330 research outputs found

    SQUID measurements of remanent magnetisation in refillable 3He spin filter cells SFC

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    A strong influence of external magnetic fields on the relaxation time constant T1 of glass cells serving as 3He neutron spin filters, observed for different glass types in alkali metal coated cells, was initially associated with the presence of a large number of ferromagnetic clusters on the glass surface. Later experiments showed the presence of the so called T1 hysteresis phenomenon with a similar distinctiveness also in uncoated cells made of pure synthetic quartz glass. It suggests that the origin of such relaxation is a macroscopic magnetisation in the bulk material of the cell. We present the results of a multi SQUID system investigation on magnetised and non magnetised quartz glass cells, Cs coated as well as bare wall, to be used as neutron spin filters at HMI Berlin. The presence of a macroscopic remanent magnetic moment in the cells after their exposition to external magnetic fields has been experimentally shown. More than 80 of the remanent magnetic moment of the magnetised cells was found to be concentrated in the region around the glass valves. SQUID measurements reveal the existence of some remanent magnetisation in all valve parts and also in the vacuum grease, but most magnetic are the plastic parts and the O ring. Different valve and sealing types has been compared in order to find less magnetisable on

    Membrane Chromatography: Performance and Scale-up

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    Die partielle Oxidation von Propen mit N2O in der Gasphase

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    Es wird gezeigt, wie Katalysatoreigenschaften und Reaktionsbedingungen Aktivität und Selektivität der Epoxidierung von Propen mit N2O beeinflussen. Die Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung von Katalysatoren und zur Auswahl günstiger Reaktionsbedingungen werden aufgezeigt. Ein komplexes Reaktionsnetz wird aufgestellt, das die wesentlichen Reaktionspfade enthält. Zusätzlich wird die Konzentrationsabhängigkeit der wichtigsten Reaktionen mit einem mathematischen Modell beschrieben

    Statistical image properties predict aesthetic ratings in abstract paintings created by neural style transfer

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    Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful computational tool to create artworks. One application is Neural Style Transfer, which allows to transfer the style of one image, such as a painting, onto the content of another image, such as a photograph. In the present study, we ask how Neural Style Transfer affects objective image properties and how beholders perceive the novel (style-transferred) stimuli. In order to focus on the subjective perception of artistic style, we minimized the confounding effect of cognitive processing by eliminating all representational content from the input images. To this aim, we transferred the styles of 25 diverse abstract paintings onto 150 colored random-phase patterns with six different Fourier spectral slopes. This procedure resulted in 150 style-transferred stimuli. We then computed eight statistical image properties (complexity, self-similarity, edge-orientation entropy, variances of neural network features, and color statistics) for each image. In a rating study, we asked participants to evaluate the images along three aesthetic dimensions (Pleasing, Harmonious, and Interesting). Results demonstrate that not only objective image properties, but also subjective aesthetic preferences transferred from the original artworks onto the style-transferred images. The image properties of the style-transferred images explain 50 – 69% of the variance in the ratings. In the multidimensional space of statistical image properties, participants considered style-transferred images to be more Pleasing and Interesting if they were closer to a “sweet spot” where traditional Western paintings (JenAesthetics dataset) are represented. We conclude that NST is a useful tool to create novel artistic stimuli that preserve the image properties of the input style images. In the novel stimuli, we found a strong relationship between statistical image properties and subjective ratings, suggesting a prominent role of perceptual processing in the aesthetic evaluation of abstract images

    Simulated stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    The response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) to freshwater perturbations critically depends on its mean state. Large swaths of icebergs melting in the North Atlantic during the last deglaciation constituted such perturbations and can, thus, provide important constraints on the stability of the AMOC. However, the mean AMOC state during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), preceding the rapid disintegration of the ice sheets during the deglaciation, as well as its response to these perturbations remain debated. Here, we investigate the evolution of the AMOC as it responds to freshwater perturbations under improved LGM boundary conditions in the Bern3D intermediate complexity model. Particularly, we consider the effect of an open versus a closed Bering Strait and the effect of increased tidal dissipation as a result of the altered bathymetry due to the lower glacial sea level stand. The vigorous and deep AMOC under these glacial boundary conditions, consistent with previous simulations with different models, reacts more strongly to North Atlantic freshwater forcings than under preindustrial conditions. This increased sensitivity is mostly related to the closed Bering Strait that cuts off the freshwater escape route through the Arctic into the Pacific, thereby facilitating faster accumulation of freshwater in the North Atlantic and halting deep-water formation. Proxy reconstructions of the LGM AMOC instead indicate a weaker and possibly shallower AMOC than today, which is in conflict with the particularly strong and deep circulation states coherently simulated with ocean circulation models for the LGM. Simulations with reduced North Atlantic deep-water formation, as a consequence of potentially increased continental runoff from ice sheet melt and imposed changes in the hydrological cycle, more closely resemble the overturning circulation inferred from proxies. These circulation states also show bistable behavior, where the AMOC does not recover after North Atlantic freshwater hosing. However, no AMOC states are found here that either comprise an extreme shoaling or vigorous and concurrent shallow overturning as previously proposed based on paleoceanographic data

    Instagram Likes for Architectural Photos Can Be Predicted by Quantitative Balance Measures and Curvature

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    “3,058 people like this.” In the digital age, people very commonly indicate their preferences by clicking a Like button. The data generated on the photo-sharing platform Instagram potentially represents a vast, freely accessible resource for research in the field of visual experimental aesthetics. Therefore, we compiled a photo database using images of five different Instagram accounts that fullfil several criteria (e.g., large followership, consistent content). The final database consists of about 700 architectural photographs with the corresponding liking data generated by the Instagram community. First, we aimed at validating Instagram Likes as a potential measure of aesthetic appeal. Second, we checked whether previously studied low-level features of “good” image composition also account for the number of Instagram Likes that architectural photographs received. We considered two measures of visual balance and the preference for curvature over angularity. In addition, differences between images with “2D” vs. “3D” appearance became obvious. Our findings show that visual balance predicts Instagram Likes in more complex “3D” photographs, with more balance meaning more Likes. In the less complex “2D” photographs the relation is reversed, more balance led to fewer Likes. Moreover, there was a general preference for curvature in the Instagram database. Together, our study illustrates the potential of using Instagram Likes as a measure of aesthetic appeal and provides a fruitful methodological basis for future research
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