8,704 research outputs found

    Note on lattice regularization and equal-time correlators for parton distribution functions

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    We show that a recent interesting idea to circumvent the difficulties with the continuation of parton distribution functions to the Euclidean region, that consists in looking at equal time correlators between proton states of infinite momentum, encounters some problems related to the power divergent mixing pattern of DIS operators, when implemented within the lattice regularization.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Physical Review D (2017

    Quark Masses and Renormalization Constants from Quark Propagator and 3-point Functions

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    We have computed the light and strange quark masses and the renormalization constants of the quark bilinear operators, by studying the large-p^2 behaviour of the lattice quark propagator and 3-point functions. The calculation is non-perturbatively improved, at O(a), in the chiral limit. The method used to compute the quark masses has never been applied so far, and it does not require an explicit determination of the quark mass renormalization constant.Comment: LATTICE99 (Improvement and Renormalization) - 3 pages, 2 figure

    On lattice chiral gauge theories

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    The Smit-Swift-Aoki formulation of a lattice chiral gauge theory is presented. In this formulation the Wilson and other non invariant terms in the action are made gauge invariant by the coupling with a nonlinear auxilary scalar field, omega. It is shown that omega decouples from the physical states only if appropriate parameters are tuned so as to satisfy a set of BRST identities. In addition, explicit ghost fields are necessary to ensure decoupling. These theories can give rise to the correct continuum limit. Similar considerations apply to schemes with mirror fermions. Simpler cases with a global chiral symmetry are discussed and it is shown that the theory becomes free at decoupling. Recent numerical simulations agree with those considerations

    Patient-specific stopping power calibration for proton therapy planning based on single-detector proton radiography.

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    A simple robust optimizer has been developed that can produce patient-specific calibration curves to convert x-ray computed tomography (CT) numbers to relative stopping powers (HU-RSPs) for proton therapy treatment planning. The difference between a digitally reconstructed radiograph water-equivalent path length (DRRWEPL) map through the x-ray CT dataset and a proton radiograph (set as the ground truth) is minimized by optimizing the HU-RSP calibration curve. The function of the optimizer is validated with synthetic datasets that contain no noise and its robustness is shown against CT noise. Application of the procedure is then demonstrated on a plastic and a real tissue phantom, with proton radiographs produced using a single detector. The mean errors using generic/optimized calibration curves between the DRRWEPL map and the proton radiograph were 1.8/0.4% for a plastic phantom and -2.1/ - 0.2% for a real tissue phantom. It was then demonstrated that these optimized calibration curves offer a better prediction of the water equivalent path length at a therapeutic depth. We believe that these promising results are suggestive that a single proton radiograph could be used to generate a patient-specific calibration curve as part of the current proton treatment planning workflow

    The StEllar Counterparts of COmpact high velocity clouds (SECCO) survey. II. Sensitivity of the survey and an Atlas of Synthetic Dwarf Galaxies

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    SECCO is a survey devoted to the search for stellar counterparts within Ultra Compact High Velocity Clouds. In this contribution we present the results of a set of simulations aimed at the quantitative estimate of the sensitivity of the survey as a function of the total luminosity, size and distance of the stellar systems we are looking for. For all our synthetic galaxies we assumed an exponential surface brightness profile and an old and metal-poor population. The synthetic galaxies are simulated both on the images and on the photometric catalogs, taking into account all the observational effects. In the fields where the available observational material is of the top quality we detect synthetic galaxies as >=5 sigma over-densities of resolved stars down to muV,h=30.0 mag/arcsec2, for D<=1.5 Mpc, and down to muV,h~29.5 mag/arcsec2, for D<=2.5 Mpc. In the field with the worst observational material of the whole survey we detect synthetic galaxies with muV,h<=28.8 mag/arcsec2 out to D<=1.0 Mpc, and those with muV,h<=27.5 mag/arcsec2 out to D<=2.5 Mpc. Dwarf galaxies with MV=-10, with sizes in the range spanned by known dwarfs, are detected by visual inspection of the images up to D=5 Mpc independently of the image quality. In the best quality images dwarfs are partially resolved into stars up to D=3.0 Mpc, and completely unresolved at D=5 Mpc. As an independent test of the sensitivity of our images to low surface brightness galaxies we report on the detection of several dwarf spheroidal galaxies probably located in the Virgo cluster with MV<=-8.0 and muV,h<=26.8 mag/arcsec2. The nature of the previously discovered SECCO 1 stellar system, also likely located in the Virgo cluster, is re-discussed in comparison with these dwarfs. While specific for the SECCO survey, our study may also provide general guidelines for detection of faint stellar systems with 8m class telescopes.Comment: accepted for publication on A&

