1,907 research outputs found

    First experimental proof for aberration correction in XPEEM: Resolution, transmission enhancement, and limitation by space charge effects

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    a b s t r a c t The positive effect of double aberration correction in x-ray induced Photoelectron Emission Microscopy (XPEEM) has been successfully demonstrated for both, the lateral resolution and the transmission, using the Au 4f XPS peak for element specific imaging at a kinetic energy of 113 eV. The lateral resolution is improved by a factor of four, compared to a non-corrected system, whereas the transmission is enhanced by a factor of 5 at a moderate resolution of 80 nm. With an optimized system setting, a lateral resolution of 18 nm could be achieved, which is up to now the best value reported for energy filtered XPEEM imaging. However, the absolute resolution does not yet reach the theoretical limit of 2 nm, which is due to space charge limitation. This occurs along the entire optical axis up to the contrast aperture. In XPEEM the pulsed time structure of the exciting soft x-ray light source causes a short and highly intense electron pulse, which results in an image blurring. In contrast, the imaging with elastically reflected electrons in the low energy electron microscopy (LEEM) mode yields a resolution clearly below 5 nm. Technical solutions to reduce the space charge effect in an aberration-corrected spectro-microscope are discussed

    Detecting the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy with a Supernova at IceCube

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    IceCube, a future km^3 antarctic ice Cherenkov neutrino telescope, is highly sensitive to a galactic supernova (SN) neutrino burst. The Cherenkov light corresponding to the total energy deposited by the SN neutrinos in the ice can be measured relative to background fluctuations with a statistical precision much better than 1%. If the SN is viewed through the Earth, the matter effect on neutrino oscillations can change the signal by more than 5%, depending on the flavor-dependent source spectra and the neutrino mixing parameters. Therefore, IceCube together with another high-statistics experiment like Hyper-Kamiokande can detect the Earth effect, an observation that would identify specific neutrino mixing scenarios that are difficult to pin down with long-baseline experiments. In particular, the normal mass hierarchy can be clearly detected if the third mixing angle is not too small, sin^2 theta_13 < 10^-3. The small flavor-dependent differences of the SN neutrino fluxes and spectra that are found in state-of-the-art simulations suffice for this purpose. Although the absolute calibration uncertainty at IceCube may exceed 5%, the Earth effect would typically vary by a large amount over the duration of the SN signal, obviating the need for a precise calibration. Therefore, IceCube with its unique geographic location and expected longevity can play a decisive role as a "co-detector" to measure SN neutrino oscillations. It is also a powerful stand-alone SN detector that can verify the delayed-explosion scenario.Comment: 19 pages, 6 Figs, final version accepted by JCAP, some references adde

    SESAM and TXL Results for Wilson Action--A Status Report

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    Results from two studies of full QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions are presented. At beta=5.6, the region 0.83 > m_pi/m_rho > 0.56 at m_pia > 0.23 L^{-1} is explored. The SESAM collaboration has generated ensembles of about 200 statistically independent configurations on a 16^3 x 32-lattice at three different kappa-values and is entering the final phase of data analysis. The TXL simulation on a 24^3 x 40-lattice at two kappa-values has reached half statistics and data analysis has started recently, hence most results presented here are preliminary. The focus of this report is fourfold: we demonstrate that algorithmic improvements like fast Krylov solvers and parallel preconditioning recently introduced can be put into practise in full QCD simulations, we present encouraging observations as to the critical dynamics of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in the approach to the chiral limit, we mention signal improvements of noisy estimator techniques for disconnected diagrams to the pi-N sigma term, and we report on SESAM's results for light hadron spectrum, light quark masses, and heavy quarkonia.Comment: 24 pages, tex + postscript figures, to appear in Proceedings of Int. Workshop "Lattice QCD on Parallel Computers", University of Tsukuba, Japa

