlled structural disorder/defects in the system.Comment: 6 pages, ICAMD-201