22 research outputs found


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    Система освіти покликана сприяти реалізації основних завдань соціально-економічного і культурного розвитку країни. В статті проаналізовано сучасний стан цієї галузі, місце та її значення в економіці України. Виявлено основні проблеми, які стосуються фахових компетентностей, фінансового забезпечення, недосконалості законодавчої бази та державного регулювання освітньої сфери. Визначено основні напрями державного управління в умовах реформування освіти. Показано що освіта - одна з найважливіших областей, які держава підтримує створенням умов для її розвитку. Україна запроваджує реформу освіти, яка може змінити якість освітніх послуг, ставлення до престижу педагогічної та наукової діяльності. Проте, в контексті реформ, існує проблема в управлінні цією сферою, оскільки необхідно реагувати на виклики для її вдосконалення. Система освіти є невід'ємною складовою духовності, яка готує молодь до життя на основі їх знань у дошкільних, середніх, професійно-технічних та вищих навчальних закладах. Згідно зі статтею 5 Закону України «Про освіту», освіта є державним пріоритетом, який забезпечує інноваційний, соціальний, економічний та культурний розвиток суспільства. Фінансування освіти - це інвестиції в людський потенціал, сталий розвиток суспільства і держави. Наголошено та тому що одним з пріоритетних напрямків є реформа економічних основ системи освіти, яка має бути спрямована на створення прозорих фінансово-економічних механізмів цілеспрямованого накопичення та цільового використання коштів, необхідних для повного здійснення конституційних прав громадян на освіту. Автор акцентує увагу що реформа економічних основ системи освіти, має бути спрямована на створення прозорих фінансово-економічних механізмів цілеспрямованого накопичення та цільового використання коштів, необхідних для повного здійснення конституційних прав громадян на освіту. Слід також пам'ятати, що автономія - це не лише незалежність, а й відповідальність навчального закладу щодо прийняття ефективних управлінських рішень щодо організації навчального процесу, господарської діяльності, роботи з персоналом та споживачами освітніх послуг. Запропонована реформа освіти та науки України передбачає зміни, які наблизять її до європейських стандартів, значно підвищать конкурентоспроможність, а також дадуть можливість децентралізації її управління

    Development of the recipe of pasta with pumpkin flour

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    The object of research is the production technology of pasta with pumpkin flour. The problem of enriching pasta with pumpkin flour was solved. In the studies, different replacement of semi-grain with pumpkin flour was studied according to the following scheme: 0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0%, 12.5%, 15.0%. The formation of boiling coefficients, consumer smell and taste, the level of pumpkin smell and taste, and the sweet taste of pasta were studied. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the use of pumpkin flour had the greatest effect on the sensory indicators of the quality of pasta. The coefficient of boiling by mass and volume did not change reliably. It was established that the smell and taste of pumpkin in pasta was absent only when 2.5% of pumpkin flour was added. The use of 5.0–7.5% pumpkin flour did not change the sensory evaluation of pasta in comparison with the control variant. The sweet taste of pasta was absent when 2.5–5.0% pumpkin flour was added. It has been proven that pumpkin flour is characterized by specific sensory indicators. It is obvious that adding it to pasta will affect their organoleptic indicators. At the same time, the greater the amount of pumpkin flour in the pasta recipe, the higher the level of manifestation of the smell and taste of pumpkin. In pasta technology, it is optimal to add 5.0–7.5% pumpkin flour. A distinctive feature of the obtained research results is that it is optimal to add 5.0–7.5% of pumpkin flour in pasta technology. With this amount of pumpkin flour, the smell and taste of pasta is 8.2–8.9 points, the boiling factor by mass is 2.20–2.21, and by volume – 1.71–1.81. The developed recommendations can be used by enterprises with low productivity during the production of pasta product


