101 research outputs found

    A versatile and robust microfluidic device for capillary-sized simple or multiple emulsions production

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    International audienceUltrasound-vaporizable microdroplets can be exploited for targeted drug delivery. However, it requires customized microfluidic techniques able to produce monodisperse, capillary-sized and biocompatible multiple emulsions. Recent development of microfluidic devices led to the optimization of microdroplet production with high yields, low polydispersity and well-defined diameters. So far, only few were shown to be efficient for simple droplets or multiple emulsions production below 5 microns in diameter, which is required to prevent microembolism after intravenous injection. Here, we present a versatile microchip for both simple and multiple emulsion production. This parallelized system based on microchannel emulsification was designed to produce perfluorocarbon in water or water within perfluorocarbon in water emulsions with capillary sizes (<5 ÎŒm) and polydispersity index down to 5 % for in vivo applications such as spatiotemporally-triggered drug delivery using Ultrasound. We show that droplet production at this scale is mainly controlled by interfacial tension forces, how capillary and viscosity ratios influence droplet characteristics and how different production regimes may take place. The better understanding of droplet formation and its relation to applied pressures is supported by observations with a high-speed camera. Compared to previous microchips, this device opens perspectives to produce injectable and biocompatible droplets with a reasonable yield in order to realize preclinical studies in mice

    Perception de la parole et IRM : réalisation, évaluation et validation d'un systÚme permettant une stimulation sonore de qualité en cours de séquence IRM

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    International audienceThis study describes the design and the assessment of a MRI-compatible sound production hardware. This system was developed to permit auditory studies with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques. An important disadvantage caused by the MR imager is the acoustic noise generated during data acquisition, due to the fast gradient switching interacting with the main magnetic field. Several solutions were explored to reduce noise and to provide audio stimuli with a reasonable quality. The sound production system was first tested by instrumental methods (sound level, spectral analysis). Finally, perceptual tests consisting in intelligibility, semantic decision and prosodic judgement were achieved to validate the installation.Cette étude décrit la réalisation d'un dispositif de stimulation auditive pour un imageur à résonnance magnétique fonctionelle de 3 Tesla. Le plus important probléme de ces systémes réside dans l'émission d'un niveau de bruit considérable au cours de son fonctionnement qui les rend quasi impossible à utiliser pour des études en stimulation auditive.Plusieurs solutions de stimulation de réalisation locale sont proposées pour permettre de gérérer au tympan des sujet une stimulation de qualité raisonnable. Les stimulus ainsi générés sont d'abord testés au moyen de méthodes physiques classiques (analyses acoustiques). Ils sont ensuite testés au moyen de tests d'intelligibilité de décision sémantique et de jugement prosodique afin de les valider pour des études de psycho linguistique et psycho acoustique

    Efficacy of some essential oils in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of orally administered Cymbopogon citratus, Zingiber officinale and Syzygium aromaticum essential oils (EOs) in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi.Methods: Three experiments were conducted with 48 Swiss mice each. The animals were inoculated with 2 x 106 metacyclic trypomastigotes of T. Cruzi Y-strain and allocated into the following groups (N = 12): 1) untreated control; 2) treated with benznidazole (BZ); 3) treated with EO 100 mg/kg; and 4) treated with EO 250 mg/kg. The groups were evaluated by fresh blood test, blood culture, conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), real-time PCR and cure rate (CR).Results: All the animals were completely infected with T. cruzi. Treatment with C. citratus and Z. officinale EOs altered some of the parameters derived from the parasitemia curve, but CRs did not differ from BZ. Treatment with S. Aromaticum EO, on the other hand, not only altered all the parameters derived from the parasitemia curve, similar to BZ, but at the dose of 100 mg/kg, CR was also significantly higher than BZ.Conclusion: The results indicate that the essential oils tested, especially S. aromaticum, exhibited anti- Trypanosoma cruzi effect and therefore should be investigated for the treatment of Chagas disease.Keywords: Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, Cymbopogon citratus, Zingiber officinale, Syzygium aromaticum, Essential oils, Chemotherap

    Borboletas (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea e papilionoidea) de val de serra, regiĂŁo central do rio grande do sul, Brasil

