887 research outputs found

    Quantifying morphological variability within extant mammalian species

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    Main articleIn this study we attempt to establish a baseline for measuring species variability in the palaeontological record by using linear regression analysis on sets of measurements from extant mammalian species (males and females within species). In particular, this study explores the standard error of the m-coefficient (s.e.m) , derived from linear regression analyses associated with equations of the form y = mx + c, to quantify the degree of morphological variability within extant mammalian species. The slope m generally centres around 1.00. Even though the species in this study range in size from small rodents to large ungulates, s.e'm values show a normal distribution around a mean of 0.035 . The approach outlined here has potential application in palaeontological contexts where there is uncertainty about any two specimens being conspecific.Foundation for Research Development

    Characterisation of the magnetic field of the Herbig Be star HD 200775

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    After our recent discovery of four magnetic Herbig stars, we have decided to study in detail one of them, HD 200775, to determine if its magnetic topology is similar to that of the main sequence magnetic stars. With this aim, we monitored this star in Stokes I and V over more than two years, using the new spectropolarimeters ESPaDOnS at CFHT, and Narval at TBL. Using our data, we find that HD 200775 is a double-lined spectroscopic binary system, whose secondary seems similar, in temperature, to the primary. We determine the luminosity ratio of the system, and using the luminosity of the system found in literature, we derive the luminosity of both stars. From our measurements of the radial velocities of both stars we determine the ephemeris and the orbital parameters of the system. We have fitted 30 Stokes V profiles simultaneously, using a chi2 minimisation method, with a decentered-dipole model. The best-fit model provides a rotation period of 4.3281 d an inclination angle of 60 degrees, and a magnetic obliquity angle of 125 degrees. The polar strength of the magnetic dipole field is 1000 G, which is decentered by 0.05 R* from the center of the star. The derived magnetic field model is qualitatively identical to those commonly observed in the Ap/Bp stars, which bring strong argument in favour of the fossil field hypothesis, to explain the origin of the magnetic fields in the main sequence Ap/Bp stars. Our determination of the inclination of the rotation axis leads to a radius of the primary which is smaller than that derived from the HR diagram position. This can be explained by a larger intrinsic luminosity of the secondary relative to the primary, due to a larger circumstellar extinction of the secondary relative to the primary.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 10 figure

    The Sky is Falling: Chemical Characterization and Corrosion Evaluation of Deposition Produced During the Static Testing of Solid Rocket Motors

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    Static tests of horizontally restrained rocket motors at the ATK facility in Promontory UT, USA result in the deposition of entrained soil and fuel combustion products, referred to as Test Fire Soil (TFS), over areas as large as 30–50 mile2 (80–130 km2) and at distances up to 10–12 miles (16–20 km) from the test site. Chloride is the main combustion product generated from the ammonium perchlorate–aluminum based composite propellant. Deposition sampling/characterization and a 6-month field corrosivity study using mild steel coupons were conducted in conjunction with the February 25th 2010 FSM-17 static test. The TFS deposition rates at the three study sites ranged from 1 to 5 g/min/m2. TFS contained significantly more chloride than the surface soil collected from the test site. The TFS collected during two subsequent tests had similarly elevated chloride, suggesting that the results obtained in this study are applicable to other tests assuming that the rocket fuel composition remains similar. The field-deployed coupons exposed to the TFS had higher corrosion rates (3.6–5.0 mpy) than paired non-exposed coupons (1.6–1.8 mpy). Corrosion rates for all coupon

    Sympathetic nervous dysregulation in the absence of systolic left ventricular dysfunction in a rat model of insulin resistance with hyperglycemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diabetes mellitus is strongly associated with cardiovascular dysfunction, derived in part from impairment of sympathetic nervous system signaling. Glucose, insulin, and non-esterified fatty acids are potent stimulants of sympathetic activity and norepinephrine (NE) release. We hypothesized that sustained hyperglycemia in the high fat diet-fed streptozotocin (STZ) rat model of sustained hyperglycemia with insulin resistance would exhibit progressive sympathetic nervous dysfunction in parallel with deteriorating myocardial systolic and/or diastolic function.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cardiac sympathetic nervous integrity was investigated <it>in vivo </it>via biodistribution of the positron emission tomography radiotracer and NE analogue [<sup>11</sup>C]<it>meta-</it>hydroxyephedrine ([<sup>11</sup>C]HED). Cardiac systolic and diastolic function was evaluated by echocardiography. Plasma and cardiac NE levels and NE reuptake transporter (NET) expression were evaluated as correlative measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The animal model displays insulin resistance, sustained hyperglycemia, and progressive hypoinsulinemia. After 8 weeks of persistent hyperglycemia, there was a significant 13-25% reduction in [<sup>11</sup>C]HED retention in myocardium of STZ-treated hyperglycemic but not euglycemic rats as compared to controls. There was a parallel 17% reduction in immunoblot density for NE reuptake transporter, a 1.2 fold and 2.5 fold elevation of cardiac and plasma NE respectively, and no change in sympathetic nerve density. No change in ejection fraction or fractional area change was detected by echocardiography. Reduced heart rate, prolonged mitral valve deceleration time, and elevated transmitral early to atrial flow velocity ratio measured by pulse-wave Doppler in hyperglycemic rats suggest diastolic impairment of the left ventricle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, these data suggest that sustained hyperglycemia is associated with elevated myocardial NE content and dysregulation of sympathetic nervous system signaling in the absence of systolic impairment.</p