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    Triticale is a promising agricultural crop. The increased content of protein, balanced by the amino acid composition, advantageously distinguishes triticale seed for peeled grains and food concentrates production. Seed cleaning is an important technological operation of food productions, but setting regimes of seed-cleaning equipment for processing triticale seed need specification today. The aim of this work is to study geometric and physical characteristics of four-type triticale seed and elaboration of recommendations as to its cleaning and fractionating. There was studied the fractional composition of four-type triticale seed. The comparative analysis of its length, width and thickness in samples of different sorts and fractions was realized. The dependence of geometric properties of triticale seed on sort is reliable. Fractionating reliably influences the change of the mass index of 1000 seeds, changing from 65,2 g to 25,8 g. The mass index of 1000 seeds essentially differs between studied sorts. Such properties are inherent to seed fractions, obtained by a sieve of 3,2–20 mm and 3,0–20 mm, that are recommended to be called big seeds. Fractions, obtained by a sieve of 2,0–20 and 2,2–20 are analogously similar. Properties of the middle fraction, obtained by sieves of 2,4–20; 2,6–20; 2,8–20 essentially changed, depending on sort. The elaborated recommendations may be used at choosing cleaning regimes for triticale seed on sieve and sieve-air separators


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    Triticale is a promising agricultural crop. The increased content of protein, balanced by the amino acid composition, advantageously distinguishes triticale seed for peeled grains and food concentrates production. Seed cleaning is an important technological operation of food productions, but setting regimes of seed-cleaning equipment for processing triticale seed need specification today. The aim of this work is to study geometric and physical characteristics of four-type triticale seed and elaboration of recommendations as to its cleaning and fractionating. There was studied the fractional composition of four-type triticale seed. The comparative analysis of its length, width and thickness in samples of different sorts and fractions was realized. The dependence of geometric properties of triticale seed on sort is reliable. Fractionating reliably influences the change of the mass index of 1000 seeds, changing from 65,2 g to 25,8 g. The mass index of 1000 seeds essentially differs between studied sorts. Such properties are inherent to seed fractions, obtained by a sieve of 3,2–20 mm and 3,0–20 mm, that are recommended to be called big seeds. Fractions, obtained by a sieve of 2,0–20 and 2,2–20 are analogously similar. Properties of the middle fraction, obtained by sieves of 2,4–20; 2,6–20; 2,8–20 essentially changed, depending on sort. The elaborated recommendations may be used at choosing cleaning regimes for triticale seed on sieve and sieve-air separators

    Development of the recipe of pasta with pumpkin flour

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    The object of research is the production technology of pasta with pumpkin flour. The problem of enriching pasta with pumpkin flour was solved. In the studies, different replacement of semi-grain with pumpkin flour was studied according to the following scheme: 0%, 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5%, 10.0%, 12.5%, 15.0%. The formation of boiling coefficients, consumer smell and taste, the level of pumpkin smell and taste, and the sweet taste of pasta were studied. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the use of pumpkin flour had the greatest effect on the sensory indicators of the quality of pasta. The coefficient of boiling by mass and volume did not change reliably. It was established that the smell and taste of pumpkin in pasta was absent only when 2.5% of pumpkin flour was added. The use of 5.0–7.5% pumpkin flour did not change the sensory evaluation of pasta in comparison with the control variant. The sweet taste of pasta was absent when 2.5–5.0% pumpkin flour was added. It has been proven that pumpkin flour is characterized by specific sensory indicators. It is obvious that adding it to pasta will affect their organoleptic indicators. At the same time, the greater the amount of pumpkin flour in the pasta recipe, the higher the level of manifestation of the smell and taste of pumpkin. In pasta technology, it is optimal to add 5.0–7.5% pumpkin flour. A distinctive feature of the obtained research results is that it is optimal to add 5.0–7.5% of pumpkin flour in pasta technology. With this amount of pumpkin flour, the smell and taste of pasta is 8.2–8.9 points, the boiling factor by mass is 2.20–2.21, and by volume – 1.71–1.81. The developed recommendations can be used by enterprises with low productivity during the production of pasta product

    Top quark properties (including mass) at ATLAS and CMS

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    I present a review of the latest top quark properties measurements performed using proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS and CMS detectors at the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy s=13\sqrt{s}=13 TeV

    Top quark properties including mass

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    Talk on "Top quark properties (including mass)" for Moriond EW 202

    Web-based pre-Analysis Tools

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    The project consists in the initial development of a web based and cloud computing services to allow students and researches to perform fast and very useful cut-based pre-analysis on a browser, using real data and official Monte-Carlo simulations (MC). Several tools are considered: ROOT files filter, JavaScript Multivariable Cross-Filter, JavaScript ROOT browser and JavaScript Scatter-Matrix Libraries. Preliminary but satisfactory results have been deployed online for test and future upgrades