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    The butterfly fauna of the Atlantic Forest Biome is reasonably well-known up to the southern limit of its distribution. However, there are knowledge gaps nearby the central region of Rio Grande do Sul State, whose forest areas are considered priorities for biological conservation. This study investigated the butterfly assemblage of a riparian fragment in an ecotone area between Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and Seasonal Decidous Forest, in Itaara municipality. From September 2005 to September 2006, after 105 net-hours through active search sampling, 877 butterflies were registered representing 104 species. Three more species were registered posteriorly, increasing total richness to 107. The most abundant species were the Nymphalidae Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775), Yphthimoides celmis (Godart, [1824]), Agraulis vanillae maculosa (Stichel, [1908]), Tegosa claudina (Eschscholtz, 1821) and Vanessa braziliensis (Moore, 1883). One new record for the State and four new ones for the central region were registered besides the southern endemic Papilionidae Euryades corethrus (Boisduval, 1836) and the Lycaenidae Arcas ducalis (Westwood, 1852), considered indicator of Atlantic forest preserved areas. Due to the representativeness of the registered fauna, it is suggested the increase of conservation efforts in the area and stimulation of new ecological studies with the local biodiversity

    Paraphrastic Reformulations in Spoken Corpora

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    International audienceOur work addresses the automatic detection of paraphrastic reformulation in French spoken corpora. The proposed approach is syn-tagmatic. It is based on specific markers and the specificities of the spoken language. Manual multi-dimensional annotation performed by two annotators provides fine-grained reference data. An automatic method is proposed in order to decide whether sentences contain or not paraphras-tic relations. The obtained results show up to 66.4% precision. Analysis of the manual annotations indicates that few paraphrastic segments show morphological modifications (inflection, derivation or compounding) and that the syntactic equivalence between the segments is seldom respected, as these usually belong to different syntactic categories

    «La relation de limitation et d’exception dans le français d’aujourd’hui : exceptĂ©, sauf et hormis comme pivots d’une relation algĂ©brique »

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    L’analyse des emplois prĂ©positionnels et des emplois conjonctifs d’ “exceptĂ©â€, de “sauf” et d’ “hormis” permet d’envisager les trois prĂ©positions/conjonctions comme le pivot d’un binĂŽme, comme la plaque tournante d’une structure bipolaire. PlacĂ©es au milieu du binĂŽme, ces prĂ©positions sont forcĂ©es par leur sĂ©mantisme originaire dĂ»ment mĂ©taphorisĂ© de jouer le rĂŽle de marqueurs d’inconsĂ©quence systĂ©matique entre l’élĂ©ment se trouvant Ă  leur gauche et celui qui se trouve Ă  leur droite. L’opposition qui surgit entre les deux Ă©lĂ©ments n’est donc pas une incompatibilitĂ© naturelle, intrinsĂšque, mais extrinsĂšque, induite. Dans la plupart des cas (emplois limitatifs), cette opposition prend la forme d’un rapport entre une « classe » et le « membre (soustrait) de la classe », ou bien entre un « tout » et une « partie » ; dans d’autres (emplois exceptifs), cette opposition se manifeste au contraire comme une attaque de front portĂ©e par un « tout » Ă  un autre « tout ». De plus, l’inconsĂ©quence induite mise en place par la prĂ©position/conjonction paraĂźt, en principe, tout Ă  fait insurmontable. Dans l’assertion « les Ă©cureuils vivent partout, sauf en Australie » (que l’on peut expliciter par « Les Ă©cureuils vivent partout, sauf [qu’ils ne vivent pas] en Australie »), la prĂ©position semble en effet capable d’impliquer le prĂ©dicat principal avec signe inverti, et de bĂątir sur une telle implication une sorte de sous Ă©noncĂ© qui, Ă  la rigueur, est totalement inconsĂ©quent avec celui qui le prĂ©cĂšde (si « les Ă©cureuils ne vivent pas en Australie », le fait qu’ils « vivent partout » est faux). NĂ©anmoins, l’analyse montre qu’alors que certaines de ces oppositions peuvent enfin ĂȘtre dĂ©passĂ©es, d’autres ne le peuvent pas. C’est, respectivement, le cas des relations limitatives et des relations exceptives. La relation limitative, impliquant le rapport « tout » - « partie », permet de rĂ©soudre le conflit dans les termes d’une somme algĂ©brique entre deux sous Ă©noncĂ©s pourvus de diffĂ©rent poids informatif et de signe contraire. Les valeurs numĂ©riques des termes de la somme Ă©tant dĂ©sĂ©quilibrĂ©es, le rĂ©sultat est toujours autre que zĂ©ro. La relation exceptive, au contraire, qui n’implique pas le rapport « tout » - « partie », n’est pas capable de rĂ©soudre le conflit entre deux sous Ă©noncĂ©s pourvus du mĂȘme poids informatif et en mĂȘme temps de signe contraire : les valeurs numĂ©riques des termes de la somme Ă©tant symĂ©triques et Ă©gales, le rĂ©sultat sera toujours Ă©quivalent Ă  zĂ©ro