    Crack-Like Processes Governing the Onset of Frictional Slip

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    We perform real-time measurements of the net contact area between two blocks of like material at the onset of frictional slip. We show that the process of interface detachment, which immediately precedes the inception of frictional sliding, is governed by three different types of detachment fronts. These crack-like detachment fronts differ by both their propagation velocities and by the amount of net contact surface reduction caused by their passage. The most rapid fronts propagate at intersonic velocities but generate a negligible reduction in contact area across the interface. Sub-Rayleigh fronts are crack-like modes which propagate at velocities up to the Rayleigh wave speed, VR, and give rise to an approximate 10% reduction in net contact area. The most efficient contact area reduction (~20%) is precipitated by the passage of slow detachment fronts. These fronts propagate at anomalously slow velocities, which are over an order of magnitude lower than VR yet orders of magnitude higher than other characteristic velocity scales such as either slip or loading velocities. Slow fronts are generated, in conjunction with intersonic fronts, by the sudden arrest of sub-Rayleigh fronts. No overall sliding of the interface occurs until either of the slower two fronts traverses the entire interface, and motion at the leading edge of the interface is initiated. Slip at the trailing edge of the interface accompanies the motion of both the slow and sub-Rayleigh fronts. We might expect these modes to be important in both fault nucleation and earthquake dynamics.Comment: 19 page, 5 figures, to appear in International Journal of Fractur

    Robust isothermal electric switching of interface magnetization: A route to voltage-controlled spintronics

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    Roughness-insensitive and electrically controllable magnetization at the (0001) surface of antiferromagnetic chromia is observed using magnetometry and spin-resolved photoemission measurements and explained by the interplay of surface termination and magnetic ordering. Further, this surface in placed in proximity with a ferromagnetic Co/Pd multilayer film. Exchange coupling across the interface between chromia and Co/Pd induces an electrically controllable exchange bias in the Co/Pd film, which enables a reversible isothermal (at room temperature) shift of the global magnetic hysteresis loop of the Co/Pd film along the magnetic field axis between negative and positive values. These results reveal the potential of magnetoelectric chromia for spintronic applications requiring non-volatile electric control of magnetization.Comment: Single PDF file: 27 pages, 6 figures; version of 12/30/09; submitted to Nature Material

    Imaging-guided chest biopsies: techniques and clinical results

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    Background This article aims to comprehensively describe indications, contraindications, technical aspects, diagnostic accuracy and complications of percutaneous lung biopsy. Methods Imaging-guided biopsy currently represents one of the predominant methods for obtaining tissue specimens in patients with lung nodules; in many cases treatment protocols are based on histological information; thus, biopsy is frequently performed, when technically feasible, or in case other techniques (such as bronchoscopy with lavage) are inconclusive. Results Although a coaxial system is suitable in any case, two categories of needles can be used: fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) and core-needle biopsy (CNB), with the latter demonstrated to have a slightly higher overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Conclusion Percutaneous lung biopsy is a safe procedure even though a few complications are possible: pneumothorax, pulmonary haemorrhage and haemoptysis are common complications, while air embolism and seeding are rare, but potentially fatal complications

    Angular distributions in hard exclusive production of pion pairs

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    Using the leading order amplitudes of hard exclusive electroproduction of pion pairs we have analyzed the angular distribution of the two produced particles. At leading twist a pion pair can be produced only in an isovector or an isoscalar state. We show that certain components of the angular distribution only get contributions from the interference of the I=1 and the (much smaller) I=0 amplitude. Therefore our predictions prove to be a good probe of isospin zero pion pair production. We predict effects of a measurable size that could be observed at experiments like HERMES. We also discuss how hard exclusive pion pair production can provide us with new information on the effective chiral Lagrangian.Comment: 17 pages, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Insights into the function of silver as an oxidation catalyst by ab initio, atomistic thermodynamics

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    To help understand the high activity of silver as an oxidation catalyst, e.g., for the oxidation of ethylene to epoxide and the dehydrogenation of methanol to formaldehyde, the interaction and stability of oxygen species at the Ag(111) surface has been studied for a wide range of coverages. Through calculation of the free energy, as obtained from density-functional theory and taking into account the temperature and pressure via the oxygen chemical potential, we obtain the phase diagram of O/Ag(111). Our results reveal that a thin surface-oxide structure is most stable for the temperature and pressure range of ethylene epoxidation and we propose it (and possibly other similar structures) contains the species actuating the catalysis. For higher temperatures, low coverages of chemisorbed oxygen are most stable, which could also play a role in oxidation reactions. For temperatures greater than about 775 K there are no stable oxygen species, except for the possibility of O atoms adsorbed at under-coordinated surface sites Our calculations rule out thicker oxide-like structures, as well as bulk dissolved oxygen and molecular ozone-like species, as playing a role in the oxidation reactions.Comment: 15 pages including 9 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm
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