    Mesure de la masse au pôle du quark top à l’aide de sections efficaces ttbar différentielles dans l’expérience ATLAS au LHC et amélioration des incertitudes de modélisation dans les analyses de masse du quark top

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    The top quark is unique among the elementary particles of the Standard Model (SM). Being the heaviest elementary particle, the top quark does not hadronise, which allows to measure directly its mass. The top quark is also the main source of radiative corrections in many perturbative calculations. Precise determination of the top quark mass is important in consistency tests of the SM. Currently, the most precise top quark mass measurements employ "standard" methods, in which the top quark mass distribution is directly reconstructed. The main weakness of these methods is that they largely rely on the Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and allow to extract only a "MC top quark mass", which is a parameter of a MC generator. However, the ''alternative'' methods are able to determine a theoretically well-defined top quark mass because they measure observables which can be obtained from theory. This doctoral thesis describes one of the top quark mass alternative measurements, in which for the first time the top quark pole mass is determined by fitting the double differential ttbar cross sections measured at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector to the next-to-next-to-leading order theoretical calculations. The study is in particular focusing on the consistency tests of the analysis procedure. One chapter of this thesis is also devoted to studies related to parton shower variations in the Herwig7 MC generator in the context of ttbar production. This study is motivated by the increasing importance of the parton shower uncertainty in top quark analyses in ATLAS and a need for its more consistent definition. Also, this thesis describes two analyses aiming at better understanding and improving two important uncertainty components of the top quark mass measurements: the colour reconnection uncertainty and the hadronisation uncertainty. The colour reconnection analysis concentrates on the bayesian unfolding of two-dimensional observables, which are sensitive to the colour reconnection models of the Pythia8 MC generator. On the other hand, the hadronisation uncertainty analysis studies how jet recalibration influences the top quark mass hadronisation uncertainty using MC simulated samples.Le quark top se démarque du reste des particules élémentaires du modèle standard (MS). Étant la particule élémentaire la plus lourde, le quark top ne s'hadronise pas, ce qui permet de mesurer sa masse directement. Le quark top est également la source principale de corrections radiatives dans de nombreux calculs perturbatifs. La détermination précise de la masse du quark top est importante dans les tests de la cohérence du MS. Actuellement, les mesures de la masse du quark top les plus précises utilisent des méthodes "standard", dans lesquelles la distribution de la masse est directement reconstruite. Un point faible principal de ces méthodes est qu'elles sont basées largement sur les simulations Monte Carlo (MC) et permettent d'extraire uniquement une "masse MC du quark top", i.e. liée à un paramètre d'un générateur MC. Les méthodes "alternatives" sont capables de déterminer une masse du quark top théoriquement bien définie car elles mesurent des observables qui peuvent être obtenues à partir de calculs théoriques. Cette thèse de doctorat décrit l'une des alternatives pour la mesure de la masse du quark top, dans laquelle pour la première fois la masse au pôle du quark top est déterminée en ajustant les sections efficaces ttbar doublement différentielles mesurées à 13 TeV avec le détecteur ATLAS aux calculs théoriques au troisième ordre dominant. L'étude se concentre sur les tests de la cohérence de la procédure d'analyse. Un chapitre de cette thèse est également consacré aux études liées aux variations des gerbes partoniques dans le générateur MC Herwig7 pour la production ttbar. Cette étude est motivée par l'importance croissante de l'incertitude sur la modélisation des gerbes partoniques dans les mesures liées au quark top dans ATLAS et par la nécessité de définir cette incertitude de manière plus cohérente. De plus, cette thèse décrit deux analyses visant à mieux comprendre et à améliorer deux composantes importantes de l'incertitude des mesures de masse du quark top: l'incertitude sur la reconnection de couleur et l'incertitude sur l'hadronisation. L'analyse sur la reconnection de couleur se concentre sur l'étude d'observables bidimensionelles sensibles aux modèles de reconnection de couleur dans le générateur MC Pythia8. L'analyse sur l'hadronisation étudie comment le recalibrage des jets influence l'incertitude de l'hadronisation de la masse du quark top à l'aide des simulations MC

    Summer Student Concert

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