21 research outputs found

    Comparıson of the men and women athletes motivatıon levels involved ın Turkey basketball leagues

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye Basketbol Liglerinde oynayan erkek ve kadın sporcuların cinsiyet, yaş ve oynadıkları ligler arasındaki motivasyon düzeyleri açısından karşılaştırılmasıdır. Araştırmaya, Türkiye Basketbol Liglerinde oynayan 53 kadın, 78 erkek sporcu katılmış olup, “Spora Özgü Başarı Motivasyonu Ölçeği” (Willis, 1982) Google Drive üzerinden online ankete dönüştürülerek katılımcılara internet üzerinden uygulanmıştır. Araştırmaya 18-23 yaş arasında 58 sporcu, 24-29 yaş arasında 49 sporcu ve 30-35 yaş arasında 21 sporcu katılmıştır. Oynadıkları liglere göre ise, BSL’de oynayan 39, KBSL’de oynayan 12, TBL’de oynayan 18, TKBL’de oynayan 16, TB2L’de oynayan 18, KBBL’de oynayan 25 sporcu katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılanlardan elde edilen veriler, SPSS 21.0 paket programda “Mann Whitney U” testi, “t” testi, “Independent Simples” testi, “Kruskal Wallis” testi, “Anova” testi ve “Bonferroni” testi kullanılarak değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. İstatistiksel olarak anlamlılık için bazı verilerde (p>0,05) anlamlılık düzeyi seçilirken bazı verilerde ise (p>0,0083) anlamlılık düzeyi seçilmiştir. Farlılıkları belirlemek üzere ölçekteki güç gösterme güdüsü, başarıya yaklaşma güdüsü ve başarısızlıktan kaçınma güdüsünden elde edilen verilerle karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda hiçbir veride güç gösterme güdüsünde anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır (p>0,05, p>0,0083). Bazı verilerde başarıya yaklaşma güdüsü açısından (p<0,05, p<0,0083), bazı verilerde ise başarısızlıktan kaçınma güdüsünde anlamlı fark bulunmuştur (p<0,05, p<0,0083).purpose of this research is to determine whether there is a difference in terms of motivation levels male and female athletes of gender, age and between the played leagues in the playing Turkish Basketball Leagues. Research, Turkey Basketball League playing in 53 female and 75 male athletes participated, "Sport-Specific Achievement Motivation Scale" (Wills, 1982) converted into an online survey via Google Drive and applied over the internet. In the study, 58 athletes between 18-23 years old, 49 between 24-29 years old and 21 between 30-35 years old participated. According to the league they play, Basketball Super League playing in the 39, Women's Basketball Super League playing in the 12, Turkey Basketball League playing in the 18, Turkey Women Basketball League playing in the 16, Turkey Basketball Second League playing in the 18, Women Regional Basketball League playing in the 25 athletes participated. The data obtained from the participants were evaluated using the "Mann Whitney U" test, "t" test, "Independent Simples" test, "Kruskal Wallis" test, "Anova" test and "Bonferroni" test in SPSS 21.0 package program. While the significance level (p> 0.05) was selected for some data for statistical significance, the level of significance (p> 0.0083) was selected by using the "bonferroni" test for some data. To identify differences, comparisons were made with data from the scale's power of motive (POW), motive to approach success (MAS) and motive to avoid failure (MAF). As a result of the evaluations, no significant difference was found in the motivation to show power (POW) in any data (p> 0.05, p> 0.0083). A significant difference was found in terms of the motive to approach success (MAS) in some data, and in the motive to avoid failure (MAF) in some data (p <0.05, p <0.0083)


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    Meats are considered a valuable part of the human diet and a best source of B-group vita-mins. Thus, investigations that measure the losses by cooking and bioaccessibilities of micronutrients are crucial to knowing the vitamin amounts in meats. The aim of this research was to investigate the content and loss of thiamine in meats by four different cooking practices, boiling, roasting, grilling, and frying, and to determine the bioaccessibility of thiamine in cooked meats by a simulated in vitro human gastrointestinal digestion system. High-performance liquid chroma-tography was used to detect the contents of thiamine in each raw and cooked meat. In raw meats, the meas-ured thiamine amounts varied from 58.67 to 159 μg/100 g. After cooking, the amounts of thiamine ranged between 21 – 93 μg/100 g. While the lowest thi-amine loss was determined in the boiled mutton thigh (8%), the highest loss was found in roasted veal thigh and mutton sleeve with 64%. The bioaccessibilities of thiamine in meats after digestion ranged from 12 to 83 μg/100 g. The highest thiamine bioaccessibility was in the grilled veal chop with 91%, while the lowest bi-oaccessibility was found in the roasted mutton sleeve with 12%. The bioaccessibility of vitamins may be re-markably influenced by factors such as stability, pH of the gastrointestinal tract, and temperature. Deter-mining the bioaccessibility of thiamine in meats after cooking and digestion is important for the correct evaluation of the daily intake values of these vitamins

    Evaluation of Surgical Techniques in Gynecomastia Treatment: Analysis of 65 Cases