    Modeling RR Tel through the Evolution of the Spectra

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    We investigate the evolution of RR Tel after the outburst by fitting the emission spectra in two epochs. The first one (1978) is characterized by large fluctuations in the light curve and the second one (1993) by the slow fading trend. In the frame of a colliding wind model two shocks are present: the reverse shock propagates in the direction of the white dwarf and the other one expands towards or beyond the giant. The results of our modeling show that in 1993 the expanding shock has overcome the system and is propagating in the nearby ISM. The large fluctuations observed in the 1978 light curve result from line intensity rather than from continuum variation. These variations are explained by fragmentation of matter at the time of head-on collision of the winds from the two stars. A high velocity (500 km/s) wind component is revealed from the fit of the SED of the continuum in the X-ray range in 1978, but is quite unobservable in the line profiles. The geometrical thickness of the emitting clumps is the critical parameter which can explain the short time scale variabilities of the spectrum and the trend of slow line intensity decrease.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX (including 5 Tables) + 6 PostScript figures. To appear in "The Astrophysical Journal

    Evaluating the use of lake sedimentary DNA in palaeolimnology:A comparison with long‐term microscopy‐based monitoring of the phytoplankton community

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    Palaeolimnological records provide valuable information about how phytoplankton respond to long-term drivers of environmental change. Traditional palaeolimnological tools such as microfossils and pigments are restricted to taxa that leave sub-fossil remains, and a method that can be applied to the wider community is required. Sedimentary DNA (sedDNA), extracted from lake sediment cores, shows promise in palaeolimnology, but validation against data from long-term monitoring of lake water is necessary to enable its development as a reliable record of past phytoplankton communities. To address this need, 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing was carried out on lake sediments from a core collected from Esthwaite Water (English Lake District) spanning ~105 years. This sedDNA record was compared with concurrent long-term microscopy-based monitoring of phytoplankton in the surface water. Broadly comparable trends were observed between the datasets, with respect to the diversity and relative abundance and occurrence of chlorophytes, dinoflagellates, ochrophytes and bacillariophytes. Up to 20% of genera were successfully captured using both methods, and sedDNA revealed a previously undetected community of phytoplankton. These results suggest that sedDNA can be used as an effective record of past phytoplankton communities, at least over timescales of <100 years. However, a substantial proportion of genera identified by microscopy were not detected using sedDNA, highlighting the current limitations of the technique that require further development such as reference database coverage. The taphonomic processes which may affect its reliability, such as the extent and rate of deposition and DNA degradation, also require further research

    Reassessment of the TM 1517 odonto-postcranial assemblage from Kromdraai B, South Africa, and the maturational pattern of Paranthropus robustus

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    Objectives The Pleistocene taxon Paranthropus robustus was established in 1938 following the discovery at Kromdraai B, South Africa, of the partial cranium TM 1517a and associated mandible TM 1517b. Shortly thereafter, a distal humerus (TM 1517g), a proximal ulna (TM 1517e), and a distal hallucial phalanx (TM 1517k) were collected nearby at the site, and were considered to be associated with the holotype. TM 1517a‐b represents an immature individual; however, no analysis of the potentially associated postcranial elements has investigated the presence of any endostructural remnant of recent epiphyseal closure. This study aims at tentatively detecting such traces in the three postcranial specimens from Kromdraai B. Materials and Methods By using ÎŒXCT techniques, we assessed the developmental stage of the TM 1517b's C‐M3 roots and investigated the inner structure of TM 1517g, TM 1517e, and TM 1517k. Results The M2 shows incompletely closed root apices and the M3 a half‐completed root formation stage. The distal humerus was likely completely fused, while the proximal ulna and the distal hallucial phalanx preserve endosteal traces of the diaphyseo‐epiphyseal fusion process. Discussion In the hominin fossil record, there are few unambiguously associated craniodental and postcranial remains sampling immature individuals, an essential condition for assessing the taxon‐specific maturational patterns. Our findings corroborate the original association of the craniodental and postcranial remains representing the P. robustus type specimen. As with other Plio‐Pleistocene hominins, the odonto‐postcranial maturational pattern of TM 1517 more closely fits an African great ape rather than the extant human pattern

    An analysis of ultraviolet spectra of Extreme Helium Stars and new clues to their origins

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    Abundances of about 18 elements including the heavy elements Y and Zr are determined from Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectra of seven extreme helium stars (EHes): LSE 78, BD+10 2179, V1920 Cyg, HD 124448, PV Tel, LS IV -1 2, and FQ Aqr. New optical spectra of the three stars -- BD+10 2179, V1920 Cyg, and HD 124448 were analysed. The abundance analyses is done using LTE line formation and LTE model atmospheres especially constructed for these EHe stars. The stellar parameters derived from an EHe's UV spectrum are in satisfactory agreement with those derived from its optical spectrum. Adopted abundances for the seven EHes are from a combination of the UV and optical analyses. Published results for an additional ten EHes provide abundances obtained in a nearly uniform manner for a total of 17 EHes, the largest sample on record. The initial metallicity of an EHe is indicated by the abundance of elements from Al to Ni; Fe is adopted to be the representative of initial metallicity. Iron abundances range from approximately solar to about one-hundredth of solar. Clues to EHe evolution are contained within the H, He, C, N, O, Y, and Zr abundances. Two novel results are (i) the O abundance for some stars is close to the predicted initial abundance yet the N abundance indicates almost complete conversion of initial C, N, and O to N by the CNO-cycles; (ii) three of the seven stars with UV spectra show a strong enhancement of Y and Zr attributable to an s-process. The observed compositions are discussed in light of expectations from accretion of a He white dwarf by a CO white dwarf.Comment: 126 pages, 15 figures, 20 Tables, accepted for publication in the Ap