    Rate-Control or Rhythm-Contol: Where do we stand?

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    Atrial fibrillation is the most common sustained rhythm disturbance and its prevalence is increasing worldwide due to the progressive aging of the population. Current guidelines clearly depict the gold standard management of acute symptomatic atrial fibrillation but the best-long term approach for first or recurrent atrial fibrillation is still debated with regard to quality of life, risk of new hospitalizations, and possible disabling complications, such as thromboembolic stroke, major bleeds and death. Some authors propose that regaining sinus rhythm in all cases, thus re-establishing a physiologic cardiac function not requiring a prolonged antithrombotic therapy, avoids the threat of intracranial or extracranial haemorrhages due to Vitamin K antagonists or aspirin. On the contrary, advocates of a rate control approach with an accurate antithrombotic prophylaxis propose that such a strategy may avoid the risk of cardiovascular and non cardiovascular side effects related to antiarrhythmic drugs. This review aims to explore the state of our knowledge in order to summarize evidences and issues that need to be furthermore clarified

    From enhanceropathies to the epigenetic manifold underlying human cognition

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    A vast portion of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders is genetically caused by mutations in chromatin modulators. These proteins play key roles in development and are also highly expressed in the adult brain. Specifically, the pivotal role of chromatin regulation in transcription has placed enhancers at the core of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) studies, ushering in the coining of the term enhanceropathies. The convergence of these disorders is multilayered, spanning from molecular causes to pathophysiological traits, including extensive overlaps between enhanceropathies and neurocristopathies. The reconstruction of epigenetic circuitries wiring development and underlying cognitive functions has gone hand in hand with the development of tools that increase the sensitivity of identifying regulatory regions and linking enhancers to their target genes. The available models, including loop extrusion and phase separation, have been bringing into relief complementary aspects to interpret gene regulation datasets, reinforcing the idea that enhancers are not all the same and that regulatory regions possess shades of enhancer-ness and promoter-ness. The current limits in enhancer definition, within the emerging broader understanding of chromatin dynamics in time and space, are now on the verge of being transformed by the possibility to interrogate developmentally relevant three-dimensional cellular models at single-cell resolution. Here we discuss the contours of how these technological advances, as well as the epistemic limitations they are set to overcome, may well usher in a change of paradigm for NDDs, moving the quest for convergence from enhancers to the four-dimensional (4D) genome

    HII regions within a compact high velocity cloud. A nearly star-less dwarf galaxy?

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    Within the SECCO survey we identified a candidate stellar counterpart to the Ultra Compact High Velocity Cloud (UCHVC) HVC274.68+74.70-123, that was suggested by Adams et al. (2013) as a possible mini-halo within the Local Group of galaxies. The spectroscopic follow-up of the brightest sources within the candidate reveals the presence of two HII regions whose radial velocity is compatible with physical association with the UVHVC. The available data does not allow us to give a definite answer on the nature of the newly identified system. A few alternative hypotheses are discussed. However, the most likely possibility is that we have found a new faint dwarf galaxy residing in the Virgo cluster of galaxies, which we name SECCO-1. Independently of its actual distance, SECCO-1 displays a ratio of neutral hydrogen mass to V luminosity of M_{HI}/L_V>= 20, by far the largest among local dwarfs. Hence, it appears as a nearly star-less galaxy and it may be an example of the missing links between normal dwarfs and the dark mini halos that are predicted to exist in large numbers according to the currently accepted cosmological model.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Pdflatex, emulateapj.cls. 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 table
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