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    Aim: Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the breast in males. Surgical treatment optionsinclude liposuction, glandular excision and the combination of liposuction and glandularexcision. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate 65 consecutive gynecomastia patients whowere operated using different techniques and to present the treatment approach, and results andcomplications related to surgical techniques.Material and Methods: Sixty five patients who underwent gynecomastia operation in ourclinic between June 2016 and January 2019 were included in this study. Demographic data,preoperative and postoperative photographs, clinical classification, perioperative details,postoperative results and complications were evaluated retrospectively.Results: Fifty five (84.6%) patients had bilateral gynecomastia and 10 (15.4%) patients hadunilateral gynecomastia. Of the 120 breasts operated, 91 (75.8%) were Grade II, 20 (16.7%)were Grade III and 9 (7.5%) were Grade I, according to the Simon classification. Twenty-eight(43.1%) patients underwent liposuction and glandular excision, 35 (53.8%) patients underwentliposuction alone, and two (3.1%) patients underwent glandular excision only. Skin excisionwas performed for two patients at the first operation. Only two patients, one for inadequatereduction and the other for skin excess, were demanded revision surgery.Conclusion: Surgical treatment options for gynecomastia patients can be determinedaccording to clinical evaluation of breast tissue and skin excess. In young patients with goodskin quality, skin excision can be left for a second session. Although there was no significantdifference between the methods used in this study, more complications were found with theexcisional technique

    Evaluation of Surgical Techniques in Gynecomastia Treatment: Analysis of 65 Cases

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    Aim: Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the breast in males. Surgical treatment optionsinclude liposuction, glandular excision and the combination of liposuction and glandularexcision. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate 65 consecutive gynecomastia patients whowere operated using different techniques and to present the treatment approach, and results andcomplications related to surgical techniques.Material and Methods: Sixty five patients who underwent gynecomastia operation in ourclinic between June 2016 and January 2019 were included in this study. Demographic data,preoperative and postoperative photographs, clinical classification, perioperative details,postoperative results and complications were evaluated retrospectively.Results: Fifty five (84.6%) patients had bilateral gynecomastia and 10 (15.4%) patients hadunilateral gynecomastia. Of the 120 breasts operated, 91 (75.8%) were Grade II, 20 (16.7%)were Grade III and 9 (7.5%) were Grade I, according to the Simon classification. Twenty-eight(43.1%) patients underwent liposuction and glandular excision, 35 (53.8%) patients underwentliposuction alone, and two (3.1%) patients underwent glandular excision only. Skin excisionwas performed for two patients at the first operation. Only two patients, one for inadequatereduction and the other for skin excess, were demanded revision surgery.Conclusion: Surgical treatment options for gynecomastia patients can be determinedaccording to clinical evaluation of breast tissue and skin excess. In young patients with goodskin quality, skin excision can be left for a second session. Although there was no significantdifference between the methods used in this study, more complications were found with theexcisional technique

    Evaluation of Coronary Sinus Strain in Patients with Dipper and Non-Dipper Hypertension

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    29th Turkish Cardiology Congress of the Turkish-Society-of-Cardiology (TSC) with International Participation -- OCT 26-29, 2013 -- Antalya, TURKEYWOS: 000329858400203…Turkish Soc Cardio

    Differential diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency in patients with BCGitis and BCGosis: A single-centre study

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    BCG infections occur more frequently in patients with underlying primary immunodeficiency disease (PIDD). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the ratio of PIDD in the patients with BCG infections. Patients with BCG infections were analyzed in a tertiary referral centre in the 2015-2020 period. Forty-seven patients with BCGitis/BCGosis were evaluated; thirty-four (72.3%) had BCGitis, and 13 (27.7%) had BCGosis. Common tissue and organs affected are lymph nodes (57.4%), skin and subcutaneous tissue (48.9%), lungs (23.4%) and liver (17%). PIDD was shown in 26 patients (55.3%), including 92.3% of patients with BCGosis and 41.2% of patients with BCGitis. Ten patients had Mendelian susceptibility to Mycobacterial disease (MSMD) (21.2%), six had predominantly antibody deficiency (PAD) (12.7%), five had severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) (10.6%), three had CGD (6.3%), and two had CID (4.2%). Mortality was reported in two patients (4.2%) with CID (ZAP70 deficiency (n = 1) and PIK3R1 deficiency (n = 1)). Parental consanguinity (84%), axillary lymphadenopathy (65%), mycobacterial lung disease (42%), hepatomegaly (30%) and growth retardation (19%) were significantly high in patients with PIDD diagnosis. Isolated vaccination site infection was also recorded in patients with PIDD (CID (n = 1), SCID (n = 1), PAD (n = 5)). BCG vaccination should be planned with caution for the cases with suspected PIDD. This study indicates that almost all patients (92.3%) with BCGosis and one in every two patients (41.2%) with BCGitis have an underlying PIDD. Parental consanguinity, axillary lymphadenopathy, mycobacterial lung disease, hepatomegaly and growth retardation (19%) are important clinical features in the differential diagnosis of PIDD