8 research outputs found


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    Amavata, is a disease described in detail by Madhavakara in Madava Nidana. The word Amavata is made up of Ama and Vata. Aam is produced due to derangement of Jatharagni. This Aam then gets accumulated in Kostha, Sandhi and Trika with vitiated Vata and produce Stabdhata in body, swelling over joints and severe pain in multiple joints this condition is called Aamvata. This clinical feature of Aamvata is markedly similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is a chronic autoimmune disease. Aim- To compare the efficacy of Erandaharitaki & Erandashunti as Abhyantarpana and Matrabasti in Aamvata. Materials & Methods: In the present study 80 patients (40 patients in each group) of Aamvata having aged between 20 to 65 years, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from the OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa Department of MGACH & RC, Salod (H), Wardha (Maharashtra). All patients were investigated for ESR and RA titre and were treated in two different groups with administration of Erandaharitaki in Group A and Eranda Sunthi in group B was given for Abhyantar Pana and Matrabasti. Results: After the treatment of 30 days, the improvement was observed in the symptoms of both the groups. The result of this treatment showed the improvement was better in Group A Abhyantarpana & Matrabasti with Erandaharitaki tailam in comparison to Group B Abhyantarpana & Matrabasti with Erandashunti tailam. Conclusion: The present study revealed the efficacy of Ayurveda therapy including both Abhyantarpana and Matrabasti for duration of 30 days in the management of Aamvata

    Nucleic acid drugs: a novel approach

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    Nucleic acid base sequence of proteins plays a crucial role in the expression of gene. The gene is responsible for the synthesis of proteins and these proteins, which are synthesized, are responsible for the biological process and also for dreadful diseases as well. Once if the nucleic acid sequence is altered, we would be able to block or transfer the message for protein synthesis, there by preventing the particular protein, which is responsible for the disease. These nucleic acids act as drugs by different mechanisms, they may bind with the synthesized proteins, and they can hybridize to a messenger RNA leading to translation arrest or may induce degradation to target RNA. In this way the nucleic acids act as drug for inhibiting gene expression or protein synthesis. This article examines about the different types of nucleic acid drugs, their mechanisms, advantages, drawbacks and their future prospects. Key Words: Aptamers, ribozymes, antisense oligonucleotides. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(12) 2004: 662-66

    Study the efficacy of Duhsparshadi Leha and Kantakari Avaleha in the management of Vataja Kasa

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    Background: Kasa is an independent disease of Pranvaha Strotas. Kasa is an independent disease and it is not life threatening but it interferes with the quality of routine activity of an individual.  Prevalence of Vataja kasa is remarkable. Vataja Kasa is one of the type of Shuskakasa dominated by Vata and Pran Vayu Dusthi. Congested Vayu causes the production of abnormal sound, which may be dry or productive. Aim - Comparative efficacy of Duhsparshadi Leha and Kantakari Avaleha in Vataja Kasa. Material and method –In this study, 40 patients of Vataja Kasa will randomly divided into two groups (20 in each) having typical signs and symptoms of Vataja Kasa were treated. In Group A (Experimental)-10 gms Duhsparshadi Leha will administered twice a day with lukewarm water before meal and Group B (Control) will given 10 gms Kantakari Avaleha twice a day with lukewarm water before meal for 15 days. Subjective criteria like Kasavega, Uraha-parshwashool, Shirshool, Swarbheda TLC (Total Leukocyte Count), Neutrophils, and Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) are examples of laboratory measures were assessed before and after treatment. Assessment will be recorded in every week (7th day and 15th day). After treatment, there was a significant improvement in all indicators

    Evaluation of efficacy of Navakarshik Kwath Ghan in Sheetpitta with special reference to Urticaria

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    Background: Sheetapitta (Urticaria) is one among the Tvak Vikara (Skin disease) that have similar Hetu (Cause) of Kotha and Udarda. Vata and Kapha are two "Doshas" (energies), which are primarily, disturbed which in turn is associated with Pitta resulting in Tridosha Prakopa (Aggravation of three energies) leading to redness, swelling itching on the skin etc. Symptoms include appearance of wheals all over the body with severe itching, burning sensation and pain. Symptomatology and causative factors of Sheetapitta can be considered similar to that of 'Urticaria'. Aim: This clinical study was carried out to evaluation of efficacy in Sheetpitta with special reference to Urticaria. Material – Navakarshik Kwath Ghan in dose of 2 tab of 500 mg twice a day with water after meal in duration of 15 days. Methodology – In this study include single group of 30 subjects of either gender in the age group of 16-60 years having complaining of reddish wheals, itching and pricking pain on body. Observation and Result  – Data regarding age wise, sex wise, allergy wise, diet wise, Prakruti (Nature) wise, hematological parameters and UAS (Urticarial Activity Score). Conclusion – Internal use of Navakarshik Kwath Ghan is found effective in the severity of itching.&nbsp

