81 research outputs found

    The lichen family Cladoniaceae in Paraiba, Pernambuco and Sergipe, Northeast Brazil

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    Field and herbarium studies of the lichen family Cladoniaceae in the states of ParaĂ­ba, Pernambuco and Sergipe, Northeast Brazil, yielded 22 species, many of them being new reports for the region. The phenolic compounds identified in each species are reported. Cladonia clathrata Ahti & Xavier Filho, Cladonia polita Ahti, Cladonia polyscypha Ahti & Xavier Filho, and Cladonia rugicaulis Ahti are described as new. C. clathrata, C. rhodoleuca Vainio, C. rugicaulis, C. salzmannii Nyl., and C. subminiata Stenroos appear to represent an element confined to northeastern Brazil

    Nuevos datos sobre nomenclatura, taxonomía y distribución de algunas especies del género "Cladonia"

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    The name Cladonia diversa Asperges ex S. Stenroos is validated, and the species is reported as new to Japan. Cladonia angustiloba, earlier known from Macaronesia, is reported to extend to Faeroe Is., Denmark. Cladonia aspera Ahti & Kashiw. is an illegitimate later homonym of C. aspera (Flörke) Doign. The former name is still regarded as a synonym of C. sarmentosa, while the latter name is a synonym of C. gracilis subsp. gracilis. The type of C. dilleniana is stated to be from Bahama Islands rather than Turks and Caicos Islands. The volcano lichen C. vulcani is recorded from Iceland as new to Europe. The author citation of C. bacilliformis (Nyl.) Sarnth. and type location citation of C. glauca Flörke are corrected.Se valida el nombre Cladonia diversa Asperges ex S. Stenroos y se reporta nueva para Japón. Cladonia angustiloba, anteriormente conocida de la Macaronesia extiende su área de distribución hasta las islas Feroe, Dinamarca. Cladonia aspera Ahti & Kashiw. es el último homónimo ilegitimo de C. aspera (Flörke) Doign. El primer nombre válido es considerado un sinónimo de C. sarmentosa, mientras que este último es un sinónimo de C. gracilis subsp. gracilis. El tipo de C. dilleniana procede de las islas Bahamas en lugar de las islas Turcos y Caicos. El liquen de los volcanes C. vulcani se cita de Islandia y constituye nueva cita para Europa. Se corrige la autoría de C. bacilliformis (Nyl.) Sarnth. y la indicación locotípica de C. glauca Flörke

    Additions to the vascular flora of the Berezovye Islands (Koiviston saaret), Karelian Isthmus, Russia

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    Ashort history of the floristic studies in the Berezovye Islands [Koiviston saaret] Nature Reserve in the Gulf of Finland, Leningrad Region, Russia, is given. Based on the archival field notes by Viljo Erkamo in 1934, recently discovered in Finland, and new findings by the present authors during an excursion in 2008 42 vascular plant species, subspecies and hybrids are reported as novelties for the Reserve. Further, 37 taxa are new to one ormore of the four largest islands, Bol’shoy Berezovyy Island (Koivusaari), Zapadnyy Berezovyy Island (Tiurinsaari), Severnyy Berezovyy Island (Piisaari) andMalyy Berezovyy Island (Vasikkasaari). Further, some taxa, which are lacking in the recent checklist of the archipelago, are listed on the basis of literature.Most of Erkamo’s finds areweeds and other species benefited by man’s impact, apparently having totally disappeared due to the strong decrease of the human population on the islands after the SecondWorldWar. Even the recent novelties aremostly weeds and escaped ornamentals, but they also include several indigenous taxa. Comments on the variation and spreading of some taxa are given.Ashort history of the floristic studies in the Berezovye Islands [Koiviston saaret] Nature Reserve in the Gulf of Finland, Leningrad Region, Russia, is given. Based on the archival field notes by Viljo Erkamo in 1934, recently discovered in Finland, and new findings by the present authors during an excursion in 2008 42 vascular plant species, subspecies and hybrids are reported as novelties for the Reserve. Further, 37 taxa are new to one ormore of the four largest islands, Bol’shoy Berezovyy Island (Koivusaari), Zapadnyy Berezovyy Island (Tiurinsaari), Severnyy Berezovyy Island (Piisaari) andMalyy Berezovyy Island (Vasikkasaari). Further, some taxa, which are lacking in the recent checklist of the archipelago, are listed on the basis of literature.Most of Erkamo’s finds areweeds and other species benefited by man’s impact, apparently having totally disappeared due to the strong decrease of the human population on the islands after the SecondWorldWar. Even the recent novelties aremostly weeds and escaped ornamentals, but they also include several indigenous taxa. Comments on the variation and spreading of some taxa are given

    Lokan ja Porttipahdan tekojärvien ammattikalastuksen toimintaedellytysten kehittäminen

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    Lokan ja Porttipahdan siikakantojen tila ja hoidon kehittäminen

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    Lokan ja Porttipahdan tekojärvien ammattikalastuksen toimintaedellytysten kehittäminen

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    Julkaisussa väärä ISBN-numero. Oikea ISBN-numero: 978-951-776-556-5

    The Dryopteris spinulosa complex in Finland

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    Taxonomic notes on Pycnothelia Dufour and Gymnoderma Nyl. (Cladoniaceae) in Madagascan Region

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    This study was focused on two species of lichen-forming fungi from Madagascan Region whose taxonomy has been controversial over the years, Cladonia mascarena Nyl. and Heterodea madagascarea Nyl. While some authors considered C. mascarena to belong to Cladonia, others place it in Pycnothelia Dufour. In this study three loci (ITS rDNA, rpb2 and ef1 alpha) were used to determine the phylogenetic placement of C. mascarena. Our results show that it belongs to Pycnothelia and the combination Py cnothelia mascarena (Nyl.) Nyl. is substantiated. In addition, a key to the genus Pycnothelia is provided. The morphological study of new specimens of Gymnoderma coccocarpurn Nyl. and H. madagascarea concluded that these taxa belong to a same species, confirming the extension of Gymnoderma Nyl. to Africa. The overlooked genus Baeoderma Vain. is regarded as a synonym of Gymnoderma, and its type species Baeoderma madagascareum (Nyl.) Vain. is referred to G. coccocarpum.Peer reviewe
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