    A Case Study on Plaque Psoriasis with Ayurvedic Management

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    Skin disease is one among Deerghkalinvyadhi (Chronic disease) and also one of the AsthaMahagada (Eight dreadful diseases). The disease psoriasis comes under the Kustha roga. Psoriasis is one of the most common dermatologic disorder and a chronic skin disorder of present day. Almost all the skin disease is explained under Kushta- Rogadhikara (skin disease) and classified as MahaKushta and Kshudra Kushta (Major and Minor skin disease). Acharya have described that all Kushta’s have Tri Dosha (three energies) involvement but the type of Kushta depends on the predominance of particular Doshas. The signs and symptoms of Eka-Kushta (psoriasis) in Ayurveda are similar to that of psoriasis explained in modern medicines. Psoriasis is marked by periodic flare-ups of sharply defined red patches, covered by a silvery, flaky surface. Aswedana (Absence of perspiration), Mahavastu (Present all over body), MastyaShakalopama (Look like a fish scale) is the feature mentioned by Acharyas for Eka-kushta. In Psoriasis relapsing nature is most common, which suggests that it needs long term treatment. In modern there is no such treatment for psoriasis. Here is the case of 52 yrs old male patient diagnosed as Plaque psoriasis undergone treatment of Shodhan (Purification) i.e. Vaman (Emesis) as well as Shaman Chikitsa (Palitative treatment) having marked improvement. The study showed that combination of Ayurvedic modalities gives significant result in lakshnas (Symptoms) like Aswedana, Mahavastu, MastyaShakalopama

    N-Succinyl-L,L-Diaminopimelic Acid Desuccinylase (DapE) a Potential Biomarker of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Tag-Free Purification by Metal Affinity Chromatography: Tag-free purification of DapE by metal affinity chromatography

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    DapE is an enzyme which is highly essential in lysine biosynthetic pathway for the growth and survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and other bacterial species although absent in human host. However, the sequence identity of Mtb-DapE with other mycobacterium and bacterial species estimated between 93 to 75% and approximately 50%, respectively. DapE is a metallo-enzyme requires few of transition metals for activity and bacterial proliferation. The homology model based structural studies including published structures revealed an availability of zinc interacting conserved amino residues in Mtb-DapE. In this study, we purified full length recombinant Mtb-DapE as tag-free (Mtb-DapETagFree) protein from inclusion bodies using zinc-NTA column. The single step purified protein observed with 96-98% purity and high yield. The indirect ELISA had 40% sensitivity using Mtb-DapE as an antigen against bovine tuberculosis (bTB) serum samples. IFA analysis with clear fluorescent spots of Mtb native DapE antigen in (3+) human TB positive sputum samples and recombinant Mtb-DapE positive control against Mtb-DapE polyclonal antibody are highly encouraging. The ELISA and IFA results incite for the consideration of Mtb-DapE in future development of quick and ideal TB detection assay along with other mycobacterium antigens. The future advanced detailed structural and functional studies using this highly purified and tag-free Mtb-DapE may provide discovery of antitubercular drug(s) and promising inhibitory molecules. HIGHLIGHTS Expression and purification of recombinant Mtb-DapETagFree. On-column refolded protein with 98% purity from inclusion bodies purified by zinc-NTA column affinity chromatography. The purified protein observed no aggregation and degradation even after 8 months storage. ELISA and IFA results supports for development of detection assay for TB from tubercular samples

    Review- Nucleic acid drugs: a novel approach

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    Nucleic acid base sequence of proteins plays a crucial role in the expression of gene. The gene is responsible for the synthesis of proteins and these proteins, which are synthesized, are responsible for the biological process and also for dreadful diseases as well. Once if the nucleic acid sequence is altered, we would be able to block or transfer the message for protein synthesis, there by preventing the particular protein, which is responsible for the disease. These nucleic acids act as drugs by different mechanisms, they may bind with the synthesized proteins, and they can hybridize to a messenger RNA leading to translation arrest or may induce degradation to target RNA. In this way the nucleic acids act as drug for inhibiting gene expression or protein synthesis. This article examines about the different types of nucleic acid drugs, their mechanisms, advantages, drawbacks and their future prospects